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dubh 09-25-2008 10:04 AM

Looks like everyone is suffering at the hands of the weather. I am here as well, it is the height of the rainy season. It rains most days, and not gentle rain either, storms, lightening, downpours. I have been trying to ignore it but it really makes a difference, the track that I take on my bike is currently really muddy, when my bike won’t go further I stop of to push it and my feet sink down in to the mud. The chain and the gears get blocked up with mud. At night I go to a football field to jog and it is like marsh land. Only another month or so!!

Everything has been going well with eating and exercising, although for the last few days I have had an insatiable appetite and I want to snack all the time which is new for me. It could be a replacement for cigarettes.

pufffin 09-25-2008 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by djay (Post 2378524)
I'm pretty sure I do suffer from SADD. Anyone else? It seems to get really bad around January or February. (hmmm...around my birthday. Maybe I'm just allergic to getting old) Anyway...I thought I might try tanning this year since I heard that the extra dose of light can help. I know it isn't good for the skin...but I just don't want to go into that depressed state again. I turns me into a completly different person that I don't like. I refuse to do anti-depressants again. Anyone had any success with tanning bed lights?

Hi djay! I have done a fair bit of reading about SADD - living in Scotland.... anyway - it is often associated with a drop in vitamin D levels in the body. I have recently started taking a high dose vitamin D supplement daily myself. In this country something like 90% of the population is short of vitamin D. Have you considered a supplement if you don't want to expose your skin? Just a thought....

pufffin 09-25-2008 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by dubh (Post 2378764)
Everything has been going well with eating and exercising, although for the last few days I have had an insatiable appetite and I want to snack all the time which is new for me. It could be a replacement for cigarettes.

It could easily be the ciggies although it would be good to make sure you are getting plenty of nutrients in your diet. A shortage of vitamins/minerals can make you hungry.

dixied 09-25-2008 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by djay (Post 2378524)
Anyway...I thought I might try tanning this year since I heard that the extra dose of light can help. I know it isn't good for the skin...but I just don't want to go into that depressed state again.

I sometimes do this. Yes, I admit it. I have gone to a tanning bed in the winter, about once every 3 weeks for maybe 7 minutes. It helps with my winter depression. Just remember to wear sunscreen. Am I concerned about skin cancer? Sure. But my more immediate fear is becoming depressed enough to decide that throwing myself off a bridge is a good idea.

ETA: What helped the most with my SAD was moving to Florida, if that's an option for you.


Originally Posted by krjpy (Post 2378702)
I pulled my only can of Boiled Peanuts (if you are from the south you know what I am talking about) out of the pantry the other day and decided that for my 110 lbs lost it would be my treat. Way yoo much sodium, but man they were good.

I saw an article somewhere recently that was claiming boiled peanuts were better for you than dry roasted.

Fat Chick B Gone 09-25-2008 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by dubh (Post 2378764)
Everything has been going well with eating and exercising, although for the last few days I have had an insatiable appetite and I want to snack all the time which is new for me. It could be a replacement for cigarettes.

I'm trying to quit also and my god I need something to do with my hands!! Luckily (ha) I've been sick so it hasn't been as tempting but last night I wanted to knock someone over for a cig. I ended up just crazy cleaning the house. Hmmm I may have a sparkling clean house for quite a while. Other then that I'm trying to go outside for a walk when the cravings are bad so I don't snack on stuff mindlessly.

Mrs Snark 09-25-2008 10:19 AM

I'm sorry for all the folks affected negatively by their weather. It is still summer here in south Florida -- hot, humid, sunny, and plagued by bloodsucking mosquitoes. I'd kill for a hint of fall!

I want to wear a pea coat and a scarf! I want to have hot soup! I want to see a color change! But no such luck.

amouse 09-25-2008 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Doragone (Post 2378469)
:flow2:How's my winning Blue team?:flow2:

Well the acupuncture went well, 2 more treatments to go and my knee feels better already, with more ability to stretch my quads than before. She showed me a lot of good stretches too, which I will definitely add to my leg routine. And as for health bars - I eat one Bio-Protein bar every day. I've been eating the chocolate peanut butter, but I tried a double chocolate the other day and it was even better. 21g protein, 35% of almost all your vitamins/nutrients, 2g fiber. Does contain soy, egg and wheat though.:dizzy:

. Congratulations to all of us sticking it out here together. Here's to a second win. . . Go Bluesers!!!


wow acupunture.. that is something im just to chicken to try but im very glad its helping.. look how much we have changed since the start of the last challenge dora.. we are working out and behaving ourselves.. woohoo.. lol


Originally Posted by scarahjs (Post 2378484)
That is soooo crazy that a hamburger can look the same 12 years later. Unbelievable!


Originally Posted by djay (Post 2378524)
I just want to know where I can get my Jo Doll!

Ok i want a jo doll.. the jo book ans to sign up for jos bootcamp.. lol .. .. btw jo great to see you still chatting with us losers.. :)


Originally Posted by krjpy (Post 2378702)
I was actually just reading an article (somewhere) about the hula hooping being a great areobic exercise. Now that being said, I mainly use mine for the yoga. Once I tried everything and managed to earn all my yoga movements, I don't do too much else. I do like the boxing, but somedays it takes more coordination that I have :D If you really want the yoga, and need the strength training, it is great for a beginner, but you will eventually outgrow it, but how long that takes is dependent on how out of shape you are. I still love to do the yoga.

im lucky we dont celebrate halloween here so no giant bowl of candy here. :) .. you have hoola or your workout alot of the time.. is that on wiifit? you do it on??? or is it something else??

im getting me a wii for my birthday :).. and yes i do alot of exercise now.. but i dont see anything wrong with making it reallly fun.. :) lol..

im going good went to the pool and did my aqua aerobics this morning followed by laps .. then went for a walk this afternoon.. so im right on track for my weigh in in the morning wish me luck.. anyway.. 11.48 pm here time to hop in bed.. i turn into a pumpkin if im awake after midnight.... lol

amouse 09-25-2008 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Tyler Durden (Post 2378791)
I'm sorry for all the folks affected negatively by their weather. It is still summer here in south Florida -- hot, humid, sunny, and plagued by bloodsucking mosquitoes. I'd kill for a hint of fall!

I want to wear a pea coat and a scarf! I want to have hot soup! I want to see a color change! But no such luck.

pea coat??http://i27.tinypic.com/149xrma.jpg???? lol

hadaad 09-25-2008 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Tyler Durden (Post 2378791)
I'd kill for a hint of fall!

A hint of fall would be nice. There are no hints up here, though. We get slapped in the face with it. :)

Another work-provided free lunch today. I'll have to keep my enthusiasm for free food down.

Dora: Thanks for the encouragement and the... um... encouragement.

GirlyGirlSebas 09-25-2008 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by pufffin (Post 2378767)
Hi djay! I have done a fair bit of reading about SADD - living in Scotland.... anyway - it is often associated with a drop in vitamin D levels in the body.

Did you know that cigarette smoking robs your body of Vitamin-D?


Originally Posted by Fat Chick B Gone (Post 2378784)
I'm trying to quit also and my god I need something to do with my hands!!

I'm so proud of you! And, I have a house you can clean if you need more to do.;)

Mrs Snark 09-25-2008 10:45 AM

OK, Amy, how did you come up with that so darn fast! Too funny. :)

GirlyGirlSebas 09-25-2008 10:56 AM

For those of you with a Wii or thinking of getting a Wii, one of our Bluesers shared this with me yesterday:


djay 09-25-2008 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by pufffin (Post 2378767)
Hi djay! I have done a fair bit of reading about SADD - living in Scotland.... anyway - it is often associated with a drop in vitamin D levels in the body. I have recently started taking a high dose vitamin D supplement daily myself. In this country something like 90% of the population is short of vitamin D. Have you considered a supplement if you don't want to expose your skin? Just a thought....


Originally Posted by GirlyGirlSebas (Post 2378830)
Did you know that cigarette smoking robs your body of Vitamin-D?

Puffin- I will def check into Vitamin D supplements before I consider hitting the tanning bed. Thank you for the suggestion! What is considered a normal dose and how much would be too much?

Rhonda- I didn't know that about Cigs. I quit smoking last Oct!!!!...I am beginning to think I am going into this "Dark" season as prepared as anyone can be. Maybe I won't have to go to a tanning bed! This is all sounding very positive!

Kofarq 09-25-2008 10:58 AM

Djay, try typing 'light therapy' or 'light box' into a search engine. Also the Vitamin D is a good idea.

My husband is home! I picked him up at the airport, I'm so happy. I didn't exercise much in the past few days, but I am going today. He will be home for 3 weeks this time, now that his work has changed to 3 weeks on, 3 weeks off.

That Pea-coat was hilarious!!!

McKenziesmomma 09-25-2008 11:34 AM

:wave: Hi Josephine, Kori, JKS, djay!!!

Hi everyone! Not much going on...just updating my exercise over at the blue team exercise challenge thread. Just though I would check in and say hello.

I have alot of house cleaning to do today...Thursday is my only day off and I usually end up spending it cleaning the house. My hubby (bless his heart) thinks its clean but it is far from it. I know he is trying to help....but geez...the house always seems such a mess! LOL!

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