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Old 06-28-2007, 10:58 AM   #151  
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Hi all,

Hope you're all having a great start to your day. I've been a bit too busy the last couple of days so I haven't been around much. My dad who had surgery three weeks ago, started bleading from the insertion site. I took him to emergency and everything turned out fine but it was quite a worry for a couple of days.

This morning I finally got out for a walk again. It felt great.

Have a great day!
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Old 06-29-2007, 09:38 AM   #152  
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Just running by before I leave for the grocery store - like to get things done early in order to beat the heat (somewhat).

I'm looking at July and my goal for that upcoming month...this month was the yoga each morning. I also tried a vegetarian diet for the month of June. For July I'm returning to my usual low-carb program which just seems to work best for me. Think I might committ to the exercise ball workout for the month of July - just have to decide and make sure I chose something that I'll actually do. That's why the yoga this month worked so well - I like doing yoga.

Hope everyone has a great weekend however you chose to spend your time

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Old 06-29-2007, 09:51 AM   #153  
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Hi Gang...I'm staying busy painting, mowing and packing, which is exercise in my book. Forgot to tell you gals that I came back from vacation with a 1 pound loss. I was totally surprised with all the eating out I did. Wednesday was weight watchers, and I loss another 2 pounds. Guess the secret to weight loss is to plan on selling a house.

Realtor was out yesterday and we need to have all the repairs, painting of house and buildings done by July 20th, if not sooner. I'm shooting for July 10th, and hoping our place sell within 52 days like some of their other properties.

Weather has been rather cool, but great for working in the yard and house. we are suppose to warm back up to the high 80's, low 90's by the weekend. UGGGG!! Just so we get no more rain!!!!

My hubby tried to cut his foot off yesterday, thank God the angels were looking out for him. He was out mowing with the push mower and forgot a barrel that was cut in half was behind him. He fell into the barrel with the mower running, since he was hanging on to it for dear life. The blade of the mower cut through the end of his shoe and nicked his big toe nail. He has terrible bruises behind his knees and on the back of one arm, but still has his toes, so very thankfull. He also smashed the passenger window out of our Suburban yesterday while weed wacking. So we need to take it in for repairs today if they get the glass in.

Denise...So glad to hear your father is OK. Really gave you a scare, but so glad it turned out to be nothing.

Hy...We bought a new gadget to do our painting with. It's an airless roller and you can paint an average room in about 16 minutes. It holds a gallon of paint, put a plastic tube into the paint can, plug it in and start painting. Don't have to mess with the paint tray or always having to reload the roller with paint. Also less drips to deal with.

Linda...How our the kids doing? Keeping you on your toes I bet. Kitties are always so much fun to watch and have around. My princess is a lounge lizard, but once in awhile, she does reach out and bat Ozzys tail or chase him around the house. Hope you are starting to get warmer weather in your neck of the woods.

Donna...I know it is hot in your neck of the woods. Hope you are able to stay cool and have a nice relaxing weekend planned. My only day to relax and I can't wait is Sunday when I go to church. Going out to lunch with a friend and maybe go to the movies before coming back home and doing some more packing. I also have a quilt back to get sewed together, so I can get the quilt to the quilters.

Femme...Hope you have something teriffic palnned for your weekend. I know you are hot, humid and sticky in your area.

Well ladies, I need to go check on my hubby and start packing some more things up. Have a wonderful weekend, stay on program and get a walk or some sort of exercise in.

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Old 06-29-2007, 11:30 AM   #154  
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Ok I got those done for today. Thank goodness for air conditioning and fans. It is warm in my office. We have glass brick windows on the East and that's where the gym is. I can't believe it is the end of another month and I haven't made much headway on my weight loss. I have been doing a lot of reading and I guess what I need to do is a lot more cardio and weights. Sooooo that is my goal for July. I really need your help in pushing me to do this. Our anniversary is the 26th and I would love to buy something in a smaller size. Our company summer party is the 27th so a cute shorts outfit would be just the thing !!!!!

CHERYL: Yes it is hot here. Starting tomorrow it is going to be in the mid to upper 90's for a week. They said our humidity would be fairly high also. I can hardly wait. Yes I agree, everything you are doing to get ready to move is deffinately exercise. Your new painting tool sounds fantastic. We have a paint sprayer but I have never used it in the house, think it would be too messy???? Good for you on your weight loss. I'm so proud of you. If you keep working as hard as you are to get your house sold you will be skinny in no time. Having it ready in 2 weeks sounds like a big order, good luck. Sorry to hear about your hubby's accident. Sure glad he wasn't injured any worse, tell him to slow down a little. Have a great weekend and do something fun.

Hy: You will do well with the exercise ball exercises. They are relaxing too,IMO. They are so easy on your body it seems more like play to me. I love mine I use at home and here at the office I have several different sizes so I can use them for lots of different exercises. Good luck in July. Didn't realize you were going vegetarian for June. That sounds too hard for me, I like my protein too much, but I have cut back on my carbs a lot this last month and I do feel better, thanks to you for your help.

MEOWEE: Glad to see all of your babies are healthy and growing. They must have mellowed out some, haven't heard any of antics lately.

DENISE: So glad there was nothing serious with your Dad. What a terrible scare for you and your Mom though. Here's hoping things continue to go well for them and you.

Hope all of you have a great weekend and get a chance to do something fun and maybe even get some exercise in.

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Old 06-29-2007, 05:00 PM   #155  
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Hi there . . .

Sorry I've been missing . . . one of those 'little' thunderstorms struck again and I've been totally without power for the last 45 hours. Terrible time but it could hve been worse . . . at least it isn't the middle of winter. Needless to say, i've not been doing the best of eating or exercising, but hopefully things will get back to normal now.

Have a great evening and, hopefully, I'll be back tomorrow . . .
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Old 06-29-2007, 09:55 PM   #156  
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Hi all,

Meowee - that is terrible - we were out for about two hours last week and I didn't know what to do with myself without my computer! Was much ruined as in trees, homes, etc?

Donna - good for you - getting your exercise done first thing. Doesn't it feel great when you know it's done for the day.

Cheryl - it sounds like a whirl-wind around your place. I'm glad your hubby wasn't hurt in his little incedent.

Hy - good for you for 'switch it up' with your monthly plans. I'm sure it keeps it more motivating.

Have a great weekend. Talk soon,
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Old 06-30-2007, 09:30 AM   #157  
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Hi all . . .

Oh it was soooooo nice to be able to hve coffee first thing this morning. I think I'll start looking for a battery operated coffee maker.

Guess this will be my day to see what I can rescue from the freezer and what has to get tossed (that didn't already make it to the garbage). I tend to use the "cat-scan" method to determine if protein items are safe to cook -- if the cats want it, I cook it and refreeze the cooked stuff -- if the cats won't touch it, it's garbage -- they have much more discerning noses than we mere humans. After that, some laundry; after that, I have to figure out what is wrong with my answering machine If I plug it in, it knocks out my telephones????? Weird. Of course, the power outage coincided with the new 'phone (replacing the one the kittens tried to eat); so I'm not really sure what the problem is -- might be that the new 'phone and the answering machine hate each other.

Luckily the storm only caused property damage . . . nobody hurt. Guess there will be quite a few people spending the long (Canada Day) weekend cleaning up rather than partying.

Anyway, Hope you all have a great day lined up. Keep things moving and shaking and I'll see you later, gang . . .
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Old 07-01-2007, 07:18 AM   #158  
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Good Morning . . .

Time to greet the day everybody . . . here's a link to our new home for July and August . . . see you over there . . .

Later, taters . . .
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