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Old 05-14-2007, 11:04 AM   #31  
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Is it Monday already ?? It is going to take me all week to recover from this weekend. But it was a fabulous weekend. I'm afraid there was NO dieting and NO exercise, except going up and down stairs at the motel.
Friday night we decorated for my GD reception and then went out for supper at a night spot where she sings karaoke,what a fun time that was. And NO grandma did not get up and sing !!!! but sure enjoyed watching some others make real fools of themselves. Is laughter considered a form of exercise ?? The graduation was fun, just a small class of 35 so pretty informal and very personal and very very HOT~!!!.Yes I shed a few tears.
Following her reception they had an informal carry in supper at their home in the country put on by friends and family, a great time for all to relax and get caught up on everyones lives. Yesterday my girls wanted to take me out for lunch and I told them I would really rather we just sat around her house and visited, no one was really very hungry and I don't like to eat a big meal and then get in the car and travel, especially 4 hours and it was 94 out. We had a lot of fun remembering their graduations and just laughing about silly things. I hated to have to leave. Well enough about me, I didn't weigh in this week but will on Saturday or Sunday, need to get some of this weekend out of my system, a little too much beer and high cal foods.
Hope all of you had a wonderful MOTHER'S DAY.

Breakfast is my favorite meal and I usually eat it but I too have been kind of lax in that department. Let's make it a goal for the rest of May to get back on track with breakfast!

CHERYL: I'm really excited for you now for your graduation, it is so wonderful and gratifying to set there and watch a grandchild graduate. It is really pretty surreal. When do you leave? Hope you find the sandals that you want to go with your outfit, it sounds cute and nice and cool.
Don't look ahead at how much you still want to lose, that will overwhelm you and defeat you, look at how far you have come so far and what you have accomplished. We all have faith in you so keep going, you'll get there.

HY: Thanks for the "BRAVO" It feels good to know that out there someone I have never meant cares about how I am doing with my weight battle. I am starting to feel good about myself again and think that will spur me on.
You mentioned you got some Vadalia onions in, those are so gooood.

MEOWEE: Hope I get the kind of motivation you got, I need to move my furniture around and get some deep cleaning done. Want to shampoo my living room and dining room carpets now that I'm done with my wood burning stove. I'm sorry you had to put out money for a new fridge but hey at least now your food is cold. I haven't had a chance to go to the link to the Discovery channel yet but I will, thanks for sharing it with us.

Have roofers at my house today so bet my poor little dog is going crazy with all the noise and strangers around. She was such a good girl this weekend with all the different places we had to go, she was so tired she could hardly get going this morning, or was that me ?
Better get busy you gals have a great day and be sure you eat breakfast tomorrow!!!

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Old 05-15-2007, 08:26 AM   #32  
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Hi gang . . . . . . Sorry to say that I'm just rushing through again . . . . . . Back later . . .
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Old 05-15-2007, 02:47 PM   #33  
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Angry Perfume scam

Don't know if any of you have received an e-mail about this or not and don't know if it is even true, but I for one am not taking any chances.
It seems that there are people out there that are approaching women in truck stops and parking lots asking them what type of perfume they wear and then offering to have them smell different ones to compare or find a new one that they might wish to purchase. The catch is that what they are offering for them to smell is ether so when they take a whiff they pass out and then the cons can rob them or worse ?
Ladies pass this on to all of your gal pals and daughters, this is just so scary and could so easily happen to any of us. Let's arm the women we know with the power to stop this sort of nonsense.
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Old 05-15-2007, 08:10 PM   #34  
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Hi Gang...Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day! My hubby was a real sweetheart and didn't make me get up at 4:30 to fix him breakfast before he headed off to work. It was soooo nice to sleep in, and I just lounged around and watched movies. Hubby took me out for dinner, so that was nice also.

Donna...Your granddaughter's graduation sounds so nice. Sounds like you had a wonderful time visiting with family. I leave early on the 29th and can't wait to see everyone. My granddaughter class is very large, so large that they are having the ceremony at a site away from the school. We are having a BBQ for her on Sunday, since after graduation all the seniors go to a locked in grad party. I'm still looking for shoes and haven't found anything I like.

Linda...What to come and help me move furniture? I swear the minute I mention the word, my husband is no where to be found, and I can't do it by myself. I have a large sectional, which I can't budge by myself and a entertainment center. Oh to go back to the simple life when I didn't have so much.

Hy...I bought a set of cd's on weight loss. It is brain wave therapy that I listen to with headphones on while laying down and relaxed. One is on weight loss and the other is Slim Naturally. I really like them, and the idea to take time for me and meditate, listen to the music and what is being said. I'm hoping it will help me get rid of all the negitive remarks that are still playing over and over in my head.

Well tomorrow is weigh-in day at WW. I'm hoping for a loss, so will let you know either way. to you all.

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Old 05-16-2007, 08:51 AM   #35  
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Oh Phooey . . . Afraid I have to apologize for another quick again this morning.

Sears sent the wrong part for my vacuum (even though I gave them the model, serial, and oart numbers when I ordered it). They tell me that is all they have with that number and it won't fit my machine. So, guess I'm off to the nearest vacuum repair centre (two towns away) to see what they can do for me, even though I've had a not perfect experience with their work in the past. Only other alternative would seem to be another new appliance and this vacuum is only three years old and was not a cheapie to begin with -- talk about planned obsolesence.

To top things off . . . we have a snow warning . . . SNOW????? on the 16th of May?????

Anyway . . . keep things moving and shaking, gang . . . hope to see you later . . .
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Old 05-17-2007, 09:15 AM   #36  
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Hi there . . .

We got it after all . . . not just the snow, but rain, then freezing rain, then hail, then snow, and now back to rain . . . roads aren't too bad, but my front and back porches are just covered in ice . . . other than that, nothing much is going on around here . . . but then, who needs more than that.

Hope everybody has a great moving and shaking kind of day planned. See you all later, gang . . .
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Old 05-17-2007, 10:01 AM   #37  
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Morning Chickies...

Did really good at weigh-in yesterday...Down 1.3 pounds. I really wasn't expecting a loss since I have eaten out so much this pass week, but I have been more aware of what I choose to eat, not over loading my plate, nor going back for more, just because it's there and I can. Now I'm trying to figure out what I can take on the train to eat. I refuse to pay their prices for a meal. Any ideas you gals have would be great! I'll be on the train for 32 hours.

Linda...Snow, freezing rain and ice. Just makes you want to crawl back in bed and pull the covers over your head. We didn't have snow, even tho the weather changes very fast here, but we were down to 32 for a low and only made it to the 60's. It kind of shocks the system when the day before we were 89.

Well I'm off to get my morning dishes done before I head off to my room. I haven't done any sewing for a couple of days and I have a few things I need to get made before I leave on my trip. Also need to get my walk in, but looks like I need to dress in warmer clothes before I do that. Taking Ozzy to the Doggie Spa this afternoon, so he will be a pretty boy when he comes out.

Have a great day, stay on program and get some exercise in for the day. Your heart will thank you.

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Old 05-18-2007, 03:50 PM   #38  
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Sorry to be MIA of my younger pets has been having some problems and after several vet visits, we decided to take her on to a specialist. Awaiting test results from the initial internal medicine vet visit and hoping for good news!

Congrats Cheryl on the weight loss - that is wonderful!! See, you are doing just fine I'm proud of you too!

I haven't weighed myself this week but I have been staying with my program and not doing any "stress" eating. Mostly trying to make sure I take care of myself and take my supplements and all...when I'm worried or distracted I tend to "forget" to take care of my own health issues I got a massage this morning and that is very helpful, imo, to manage stress.

Going to take it easy this weekend or try to - I have "Ultraviolet" and "Night at the Museum" DVD's to watch for the weekend and maybe I can read a bit too. Hope everyone else here has a good weekend also!

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Old 05-18-2007, 05:14 PM   #39  
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Hi girls . . .

This is the beginning of the Victoria Day long weekend in Canada . . . the traditional time for opening the cottage; planting the Spring garden; and other things that usually get done when the weather finally warms up enough. That certainly will not be happening in Atlantic Canada this year. Nothing but cold, dull, dreary in the forecast for the whole weekend. At least yesterday's snow has melted again.

Nothing exciting on my agenda . . . thought I'd do a little sewing . . . if the weather ever does warm up, I "have nothing to wear". So far, not so good. The two old guys have figured it out over the years, but it amazing how much damage Purrecious and the three kittens can do in the middle of a pile of fabric and tissue paper. Guess I'll have to shut them all in one of the bedrooms for a while -- too bad the room where the kitty litter lives doesn't have a door.

Oh wow, CHERYL . . . that is a long trip . . . about all I can think of that will last are nuts and some little baggies of dry cereal . . . maybe some cut up raw veggies for the first 10 hours or so and some fruit, of course. Congrats on your loss, BTW . . .

Gee HY . . . hope the pet problem is cleared up soon and that it is nothing too awful . . . Have a good movie-watching weekend.

Well, it's almost time to feed the menagerie again . . . maybe they will all go to sleep after dinner and I'll get something cut out. Keep things moving and shaking this evening, gang . . . see you soon.
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Old 05-18-2007, 05:23 PM   #40  
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Originally Posted by hyacinth merry View Post
Sorry to be MIA of my younger pets has been having some problems and after several vet visits, we decided to take her on to a specialist. Awaiting test results from the initial internal medicine vet visit and hoping for good news!
I hope your baby is going to be better very soon! Looking at the picture you have that baby a maltese? I have 2 maltese, Stitch and Murphy and a Catahoula named Roux.
The one in the picture looks very much like my "Stitch". When we got Murphy (8.5 years ago) we did not realize he was deaf for about a month. I realized it when he just layed in a little ball sleeping one day while I vacuumed around him About 3 years ago he started going blind. Bless his heart, he does just fine for all his problems and he's only about 3.5 lbs..tiny little thing and rules the house!

My daughter's boyfriend's dog , Molly, a lab, was sick for a very long time.."upset tummy". (nuf said about the "upset" but nothing would stay up or down..not pretty... and she was so emasicated you could see all of her spine and ribs sticking out). Dan spent a fortune bringing her from one vet to the next. Finally one recommended a specialist. They did a xray and found a "mass" in her intestines and told Dan it was probably one of 3 things and 2 of them were fatal. He was devistated. The following Monday they did surgery. They came out in the middle of the surgery to tell Dan and Marie what the problem was...A SOCK! Apparently Molly had eaten one whole! They were much relieved and called me laughing and crying at the same time. Miss Molly is just fine now. A 3 thousand dollar sock! My daughter has a tiny little Yorkie named Coco. When they come to visit, we have five dogs in the house! It's a little crazy, but they all get along well, thank goodness.

We had another dog until last year. Scout was 11 and developed dimentia. He started snapping at the other dogs (who he loved) and was walking sideways and had a "lost" look on his face. When my Dad passed away last May, we brought all the dogs to the vet to board for a few days to go to the funeral in Mississippi and deal with what had happened. Poor Scout was in such bad shape the vet put him to "sleep" that day. It was a rough week.
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Old 05-19-2007, 02:30 PM   #41  
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Hi gang . . .

Sorry that I'm not feeling very chatty today. It's still raining and very cold around here . . . gets depressing really quickly. Not much else going on in my life either. Hopefully the weather and my mood will pick up again soon.

Have a great moving and shaking kind of day, everybody, and I'll see you again soon . . .
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Old 05-20-2007, 09:19 PM   #42  
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Originally Posted by femmecreole View Post
I hope your baby is going to be better very soon! Looking at the picture you have that baby a maltese? I have 2 maltese, Stitch and Murphy and a Catahoula named Roux..

Hey Femme, thank you for the good wishes for my little dog and yes, the avatar pic is of one of my maltese...I have 3 My first little malt came to me from an animal shelter back in 1986 and we've had maltese ever since! The little guy in the pic is not the one that's been sick however. We're hoping with the specialist vet, she can track down what the problem is with our one little dog and get things going for her.

Wow, that whole "dog that ate the sock" deal is amazing!! I'm glad the pup made it through the ordeal!

Anyway, nice to meet another maltese fan on 3FC's

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Old 05-20-2007, 09:27 PM   #43  
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Originally Posted by meowee View Post
It's still raining and very cold around here . . . gets depressing really quickly....Have a great moving and shaking kind of day, everybody, and I'll see you again soon . . .

Meowee I hear you about how the weather can make a huge difference in your mood/energy level!! I'm sorry you have crummy weather for Victoria Day Weekend

We certainly don't have many rain worries here in the US Southwest desert, well except for worrying about not getting ANY rain, but even with all the sunshine, sometime when it's very, very hot, and is that way EVERY SINGLE DAY, it gets to me and I just don't even want to go out. So I just wanted to say I sympathize with you and hope that the weather gets its act together and lets you have a nice summery day!!

How are the new kittens doing, btw?

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Old 05-21-2007, 10:41 AM   #44  
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Good morning ladies,
To our friends in Canada, Happy Victoria Day !!

Sorry I didn't get back here last week, time just seems to be flying by and I can't seem to get caught up on anything. When I weighed last week I had to weigh early as we were gone for 3 days and I had gained that .8 lbs back, but when I weighed yesterday I had lost 1.2 lbs, so I'm beating some of it off but kind of struggling with about 1/2 lb that just comes and goes. I think a lot of it this time of year is water, as I drink constantly, especially if I spend a lot of time outdoors, which I did this weekend.

CHERYL: Congrats on your weight loss !! Keep up the good work. 32 hours on a train, that sounds like a very long time, hope you have some good books with you, or cross stitch or something. Taking food could prove to be a problem. Can you take a small cooler with you for veggies and maybe some Slimfast drinks or something on that order? I just bought some of the WW cereal, that is really good and would make a great snack. Peanut butter sandwiches pack well and are filling also. Good luck and I hope you have a great trip. By the way, how are the CD's doing you talked about, sounds interesting.

MEOWEE: Sorry your weather has been so awful. It has finally gotten nice here except for wind that blows constantly. Today they say 25 - 30 mph.
Did you get all your kitties settled down so you could get some sewing done? I know what you mean about no clothes. It is great to lose weight but then you have to change your wardrobe. Hope you get some new pieces done by the time the weather straightens out.

HY: How is your baby doing? I sure hope it isn't anything life threatening.

Better get busy and go walk on the treadmill. Hope all you gals have a great day and a better day tomorrow.
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Old 05-21-2007, 04:47 PM   #45  
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Default Whoooopppeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have not weighed myself in about 2 years. I hate scales..HATE them. I don't think my weight changed much in those 2 years..same clothes/size fit during that time. ...
I could not resiset when I saw scales at school today and I gave in and hopped on...
Today starts week number 6 I've been on South Beach, and I've lost 18lbs...
yippeee! Now I just have to lose it two more times and I'll be me again!
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