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Old 07-07-2010, 12:02 AM   #61  
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Shout out to all dear Beckies,

Am winding down after first day back at work after great July 4th break. Time to refocus back on the world of work, but don't want to. Oh, well, my work demands that I march on, and given the economic climate, that is a good thang.

Bought the Abs Circle Pro today. ....waiting for DS to put it together for me tomorrow morning..not a big deal, but got my exercise walking behind the old fashioned-not-propelled mower tonight, so tomorrow is time enough. Have a friend who swears by it, so will report back.

I agree with you, BillBE; it is so much easier to eat joyfully, healthfully, in summer...edible podded peas fresh from the garden munched down just taste sooooooooo good. Had Caprese for suppa tonight..nuthin' else..just Caprese.

The loons continue to entertain..still floating as a family in the middle of the lake.

Stay cool, BillBE and all my Beckie mates on the coast.
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Old 07-07-2010, 04:09 AM   #62  
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Default Wednesday Evening

Hi Coaches
I had a good on-plan day and last night - and I am cooking an on-plan dinner. I am getting a bit nervous about work next week and my difficulties with dealing with lack of time and hunger and no food - I can only prepare so much ahead of time. I need to get organised over the weekend to be ready. Farmer's market on Saturday so I can buy good meat and veggies. I have been doing a lot of exercise this week which feels good - have more planned for the rest of the week

AmberPr - Working on planning sounds like a good idea - it is the heart of the program. I went with the recommended calorie level - 2000 - (for Beck) and found that because of the medication I am on and the low level of activity because of immobility issues, it was too much as I wasn't losing. So I dropped back 200 calories. I am still trying to decide if I will lose there or need to drop back further. You could try it out and see what happens. I am getting the adjustable weights as part of a rehab program - I read a book called "Strong Women Stay Young" and it was really very inspiring about the benefits of strength training and I could identify with the cases in there. Even if I start with .5kg weights I can build up - and want to

BeverlyJoy - Glad your stomach has settled and that you got good advice. Regarding weighing yourself - health centres here have seated weight devices - so do some malls. Maybe you could hobble over on crutches or whatever and do it that way if it is important for you (of course the weight of the cast can't be estimated)

BillBlueEyes - Summer seems far away here - especially in terms of the length of the day. But I am enjoying the coolness. Credit for having a plan and sticking to it and making it sound just the right thing to do

Debbie (Lexxiss) - I really hope you get to do YOUR schedule soon Debbie - take care of yourself. Great news about the dog

Donna (new2me2)
- Good effort decluttering. Good luck on getting the next charm!

Futurefitchick - Moving on from an over plan weekend - good idea. I did get good news from the accountant which is a relief

Gardenerjoy - The world can be a scary place indeed - and having it driven home that it is nearby is even more scary. Great work on the weight loss - definitely in onederland now

Ma26 - - this is a great place to get helpful ideas and direction so I hope you can stay awhile

Maryblu - Can't wait to hear about the Abs Circle Pro - hope you enjoy it

Overlord - Oh the power of tracking what we eat - amazing. Thanks for the reminder

Credits -
- I motivated myself by reading A&R cards - NO
- Consciously gave credit for positive eating / exercise behaviours - yes
- Limit junk food to once per day - Yes - only once last night - $1
- Made food plan - Yes - $1
- Logged food soon after eating - yes - $1
- Food on-plan - Yes
- Posted to the list - Here I am
- Ate seated every time - NO
- nibbling at sink
- Ate mindfully and slowly - 80%
- Put down fork occasionally - I did
- Weighed myself - Yes - same - 216.4 - $1
- Drank water - YES
- Exercise - YES - - $1

TALLY (only red ones earn money!) - DAY = $5; Week = $22; Grand Total = $22

Working on -
Getting strong - physically and in the program

Have a good day Beckies
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Old 07-07-2010, 05:45 AM   #63  
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Thumbs up Wednesday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - It got to be 100 degrees Fahrenheit around here yesterday. Even though it had cooled a tad before my evening walk, I was one wet guy when I returned, CREDIT moi.

DW picked up food for dinner at Whole Foods; just too hot to even think of cooking. I saved half my piece of chicken breast to have with my lunch today, CREDIT moi. It isn't so hard for me to leave something on my plate when I have its destination in mind.

maryblu - Just had a Homer Simpson image, drooling, "Edible pea pods" LOL. Also looking forward to your report on the Abs Circle Pro. Waving to the loons on the lake.

FutureFitChick - Ouch for "eating constantly on Sunday" - it's just amazing how easily that can catch us even when we're trying to be vigilant. Kudos for leaving food on your plate, though. And nope, I'm not a scientist, I'm an engineer. I do find it easy to be curious about science - especially since I'm not facing the pragmatic difficulties of trying to make an experiment work or dig some meaning out of unexpected data.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - I agree that that Amber Alert is so disturbing; I hate the feeling that our kids aren't safe. Kudos for another 2 hours of exercise.

Beverlyjoy - Congrats for figuring out what was causing you stomach issues, and for the wisdom of getting that confirmed by your doctor. Hope your exercises went well yesterday.

Cheryl (Seadwaters) - Smart to begin planning already for your meals when you go back to work. Yay for farmers' markets for fresh choices. I do love watching your tally dollars increasing each day.

Debbie (Lexxiss) - Glad that you're surviving your double duty as care-giver. Kudos for making a half hour for yourself to get to the pool. Hope your mother is recovering well.

Donna (new2me2) - Thank you so much for, "... every time I go on vacation, I unpack only what is necessary ..." - thought I was the only one to do that, LOL. And Super Kudos for decluttering; I'll try to let that inspire me.

Overlord - Congrats on the ten pounds gone from the scale. Good luck figuring our your eating plan.

Amber (AmberPr) - Kudos for doing the hunger experiment. What level of hunger did you experience? (Drooling over "3 gallons of blueberries.")

Re Caloric Intake: There have been several threads on that topic lately. Some dozen ways of calculating a number were suggested, but, ultimately, always concluded that you have to experiment on yourself to see what works. Seems like a lame recommendation, but we do all seem to be significantly different in how we process food.

ma26 - Great that you've already read the green book and are working on your eating plan. Do let us know which of her recipes you like - several others are working on that plan.

Readers -
day 32
Prepare for Travel

Many dieters tell me that they feel anxious about gaining weight while on a trip. Teresa, for example, had been following a diet for several months and had lost a considerable amount of weight when the time came for her annual trip to the beach with her immediate and extended family. In past years, Teresa had gained an average of 4 to 5 pounds every time she went on vacation. She asked me, "How can I possible follow my diet when I won't be in charge of the kitchen and when I'll be eating out a lot?"

I told her what I tell all dieters: Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, you can stay in control if you plan a strategy before you go.

The Beck Diet Solution, pg 223.
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Old 07-07-2010, 05:47 AM   #64  
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Thumbs up Welcome ma26


And, even though you've been here for three months,

How did you learn about the book by Dr. Beck?

And how did you find this thread on 3 Fat Chicks?
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Old 07-07-2010, 07:32 AM   #65  
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Hi Beckfolks, coaches, buddies - stayed in my calorie range always grateful for that. My actual food plan took a few twists and turns but, I resisted temptations. DH had some homemade trail mix - it was 'calling' to me all day. (even though I had put it in his sock drawer) I didn't want to deal with it anymore so I squirted liquid dish soap in the bag and threw it in the trash. Mission accomplished!

Yes...I did do my stretches and strengthening exercises yesterday. CREDIT I am planning to do them again today.

My tummy felt fine all day - so I think that saga is over...LOL.

Journal -no
plan/log/measure/count calories - yes - however, changed plaan
fork down between bites - some of the time
leave a bite - all the time
eat seated only - most of the time - tasted once while cooking
no seconds - all the time
lots of water - yes
slow mindful eating - no
feel fullness - no
TASTE the food - some of the time
Beck book - no
Arc/rc - no
Exercises - YES
Counted some credits - yes
Weighed myself - yes

Billbe - I totally hear you on dealing with his heat. Credit on healthy Whole Foods take out and the willingness to save some for your lunch. They have the best take out around.

Maryblu - wow - a hand push mower is major exercise!! I too love a Capresse salad for supper - good reminder.

New2m2 - I totally agree that decluttering and house cleaning IS exercise. Great to get even more exercise and being on plan. Yay for another charm.

gardener joy - I hope they’ve found the little girl. You are making strides in your monthly exercise. Carry on.

Futurefitchick - glad you had a good weekend. I try to keep track of my calories as the day goes on. I ‘hate’ those end of the day surprises.

Ma26 - WELCOME - so glad you found this forum. I think you’ll find the Beck techniques so helpful in learning to live with food in a healthy and sane manner.

Amberpr - glad to hear you’ve done the hunger experiment. It has actually been helpful to me along the way. I think there are many website that will give you a range of calories to follow. I use the range from It’s been helpful.

Lexxiss - so glad you posted. I am glad you are finding time to take care of you along with your mama, dh and the pup. Great job on getting to the pool and making time to sit while you eat.

Overlord - sometimes those health scares can help us get healthier. Hooray and well done on your weight loss!!

seadwaters - I understand about concern for having time to get the healthy food in place for good eating. It does take planning. Your idea of getting alot done on the weekend has worked well. The fact that you are thinking about it will head you in the right direction. some point I'll be able to weight myself when I get to a walking cast, perhaps. Heck - now I weigh with shoes on and an ankle brace. LOL

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 07-07-2010 at 07:37 AM.
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Old 07-07-2010, 10:08 AM   #66  
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Good morning Beck friends! Eating was on plan yesterday. My exercise was 45 minutes of Walk It Out and spontaneous exercise was 4 round trips down and up the stairs while brushing my teeth.

Weight was up a bit today and I'm hoping that was the excess of salt I've had over the last day and a half, so not getting excited about that.

This morning so far, my spontaneous exercise was taking the long way around to the stairwell and then (can this still be considered "spontaneous" even though I do it every day, lol) I walked up the two large flights of stairs to my floor.

[QUOTE=gardenerjoy;3373069] Sure hope they find the little girl! We seem to have quite a few of those out here. Walk it Out is definitely motivating! It's a fun way to get in some activity, and it's so fun that it keeps me moving longer than I would if I did any other kind of activity, so that's always good. There is another Wii game called Just Dance that is kind of fun...I am TOTALLY uncoordinated, so I don't get all the moves, but it's a lot of work TRYING to get them too, lol. And, I also use Gold's Gym Cardio now and's mostly a boxing type game, but you have goals to meet which keeps you at it. I say YAY for our inner 8 year olds!

Beverlyjoy Glad to hear that your stomach has calmed down!!! I just LOVE your dish soap tactic! major credit!

FutureFitChick Oh gosh, I sure hate those days when I seem to eat constantly. I've had my share. You get MAJOR credit, though, for actually being accountable and recording it all!!!! That's something I still struggle with...being accountable.

ma26 WELCOME!!!

AmberPr It's kind of amazing that we really don't need to eat as much as we 'think' we do, lol. I've been amazed each time I've done the hunger experiment! This is how I made it through my recent vacation...waiting until I was hungry and then only eating reasonable portions and enough to be satisfied. I found that I was only eating 3 times a day! I usually eat much more at home.

Lexxiss Hope you're having a great day! Glad to hear the good news about your pup!

Overlord Congratulations on your 10 pound loss!!

maryblu Shouting out back to you! I'll be waiting for your review of the Abs Circle Pro. Oooh, push mowers are EXCELLENT exercise, lol.

seadwaters (Cheryl) Hoping your work week next week goes very well and much better than you could ever imagine!

BillBlueEyes Ouch on the 100 degrees...I do NOT like heat, lol. We had a couple of THOSE days in February of all months...thankfully none since. LOL on the unpacking!!! usually stays there until I need to get ready for the next vacation. Truth be told, my friend and I ARE trying to plan another one, so I am motivated to get that room cleared out before it's a done deal.
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Old 07-07-2010, 10:14 AM   #67  
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The little girl abducted from my home town was found alive overnight, in the suburb west of me. Very happy this morning that she has been reunited with her family. Today's new low may be a bit artificial since both my appetite and my sleep were effected -- I found out she'd been found when I obsessively got up to check headlines at 3 in the morning. But I woke up hungry this morning!

WI: -0.3kg (new low), Exercise: +25 550/1800 minutes for July, Food: 90%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

Beverlyjoy: so glad that you checked things out with the nurse and reported back to us -- thanks!

FutureFitChick: yay for the mostly good weekend and your long list of credits!

ma26: welcome!

AmberPr: I'm too lazy to pull the book out, but I think in the Complete Beck Diet for Life, she would have you try 2100 calories for a week and, if that doesn't do the trick, reduce the calories by a hundred calories a week until you start losing a half pound to a pound a week. I must admit, that seemed a little high to me, too. I do exchange plans, so I'm not that sure of my calorie counts, but I think I started around 1900. I stalled after losing 20 pounds and bumped it down to around 1700. After another 20 pounds and another stall, I'm now losing at around 1500 calories.
I do think it's easier to start at a high calorie count and then gradually change to lower counts, because the previous success makes me more willing to make the change now. But other people have taken the completely opposite theory -- used one of those calculators to calculate the calorie need at their goal weight, and just do that from the beginning. They lose faster than me, but I think some also get frustrated at the big change and don't keep it up -- kind of a higher risk but faster reward method.
CSA=Community Supported Agriculture. We buy a subscription to a farm, paying for it in the spring and then getting a box of produce each week during the growing season. It's a great way to support a local farmer, get reasonably priced sustainably-grown produce, and try new vegetables.

Lexxiss: yay for all the credits even during a challenging time!

Overlord: congrats on the 10 pounds! And good job continuing to check in. I base a large percentage of my success on reporting in every day. It works whether it's chatty like today or very brief and factual like it is when I'm in a hurry.

maryblu: Caprese is the perfect summer meal!

seadwaters: sounds like you've got a good plan as you go back into the work world. Good job being willing to take that on!

BillBlueEyes: big credit for walking in the heat. Love the strategy of having a destination in mind for the leftovers -- an excellent response to the starving children in China sabotaging thought. A destination closer to home is more practical, anyway.

Beverlyjoy (again): LOL at trail mix calling from the sock drawer! Good job getting rid of the problem.

new2me2: good job with the stairs -- doing them every day counts for something!
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Old 07-07-2010, 11:09 AM   #68  
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Default hump day

I can't believe it's already Wednesday!

Well I was very good on my pre-diet diet yesterday even when I was doing the hunger test day. Wow, it was much harder than I had predicted. Maybe because I was focused on how hungry am I. I was starved by lunch even with a small snack.

The deli gave me the wrong sandwich so instead of my super healthy small sandwich they gave me someone else's triple decker tuna sandwich. I ate 1/2 of it and had a large bowl of veggies for snack later. CREDIT
And I ate my first ever FIBER bar and it wasn't too bad tasting either! CREDIT Read my ARC 2x. CREDIT

so I am afraid to say it but I am so excited. I lost 2 lbs this week already! I am officially my pre-pregnancy weight. I was of course overweight then but it is still a milestone. My daughter turned 2 in May so not too bad. CREDIT

Been sick with a summer cold so have not gotten back to exercising as I had hoped and planned. Need to be able to breathe without constant coughing but I may go sit in the sauna today to help the healing along.

Have a great day!
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Old 07-07-2010, 11:25 AM   #69  
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I am just researching Becks right now, and will probably be ordering the books today. It's hard to get a clear definition of how the program works, but from what I have read so far it sounds as if the main focus is the mental and emotional aspects of being overweight, and losing weight. And the green book apprears to offer an actual diet plan. Is that correct? So if I already have a good understanding of nutrition and what I need to be healthy I really would not benefit from the green book?
Any points in starting out? I already track everything, and have been dieting all my life, obviouisly with no success!
I found you while looking at the various threads on 3FC, and then I have done a little bit more research online, but I am having a hard time finding a clear description of the program.
Thanks in advance
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Old 07-07-2010, 12:24 PM   #70  
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Coaches/Buddies, I am really struggling today with my constant battle of enacting my daily plan. I sound like such a two year old – “I don’t wanna do that now!” Some days I can plan ahead. Some days I know I over plan and have unrealistic expectations. But pretty much everyday I can’t get done what I want to get done, know needs to get done, and advance my goals forward. This is an exasperating and exhausting struggle. Being tired, the internet, or some emergency always manages to interrupt. It has to stop. I know I have a lot of great potential in me. But never being able to realize that potential leaves me slowly sinking in quick sand. These are the days, when I’m able to, that I end up hibernating at home, convincing myself that I’m giving myself a fresh new start to make tomorrow the perfect day. Ugh! When will my delusions join in with the reality of the rest of the world that goes on progressing every day? I know I’m human like everyone else. Why do I feel so weak!?

Thanks to your comments, I’ve been doing more thinking about the weekend. I think being away from my calorie tracking software on the beach was part of the problem. Plus, my husband hurt his foot really badly on the beach, so I was less willing to give input for dinner while we were trying to find a restaurant open in a small town at 10 PM after a long visit to the ER. I’ve been trying to get more planning oriented with our meals out, but hubby has been in kind of a blah mood and not always willing/able to help make concrete plans.

Today’s Essentials:
Weigh-in: -.5 lbs.
Read Advantage Cards two times: no, just once
Read Response Cards at least two times: no, just once
Ate slowly, sitting down, noticing every bite: yes
Gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful eating behaviors: somewhat
Did spontaneous exercise: no
Did planned exercise: no
Wrote out food plan for tomorrow: no
Tracked today’s food: yes
Left food on my plate: no

AmberPr, great observations on the hunger experiment. Regarding calories, many times people plateau at whatever calorie level they are eating at. If you start at higher (2100), it will allow you room to decrease your calorie level, as a smaller body will need fewer calories. That also helps in dealing with plateaus as well. Your activity level will also be important in deciding how many calories you should eat in a day too.

BeverlyJoy, you and your dishsoap have tremendous power over cravings! I’m inspired.

BillBlueEyes, yea for engineers! I have lots of them in my family. Bummer about the heat. I appreciated destination leftovers.

GardenerJoy, really glad the girl was found. What a dear you are to feel so connected to a child you’ve never even met.

Houston2Command, congratulations on reaching the pre-pregnancy weight. That has to feel great. I had a really terrible time when I did the hunger experiment. I was in such an incredibly foul mood the entire time. Looking back, it seems rather ridiculous.

Lexxiss, glad you are hanging in there with all of the chaos! Sending positive thoughts your way.

Ma26, hi there and welcome to the group.

Mikkijoe, welcome to the group! The Beck books focus on learning the strategies to think like a thin person does. This may sound silly, but I have found the pink book to be really helpful in teaching me to identify when I’m headed down a bad path that is common to leading to weight gain. The approach is also called cognitive behavioral therapy, teaching how to change your thinking about dieting and food. The pink book does not have an eating plan, but instructs you to find a healthy diet plan and a back up for that plan. Good luck getting started.

new2me2, great job with the spontaneous exercise.

Overlord, congratulations on 10#!

Seadwaters, love seeing your tally! Good luck planning ahead for your work lunches. Hope you can get the bulk of the prep work done over the weekend.

Last edited by FutureFitChick; 07-07-2010 at 12:24 PM.
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Old 07-08-2010, 12:43 AM   #71  
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Wanna share a rare moment with my Beckies. Caught a shadow out my picture window facing the lake tonight and saw it was the Bald Eagle swooping down into the lake below me for a fish. No big deal; I have seen that scene many times. What I cherish, because I have only heard a handful of times, was the war cry schreech...way cool, and very compelling.

Had another evening suppa of Capresse...soooooooooooo good. Who needs meat?

I am happy for new Beckies; I look forward to learning from you all..and still am very grateful for all our dear, faithful Beckie posters..learn so very much.
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Old 07-08-2010, 04:40 AM   #72  
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Hi Coaches
More exercise today at the gym - worked with the trainer to develop a program I could put into the iPhone and do on my own when I can get there. She thinks I am a little nuts.

I feel like I am in the zone at the moment with my food plans and my eating - a nice change. I was out today for lunch and trying to find something without grains or too many carbs - it is always difficult. I got a pear and macadamia salad with parmesan - it was perfect. It will be more difficult at work unless I take my food so I must be organised. My weight has been down a little each day since I got back so hope that keeps up

BeverlyJoy - I am beginning to understand the complexities of this surgery. No walking cast to begin with so you will be very immobile. Bravo dealing with tempting trail mix - it got what it deserved

BillBlueEyes - I am so glad it is no longer hot here - but you get such extremes over there. We don't really have seasons. Credit for walking in the heat - I am never up to it. And credit for saving your dinner for a healthy lunch

Donna (new2me2) - Walk it out sounds like fun and you sure get your use out of it! Hopefully the weight is just a day-to-day fluctuation

Futurefitchick - I am sorry you are struggling - this program, even though it is simple in its outline and structure, can be really difficult and make unusual demands. I can totally relate to the "I don't wanna do that now!" thinking - I go through it all the time. And I have to drag out the "NO CHOICE" card (it sometimes works!) - because if I want to get off this merry-go-round there is no choice. But I don't have to like it!

Gardenerjoy - Glad the little girl was found and you can rest and eat - I am sure everyone feels so relieved

Houston2Command - The hunger test is enlightening - I should probably do it again. Great restraint with the ring-in sandwich - credit

Maryblu - Capresse (another thing I had to look up on Google) sounds like the perfect summer food. And getting to hear the War Cry of a bald eagle sounds amazing.

Mikkijoe - WELCOME - hope you hang around for a while

Credits -
- I motivated myself by reading A&R cards - YES - $1
- Consciously gave credit for positive eating / exercise behaviours - yes
- Limit junk food to once per day - Yes (progress!) - $1
- Made food plan - Yes - $1
- Logged food soon after eating - yes - $1
- Food on-plan - Yes
- Posted to the list - Here I am
- Ate seated every time - YES - $!

- Ate mindfully and slowly - YES
- Put down fork occasionally - I did
- Weighed myself - Yes - down 0.8 - 215.6 - $1
- Drank water - YES
- Exercise - YES - - $1

TALLY (only red ones earn money!) - DAY = $7; Week = $29; Grand Total = $29

Working on -
Shopping lists, lunch food, and getting organised for work

Have a good day Beckies
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Old 07-08-2010, 05:21 AM   #73  
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Thumbs up Welcome Mikkijoe


And, in case you didn't get one of these when you joined last month,

Glad to hear that "I found you while looking at the various threads on 3FC" - good spotting.
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Old 07-08-2010, 05:28 AM   #74  
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Thumbs up Thursday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Yay for an air-conditioned gym (CREDIT moi). It's a motivator knowing that when I leave, it's out into the furnace, LOL.

Eating on plan is so easy with gazpacho for dinner, CREDIT moi, which is doubly good with cucumbers picked from our garden the evening before.

maryblu - Yay for Bald Eagles!!! And Double Yay for Bald Eagles who let you hear their "war cry schreech." I was worried that that sentence was headed toward the loons instead of the fish. Drooling here over your Caprese - thank you Italians for inventing such good food.

FutureFitChick - Ouch and Ouch for "exasperating and exhausting" - it can feel overwhelming when there's so much too do. It's worth looking to which of the Beck strategies can help you focus on one, single, finite task to be done in the next hour. Sometimes this helps me break out when I'm tied up in knots, often because I have a task on my list that can't be done - I call them my End World Hunger tasks which then block out the Write Brief Report type tasks that can be done. Good luck wrestling all this stuff under control while your life is full.

Sending healing thoughts to your DH's foot; I hope he gets back to mobile quickly.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Such good news that the little girl is back safe with her parents - I though of you the instant that I heard the news. LOL that my lunch is, indeed, closer than China. You also remind me that sometimes when I save a partial serving for my lunches, DW tosses it in a week after it's spoiled - yet the saving for a cause makes it easier for me to leave it.

Beverlyjoy - Yay for the liquid soap solution to triggers calling your name.

Cheryl (Seadwaters) - LOL at "She thinks I am a little nuts" when, in fact, "I feel like I am in the zone." I like the affirmation from someone who recognizes that I'm actually doing something - even if they can't figure out what, LOL.

Donna (new2me2) - Yep, it's spontaneous, and worthy of a self credit, even if repeated daily. You remind me of the Catch-22 of employee evaluations. If you're the kind of person who regularly walks-on-water, then your evaluation won't read Exceeds Expectations because your supervisor already knew you'd do that, LOL.

Houston2Command - Kudos for a wise response to getting the wrong sandwich. And Ouch for being immobilized with a summer cold; BTDT.

Mikkijoe - Yep, it's a bit difficult to figure out how Cognitive Behavior Therapy works without reading the book and giving it a try. I found it tempting to dismiss the whole thing as simplistic - just imagine a grown man giving himself credit for going to the gym. You know, Big Boys Don't Cry and all that stuff. But the small strategies do change our relationship with food so that the overeating can cease. Hope you get the books and jump right in.

Readers -
day 32
Prepare for Travel

Making a Travel Plan

About a week before your trip, create a diet strategy. I want you to think about this in advance so that you can remind yourself of it every day before you leave. Decided how closely you'll follow your diet, specifically what exceptions you'll make and how much weight, if any, you'll allow yourself to gain. These decisions are individual. There are no right or wrong answers. Some people do better if they try to follow their diet as closely as possible when they're away, so that they don't gain any weight during this time. This strategy, however, is totally unrealistic for most people. If your eating rules are too strict, you might get fed up and abandon your diet altogether.
. . .

The Beck Diet Solution, pg 223.
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Old 07-08-2010, 07:33 AM   #75  
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Hi Beckfolks…coaches…buddies - once again my plan took many twists and turns. However, I was able to stay in my calorie range - always grateful for that. But - changing foods all day long can get me into ‘trouble’. So, I will concentrate on staying with the plan better.

I got my surgery date yesterday - July 27. I have pre-op testing next week. They have to figure out why I have shortness of breath now and then before they’ll do it.

Good and happy news. I think it’s official because I have seen that number one for four days now - I am in onederland. YAY. I am at 199. I am doing my onederland happy dance and feeling a lot of gratitude. Thanks to you all for you support, wisdom and kindness. Of course, thanks to Dr. Beck for her techniques in learning to live with food in a more sane manner. They have given me some hope. However…it comes along with having willingness to try - which can change from day to day.

Yesterday I was making something with peanut butter and got it globbed all over my hands. Of course, I wanted to lick it off. But, I washed it off and said out loud - “Credit”. Before I went to bed I just wanted to do some stress eating. But, I did my resistance techniques (ISNIR, and the Five D’s) and got through it. Credit.

My onederland happy dance --->

Write in my Journal - yes
plan/log/measure/count calories - yes - however, changed plan
fork down between bites - some of the time
leave a bite - all the time
eat seated only - most of the time
no seconds - all the time
lots of water - yes
slow mindful eating - no
feel fullness - no
TASTE the food - some of the time
Beck book - no
Arc/rc - yes
Exercises - no
Counted some credits - yes
Weighed myself -

New2me2 - credit for a good day. I love that you did the stairs while brushing your teeth for extra exercise!

gardener joy - so glad to hear of the little girl’s return home. I can’t imagine the horror of going through it. Nice to see that weight go down when it does.

Houston2command - it’s so good that you’ve gotten through the hunger experiment. One thing that Dr. Beck mentioned is that people have gone for a week without eating and have lived through it. It the difference is learning between ‘need’ and ‘want’. It’s been helpful at times. Hope your cough is better.

Mikkijoe - so glad you posted. Dr. Beck provides many techniques in learning to actually ‘live’ with food in a sane and healthy manner. There are many things to try, learn and practice in your daily life. For me…I know so much about nutrition - but - it’s learning concrete ways of avoiding binges, walk away from food cravings/desires, and much more. We each have our own way of living with these ideas. This forum is very helpful and supportive.

Futurefitchick - I totally hear you on just not wanting to do it all. I feel that way too sometimes. It is overwhelming sometimes. Sometimes when I have those sabotaging thoughts I write them down and then shout at them in my mind. When I have those ‘tomorrow’ thoughts…I tell myself that my tomorrows have lasted months and years, so I should try to not go there in my thought process.
I hope your husband’s foot is better soon. I can totally identify.

Maryblu - so thrilling to see that eagle swooping. I am a bird lover too. These are the special things to see. I am looking forward to when our tomatoes will be ready to pick.

Seadwaters - good idea to put the trainer’s ideas on your iphone. They will be so handy…CREDIT So happy to hear about being in the ‘food zone’. That’s a nice place to get to.

Billbe - I agree - couldn’t imagine working out in this heat. I feel for any of the outdoor working folks these days. Yum…gazpacho sounds good!

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 07-08-2010 at 09:25 AM.
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