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Old 05-31-2007, 08:43 PM   #61  
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Yep I did get to swim and it was great! I know tommorrow is June 01 and I like to do "goals for a month" so maybe I'll consider a swim 5 or even 7 days a week for the month....hmmmm....must be ready to commit if that's what I decide to do. I'll let you all know!

I've been terribly lazy or distracted or something all week - can't seem to focus on ONE project and instead have about 50 going on simultaneously and not one finished!!!

I choose to blame it on the full moon

Staying on my program but I also may overhaul a bit for June. I'm having a problem with finding veggies I can eat - the low carb deal retricts several and then I can't do a lot of the raw veggies that interfere with the thyroid. At some point I've started getting tired of just eating green beans, romaine lettuce, cukes and tomatoes every single day!!! Oh well, I'll live!

Hugs to all

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Old 06-01-2007, 09:03 AM   #62  
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Happy to see June . . . . . . Wow.

Just thought I'd stop by with a quick . This has been a busy morning for me so far . . . starting new monthly threads and closing old ones.

Good luck finding some new veggies to eat HY . . . . . . How about baby spinach for a change? Mushrooms? . . . I really feel for you, girl. I'd be lost if I couldn't eat my cruciferous (brocolli and cauliflower are staples for me). How are you with asparagus? That's my all-tme favourite veggie . . . and tomatoes, of course (although they are really a fruit).

See you soon, everybody . . . hope you have a great moving and shaking kind of day planned . . .
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Old 06-01-2007, 09:38 AM   #63  
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It is June !!!! Certainly hope this brings about a change in the weather.
However it is raining again this morning.

HY and MEOWEE: Sounds as if you gals are doing great. Maybe a new month will give us a new surge of energy to keep going on this weight loss journey we are on. I found this comment on another weight loss group and I thought I would pass it on here:
"Remember, we all stumble, everyone of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand" ----Emily Kembrough
I believe that is what we are doing here,so I'm asking for your help, Hang on to my hand so when I do stumble you will keep me from falling.

HY you are blaming the full moon, good idea, I'm blaming this dreary weather. I too am having trouble staying with any one thing, especially my eating plan and exercise. I'm getting so bummed out, if the sun ever gets out and stays out that will help

Not anything new to report, hope you have a wonderful weekend.
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Old 06-02-2007, 08:11 AM   #64  
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Hi gang . . .

Weather is definitely improving a little around here . . . sun keeps peeking out and weather is supposed to be around 20C/70F today . . . although they are predicting a cool one again tomorrow and then warmer with rain for Monday. Hey . . . remains to be seen what will really develop.

DONNA . . . consider your hand held, girl . . . we all need all the support we can get on this long and winding road to better health and fitness . . . together we can all do it . . .

Keep things moving and shaking, kiddos . . . see you all later . . .
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Old 06-02-2007, 08:48 AM   #65  
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Default Need Support Please

I've been away for awhile. My body is changing for the worse, I noticed my knee now has the flab of fat on the inside of my leg. I'm getting bigger and bigger. I do not have a colon due to ulcerative colitis and have problems eating raw and some cooked veggies. I love veggies, but they don't love me. My feet have been so swollen this week at work I thought I might have to leave and go home just to prop them up. Can you all relate to this?
I made an appointment to talk to a doctor about WLS. I go the 16th for the consult. That seems so drastic.
I need to do this myself and with the support of friends like this board will see me thru. Pray for me, my body aches.

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Old 06-02-2007, 08:56 AM   #66  
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Just stick out your hand, SISTER . . . . . . We are all here for you, too. Make 3FC a daily habit . . . it really does seem to help.
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Old 06-02-2007, 10:19 AM   #67  
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That's a tough one. Is this a specialist you are seeing? The first one? Do you have a regular doctor you can really trust. Be sure to get all of the information (both pros and cons) that you can before making the decision. I haven't had this surgery but I've had enough other ones to know that you want to go into it with ALL of the info you can get.

Good luck with your decision and keep us up to date.
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Old 06-03-2007, 11:15 AM   #68  
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Hi there, Chickies . . .

Hope everybody is having a great Sunday. The "sun" is actually shining here in Atlantic Canada this morning and that always makes my mood a little more too.

My best news for the day is that I picked up my new glasses yesterday and I can actually "SEE" . . . Yippee . . . I can read and watch TV at the same time, again (as silly as that sounds, it's something I do all the time). Actually bought myself a new book to celebrate . . . The Eat Clean Diet, by Tosca Reno, a Canadian who writes a regular column for Oxygen Magazine. Some interesting stuff. Not really a "diet" just information about 'clean/healthy' eating habits.

Hope everybody is having a great moving and shaking weekend . . . also hope to see you all again soon . . .
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Old 06-03-2007, 12:23 PM   #69  
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Originally Posted by meowee View Post
Actually bought myself a new book to celebrate . . . The Eat Clean Diet, by Tosca Reno, a Canadian who writes a regular column for Oxygen Magazine. Some interesting stuff. Not really a "diet" just information about 'clean/healthy' eating habits.

Meowee that sounds like an interesting book. Let us know what you think of it. The 'clean/healthy' eating is what I've been into for over 10 years now, trying to do smart organic (meaning actually researching and knowing as best as I can where the food is produced. Not just taking an advertisement's word for it - lol) Also avoiding processed anything. And it is a continual learning experience, for me anyway. If you like the book, I might ask my library to order it here.

Yea! on the new glasses - I'm really happy for you that your surgery and it's side-effects FINALLY paid off. Eyesight truly is a gift.

Hugs to you
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Old 06-03-2007, 12:34 PM   #70  
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Originally Posted by MiddleSister View Post
I made an appointment to talk to a doctor about WLS. I go the 16th for the consult. That seems so drastic.


MiddleSister I don't think speaking with a doctor is drastic and that's all you're going to do right now It's smart to get info, plain and simple. I haven't had WLS and don't know anyone personally that has, so can't really say much one way or another, but perhaps it might help when you see this doctor for the consult to ask if they know of a reputable support group (online or otherwise) that you could join before you make any decisions?

I would think that talking to others that have gone through the surgery or are considering the surgery might be very helpful.

Best wishes!!

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Old 06-03-2007, 12:46 PM   #71  
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Finally decided on my JUNE Goal!

I'll do one of my exercise CD's first thing in the morning as soon as I wake up. It's only 20 mins and I'll do it Monday through Friday with weekends off (I like to be realistic ) This will be for the entire month of June and when July rolls around, I'll re-examine and decide if I want to add another month.

So tomorrow June 4 starts it all and I hope all the chickies here will wish me success.

As far as food, I'm doing well I think on the SBD, avoiding all the processed foods that are sold under that name of course And limiting the fruits as those send me off into cravings. Even when I combine with a little protein. Sigh. Just the way it is for me. Oh well, I love veggies so at least I have those!

Have a wonderful Sunday and I'll check in this week


PS: still swmming too Just adding the 20 mins workout CD to my schedule for my June goal.

Last edited by hyacinth merry; 06-03-2007 at 05:09 PM.
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Old 06-03-2007, 03:30 PM   #72  
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This is my first time ever looking for support on the web. Bottomline, for the past 3 years I've had enormous family responsibilities that have managed to completely evaporate any interest I had in being physically fit, staying within my 5 lb. range and taking care of myself in general. I don't expect to get "myself back" overnight but I want to see some positive results soon! I've gained 15 lbs. which if you're on the petite side of height is a lot. Plus, at 53, it takes much more time and investment to lose weight, gain muscle, etc. I appreciate any suggestions, support. Most of all the thought of being accountable encourages me.

Thanx, Ladies
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Old 06-03-2007, 04:52 PM   #73  
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Welcome to the group HB216 . . . 3FC is a marvellous place for support . . . hope you'll be stopping in to visit with us on a regular basis . . .

Good to hear from you, HY . . . As much as I imagine you would like that book, from the sounds of things there's probably nothing in there you don't already know. But don't let that stop you from getting the library to bring it in. One can never read too much on this topic. . . BTW, sounds like a great goal for June.

Hey SISTER . . . did you notice that we have quite an active WLS Forum here at 3FC? Here's a link . . . . . . sure you'll find lots and lots of caring and informative Chickies over there to discuss things with.
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Old 06-03-2007, 10:19 PM   #74  
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A welcome from me too HB216

I was a new person too at some point, as are all of us if you go back far enough I hope you find the support and encouragement you're looking for- it does help!!

I'm pretty sure the "regulars" here all have different programs they are working on. Me, I'm a low-carb person as that works for my particular situation. I started a few years back on Atkins (to the lettter) Since March of this year I've been doing South Beach after a friend asked if I would join her on this program. My loss is slow, but it is healthy. And that's my story

Wishing you lots of success!

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Old 06-03-2007, 10:32 PM   #75  
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Originally Posted by meowee View Post
HY . . . As much as I imagine you would like that book, from the sounds of things there's probably nothing in there you don't already know. But don't let that stop you from getting the library to bring it in. One can never read too much on this topic. . . .

Definitely cannot read too much on this subject!!!! I am no expert, trust me, meowee!!! It's just that I was raised in a farm environment - family farm, not agribusiness! And it makes no sense to me to eat foods that have been processed so heavily - I can eat paper or cardboard and take a vitamin and eat just about as healthy - lol!!!

The recent Pet Food Recall highlighted what I've been trying to avoid for myself for years - I don't want to eat food that has to be processed or added to...

So I'm always interested in learning new info - we live in a rapidly changing world and it is smart to keep updated as much as possible IMO. Please do let me know what you think of the book, if it was well-written, etc. I value your opinion

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