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Old 06-14-2007, 04:38 PM   #106  
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Hi Bobbi . . . Hi Lynne . . .

Well now it would definitely be great if the whole 50+ could find a shared interest and I hope you hear from some more of the girls from this little group.

For me personally. . . I think I'll just sit in the bleachers and cheer for everybody. I get really stressed about challenges and have never ever managed to succeed at any I joined around 3FC.

Have a great day, girls . . .
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Old 06-14-2007, 04:50 PM   #107  
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Thanks for the imput Meow and I was wondering how active this thread was. I'm thinking there is not enough people on this thread to compete????
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Old 06-14-2007, 07:00 PM   #108  
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Yep, I'm going to pass also but wish you all luck on your challenge :-)

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Old 06-14-2007, 07:32 PM   #109  
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Meowee - Your cats sound like a handful! SCALES! Aren't they a pain. I really don't think any scales exept balance scales can be totally accurate. Even digital scales are still spring based, they are just easier to read. I think our home scales can be a guide but the doctor's scale is the only real thing.
The bean salad looks great, I'll have to try it.

How's everbody doing?

A beautiful day here so I went out for a good walk. It felt great to get moving. Not much new. Take care,
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Old 06-15-2007, 08:26 AM   #110  
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Good Morning!

Another beautiful day. Down 3 lbs this week.

Hope to get out for a bike ride and then do some gardening.

Talk later,
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Old 06-15-2007, 11:53 AM   #111  
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oh poo !!!!! I had this almost done and had to leave my desk for a bit and it was gone when I got back. Well now I'm going to have to shorten it as I'm running out of time.
OK it might be a little over done but I am so happy that the sun is shining today. It has been raining off and on for 3 days now. Some towns to our west have gotten another 10", don't think they will ever dry out and so many roads and bridges have been washed out.
AND!!!!! I have tv again. Now I have the fitness channel, I turned it on yesterday afternoon when I got home from work and tried what they were doing, I only made 15 minutes of it. Would like to get up early enough every morning to do at least that much, will have to see how it goes.

SETTIE: CONGRATULATIONS !!!! on losing those 3 lbs. Keep up the good work. Hope your folks are doing ok now that your dad is home.

HY: What type of Yoga are you doing ? I don't know much about yoga but it looks so relaxing. You mentioned you were doing a big construction project, what ya got goin ?

MEOWEE: SCALES - Can't live with them - Can't live without them. LOL
Sounds like the kitties are at it again. They really keep you hopping.

BOBBI & LYNN: I have to go along with the gals here, thanks for asking us to join your challenge, but I seem to have a problem with the pressure of a challenge, never finish or never do well in them. Good luck to your group, let us know how it comes out.

OK CHERYL: It is time for you to come home. We have missed you and are anxious to hear all about your vacation. Hope you had a good visit and had time to get some much needed rest.

This is just so ironic, we talked about fresh lobster last week and guess what ? Our friends from another town have invited us to join them for
Red Lobster tomorrow noon. I can hardly wait, it will be so fun to see them again and to enjoy some seafood. I hope you will be sitting on my shoulder as I have a tendancy to over do it when I go there.
I will talk to all of you on Monday, Have a wonderful weekend everyone !!!

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Old 06-15-2007, 02:59 PM   #112  
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Hi everybody . . .

I'm very late to the party today . . . woke up feeling really rotten . . . went back to bed; slept for another 4 hours and woke up like it's a different day and a different me. Even the weather has taken a wonderful turn toward good -- warm and sunny for a change . . .

Hi SETTIE . . . Congratulations on the SV. I definitely agree about the scales . . . I would love to have one of those great balance-bar scales (however, can't afford to put another addition on the house; those suckers are big ).

Hi DONNA . . . Enjoy the lobster . . . but watch out for those garlic-cheese biscuits at Red Lobster

Main trouble with this funny day of mine is . . . it's now mid afternoon and I've accomplished nothing. Better go and rectify that. See you later, gang . . . keep things moving and shaking . . .
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Old 06-16-2007, 07:35 AM   #113  
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Good Morning . . .
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Old 06-16-2007, 12:35 PM   #114  
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Originally Posted by settie View Post
... Down 3 lbs this week.

settie I'll just say this:


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Old 06-16-2007, 12:52 PM   #115  
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Originally Posted by Donna72664 View Post
HY: What type of Yoga are you doing ? I don't know much about yoga but it looks so relaxing. You mentioned you were doing a big construction project, what ya got goin ?

Donna I do hatha yoga. I despise the "new" variations of yoga that have come about the last few years...but to each their own Yoga for me is a meditative practice with lots of stretching, correct breathing and trying to quiet the mind - that last one is a toughie too - lol!! yoga gives you a ton on energy and is a great way to start the day off feeling balanced.

I've been practicing yoga on and off most of my adult life. The key for me is to only what I am able to do and not compare myself to what others may be doing. You begin to understand clearly that your progress is your own and that many postures become so very easy after first seeming almost impossible - kind of like the way challenges are in life!!

The morning DVD I'm using for my June goal is "AM Yoga" and it is deceptively simple The time it takes to do it is minimal - like 15 mins but what a nice way to begin the day with a clear head and a calm spirit.

Hey, glad you got to have a nice dinner out with friends at Red Lobster!! Sounds wonderful!

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Old 06-16-2007, 12:54 PM   #116  
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Originally Posted by meowee View Post
Good Morning . . .

Right back at ya meowee

I'm off to a doctor's appointment so have a good weekend all and I'll report back Monday.

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Old 06-17-2007, 09:26 AM   #117  
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Hi there

Any special Happy Father's Day plans for you? No Father-types around my place, so things will be fairly quiet.

Finally got some new pictures of the triplets (now 3 months old) for you to see. Wasn't easy -- they are either asleep or moving so fast that all you get is a blur.

Anyway, hope everybody has a great moving and shaking kind of day and we'll be seeing you again really soon . . .
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Old 06-17-2007, 07:58 PM   #118  
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I'm Backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!! Gosh I missed you ladies so much. I had a wonderful visit with my family, but was so glad to get back home, missed my hubby too much. I haven't stepped on the scales, but know I have gained at least 10 pounds if not more. My daughter and her family eat out for almost every meal, plus I had problems retaining water for some reason. My feet still look elephant stumps, but it does'nt help that I was sitting for over 36 hours on the train ride.

The train ride out was very nice, but coming back I didn't like it, guess because I had to spend two nights on the train sitting up. The grandkids are growing like weeds and you can bet that I spoiled my new grandson.

The latest news is that we may be moving back to Oregon by september. My hubby has applied for a job at the new prison that will open in September. We see a realtor tomorrow to put our house up for sale, and I have lots of painting to do to get it ready, plus a yard to mow. Guess it rained almost the whole time i was gone so our grass is over 2 feet high. We got the front yard mowed between storms yesterday, but can't get the big mower started to do the rest of the yard. May have to go out and buy a new mower tomorrow.

A big WELCOME to all the newbies. Looke forward to getting to know you.

Well gals, I have ton's of wash to get caught up on. Hubby didn't wash the whole time I was gone, but he did do dishes.

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Old 06-17-2007, 10:02 PM   #119  
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Hi Everyone,

I just got back from a Father's day dinner. It sure was great to see my dad looking so well. They do wonders in surgeries these days.

Cheryl - It sounds like you had a wonderful time at your daughters. How many children does she have?

Meowee - Your cats are precious. Are they all from the same litter?

Donna - I trust you had a great dinner. It's okay to splurge once in a while.

Hy - I hope all went well for you at the doctor.

Not much to report. We're supposed to be having another thunderstorm tonight. It's getting to be a bit much but I think a lot of North America is in the same boat - maybe it should be an ark.

Talk soon,
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Old 06-18-2007, 09:52 AM   #120  
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Hi . . .

Welcome back CHERYL . . . . . . We missed you. Glad you had a great time. Boy, I bet you are excited about moving back to Oregon.

Agree about the 'Ark', SETTIE . . . . . . It is cold and pouring rain here, too. Yes, the kittens are litter mates. A real weak moment . . . just couldn't pick one, or two, so I took all three.

Nothing too exciting on my agenda . . . need to pay some bills . . . should go out for some groceries, too . . . but, as mentioned, I neglected to get the ark ready, so maybe I'll just hibernate. Have a great day, gang . . . keep things moving and shaking . . . see you soon.
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