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Old 06-25-2008, 10:30 AM   #151  
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Morning all

Thanks for the info on fiber Bobbi I eat lots of fruit and veggies but still fall a little short on the fiber. I don't do really well on the losing side of things with too many grains (even the whole ones) so I have to keep servings to about 2 or 3 a week but maybe I'll give that Fiber One a try - can't hurt, 'specially since I've been unintentionally maintaining for the last month - maybe some good whole grain fiber is what I need to shake my insides up a little.

Got a great little NSV I'm gonna brag about in another thread but I wanted you guys to be the first to hear - In January, before the light bulb went off, my cholesterol was pushing the envelope at 244 after 6 months of eating nothing but the good stuff, it's now in the safe zone at 170 And, that's nothing but diet - no artificial assistance from meds. Matter of fact, BP and resting heart rate are all now in the "middle-healthy" range - again, all just good food and exercise. Used to dread the doctor now I actually can't wait for the next 6 month check up Doc says if I continue this trend we're not going to have to see each other more than once a year any more .

We're taking MIL back to California this weekend and I'm really looking forward to getting out of town, taking in a little R&R, and visiting with the rest of the family. I'm so comfortable with my new eating habits I'm not even nervous. Of course it helps that MIL #2 and SIL are both vegetarian so there are always lots of healthy choices at family get-togethers.

Better get to work. stay healthy
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Old 06-25-2008, 04:07 PM   #152  
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Hi everyone. Bobbi, that's just the information I was going to look up this week. It couldn't have come at a better time. I've been consciously trying to keep up my fiber intake. So far today I have 24g and still have 200 or so calories to go. That's quite an interesting bit of info about dieters who go low fat and high fiber. 3x more weight loss is impressive.

Yoyo, no wonder you're so happy. That's great news about your cholesterol and bp.
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Old 06-25-2008, 06:27 PM   #153  
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Evening all...I was so lucky today. The old saying No good deed goes unpunished...almost came true. One of the ladies asked me to stop after bridge and put the new bridge web page on her computer. Which I did and as I was leaving a hugh thunderstorm started up with down blasts. I put my car in reverse and had move 2' and big ole oak branch fell direct in front of me...missed my car by 6".

Bobbie...thank you for the fiber info. Have one question now that I have started to increase my intake........P...U! All the extra fiber has left me a little tooty! Is there anything I can do?

I have been counting on doing most of my exercise in the pool. It helps support my aching knees and back best, but seems lately the biggest exercise I am getting is rushing out of the pool because another storm is driving in.

YoYo...What a great report from the doc! That is almost perfect.
Have a nice time in California. Store up on hugs.

It's booming again...bye...Karen3
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Old 06-25-2008, 07:01 PM   #154  
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Bobbie...thank you for the fiber info. Have one question now that I have started to increase my intake........P...U! All the extra fiber has left me a little tooty! Is there anything I can do?

This was copy/pasted from the Prevention web site. You might want to gradually add fiber so you system adjusts to it.

If you're tired of sounding like the little engine that could, here are some ways to lower your octane level.

Chew your food. "The more slowly you eat, the less air you swallow, and the better your food is broken down, so the less likely you are to suffer from gas," says Barbara Frank, MD, gastroenterologist and clinical professor of medicine at Allegheny University of the Health Sciences MCP-Hahnemann School of Medicine in Philadelphia.

Watch for gas producers. "Among the top culprits are cabbage, corn, and beans," says Linda Lee, MD, assistant professor of medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. In fact, many fruits and vegetables are big gas producers. (But they're also high in fiber and low in fat, and they've been shown to reduce rates of colon cancer, the second biggest cancer killer in the US.)

In other words, high-fiber foods are good for you. So before eliminating them from your diet, see how you react when you eat them. If they bother you, try eating smaller amounts or substitute other high-fiber foods (like whole wheat cereal or bran flakes) that may be easier for you to digest, says Dr. Lee. Complete elimination is not desirable.

Degas the beans. Indigestible sugars in beans are notorious gas producers. If you elect to keep high-fiber beans in your diet, help is at hand, says Jacqueline Wolf, MD, a gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Before cooking, soak dry beans overnight in a potful of water with a couple of tablespoons of vinegar to reduce gassiness.

Sprinkle on the enzyme mix. Beano, an over-the-counter liquid enzyme that breaks down the indigestible sugars in beans, works well on dense beans like limas or lentils, says Dr. Lee. Just sprinkle several drops right on the beans just before eating. Or buy Beano in tablet form, and take two tablets before you eat.

"Unfortunately, Beano doesn't work as well on high-fiber, gas-producing vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli," Dr. Lee says.

Stay away from sugarless. Few people realize that sorbitol, a natural sugar used in sugarless gums and candies and many diet sodas, is hard to digest and causes gas, says Dr. Lee. So park the gum, and see if circumstances improve.

Uncarbonate your life. The bubbles and fizz in carbonated beverages such as soda, beer, champagne, and sparkling water produce lots of gas, says Dr. Lee. She advises women who complain of gas to drink water or low-calorie, low-sugar fruit juices instead, especially with large meals.

"Eating a lot and then adding beer or soda bubbles is an invitation for gas," says Dr. Frank.

Cut out the caffeine. Caffeine irritates the colon, and an irritated colon is often a noisy, gassy one, says Dr. Lee. Remember, cutting out coffee alone is not enough: Tea, chocolate, and most sodas also contain caffeine.

Exercise. "Moving around keeps your bowels on the move and prevents gas from getting, and staying, trapped," says Robyn Karlstadt, MD, a gastroenterologist at Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia. Getting just 30 minutes a day three times a week of any kind of aerobic exercise--the kind that gets your heart pumping, like walking, swimming, or cycling--will help defuse the gas.
Let me warn you ahead of time, don't buy the Fiber 1 Bars! You don't know gassy until you've eaten one of those! DH and I just about blew the house up after each eating a bar.
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Old 06-25-2008, 10:17 PM   #155  
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Default giggling so hard can't type. thanks, Karen3
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Old 06-25-2008, 11:10 PM   #156  
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'Evening Chickies

YoYo Congrats on all of your hard work and improved medical status. You are an inspiration of what we all can achieve. Day by day small victories earn us substantial rewards.

Freda, thanks as always for the encouragement. We had just one house guest who combined a business trip and visiting others during her stay. We were her homebase, so to speak. Plus she likes to eat healthy, so meals weren't a problem.

I've been a bit on with my good results. I'm sure that it will slow down and that's okay...anything down (scale wise) is good.
Honestly though ,I believe my good progress is the up side of my thyroid cancer. Ironically to maintain my cancer- free status my thyroid meds need to be just slightly hyperthyroid. In other words, I think that if I follow my eating plan and exercise, I get results. I wasn't losing until I reduced my intake and exercised, but that is why 3FCs has helped me so much. Thank you all

Anyway my bed is calling me, so I must close. Good luck to all and keep working hard. We all deserve to cherish ourselves.

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Old 06-26-2008, 08:27 AM   #157  
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Good Morning Ladies, It rained here again last night too. I can't complain, we haven't had to water the lawn all year and it's beautiful and green. It looked like it had died last year it got so brown.

Bobbi. I am not vegeterain by any means but i love vegetables and nuts and grains so I get lots of fiber too. Your body does get used to it after awhile. I love the fiber one bars and the fiber one cereal. I also use Aunt Millie's 12 grain bread for 6 grams of fiber per slice.

YoYo, Great news from the Doctor. A nice reward in addition to the weight loss.

Eileen, You're right, any loss is great. And think of all the health benefits you're getting too.

I'm missing alot of people around here. Hope they post again soon, Freda
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Old 06-26-2008, 08:41 AM   #158  
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Good Morning . . .

It is a little quiet around here, isn't it? Wonder where everybody is hiding.

We are looking at another gorgeous morning in northern Nova Scotia although it will be a little warmer and a little more humid than yesterday. Rain would be nice as a matter of fact. There is another forest fire on the go but this one is as far away from me as you can get and still be in the same Province, so I hope they get some rain even if we don't.

Have a great day gang . . . see you later . . .
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Old 06-26-2008, 02:00 PM   #159  
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Hi all....I raced around town doing all my errands before the Sea Breeze storms started up. It is getting black in the East now but don't know which way they'll travel.

Bobbie...Bless you. I have been twicking around with my diet and when I looked at the fiber it was low. So started to add more and more. This morning even got Fiber#1 which I'll be sure to use. Then the brain went...duh! I make a pot of what we call vegie soup...use diced tomatoes, corn, mushrooms, lima beans, and cannolie beans. Have at least one cup aday and often 2nd cup when hungry. I had never added the beans into my Fitday vegie mix. Wow it upped the calories a bit, but what it did to my fiber intake was surprising. Went from 10 grams to 31grams. Been saying that having problem with carbs and not eating enough protein. Well carbs are good ones and they get 5 servings of vegies in me. And is South Beachy for sure!

No wonder between the Benefiber, bran cereal and vegies soup I was seeing ADL changes. Think I'll stop the Benefiber except days don't have vegies soup. Best count I can figure with everything is 90grams of fiber.
Maybe that is what they mean by new energy source.....

Think have time to do the pool....hugs Karen3
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Old 06-26-2008, 02:15 PM   #160  
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Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
No wonder between the Benefiber, bran cereal and vegies soup I was seeing ADL changes. Think I'll stop the Benefiber except days don't have vegies soup. Best count I can figure with everything is 90grams of fiber. Karen3
OMG! I read this and couldn't figure out why you had added dog food to your diet! (our doggies get a brand called Beneful) Or, who knows, maybe it's made by the same company....... Hey, maybe that's why they've been so "musical" lately - I'll get me and DH on the Benefiber and we can have a quartet! I can see us now rehearsing for Christmas Caroling

Don't have much time - I was really just going to lurk a little and see how everyone was doing but couldn't resist answering that one
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Old 06-26-2008, 02:21 PM   #161  
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Hello all

Still here and read here every day (I'm kind of the wallflower one), but can't seem to keep up with you busy ladies and posting. I so want to be where some of you are ~ in those pools (LOL) and retired. Oh, well ~ my time will come eventually.

Headed to the dr today to see if there is anything she can give me to help me sleep in the day when I work (night shift worker here 7pm-7am). When I work, I can only sleep maybe 2-3 hours. I am so tired, but just can not sleep. Frustrating.

Have invited my son over tonight for supper ~ hope he can come ~ will be fun to get to visit with him.

Corbin comes here sometimes and stays the day now that school is out. That is fun.

Hope you all are having a good day.

Take care
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Old 06-26-2008, 05:04 PM   #162  
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Hello everyone. The weekend is almost upon us and then soon July!! Can't believe how fast this month is going.

Last night DH and I visited with his sister and her family. We all congregated at MIL's house and had a great chat with everyone. Today my son went sight seeing with his cousins and their families so they had a great day, too.

Saturday evening we're having a family potluck (I'm sure I mentioned this before) that I'm looking forward to. I love family get-togethers. I've made 2 blueberry rhubarb pies and I'm in the process of making a strawberry rhubarb gelatin dessert. I'm also taking a big pot of barbequed beans and a small dish of vegetarian "meatballs" in a pineapple s&s sauce. There should be piles of food but I'll be careful and watch my serving sizes.

Today after lunch I was going to have an oreo-like cookie but I looked at the nutritional values and decided I'd rather spend 70 calories on something better than a little cookie. I felt really good about that. I believe my thinking/eating patterns are beginning to see the early signs of change.
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Old 06-26-2008, 06:18 PM   #163  
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Evening...Storms are about over for today. Dash got Kling Freed twice. He smells sweet! Got my pool exercises in,too.

With Bobbie's help I have revamped my eating and can't believe how stuffed I am. Thumbnail....1252cal..24%fat..56%carbs..20prot.... and 88grams of fiber. Gotta keep this perfect for a week and see. It is close to what I have tried to do....but such fun twicking.

Gayle...Did the night shift a month at a time for years and still remember the exhaustion that sets in. Alway figured that I am gonna die at 5am. That was when my"motor" fell out on duty. The only way I slept during the day was to take an antihistamine like Chlorpheniramine which only last about 4 hours. Didn't leave me hung over. I still travel with them to use when I can't sleep away from home.

YoYo...I ran and checked Dash's dry food. Has to be cheaper than Benefiber! My DGS used to eat kibbles, but they look a little dry.MGD shared her caryons with the dog. A bite for her and a bite for him. The wax went thru both in glorious ribbons of color.

Back to my library book. Take care of yourself, eat healthy and hugs, Karen3

Last edited by Karen3; 06-26-2008 at 06:20 PM.
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Old 06-26-2008, 09:50 PM   #164  
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Karen3...88 grams of fiber seems too high, are you sure you calculated that right? Most people get 15 grams, everyone should have at least 25 gram. The following is an answer I received from a dietition.
This is from our local Hy-Vee dietition, I asked her for the breakdown of % and grams. I asked her if she was familiar with Fitday and this was her email answer to my questions. Check out what she said about eating lots of fiber, drink lots of water. Drink, drink, drink!
Do you use Fitday to program in your recipe for vegetable soup?

I like fitday! I use it quite a bit actually.

Your percentages should be as follows:
< 30% of calories from fat
55-60% calories from carbohydrate (mainly from complex and whole grains)
15-20% calories from protein

Converts to:
33 grams fat (25%)
171 grams carb (57%)
54 grams protein (17%)

Your fiber is quite high and that is great! I can't get many to go that high - that is great. You must be eating lots of fruits and veggies. Water is important when your fiber intake is that high.

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Old 06-27-2008, 07:18 AM   #165  
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Quick . . . we are in the midst of some nasty, noisy thunderstorms and the lights keep flickering . . . hope to get back later.
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