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Old 06-09-2007, 10:04 AM   #91  
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Good morning!

What a beautiful day we're having - sunny and 23. I just got back from a bike ride - it's supposed to get a bit windy this aft so I thought I'd get it done early. Now I am having a well deserved coffee.

Donna - No, I didn't do the housework - problem is, it doesn't do itself.

Meowee - Good for you on your eating yesterday. We all have those two or three days where nothing seems to fill us up - it's getting back on plan that counts.

Nothing too exiting on for the weekend. Some yardwork I guess.

Have a great day!
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Old 06-10-2007, 07:09 AM   #92  
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Good Morning . . .

Nothing too exciting for me today . . . never did do those errands yesterday, so today will get them finished, I hope. Weather isn't shaping up to be too sunny, yet.

Keep things moving and shaking, chickies . . .
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Old 06-10-2007, 08:44 PM   #93  
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My dad is finally getting back on Tuesday. He's been away for two weeks in Vancouver having heart work done - not open heart (he's already had that) but a valve replacment. It's been very hard being stuck here. I know now that all went well but I still need to him.

Not much new and exiting here - we've got a thunderstorm warning ( tornado warning about 100 miles from here) for this evening - I hope nothing to serious happens.

Talk soon,
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Old 06-10-2007, 09:19 PM   #94  
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I have wasted a couple days with trying to log on here and for some reason, periodically all my info goes "poof" on 3FC...yesterday and again today...

Nothing to report other than I enjoyed my little break from the week-long yoga committment (I gave myself weekends off when I came up with the month of June goal). Tomorrow AM it's back to the (Yoga) mat!

While online diddling around trying to re-register here for the One Hundred-Millionth time, also looked for some low-carb recipes for dressings. I wanted to try to make some LC blue cheese dressing. The easier the better as I am not a happy camper in the kitchen...I cook because I don't like processed foods but I cook pretty simply. Also found an interesting low-carb raspberry muffin recipe that might be a nice change for a B'fast food for me. I like, no, LOVE eggs, but it's nice to have a change once in a while. (BTW, it's a simple recipe - lol!!)

It's very hot here in PHX and have been trying to get gardening chores done early so I don't absolutely melt in the heat. I got a really great hat from Solumbra the other day - I use their products for swimming (they look like wetsuits and keep you from burning). My swim pieces are ancient so I ordered new ones and decided to try a hat while I was at it. I LOVE MY NEW HAT!!!! I wear it when I water the flowers and trees.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend too (and maybe a little more exciting than me and my new hat lovefest - lol! Not a terribly exciting weekend otherwise )

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Old 06-11-2007, 08:53 AM   #95  
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Good Morning . . .

SETTIE . . . . . . Hope everything is fine with your Father. We will all have our .

HY . . . . . . Sorry you've been having problems with the site. Glad you are enjoying your new hat. Too bad we can't bottle up our respective temperatures and ship each other a bit to add into our local mix.

Nothing too new or exciting in my world. Weather is dull and raining and nobody seems to be able to decide what the high will be today -- one TV stations says 15C/59F; another says 19C/66F; radio says 17C/63F, but also mentions that we've reached that already and it's only 10 am -- at least they all seem to agree on lots of rain.

Anyway, gang . . . keep things moving and shaking as much as possible today . . . see you soon . . .
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Old 06-11-2007, 11:39 AM   #96  
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Good morning chickies, it is a beautiful morning here, chance of showers later in the day but that is just the standard forecast here this time of year. Got up to 90 yesterday, certainly glad they got my heat pump installed on Friday !!!! I got tons of work done over the weekend as we didn't have any television to watch. We have had satellite for about 5 years and get so tired of losing reception every time it clouds up so I got mad and called and cancelled it on Friday evening. They don't have good customer service and I got tired of talking to a recording, so when I finally got a live one I told them to cancel my account. I called cable and told them that I had had it before and was ready to come back. They had a good special on for customers returning after being on satellite so I said get me on the list, well I didn't think it would be so long, not until sometime Thursday. I have been without for 5 days and only 3 more to go I'm just a little edgy,LOL
Didn't realize I was addicted to tv, but I miss the local news.

I had a great weigh-in on Saturday morning, I was down 1.5 lbs so now my tracker is accurate AGAIN. We went for a nice long walk Saturday evening and it felt so good. When it is hot I don't feel much like eating so I did really well over the weekend. Think I should be able to stay on track this week. I really need to lose about 6 more lbs by the end of June.

MEOWEE: Sorry your weather isn't so good now. Will we ever be satisfied ?
Glad you got your eating where you want it to be. It is so hard this time of year even tho we have a lot of fresh fruit and veggies to grab it just seems like our time is all messed up with being outside more or something.

HY: What is with this site sometimes? Glad your were finally able to get back here. Raspberry muffins sound delish, anything for a change at breakfast. I usually do cereal except when I meet my friends for breakfast then I do eggs and ww toast.
I'm glad you are so happy with your new hat, you'll have to send us a picture of you in it.

SETTIE: Glad that your Dad is getting back and you can be together. Hope he is feeling better. I will keep him in my prayers.

You gals have a great day, I'm going to get my vcr hooked up again when I get tv and get back to doing my WATP. If I can get a walk in at the end of the day too, so much the better. Have a good one.

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Old 06-11-2007, 12:43 PM   #97  
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Originally Posted by Donna72664 View Post
I got tons of work done over the weekend as we didn't have any television to watch... I have been without for 5 days and only 3 more to go I'm just a little edgy,LOL Didn't realize I was addicted to tv, but I miss the local news....You gals have a great day, I'm going to get my vcr hooked up again when I get tv and get back to doing my WATP. If I can get a walk in at the end of the day too, so much the better. Have a good one.


Donna a big congrats on the weight loss

I was LMAO over your description of your TV-withdrawl!! Oh my, I can relate and I WISH I could just rid our household of any broadcast TV, period. MY DH is glued to The History Channel every evening so that isn't going to happen, but in my fanasty world, I would just have a DVD player and watch something on DVD on occasion. Like once a week and use the rest of the time!!!

Hope the new system works well for you!!

WATP is great and your mentioning reminds me I would like to get that DVD out and play also, at least a couple times a week. Thanks for the reminder!!

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Old 06-11-2007, 12:52 PM   #98  
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Originally Posted by meowee View Post
Good Morning . . .

G'morning to you too Meowee

I just got done having my morning coffee and was checking my messages - always so nice to see your posts here wishing us a good day - thanks and the same to you - hope it's a great day there!

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Old 06-11-2007, 12:59 PM   #99  
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Originally Posted by settie View Post
My dad is finally getting back on Tuesday. He's been away for two weeks in Vancouver having heart work done - not open heart (he's already had that) but a valve replacment. It's been very hard being stuck here. I know now that all went well but I still need to him.

settie, sorry about your dad's medical issue, but I hope he is back home very soon so you can give him that big hug in person!! It's so amazing what medicine can do these days to help with cardiac disease/disorders...sending good thoughts to you both.

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Old 06-12-2007, 04:47 PM   #100  
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Hi gang . . .

It has been a busy day for me . . . so not much time to chat . . .just wanted to say HI. Also going to post another little gem in that Sticky I set up the other day. Hope you all get time to have a look.

Hope everybody is having a really great moving and shaking day . . . later . . .
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Old 06-12-2007, 08:09 PM   #101  
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for all of your good wishes for my dad.

He's back home safetly - all went very well. A long day - picking up my parents then getting them settled in the home. Not much else to report.

Have a good evening!
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Old 06-13-2007, 12:54 PM   #102  
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Hi there everybody . . .

This has been a very odd and very busy kind of day so far . . . just to give you a giggle . . . here's how it started . . .

As you know, I've been hiding my scale. It was propped up in the corner beside the toilet, face to the wall. Got up this morning and it had fallen over(been knocked over by kittens, probably) and was resting on the baseboard heater, which was going full blast (it has been cold at night around here). Pulled it out to check if it was okay . . . it wasn't. One of the little balancing feet on the bottom was sort of fused solid. Put it on the floor and hopped on . . . 192 pounds (loss of over 37 pounds in two weeks - Oh Right). Played with it for a bit and got the foot moving again. Put it on the floor and hopped on . . . now it says 203 pounds.

Bottom line . . . guess I need a new scale. Oh well, it was nice to actually see those numbers underneath me . . . even if only for a minute. Problem is . . . when I do weigh myself on the new one in a couple of weeks, I'll never really know if the number is "real" or not -- even though I plan to buy the same brand of scale again. Hey . . . if the number is 'good'; it's mine. If the number is 'bad'; it will be because of the new scale.

Actually, the incineration of the scale is not the only thing the trio has accomplished this morning . . . they've now decided they like to drink out of the toilet (yuck). More and more dog-like, I tell you. I must remember to put the lid down. Then, I went down to clean the litter pans and discovered somebody had knocked over a small shelving unit in the middle of the night. I do think it probably took one of the bigger cats to manage that and luckily nobody seems to have been hurt. Somedays you just have to keep reminding yourself about how much you enjoy having all these fur-babies around.

Here's a little recipe I thought you might enjoy. I've been making this very healthy version of bean salad for years . . . It is just-about-every-diet-you-can-think-of-friendly.


4 cups Red Kidney Beans (2, 19 oz cans)
3 cups green beans (2, 14 oz cans)
3 cups yellow beans (2, 14 oz cans)
1 cup corn niblets (1 x 10 oz can)
1 cup chopped onion
½ cup FF Italian salad dressing

Rinse and drain all canned ingredients before measuring. Combine everything in a very large bowl and refrigerate at least 3 hours before serving, stirring periodically.

Makes approximately 12 servings of 1 cup each with . . .
183 calories (net calories 162); Volumetrics ED of 0.5
1.1 gr fat; 18 gr carb, 5.2 gr fibre; (12.8 gr net carb) 5.8 gr protein

Good for a crowd, or, if you don't have a crowd, it keeps well, too.

Have a great moving and shaking time of it, gang . . . see you soon.
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Old 06-14-2007, 09:44 AM   #103  
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Good Morning . . .
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Old 06-14-2007, 11:04 AM   #104  
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Good Morning meowee Thanks for the nice way to start my day!

That bean salad recipe looks great - thanks for posting too! Sounds like a perfect summer salad-type dish. I like beans :-)

Did my yoga this morning (woohoo!!) and then ran around quickly trying to get pets corralled for the workers here today. We have a big construction project starting - the good news is that the work crew showed up and at the time they promised

I made the raspberry muffin recipe (low-carb) last night. It uses almond "flour" - which is just finely ground up almonds. The other binder ingredient is a little ground flax seed. I tried one last night and it was very good. I would venture to say they probably have a decent amount of fat in them due to the nut flour, but certainly fall into the low-carb parameters. They needed to be baked a lot longer than the recipe called for - recipe said 15-20 and I ended up doing 35 mins.

It is SO hot here and expected to get hotter. Life in the desert, but that doesn't stop me from whining about it - lol!!

Sending good wishes to all for a good day with their programs

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Old 06-14-2007, 11:04 AM   #105  
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Good Morning Girls!
Lynn and I (From the Golden Girls) have been thinking up a new plan for July to encourage us to lose weight. July is a hard month for most of us since that's picnic time, potato salad, brats and summer fun with family. Lynn thought it would be fun to challenge you, the other 50+ group. We are going to propose a challenge for the month of July with them and we are taking a poll to see who would be interested. We will set it up like the "Biggest Losers" , they have a special thread where everyone post their weight weekly. But we'll get into that after the poll to see who would be interested. Please vote on this if you're interested.

Bobbi & Lynn
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