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Old 05-01-2007, 08:45 PM   #1  
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Default Over 50 & Getting Lighter May/June

Hi Girls...Here is our new home for the next couple of months. Sorry I haven't been around to check in this weekend, but my eye has been giving me nothing but problem. My allergies have kicked in full force and my right eye has been weepy and swollen. It was infected on Saturday and Sunday, but has cleared up today. One stitch is gone, only four more to go.

Linda...Hope your eye surgery went smoothly. Love your new kitties, they are so adorable and I'm a sucker for animals. Like Hy, all my pet come from the Humane Society.

Hy...What new book are you reading? I just got a new one to read on the train.
It's called "The Quilter's Homecoming".

Jude...I have been struggling this weekend with wanting sweets, but didn't have anything in the house except fresh fruit. I WANT CHOCOLATE!!!! Hope you have a good week and the cravings go away for both of us.

Donna...Glad to hear you are getting a new roof for your garage and house and that's all the damage you had. I can't imagine hail the size of baseballs! I've only once experience hail the size of golf balls, and that was when I was 11.

Tomorrow is weigh-in day at WW and I think I stayed the same. It's been a struggle not to eat everything in sight this past week. Hubby and I have been eating more salads for dinner as a meal. Thursday morning we are leaving for Casper, Wyoming for a few days. Going out to pickup the 57 Suburban we bought, and it's a mini vacation my Hubby is giving me for my birthday. I'll be 54 on Sunday. Where does the time go?

Have a great evening.

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Old 05-02-2007, 07:39 AM   #2  
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Good Morning, Ladies . . .

The sun is shining this morning although the temp is certainly not May-like. Supposed to turn to rain again this afternoon, though . . .

Surgery went pretty well, but not quite as good as the left eye 6 weeks ago. Ended up having to have a stitch in this one and it is definitely more painful that way (Not to mention that the thought of having a stitch right in my eyeball makes my stomach churn.) At least I had a good night's sleep last night and the eye is feeling a little bit less painful this morning, but I certainly know it is still there. BGL has been dreadful . . . don't know what they pumped into me to "calm me down" during the surgery on Monday, but I wish it would soon go away.

So sorry to hear your eye has been so troublesome, CHERYL. Wow, I hope it is soon on the mend. Makes me feel dreadful that I'm whining about mine.

Kittens (and the rest of the cattage) are doing fine . . . although I feel like I've got 3 babies in the house and I always seem to be wiping little cat bottoms (they are not exactly the neatest in the litter yet). Doing the 'kitten shuffle' has become the standard way of walking for everybody who comes into my house to avoid stepping on one. I know they will be out of kitten-hood in the of an eye so I'd better enjoy it while I can.

Been pondering long and hard about the upcoming hysterectomy and think I may delay it until the Fall . . . I've just about had enough for now what with the three minor surgeries so far this year and I really need a break. Haven't had any 'problems' since the one that started everything last September/October so it should be a safe little delay -- yeah, I know, famous last words. Haven't called the GYN yet. Going to wait until next week to see if I feel any differently about it by then.

Was wondering if you, Cheryl, or any of the other regulars in here have thought about joining up with the "Golden Girls" . . . it does seem to be pretty active in there? Maybe we should at least think about it???????

Anyway. . . guess I'd better get moving and shaking before the sun disappears again . . . Hope you all have a great day. See you later . . .
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Old 05-02-2007, 11:05 AM   #3  
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Just thought I'd post a link to a good little article from the current issue of the D:Life Bulletin that I receive every week. D:Life is basically for Diabetics, but there is no rule that says everybody can't benefit from some of the information.

This article is about making healthier substitutions that will lower both the carb content and calories of some old favourites . . . . . .

Hope you enjoy the information . . .
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Old 05-03-2007, 01:07 AM   #4  
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I logged onto 3FC Sunday and Monday but found I couldn't post!!?? I wanted to wish Linda a successful eye operation! Sorry that didn't happen Linda...

I'm glad though to see you posted today (and thank you for the link!) Hope you feel better with each day. As far as the next surgery, it sounds like giving yourself this week to decide is a good thing. Surgeries are a big deal imo, plain and simple.

I am smiling as I read about your adorable kittens too - you DO have your hands full right now I love all pets but am of the opinion that there is nothing cuter than a kitten - they always look like someone just said "Boo!" to them - lol!

Cheryl I am wincing as I read what you've been going through!! What a time for some nice seasonal allergy symptoms, huh?????? You poor thing (too - both you and Linda!!)

I hope you have a nice getaway to WY - enjoy the scenery and just take it easy, OK?

Me, I'm hanging in I'm working on leg cramps????? I think when I was feeling yucky I kind of got off my supplements and vitamins and even my thyroid meds (very naughty!!) and the cramps might have been a partial result of that...who knows but I'm finally back on track and hope the extra calcium and magnesium helps. I talked to my doc yesterday and she said to "up" those two.

Hope everyone else is doing well too - it's bedtime for me, so I'll check in tomorrow or Friday. AND hopefully be able to post - I don't understand what happened previously


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Old 05-03-2007, 04:19 PM   #5  
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Just quick from me today . . .

I was out and about for around 4 hours today and then I spent a couple of hours trying to read this afternoon. My eyes are both aching and I'm so tired I can hardly keep them open, anyway.

My vision is so much better now that my glasses are next to useless. I can't read with them or without them -- my arms must have shrunk during the surgery, I guess. But I really need them for driving and distance vision, but the prescription is actually too strong and gives me a headache. I have to wait 3 to 4 weeks (until the second eye is deemed completely healed) before I can go to the optometrist to get new ones. Nothing works really well for looking at the computer either -- although it is easier than trying to read a book or magazine. Oh wow, something tells me this will be a long, long, month.

HY . . . those leg cramps can definitely be a calcium and/or magnesium deficiency . . . I often get them, too. Take the supplements and up your dairy consumption if you can. You are so right about kittens, they make me laugh so much . . . Just wish they'd stop treating me like a combination of chew-toy and scratching post . . .

Anyway, gang . . . I hope everybody keeps things moving and shaking and I will at least try to stop in for a quick hello again tomorrow . . . see you then.
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Old 05-04-2007, 10:49 AM   #6  
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Good morning ladies, Can't believe it is FRIDAY again. Kind of glad though, it has been a hectic week both at home and work.

LINDA: Hope your eye will be better soon. A stitch in the eyeball is pretty gross sounding, makes my eye itch just thinking about it I understand what you are saying about taking a break before another surgery. Glad you are taking a week to think about it, just don't let it go so long that you have more problems after you have it. The thought of a hysterectomy makes me nervous anyway, but the thought of any surgery makes me nervous.

HY: I can't believe you let your thyroid medication slip after all you have been through to get it right !!!! You'd have to scrape me off the ceiling if I didn't take mine on schedule. But I'm gald to hear you are back on track now, sorry to hear you have leg cramps, those are not fun.

CHERYL: I missed your post before you left for Casper. Hope you have a good trip and don't run into any bad weather. Since I won't be here to log on before Monday Hope you have a great day.
I almost forgot to say thank you for starting our new thread for the next couple of months.

Don't have any plans for this weekend as we are supposed to have rain the entire time. In fact they are calling for some bad weather tonight, so I might be in my basement again !!! Just got some flowers planted in my big
planters by the garage so of course it will hail again. I just want it to get it out of it's system before next weekend when we have to travel for my
GD graduation. I went shopping yesterday for my "outfit" Boy do I hate the
styles and colors for this summer. The colors are all so dark, how depressing is that? I ended up with white slacks and a navy and white polka dot top.
I'll wear white sandals with it. My GD said she wanted me to look 'HOT' don't think that's going to happen Have I mentioned that I HATE to shop
Told my husband to never let me do that again. Every top except for sweaters were this new stretchy fabric, that's what I ended up with and to my surprise it doesn't look too bad, but I really don't like it. We live a ways from a large city, like a 2 hour drive, so we don't have much to choose from as far as stores go. I can't believe the prices, I'm also a cheap skate !!!!
Herbergers wanted $38 for a simple shell and $40 for a sheer long sleeved blouse to match, not from me they don't. OK enough I better go get busy before patients come in.
Have a great weekend and I will talk to all of you on Monday or at least I will read what you've been up to.

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Old 05-04-2007, 05:24 PM   #7  
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Hi gang . . .

Eye is still causing a pain both literally and figuratively . . . stupid weather isn't helping either . . . cold and rainy today and expected to continue for most of the weekend. Finally predicting some warmth for next Monday and Tuesday . . boy, I hope they are right.

Kittens are still eating me alive . . . but they are so darn cute . . . it's hard not to laugh, even when they are bad.

Not much else going on for me . . . hope everybody has a great moving and shaking evening planned . . . will be looking forward to seeing you all really soon . . .
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Old 05-06-2007, 12:40 PM   #8  
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Hi Gang! Hubby and I got home late lastnight, and I was never so glad to get here! Casper, Wyoming was BEAUTIFUL and I could easily move there. Land is still pretty cheap and I so miss the mountains and trees.

Linda...So glad to hear your eye surgery went well. Just thinking about a stitch in the eyeball makes me cringe!!!! Sorry you are experiencing headaches, but sounds like you will need a weaker prescription when your eyes are healed up.
My eye is finally healed, but I wake up every morning and need to take a warm wash cloth to it. It weeps a little bit, but I hope this too will pass with time.
Linda, I have no problem with joining up with the Golden Girls. Why don't you see what Hy, Donna and Jude think.
Linda, I have to tell you that we took our cat Princess on the trip with us Woke up yesterday morning in the motel room and she could not be found. We finally found her after we took the matress/boxspring off and she was inside a wood platform base for the bed. She really had to squeeze herself to get inside in the first place. Darn cat! She doesn't come to kitty kitty either!
First thing we are going to check for from on before we let her out of her carrier.

Donna...We had a nice drive down to Wyoming and stopped at Devils Tower, it was so beautiful. Two hours from Casper, I ran into sever thunderstorm and no cover. Had hail, wind and rain and was so glad to get to Casper. We got up early Friday morning and got to the guys palce to load the truck up, and were there for 4 hours. I wanted to hit the road before the next storm came in. They were under a winter watch. Anyway we finally got on the road at noon and made it to Gillette, Wyoming for the night. Woke up early yesterday morning and it was pouring down rain and very windy. We had rain all the way home and got into sever thunderstorms in South Dakota and North Dakota. Thank goodness, no tornados. Casper ended up having 5" of snow.

Hy...Hope your leg cramps are getting better. I get them also, but don't take anything for them at this time, but up my water intake.

Well girls, it was nice to get away, but we ended up having trailer and truck problems. Stopped for gas in Wyoming and I noticed a low tire on the trailer. Hubby put air in it and said I needed to get going to the next town cause it was a leaking valve stem. Ended up stopping 10 miles down the road and it's a good thing that my husband brought 100 pounds of air, cause we had to fill it again. Anyway we made it to the next town where they could repair the tire. Got the truck loaded on the trailer and I was the one to drive first.
It just didn't feel right, so when I got back to Casper, I let my Hubby take over. We made it 30 miles from Casper and smelled something burning, turned out to be a tire on the trailer. The weight of the truck pressed down on the trailers inner fenders onto the tire, so we blew a tire. My hubby changed the tire, took out a big hammer and beat the out of the fenders. Had to drive 50 miles to the next town to buy a new tire for the trailer and have them put it on. Yesterday morning when we got ready to leave Gillette, WY, I noticed a low tire on the truck. Went to a tire place and we had a hole, so that got repaired. Other than that, we had a good trip, saw lots of prog horn antalope and beautiful country.
Well girls, my hubby is taking me to see Spiderman 3 and out to dinner, so have a great day.

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Old 05-06-2007, 02:09 PM   #9  
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Hugs and Best Wishes to a wonderful Chickie!!

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Old 05-07-2007, 01:01 PM   #10  
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Originally Posted by Cheryl120 View Post
Linda, I have no problem with joining up with the Golden Girls. Why don't you see what Hy, Donna and Jude think.


I found the above Golden Girls thread - the May, and now June one. I'm going to pass and if you all decide not to carry on with this group, the Over-50, that's OK (I mean it won't hurt my feelings - lol!!) I'm a longtime member of a couple "social" groups online and just can't handle another, but GG's looks like a really fun and active group! I recognized some names posting there also.

Since I don't contribute that often here anyway, please just do what's best for each individual.


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Old 05-07-2007, 03:54 PM   #11  
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Hi gang . . .

Afraid I'm not having a great day . . . my vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, and stove have all decided to develop problems . . . think I've got the vacuum figured out and the replacement part is ordered . . . the stove I can live with for the time being . . . the refrigerator (that doesn't refrigerate things); well I don't even want to think about that -- naturally it will be the most expensive to replace out of the three.

Oh well, don't ask me what the connection is, but this morning helped me make up my mind to delay the hysterectomy -- probably just one more layer of stress I didn't want. So I have rescheduled for September 20 and I'm definitely looking forward to having nothing nasty on my plate this Summer.

MY BGL is still higher than I'd like, but it is fairly stable throughout the day now. I am definitely still retaining water because I can see it trying to hide out in my ankles. I'm staying away from the scale until the 23rd in the hopes that things will be back in balance by then.

Cats and kittens are fine -- crazy but adorable -- did you know that three kittens means 132 sharp little instruments of torture that they sink into me at will? --- 3 x 18 claws, plus 3 x 26 teeth --- all as sharp as little needles. Hope I survive their kittenhood. Aren't you all glad you've got me to keep you up-to-date on all this fascinating mathematical stuff?

Oh CHERYL . . . . . . Happy belated birthday. Glad you had such a fun trip . . . well except for that nasty little batch of weather. Amazing how full grown cats can 'disappear' isn't it?

Oh HY . . . . . . Absolutely no way would I want to lose your company, Chickie. It was just a suggestion, but the more I think about it, the more I think it might just be too busy in there sometimes. We'd probably get lost in the shuffle. This little group is so much like family.

Anyway . . . I'd better stop babbling now . . . I have a few other places to be and things to check into around some of the other forums. Hope everybody has a great moving and shaking kind of evening doing fun stuff. See you later . . .
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Old 05-08-2007, 08:04 PM   #12  
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Hi ladies...Thank you so much for your birthday greetings. I had a wonderful birthday. Went and saw "Spiderman 3", then went to Paradiso for my free birthday meal. I had a baked chimi platter and shared dessert with my hubby.

Today, my hubby and I bought a new/used car. Got a 2004 Dodge Intripid fully loaded and I love it. We decided to not trade our 97 Intripid, but let my hubby continue to drive it to work till it falls apart, or gets totaled by a deer.

The weather is beautiful today, 80 and I went out and did 1 hour of push mowing, so got my exercise in for the day. At least I got the front and side yard done today and will tackle around the out buildings, in front of the barn and around the garage and clothesline tomorrow.

Hy...I'm very happy to stay with our little group. Linda just mentioned it, since they are pretty active. I do like the idea they have of checking in each day of what they paln to eat, what they plan to do that day for exercise and what they plan to do for fun.

Linda...I think you made a wise choice to delay your surgery till fall, so you can enjoy your summer. Did you buy a new refrigerator? Mine makes a wierd noise, but it still cools. It's suppose to be frost free, but has ice building up on the back walls, so I defrost it from time to time. Evenually It will have to be replaced, but it is 20 years old. I would love to have one with the water and ice despenser, but we are on rural water, and it has a liottle hardness to it.

I need to post a picture of our cat Princess. She is something else, and marches to her own agenda. I don't think she knows what the word "kitty, kitty" means. She doesn't even come when you rattle her dish, and she is the first cat we have had, that doesn't like kitty treats. She adores my husband Jim, and I don't care where she is at, she comes running when she hears he is home. She waits not so patiently for him to take his shoes off and change his clothes, then sit in his recliner. Then she comes for a couple of love pats from me, then she lays between his legs on the foot rest. Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled!!

Have a good evening.

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Old 05-08-2007, 11:51 PM   #13  
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I was just giving my opinion about my thoughts on joining the other group - I hope it didn't sound like I was whining!!! Not what I meant - was just being honest that I don't have the time to stay current reading messages on another group that's a lot more active.

PLEASE understand that no one will be hurting my feelings if this group is disbanded!! I love you all but life goes on and I **can** check in on you all from time to time over on GG's too!!!

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Old 05-08-2007, 11:54 PM   #14  
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Cheryl it sounds like you had a wonderful birthday!! Dinner and a movie and a new car!!! That's quite a trifecta - lol!! Glad it was a special day for you :-)

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Old 05-09-2007, 07:58 AM   #15  
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Good Morning . . .

For some very, very strange reason I am not feeling very chatty this morning . . . I'm sure this will pass quickly . . . I find it impossible to keep quiet for very long.

Have a great day, gang . . . see you later . . .

PS --
Sorry HY, if you are looking for an excuse to escape from us, you're going to have to try harder
. . .
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