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Old 08-26-2012, 06:01 PM   #151  
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I'm so glad you joined! I knew you would qualify for assistance and it is worth every penny. Water aerobics is an awesome workout. Glad you tried it. I'm home from my hunny's house 2.5 hrs away and I visited his ymca but I'm excited to be home and back for tomorrow's water aerobics class and my favorite... adaptive yoga! Yay!
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Old 08-26-2012, 08:29 PM   #152  
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Hello all!

I'm new to this thread. I started the Couch-to-5K on August 5th. I have not missed a day when I was supposed to run (3x a week). On Thursday I also began adding some easy dumbbell weight training on my non-running days. So far, so good.

I'm not really sure if I've been taken over by aliens or something. I've never stuck to an exercise plan this religiously for this long! I am also doing a higher protein, lower fat diet (using some Herbalife shakes). I feel very invested in the whole thing. My major goal is at least 40 lbs gone by my 40th birthday in February.
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Old 08-26-2012, 08:40 PM   #153  
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Thanks for the reality check and encouragement, WolfShadow. I really appreciate it. I'm so jealous of your water aerobics! I wish there was a Y near me.
Yikes, sounds like your friend is going through quite a rough patch. I'll add her to my prayers.

Welcome, CelticHarpie!
Re: Aliens. I feel you on that. Sometimes when I've finished a workout or I'm babbling about exercise or whatever I have to take a step back because... whoa. That's me? Really?! Dang.
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Old 08-26-2012, 10:47 PM   #154  
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CelticHarpie- I started c25k about the same time you did! I'm still on week 2 though just because I'm taking it a bit slower than the suggested timeline. I hope you love it, so far I do! Although week 3 looks daunting. I want to do my first couch-to-5k color run in May 2013. I'm so excited!

Wolfshadow- I'm sooo jellie of your super happy scale moment! I hope to be 299 by next Sunday when I weigh in. At least that was the goal date I had set for that challenge at the beginning of August. You should look into adaptive yoga if they have it at your Y. It is my fave! It's gentle yoga adapted for all fitness levels and has modifications for issues such as your bum knee (or my lower back injury last year that I don't want to re-injure) I know what you mean about additional programs the Y offers that aren't in your budget right now, there's a class I wanna take that's 4 wks for $40 twice a week and I think I'm gonna save my pennies and treat myself to the session that begins in October. That could be my reward for meeting my sept goal.

Are any of you on If you are and you'd like to add me my user name is chubbygirl253 on there too. Just mention on there that you are from 3fc. That site is an amazing weightloss tool, although I come here for the advice and comraderie and support.

When I was away at my hunny's house I didn't get enough exercise but I've stayed within my calorie budget. Tomorrow I make up for it! Getting back to my routine feels good.
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Old 08-26-2012, 11:01 PM   #155  
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I ran the 8k race route today and didn't die! haha. In fact, I ran longer and made better time then I ever expected. Now I have a goal time in mind and can work to reach/surpass that!!

After the run, we took our daughter swimming and I did some stretching in the hot tub (felt soooo nice).

Tomorrow I will do some abs and squats in the evening.
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Old 08-27-2012, 10:49 AM   #156  
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Hey ladies! Grats to all of you seeing a loss and even to those who haven't in a bit, grats on staying on target! I am off for a bike ride tonight, hoping to do a little over 8 miles total, it should be a good time. It's supposed to be hot and humid though, so that might be gross. still going to do it though.

I saw 159 on the scale for the first time since, I think, middle school so I was super psyched about that. I want to be into the 150s solidly before I declare it a thing. Still, wicked cool.
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Old 08-27-2012, 11:28 AM   #157  
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Hello! I am new to the boards and would like to join this thread.

I have 4 children at home and work full-time so I don't often find too much time for myself for exercise. I do have a gym membership which I do use to work out on my lunch hour. It gives me 35 minutes at the gym doing cardio or weight training. It isn't as much as I would like but it is something.

I am good at staying consistent when I get into a good groove but sometimes things don't go my way. Appointments and missed time from work sometimes have me working through my lunch hour which means I miss out on exercise for the day.

Ultimately, I want to work out at home as well. I have a Wii Fit and the Wii Active game, work out DVD's, and the 30 Day Shred that I want to start so bad. However, I often find everything else to do at home rather than work out.

Hoping to find some support here!!
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Old 08-27-2012, 12:24 PM   #158  
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welcome mama jules! i always had the same problems trying to work out at home, everything else always seems to get in the way

it's been so much easier to have a gym membership...this summer when i was working a day schedule, i would get up early on purpose to go work out because then nothing could possibly come up to get in the way...during the school year i work a split shift schedule so i have time during the day to workout

i thought i posted somewhere on here that i did a 2-mile fundraiser walk on saturday and then had a rest day on sunday...cant remember if i posted that or just thought about posting it LOL

eating wasnt very much on track this weekend, too much food in general i dont think i went far overboard but it was worse than i'd like to do...back on track today

am aiming for running two miles at the gym this morning...i told myself it doesnt matter what length of intervals that i run, as long as i get the mileage in, but im aiming for four sets of half mile intervals
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Old 08-27-2012, 04:37 PM   #159  
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alaskanlaughter - Thank you. I wish that I could get to the gym before work. That is my favorite time to work out, first thing in the morning, but I have to take the kids to daycare so it doesn't work out. As soon as my 11 month old gets on a consistent wake schedule, I plan to start getting up early and getting in a work out before work. Then I can use my lunch hour strictly for weight training. Ahhh, that would be perfect.
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Old 08-27-2012, 06:06 PM   #160  
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@ChubbyGirl Heheh, thanks! I wasn't planning on doing it. The schedule was all wrong on my sheet.. It said Y-Noah was at 5:30 so I figured when a bunch of kids didn't show up I was golden to keep swimming... and then 6 PM rolled around and WATER AEROBICS. I still can't believe I got on that damned elliptical after! I was pouring sweat! It especially got bad after 'cool down'! I couldn't see out of my glasses, they were sopped! Sad thing is, my pool is closed till just after Labor Day for annual maintenance on it... So Sept 5th I can go back... though I'm getting ready to head over there now and get some elliptical in and hopefully one of the cool machines I saw.. something that's supposed to work your back!

Tomorrow's gonna be TONS of fun at the Y.. my sister is inspired by me, and wants to join a gym, so she's going with me tomorrow as a guest! I'll have a work out partner! ^_^ I really hope she decides to join my Y so she can go with me.

@CelticHarpie - Welcome! Yeah, I know what you mean... I can't believe I bought a swim cap! And exercise shorts!

@MamaJules - Welcome to you as well! I hope you enjoy the thread and I hope you find a way to balance kiddos and workouts! I don't have kids but I have 3 dogs and 18 cats so... I kinda know that juggle. But I also am not working right now so it's easier on me. My biggest worry is not keeping up with it when I find the new job.

@ThistleBerry - You're welcome! We all gotta keep positive and keep each other going. Don't let the bobbles get ya down.

Anyway, off to the Y! You ladies have a good evening!
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:30 PM   #161  
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welcome mamajules!

well I am tired because I really pushed myself in my workout today. I only have 6 days left till my weigh-in on Sunday 9/02 and I am 3 pounds from my goal. So this week is like LAST CHANCE WORKOUT (ON BIGGEST LOSER) for me. I really wanna make my goal.

So today I did 25 mins of strength training and 3 hours and 35 mins of cardio. I worked my tail off! Now I get to rest up before tomorrow's workout.
50 mins yoga
45 mins elliptical (3 miles/ over 3500 strides! on level 6)
45 mins water aerobics
5 mins stair stepper (a whole new level of **** on Earth for me!)
15 mins rowing machine
25 mins c-to-5k training wk 2 (intervals- 10 mins jogging/15 mins walking)
18 mins stationary bike (3 miles)
12 mins recumbant cross-trainer with arms (workload 8 out of 10)

I did it!
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Old 08-28-2012, 10:17 AM   #162  
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Originally Posted by Wolfshadow View Post
@ChubbyGirl Heheh, thanks! I wasn't planning on doing it. The schedule was all wrong on my sheet.. It said Y-Noah was at 5:30 so I figured when a bunch of kids didn't show up I was golden to keep swimming... and then 6 PM rolled around and WATER AEROBICS. I still can't believe I got on that damned elliptical after! I was pouring sweat! It especially got bad after 'cool down'! I couldn't see out of my glasses, they were sopped! Sad thing is, my pool is closed till just after Labor Day for annual maintenance on it... So Sept 5th I can go back... though I'm getting ready to head over there now and get some elliptical in and hopefully one of the cool machines I saw.. something that's supposed to work your back!

@MamaJules - Welcome to you as well! I hope you enjoy the thread and I hope you find a way to balance kiddos and workouts! I don't have kids but I have 3 dogs and 18 cats so... I kinda know that juggle. But I also am not working right now so it's easier on me. My biggest worry is not keeping up with it when I find the new job.

Anyway, off to the Y! You ladies have a good evening!
Thank you. =)

I applaud you for doing the Elliptical. I HATE that machine. I have tried it on only 2 occasions and I couldn't hang for longer than 5 minutes. Not because it was tough, but because it was just so awkward for me. I am sure I need to give it a try more than twice to get used to it but I just feel so weird using it.
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Old 08-28-2012, 10:21 AM   #163  
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Chubbygirl253 - That is quite the workout!!!! Good luck with meeting your goal!
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Old 08-30-2012, 12:56 AM   #164  
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Thanks mamajules! Its funny what u said about the elliptical being so awkward, I was just like you! For a long time I couldn't get the hang of it because of its awkwardness. It felt like trudging through quicksand while wearing clown shoes make of steel. But I finally got it! And now I do 45 mins on it 5-6 days a week. Yet the first moment I step on it I usually end up going backwards for a few seconds until I get my act together. So keep trying.
Right now I can only do 5 mins on the stair stepper machine so that is currently what I'm trying to master. The first time I did it I thought, Oh what fresh **** is this!!! In less than 5 mins my whole body is screaming for mercy. But I will keep trying until someday, oh someday I can do 10 mins. LOL

So my back is still hurt. I hope this injury gets better fast. This is the 2nd day and its horrible. I still completed 3 hrs of low-impact cardio but everything is harder. You know your body is outta whack when 30 mins on the elliptical is easier than walking half a block even at a snails pace. I can't walk upright. I look like I'm a hundred years old because I'm hunched over and someone with a cane or walker could probably work circles around me. But I'm keeping up with my workouts. Thank God for my yoga teacher who helped me get some wonderful SAFE stretches without hurting myself further. Was able to do the whole practice. Even the warrior poses, using a chair. I only had to skip reverse warrior until my back is healed. Left there feeling sore but good.

Nite everyone!
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Old 08-30-2012, 04:46 PM   #165  
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the stairmaster is hard on my knees so i've never messed around with it much...i use the treadmill at its highest incline if i want to get that same effect

im insanely busy during the weekdays so i dont post much then...i read everyone's posts but dont often post myself or respond

ive been running two miles a day this week, only in much smaller intervals, which seems to be working nicely so far...once my distance is put in, i have been walking fast on a small incline until the rest of my minutes on the treadmill are done

yesterday i was a little sore so i took two regular Bayer with food and then worked out, nervous that i would have a reaction to it as i sometimes do...i have what's called exercise-induced hives, reactions to medications only while working out...there's a name for it, something fancy, but i've forgotten it...i didnt have a reaction yesterday

today i took one extra-strength Bayer with food and worked out....i had the reaction from H*LL!!! i knew i was a little itchy on the last half of the running but didnt realize how bad it was til i got ENTIRE body was covered in huge itchy swollen welts! these are not tiny little bumps, these are bigger than a quarter! the only parts of my body that escaped this seemed to be the bottoms of my feet and my privates lol....i took alot of throat was also swollen which hasnt happened before...i took an antihistamine and waited 45 minutes for the reaction to subside before i could get dressed again...most of the swelling and welts have subsided now, an hour after my workout was hands are still red, itchy and swollen but not insanely bad like earlier
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