Beck Diet Solution A step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life.

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Old 01-01-2010, 07:21 AM   #1  
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Default Beck Diet For Life/Solution – January 2010 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

Welcome to the discussion group, support group, diet coach group, diet buddy group relating to the two books by Dr. Judith S. Beck:and the first bookThe Beck Diet Solution is a psychological program, not a food plan. It provides a step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life. The program is based on Dr. Beck's clinical research in Cognitive Therapy (CT).

The Complete Beck Diet for Life expands the earlier work and includes a food plan with suggested menus. From the cover:
With The Complete Beck Diet for Life you'll discover the 5 stages of successful deiting and maintenance. You'll learn how to motivate yourself, give yourself credit for every change you make, create time and energy for dieting, and handle hunger and cravings. Dr. Beck easues you into changing one step at a time. You'll master one task before monving on to the next. And you'll learn tehcniques to deal with challenging situations, such as sticking with ou plan at celebrations and dealing with "food pushers." With Dr. Beck's skills, you'll acheive a lifetime of healthful eating and lifelong motivation.
This is a place to discuss the Beck strategies and our daily efforts, to receive and provide support, and, for some of us, is where we serve as on-line diet buddy (coach) to each other.

If you’ve arrived from a search engine, you’ve landed at the site of 3 fat chicks, a remarkable place for those interested in a healthy life style, including mindful eating, exercise, and weight loss. More about the site, including how to register so that you can post can be found here.

The books are available on Amazon through the 3FC store by clicking their names above; buying through 3FC helps to cover the costs of running this site.

Previous Beck threads on

Beck Diet For Life/Solution – December 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – November 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – October 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – September 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – August 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – July 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – June 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – May 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – April 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – March 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – February 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – January 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

The Beck Diet Solution – December 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – November 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – October 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – September 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – August 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – July 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – June 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – May 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – April 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – March 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – February 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – January 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach

The Beck Diet Solution – December 2007 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution - November 2007
The Beck Diet Solution - October 2007
The Beck Diet Solution - September 2007
The Beck Diet Solution - August 2007
The Beck Diet Solution - July 2007
The Beck Diet Solution - May/June 2007
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Old 01-01-2010, 07:23 AM   #2  
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Thumbs up Friday - Happy New Year

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Finished the year with two events yesterday; eating was sufficiently on-plan at both for a CREDIT moi. Except for a bowl of heavily smoked pecans which drew me like a moth to a Pendleton wool shirt. Ouch. That's the second time this week to catch my hand in a bowl of roasted tree nuts. Have clearly demonstrated that they're a trigger, and that I can't trust myself to munch from the bowl at a party. But the food I skipped, or sampled lightly, was plentiful at both events and I'm pleased that I continuously used my Beck strategies to remember that just because it looks appealing isn't license to dig in.

Exercise included shoveling the minor snow before we left home and then dancing the night away. Sang the traditional, in the Scottish, "And there's a hand my trusty friend ! And give us a hand o' thine ! And we'll take a right good-will draught, for auld lang syne." May it be a good year for us all!

FutureFitChick - Hope the snow is deep and fresh for your ski trip. Ouch for the “last supper” eating. It continues to amaze me how many ideas we conjure up that justify eating.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Congrats on making 2009 a year of no weight gained. And Honking Kudos for making your December goal of 1300 minutes of exercise.

CeeJay - Neat job stopping the "cookie melt down" and for having the insight to give yourself credit for it. I'm convinced that learning the stopping skills is just critical to staying the path. Kudos. And thanks for "may your forest echo with laughter all year" - I'll chuckle on that one next time I hear anything by Zeppelin.

Penguin (patchworkpenguin) - Yay for residual sore from your hearty workout with the kettle balls and your HITT (on a treadmill?). Kudos for resisting those extra snacks. I wish there was some way to keep a tally of food not eaten to show how big we'd be if we had indulged.

midlifecrisis57 - Just WOW for dealing with your inlaw to chisel away at the barrier. It's such a good reminder of the ways that eating help us to stay in our stuck places and that getting on top of our eating opens the opportunity to move forward. Huge Kudos for doing that.

Readers -
day 14
Plan for Tomorrow

If you're not already dieting, you'll start tomorrow! If you already started dieting, you'll still need to do today's task.

Today, you're going to write a food plan that includes everything you're going to eat tomorrow. And, tomorrow, you're going to check off whatever you eat that's on the plan and write down any food you eat that isn't on the plan.

You'll continue to plan and monitor your eating in writing every day for many weeks and months, possible until you've lost all the weight you want - and maybe even beyond.

The Beck Diet Solution, pg 135.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 01-02-2010 at 05:47 AM. Reason: Typo
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Old 01-01-2010, 07:37 AM   #3  
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Good morning and Happy New Year. I have already done today's plan and will stick to it. Today's challenge will be the Mayor's New Year's Levee but I am feeling very strong.
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Old 01-01-2010, 10:36 AM   #4  
I deserve to feel good!
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Default Friday, January 1st

For the last couple of weeks I've really been struggling. Trying to figure out what's best for me. I've gone back and forth on whether to stick with the Beck program. I'm concerned that following the program makes me more obsessive and focused on food, etc. I feel 'abnormal' and wonder if I'm setting the good example for my children that I want to. (Setting a good example for them is one of my "advantages".) For example, when I'm sitting and eating dinner with them and they see me weighing out my portions of food. However, following the Beck program doesn't require this. Aghhh... I know I'm all over the place here, but it's a perfect example of what has been going on in my head. I've been getting confused about what is a valid argument for doing something a certain way and what is an excuse. I have thought about letting the whole idea of Beck, checking in on these boards, etc. go completely. Going back to trying to leave more "normally". Last year I lost about 30 lbs. loosely following the Beck guidelines (still haven't read the whole darn book yet ) and was then able to keep it off while feeling like a "normal" person. A big part of that though was my running and other exercise (although mostly running), but I have since given up running (for now).
In the past couple of weeks I have had days that I start off gung-ho and on-program, only to blow it in the late afternoon or early evening. While other days I've decided right off the bat that I'm not worrying about it at all and let myself eat freely all day (yuck, those days have not felt good physically, emotionally or mentally.) The final type of day I've had is the kind where I try to just eat like a "normal" person. Those haven't turned out so great either
So, at this point, I've decided I need to stick with this and do the best I can. Even if I don't always do this perfectly (can you tell that perfectionism is a HUGE part of my problem?), it's still better than not doing anything at all. So instead of going into this full steam ahead and all gung-ho, crazy obsessive about this, I'm going to do this to the best of my ability. That's the plan for now.

Today I have:
Weighed-in: 129
Read my Advantages Deck and Response Cards
Checked in here

For the rest of the day I would like to concentrate on:

Not putting anything into my mouth unconsciously; no nibbling, picking or tasting.

"Good enough", that's an expression I need to remember and use! Good for you for a whole year of gym entries-- that's got to be so gratifying. Just out of curiosity, do you keep a separate journal just for your gym workouts?

I can so relate to the the "last supper" and hurry up and finish this so there's not left feelings As a matter of fact, I almost got up out of bed last night when I realized I didn't have a piece of the cheesecake I wanted to have for dessert and thought since I of course am starting fresh today, I wouldn't want to eat it. Then I realized how damaging that thinking is and that if I really want a piece of that another day, I can have it, just need to account for it.
I think you should give yourself credit for trying to find the menus online. Perhaps before you go to any of the restaurants you can think ahead of time what would/wouldn't be acceptable choices for you. I think most restaurants have some type of salad with grilled chicken, etc. Think about having soup if it's not cream-based, no fried food, etc. Good luck with that and I hope you enjoy skiing (I'm jealous!)

I have to say, your "venting" on the forums is very helpful and insightful to those reading too (at least for me it was). It's also a reminder to me to do the same when I'm struggling, rather than waiting to report about it later, just jump on when I'm right in the thick of it (if I can)!

Thanks for checking on me and thinking of me... I'm glad that my plan now includes to keep coming back here, because the support I get is incredible! I can't imagine how giving that up would be beneficial.

OMG is right! Your breakthrough was awesome! I know so much of my eating is about stuffing feelings, yet I struggle so much with how to break that cycle. You are a shining example! Good for you for working hard and feeling the feelings. Seems like you got quite the reward. Perhaps you can print out your post (or find another way to remember) and place it in your "memory box" as a reminder of your accomplishment.

Congratulations on ending the year on a low note I agree with you on posting here and I think we do need to remind ourselves that posting "just the stats" is okay too!

I think your ability to stop the cookie crisis was HUGE! Congratulations! To get that rational voice in there to remind you that this was not going to make anything better. Thanks for sharing that, it was helpful to hear.

Welcome! Looks like you've got the hang of things already I look forward to getting to know you better in the New Year!
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Old 01-01-2010, 01:34 PM   #5  
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Coaches/Buddies Happy New Year! The second half of 2009 had some challenges, but I'm ready to get on with it.

Reasonably good day yesterday, with one notable exception, and today is on track as well.

Going to play on my mountain bike in a few minutes. Really looking forward to that!

BillBE Thanks as always for starting up the thread, and leading us fearlessly into the new year. Sorry the nuts got you again. Bad nuts.

Ruthxxx Good on you for making up your plan and sticking to it.

Kim I do what I have to do. I've been morbidly obese. It is worth weighing my bananas to make sure that doesn't happen again. Are you dedicated or obsessed? Who cares? My rules for food are different from my children's, but that's life. They also don't get coffee or alcohol, or really spicy foods. I hope you find the path you are looking for. Some times are harder than others, and it gets easier again. Ride the waves when you get them, and try not to get carried away when you don't.

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Old 01-01-2010, 02:05 PM   #6  
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I'm being lazy today. I slept late again. It seems I only get a good sleep after Hubby has left for work, LOL. He has a sinus infection {again} and is being noisy at night. Since I'm on vacation I feel I should be getting more done than usual, not sleeping late and knitting all day. I help teach an adult Bible study that coincides with the school year. We are off for Holiday break, but start again next week Its only two days a week Wed and Thurs, but sometimes I feel like it takes over my life, especially after we get back from a break.

I counted up my DVD workouts from last year's journal. I did 152 titles. Most frequently used was Rodney Yee's AM Yoga for Your Week {5 10 min segments} 12 times. and Results: 10 Days to a Better Body at 11. I did STS, a 3 month strength program, at the beginning of last year, only using one title/disc once, and had two surgeries in the middle of the year with recovery times, so that may have skewed things a little. I did more pilates and yoga than in years past, and more strength workouts. Also I got a treadmill which I used by itself 10 times.

Kim, Would you be more comforatlbe following a different food plan for a few weeks that didn't involve weighing your food? You can still follow the Beck plan, but the 'obessive' part might go away. In a few weeks you can check your progress and how you feel and re-asses? I found this saying on a quilting site "finished is better than perfect". To me that means that trying something and moving on, is better than being stuck in the same place until I get it right or give up. Most people appreciate everthing we do much more than the few things we do perfectly.

Bill, The HIIT,, was a new DVD by Cathe Friedrich, who also put out the above-mentioned STS workout system. I like your idea of the 'food not eaten', my friend likes to say 'how big would I be if I wasn't trying?" Was it Frost who wrote the poem about the 'road not taken?"

Last edited by patchworkpenguin; 01-01-2010 at 02:06 PM.
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Old 01-01-2010, 02:48 PM   #7  
Wastin' Away Again!
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Hey BECKstars!!!!

Just popping in to let y'all know I'm still alive, LOL! - I've been visiting family during this holiday season, and got back home late yesterday, & HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone today!!!!

Now it's time to get back into the swing of regular life. I go back to work on Monday, so I have a nice long weekend to recover from the last 10 days off!

I weighed in before I left and am now down 12 pounds. I ate without abandon while at my family's - but didn't really ever go overboard (except one meal... omg, the best pork chops on the planet!!!) and altho I didn't eat anything really special (no egg nog, fruit cake, etc.) I pretty much kept to small portions & did alright. I didn't exercise tho, (... Bleh! ) cause it was cold & rainy nearly the entire trip.... and I stayed up late most nights talking with my brother.

I may be changing my "diet" soon, but of course I'm sticking with THE BECK because it works with any diet and I am finding success with Beck.

2010 blessings to all the BECKstars! ~ I'll be back soon to cheer everyone on!!! - in the meantime, maybe this will do!!!

"Everyday's a new day!"
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Old 01-01-2010, 06:29 PM   #8  
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Hello everyone:

Penguin- When planning to eat out when I don't know what I will be eating I just give myself some rules, i.e. no sugar, no fries etc. Works to keep me in line a bit.

BillBlueEyes-credit again to you for sensible behaviour at yet 3 more social events. I am going to try your sweet potato with yogurt, sounds good.

FutureFitChick- sorry about your rough day, know all about "last suppers".

midlifecrisis57- Giant credit to you for getting through your craving by writing about your anger. And what a nice moment with your difficult in-law. A wonderful example of dealing with an issue instead of numbing yourself with food. Thanks for posting that.

gardenerjoy- great news about being back to where you were Jan 1 2009. That is quite an accomplishment given you have only been at this about 4 months. Credit to you for being on program. I agree about the posting being important to success. I am finding it very helpful.

Ruthxxx- kuddos for planning your day.

bennyhannahmama- sorry for your continuing struggles. You just have to trust that you will find what is comfortable eventually. I like your plan of doing your best and that is enough. That is all any of can do.

wndranne-kuddos for a reasonably good day yesterday and today being on track.

Beach Patrol- Hello there and Happy New Year to you too. Good bye 12 pounds. Sounds like you did awesome with eating sane on your holiday.

For me today giving myself credit for:

Weighing in
Walking with DH, even though it was -23 C. Brrr.
Eating a sensible breakfast and lunch.
Posting here

Before the end of the day I will:

Do weights
Read advantages and response cards

Take care
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Old 01-01-2010, 07:08 PM   #9  
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Thumbs up Reset 2010


I promised myself a new start on New Year's and I have followed through.
I haven't made a resolution, I've just gone cold turkey. Basically I spend soooooo muuuuchhhhh tttiiiimmmmmmeeeee ruminating over what plan, how, it is right, can I get the stuff for it, should I wait...OMG the self-questioning is endless. In the end, looking back on what has worked for me, it's very simple.
Cold turkey.
Just stop.
Deal with the feelings and expect to deal with the feelings (also accept the feelings; let them come). I have re-introduced the notion of abstaining from binge foods. Abstain=stop=cold turkey... see? For today this is sugar and second helpings. I am choosing to limit my white carbohydrates for today as well and including vegetables at every meal (fruit for breakfast). I am also abstaining from being sedentary. Everyday I will move my body.

credits for today: having a plan and following it
walking to the polar bear swim and back and walking home from the transit station
eating veggies at lunch and tomato at breakfast
drinking 6 glasses of water already
waiting to eat-knowing that hunger is NOT AN EMERGENCY and not acting on feeling STARVING (BiG CrEdIt for that one)
measuring my dinner portions out and eating just that

So, why the change? What's the difference? All I can say coaches is I just feel like this year is such an important year for me it is critical I improve my health. It is equally crucial I have a plan of eating as the things I foresee happening will kill me if I don't have a plan. I was re-reading the posts from January 2009. I was about to head to 235 then. I remember. It felt scary. Then the whole school year ramped up for me and I just ate and ate and ate as I pushed myself relentlessly to get my artwork done for my graduation. I did do that but under the stress I used food to cope. I gained 40-45lbs in 2 months and have not been able to shed it. I have not had the willingness to do what it takes on a daily basis. Excuses aside, this is just true. As a result I have numbness/pain due to the quick weight gain in my upper thighs as the nerve going through my hipbones gets pinched. This may or may not right itself when I lose the weight. I choose to believe my fantastic genetic code will kick in and fix things not to mention my body's will to be healthy. My body wants to be healthy and will be if I get out of my own way on this one!
I continue to take blood pressure medication. I do believe this is weight related again and until I drop the weight I won't know for sure. I don't like the not-knowing. It's just another reason to beat myself up so it's got to go.
I have postponed seeing the Dr. about my bloodtest results that show an elevation of my LDL cholesterol number. I do not want to be given another prescription for cholesterol. can I right this with a diet change? Possibly. But again, I have to do it to see if that's true.

These are just the facts as I know them today January 1st, 2010.

Upcoming this year are two looming possbilities: DH gets a big job requiring a big move, possibly out of the country. I cannot afford to use food to cope with this. If I repeat what I did last year with the grad stress and the 40lb weight gain I'll put myself into 300+ territory. Being only 46, and expecting to live another 40 years at least (50-60 is what I really want!), what o what will my body feel like over the coming decades? I think this was a real revelation to me over the last few days. I still have a lot of living to do in this body and geez... I have to do what I can to keep it running smoothly. If I have some kind of genetic flaw so be it, but I just don't want it to come down to me and simply being unwilling to eat less and stay away from the foods that do me no good whatsoever. How lame is that? comes to mind.

So, if this post sounds serious it's because it is serious and I am serious. I'm hitting the reset button and doing what I need to do so I can read this NEXT new year's day here on 3fatchicks/Beck forum and be proud of what I accomplished. I am thrilled to share the journey with all of you my worththeirweightingold coaches. Thanks.
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Old 01-01-2010, 09:22 PM   #10  
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Exercised + pedometer~2790
took vitamin
ate mindfully mostly
read ARC once
stuck to food plan

Not so Much:
Read ARC only once
did half of my daily to-do list

My weight goes up and down so much I feel I should only weigh once a week, but the suspense and curiosity get to me. Hubby is going to help me measure tomorrow. I don't expect any changes but its nice to check once in a while.

I feel like I should be doing more for the weightloss. I feel if I'm not working hard, its not going to work/happen. I tend to lose a few lbs, regain, lose a few, regain, get discouraged. give up. Restart. I've only being trying to lose weight seriously {as opposed to marginally, LOL} for the past few months, but with little success. And I'm getting discouraged. Any thoughts?

Several times over the past week I've gotten hungry after dinner, and stayed that way for hours. I usually give up and drink some 1% milk. So I'm thinking about starting an evening snack. I feel like I'm eating all the time during the day but then there are these big gaps at night. We eat dinner at 7-8pm then stay up till 11-12. I need to think on this.

Onebyone, I think small daily goals are a very good idea. I like situations where I can give ONE thing my best effort.

Beach Patrol, congrats on the 12 lbs!
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Old 01-01-2010, 11:00 PM   #11  
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Thumbs up HELLO BECKSTARS! (credit Beach Control!)

Hey, anyone? what happens when we quickpost? I just wrote a long post and hit quick post and it seems to have disappeared. If it appears, I apologize for repeating, but I haven't experienced a delay in posting before so I will assume the last post got lost in hyperspace.
In briefer form:

Bennyhahamama (BHM).... I would miss you too much if you gave up.The dancing broccoli makes me happy every time! Keep checking in! Personally, I support your portioning food. There are ways to do it out of the sight of your kids. I gave up portioning for a long time, but it was tantamount to giving up on myself and the benefits and advantages of dieting. My vet made me portion for my cat so he doesn't get fat (and need insulin) again. I guess if it works in nature, its the way to go! What you could do, first, is portion your self-doubt and self-sabotaging thoughts to, say, 15 minutes a day? Write down your objection to portioning, then counter it. Beck does that for us in each of the first 14 days the Diet Solution book to get us to argue with such thoughts. That's the cognitive part of the program! You might counter your objection with, oh, say, food would be apportioned to you if you were under a dietician's care in any luxury spa, or, maybe closer to home and reality--the fact that you portion food for your family members in order to keep within the household food budget. Oh, and did we mention that obesity in America is often blamed on supersizing at fast foods--that portions here in America are 3 times what people eat in most other cultures? Hope that gets you going again in the program! You are allowed to object, just remember to counter argue! You can do it here, anytime!

Onebyone: Abstaining. I agree with you. Indulging in foods known to trigger the pleasure centers of our brains to override the preferences of our thoughtful selves is a receipe for giving up on dieting altogether. I am convinced by studies I've read that gauge brain activation during the consumption of certain foods that there are few items I can live without if it means I can be free of craving and impulsive eating. My cognitive argument to skipping certain things on the menu and in ingredients on the menu is that if I were to indulge, it takes about 72 hours for a substance to transit my body chemically, and during those 72 hours, I'd be at greater risk to suffer withdrawal symptoms--which is the same as cravings. Maybe the next girl can eat those things, but my brain gets hijacked by them. So, know you are not alone--I concur that successful long term dieting requires complete abstinence from trigger foods. Hope my agreement with your point honors your seriousness and resolve. I just urge you to search for reasons for your trigger foods that you could defend to, say, an inlaw? The brain scan research did well for my case!

To all my fellow Beckster Stars, LETS GO 2010! Another year, month, day, hours to our next meal, to practice eating girded with cognitive mental and behavioral resolve, health and strength. What an adventure. Let's do it together, supporting one another, as Beck would do!
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Old 01-01-2010, 11:25 PM   #12  
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Happy New Year, everyone!

I started a new Excel file for my 2010 weight recording and I finally took BillBlueEyes suggestion and put my Advantages and Responses on a sheet in that file. (CREDIT!) I anticipate that will help my consistency of reading them.

WI: +0.7kg, Exercise: +45, 45/1400 minutes for December, Food: op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

BillBlueEyes: Good job on finishing the year utilizing Beck skills at two events.

Ruthxxx: yay for having a plan for New Year's Day complete with a challenge

bennyhannahmama: I think your plan not to be perfect is perfectly Beckian. It seems like it's all about getting back on track more and more quickly than it is about getting off track now and then.

patchworkpenguin: Thanks for the "finished is better than perfect" quote. I've heard that in scrapbooking circles, too, and applied it there. I hadn't thought about how useful it could be with my healthy lifestyle. It could mean yoga instead of dance on a low energy day or saying "oh well" when lunch ends up being more than I wanted because DH unexpectedly wanted to cook.

Beach Patrol: Welcome home!

Great job with things to give yourself credit for on the first day of 2010!

Onebyone: The cold turkey approach sounds great! That's what worked for me, too. Love all your credits in pink!

midlifecrisis57: The quick post should work. I type all my posts in Notepad and then cut and paste them into the forum window so I don't lose things due to the occasional misfiring byte. Go us in 2010!
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Old 01-02-2010, 07:02 AM   #13  
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Thumbs up Saturday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Spend a simple day without having to steer around leftover holiday treats. Got out for a walk (CREDIT moi) looking for winter birds but they were scarce, perhaps respecting the Red-tailed Hawk that was circling. Glad that my problems in life do not include having to watch out for hawks that want to eat me.

The gym (CREDIT moi) was sparsely attended in the morning - recognized everyone as a regular. I was expecting the New Year crunch - but perhaps the morning after New Years Eve celebration is too soon, LOL.

onebyone - When cold turkey is what's called for, cold turkey is the way to go. Sounds like you have a plan, and started it right off with "hunger is NOT AN EMERGENCY" - that's gotta be one of Beck's best. Thanks for worththeirweightingold - feels pretty important to have shed $81,000, LOL.

Anne (wndranne) - Yay for "ready to get on with it" - it's always encouraging to me to read the words of getting right back up.

Kim (bennyhannamama) - That's a difficult Sabotaging Thought - to be overthinking how to be less obsessive. Kinda nails you before you start. Wishing you well to find your path without tossing the whole Beck approach. Although I believe that measuring food is the best way to go, I don't; it's just not for me because I wouldn't keep doing it for life. I've done it a bunch, and will again from time to time, to fight the syndrome of growing portions. But the beast I most need to continuously fight is the unbounded portions. That's what got me large.

And Yep, I keep a separate gym journal - just the raw data. It helps me to complete a plan knowing that I'm going to permanently record it.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Yep, Kudos indeed for a spreadsheet if that'll help you read your Advantages Card more often. Just to let you know that what you write is being read, looks like you copied "December" into your exercise goal for this month, LOL.

Beach Patrol - Congrats on the 12 pounds down. Yay for long talks with your brother; siblings are great for getting back to reality.

Ruth (Ruthxxx) - Can't be more Beck than to have a plan and stick to it. Thanks for making me look up "Levee" - I hope it went well.

CeeJay - Walking in "-23 C" is some dedicated exercising.

Penguin (patchworkpenguin) - Kudos for 152 DVD workouts - that's a bunch. LOL at "Two foods appeared on a plate and I - I ate the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference."

Re lose, regain, and restart: You might review your planning and checking off your eating against your plan for a few days. If you're on-plan, then an adjustment is in order. If sticking to the plan is an issue, then it's time to pull out some of Beck's strategies for staying the course. Keep the faith, this Beck stuff can help with keeping to your plan.

midlifecrisis57 - Ouch for a lost post; BTDT. I frequently COPY PASTE into an opened Notepad file since that happens to me from time to time. I've also discovered that I can often BACKSPACE to the page where my typing remains. And just recently, I've discovered the Firefox feature of the HISTORY button to open recently closed PAGES or TABS. Good luck.

Readers -
day 14
Plan for Tomorrow

Okay, I can almost hear your sabotaging thoughts. Writing a plan and monitoring what you eat is the single task the people I've counseled have most often resisted. You might be thinking the same kinds of things they've said to me, such as:
  • [*]
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The Beck Diet Solution, pg 135.
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Old 01-02-2010, 08:02 AM   #14  
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Just joined the group. Already own Judith Becks books. She makes sense. Very excited to find online diet buddies. Just starting on day 1. Will read comments from the group for awhile before I post more.
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Old 01-02-2010, 09:00 AM   #15  
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Lisa, I'm a newbie too and trudging along.

Bill, I met the challenge of the levee by just not going. It's usually a very boring event full of stuffy and conceited politicians so I made my excuses. I am not doing anything anymore that isn't fun - except funerals and even then.....

My food plan was followed correctly yesterday and I did do treadmill. Today will be the same and I will take at least an hour to continue to read.
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