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Old 06-24-2008, 01:06 PM   #331  
Expecting baby #1! 9/7/09
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Good Morning Everyone!!!

Well, this morning I saw 298 at my regular weigh-in time!! I decided to post it now, b/c I know that TOM is coming...Also, I will be up in Ventura again this weekend, my grandpa is having his second leg amputated and asked that we all be there for the surgery. I figured it was better to just post it and know it is done. So, I reported a 2 lb loss since Friday! I FINALLY got to change my ticker too! My next goal is 288...that marks the first 10% GONE! The last goal had a 21 lb span, so it felt like it took forever! This one is only 11, so it shouldn't be as is also my goal for this challenge...10 lb to go!

Mindy--your climbing roses are BEAUTIFUL! I am sooo excited to finally be in the 2xxs, where I will stay, at least for awhile!

This is my last week of school, my grandpa is in the hospital and it is the busiest week of the month at work! The county fair is in town and my bf and I are going tonight and tomorrow to see the nighttime performances, which means skipping the gym. We are eating healthy before we go, so we are not tempted by all the fried foods. They have this sandwich is a krispy kreme glazed donut with raspberry sauce and a fried chicken patty, they dip it in batter and fry it! YUCK! It's crazy what they come up with! We may share a funnel cake though, one of the nights. Thursday is my last lecture, all work is due by Sat, while I am gone seeing my grandpa. It's going to be a crazy week!

Smurf--I also get HORRIBLE cramps...I am thinking my TOM will come just in time for me to need Darvocets and take my final at the same time...that should be fun! I am checking out that DVD on ebay, right now!

Everyone have a great day! I will try to come back and post in between the chaos!

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Old 06-24-2008, 01:10 PM   #332  
Expecting baby #1! 9/7/09
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Troo--Costco has this Chinese chicken salad kit that comes with everything but the lettuce. I keep one of those on hand in the fridge. I add tons of fresh produce and a couple of cuties and voila...DINNER! If I am really desperate (or lazy) I know a few places around that have really healthy food that I can pick up for dinner.
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Old 06-24-2008, 01:28 PM   #333  
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Howdy chicks,

Good thoughts to all of you dealing with personal issues right now

mugsy - your roses are gorgeous. Makes me want to build an arbor on the patio. Do they take much care?

troo - most of our summer/warm weather meals consist of grilled meat or fish with or on top of a salad. I also pick up one of the rotisserie chickens at the store, pull it apart and then make chicken salad with some cold diced vegetables (carrots, peppers, cucumbers) as well as cold fruit salad or chopped fruit. Or I just toss in the shredded chicken into a tossed salad. Wraps are good too. We wind up grilling over half of our meals during the week. Thank goodness for gas grills, I'd never cook as much if we were using charcoal.

theresia for being not only our team's biggest loser this week but you beat out the other teams too!

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Old 06-24-2008, 01:58 PM   #334  
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Troo-salads salads and more salads a few wraps and grilled chicken, salmon or pork with veggies on the side is my answer for summer cooking. My house does not have cooling besides a ceiling fan and heating up the stove is not an option but since my outdoor grill is still in storage in another state I bought a grill pan and grill like a mad woman early in the morning before it gets hot on my indoor grill pan. I grill enough for a week of salads or wraps for lunch and dinner for the whole family.

Misty-Oh I hope the DVD works as wonderfully for you as it has for me! I am absolutely THRILLED my cramps have been managable with only a couple of advil I am usually a darv. girl too and have not had to take one this time. I also usually get a migraine at least one of the days sending me to my bed, but this yoga DVD is so calming and relaxing that so far so good-knock on wood-it is all done with a chair for support and I was telling my husband I have never felt so comfortable in the poses as I have with this one. It also comes with an audio CD that I haven't listened to yet but will later this evening!

I went out for a 45 min. run/walk today and after a week of sickies and no cardio I felt it, but it was still good. I am looking forward to yoga tonight and some weights later this afternoon.

Well I better go get my house cleaned and some work done. Good job to all of you awesome loosers out there. I am not expecting much in the scale department tomorrow, but have a new found energy to KICK SOME BUTT for next weeks weigh in!
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Old 06-24-2008, 02:11 PM   #335  
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trooworld - I usually do some kind of sallad, if I am very hungry I add some pasta. Not so hot to eat..
happy2bme - Thanks!

My exercising goes pretty well right now. Today I will do Day 10 of the 30 Day Shred. I also started the push up challenge.. I am right now in a "preparing" week,. Will start week 1 next week (if I get stronger by then).. Here were I live now is very difficult to go out alone,, I just can't do that, to dangerous.. So I can't go out and take a run whenever i want ,, That's what I miss the most from Sweden.. So I think I'll start to jump rope 3 times a week,, to keep up my cardio until I go back to Sweden in October..
Have a nice day everyone, and let's win next week!!
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Old 06-24-2008, 04:15 PM   #336  
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Hey team!

Thanks for all the kind condolences and hugs! You all are the best.

Yes, Ceegee my exercise updating is in arrears....I am in a mad rush to finish all my work before we leave on vacation Thursday! That might be pretty low on the list, sorry to say BUT...I AM getting exercise, so that is what counts. I might have to update when I come back in July.

Misty congrats on breaking thru to the 2's, that is exciting!

Theresia Congrats big loser! That is something to celebrate...AND you live in a place to show it off I'm sure you're a hot beach babe now!

Soul Olive bread is my absolute favorite is worth the splurge!

Troo smiling at your tomato find...that is awesome! I can't wait till our garden is loaded with them...that is...if (hopefully) they don't die while we are gone...supposed to be so hot this weekend here. I am going to find a neighbor boy to water!!

Smurf the yoga sounds worth checking out! I have been noticing this TOM is not so bad...bad, but not SO bad...and I'm thinking its gotta be the exercise. Suspense was good, kept me laughing.

Mugsy, the rose bush is gorgeous! What a pretty thing to sit under.

HELLO to all of you I missed!!!

I am going to be working like a mad woman the next 2 days and then I'm outta here till July 6th. Not sure I will have much internet access. I'm going to do my best to make good choices and get lots of exercise...will try to catch up more later today.
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Old 06-24-2008, 09:11 PM   #337  
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gg- beautiful flowers! I have some gorgeous clematis.... love them!

Manick -awww, I know you are working it, lol! It is more of a nudge to myself to get moving with my pitiful numbers

Troo - just enjoyed a salad myself! I put in deli lean ham, light swisscheese, turkey, and lots of veggies and beans. For DH, I can use the same ingredients and make him and the boys sub sandwiches. Sometimes I like to eat hummus and pita on really gross days!

Hi to everyone!
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Old 06-24-2008, 09:26 PM   #338  
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Misty welcome to the two's. Its kinda nice here. Not feeling to comfortable myself yet. Maybe 20 away from 300 will make me feel less vulnerable!
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Old 06-24-2008, 09:45 PM   #339  
Can't wait till 170
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gg, that is a very beautiful roses! I am so jealous of you now! =)

happy, rotisserie chicken is a great idea! Thanks for your ideas!

Theresia, isn't that 30-Day Shred just the greatest workout DVD?

I finally got to do both of my "regular" dvd's today. TransFirmation series that I did for over 2 months everyday and 30-Day Shred. It felt great that I got to do both! yay! =)

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Old 06-24-2008, 10:35 PM   #340  
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ggmugsy- You know we have always told him to wait a bit before moving around and do it slowly however your adralen is running on high and you don't think of that. He just said that nothing hurt after the roll so he wanted to get the heck out of the car. We made sure that the roll cage in his car is well built and stable.
Oh and such beautiful flowers I am also not a green thumb if they take any much care than rain water when it rains it is not for me.

ceegee-I to just haven't taken the time to record my exercise but I have been exercising 30-40 minutes daily I decided not to do much more than that because in looking at a lifetime goal I do not want to be spending more time than that in t future. I will try to get it updated later tonight.....

Theresia- Great job on t weight loss that is alot of weight for one week,

Misty- Congrats on getting into the 2's that is awesome you go girl

In the summer time we do lots of grilling or I make chicken Fajitas because that doesn't take much time to cook in a pan. I personally eat salads, sandwiches and frozen dinners for lunch and once in awhile I will have left over fajita chicken.

Oh yeah tonight was my WI and I was thinking with this past weekend not totally eating OP but close that I would have gained or lost little but to my surprise I lost 2.2 this week. I am going to update ticker and update page.So the slow weightloss at the beginning is no longer and I hope it stays that way. Oh yeah I started getting a sore throat on Sunday and it is progressively getting worse but started taking some medication today so hopefully by tomorrow I will be feeling alittle better.

To those that I may missed and I know I have, I do apologize and have a great evening.

Last edited by ChopperChick355; 06-25-2008 at 09:07 AM.
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Old 06-24-2008, 11:03 PM   #341  
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blueyedlvrgirl: congrats on getting into the 200s, way to go! I will have to look at Costco...are they in that section with the prepared salads and sandwiches? I love Chinese Chicken salad. Do you know if they have cuties right now? They are my favorite fruit but Vons isn't carrying them right now (and NP Produce doesn't ever carry them ). I think I need to make a list of options for when I don't want to cook.

happy2bme: I love to grill, but since we moved, we don't have one. Hubby says our old grill won't fit in the area we can put a grill in (I don't believe him!), so I am saving $$$ to buy a smaller one. I think salads with grilled fish / chicken would be perfect. It was what we made before when we were feeling lazy.

theresia: congrats on being the biggest loser!!!

smurf: I think I need to do that, cooking in the morning before I get exhausted from the heat. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to make some things with my 20 lbs of cherry tomatoes.

Manick: where are you going on vaca? We will miss you! I wish we had a garden, there is NOTHING like a tomato straight from the garden. I found a good sounding roasted cherry tomato sauce that I am making a double batch of tomorrow. I'm also making some roasted chipotle salsa. I don't know what else to do but use them in salads and as snacks. I don't want to throw them away, mostly because my hubby will say I told you so. Even if I throw half of them away, they were still worth the money and I got my money's worth.

ceegee: I love hummus and pita. I am a little burned out on it right now because I got a bunch for my graduation party but maybe I will make some roasted red pepper hummus for lazy days.

reda: you know, when I don't feel like cooking, I can march my #@! over to Vons, which is right next door, and get a frozen dinner. I am just not that crazy about them. They have gotten better over the years, though. I love fajitas. You know what sounds good? A chicken fajita salad. Maybe I will try to make that up. If I do, I will post it on the food thread. Congrats on the weight loss!!! I hope your throat feels better.

Hello to everyone else not mentioned. How are you all doing? Today was a very successful day. It was cooler so I got some walking in, then I walked around a lot with my m-i-l doing errands. I ate *perfectly* today, I must say. I'm very happy about that. The only thing bad about today is that I have drank nearly -0- ounces of water, just some coffee and iced tea (sweetened with splenda). Hopefully tomorrow is just as successful. Even though I did good today, I weighed in high this morning. I expect to not do so well on Saturday's official weigh in. Hopefully it was a fluke because of not drinking enough water lately, but I think it is partially paying the price for poor decisions. Hope everyone has a good night!
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Old 06-25-2008, 12:08 AM   #342  
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Looking over some back posts...

Manick - my condolences on the loss of your friend. You're so right about giving a hug to the people we love and letting them know how much they mean to us. Have fun on your vacation and don't stress out too much before you go. Seems like we always work extra hard just to get a few days off...

troo - much as I love cherry tomatoes, not sure if I could find enough ways to use 20 lbs before they went soft. Tomato sauce, bruchetta, a salad with fresh mozzerella, tomatos, olive oil, garlic and fresh basil??? You can always bury some of the ones that go bad in the back yard to guarantee tomato plants next year But then again, if you don't have room for a grill

Congrats on your loss Reda

Congrats Tara on your latest accomplishment - how does it feel in normal-land?

That's a bummer Teresia that you can't go out when you feel like it. Now a days sometimes I feel like I shouldn't be out and about (especially at night) even in places I once thought were safe.

Smurf - that's great news about the yoga dvd. And your family is gorgeous.

Well I keep promising myself I'm going to get to bed earlier and it starts by getting off the computer - like NOW.

Have a good Wednesday everyone.
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Old 06-25-2008, 12:38 AM   #343  
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Happy, I'm not in normal-land yet. I still have about 30 more pounds to go but now I'm in overweight land, not obese land. So I'm still quite happy, as I didn't think I was obese and turned out to be...and now I'm finally in overweight range. Thanks, though! =)
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Old 06-25-2008, 08:33 AM   #344  
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Thanks everyone for your congratulations!!
taragettingthin Yes, I love the 30 Day Shred,, it's just perfect, Just when I feel like I am to tired to keep going it ends
Yesterday I did no exercise, I had to rest my body... However I'm planning to take an hour workout tonight, with push ups, 30 Day Shred and jump rope.. It's my weigh in tomorrow,, So it's my last chance workout
Have a nice day everyone!
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Old 06-25-2008, 09:19 AM   #345  
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Good Morning Everyone!! I still have that nasty sore throat this morning and does not seem to be going away at all even after taking medication for the past day and a half. Thinking about taking a sick day but then I think of all the work I have to do and end up going to work. In that last 4 years I have only used 3 sick days, I really should have used more but I always talk myself out of it adn go to work. I am a work-aholic and I really don't know why because I love my time away from work as well. Anyways

Troo- There are very few frozen dinners that I like I can actually count them on one hand but my favorite 2 are Smart Ones Peppered Steak and Healty Choice Roasted Turkey and Potatoes.

You know I really need to be drinking more water but with my sore throat I know I haven't been drinking enought or at least not as much as I usually do daily.
I suppose I should get my butt moving and decide what I am going to do today....
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