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Old 11-15-2012, 11:05 PM   #301  
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i did a extra-harder HIIT on the treadmill today...kinda to make up for not going in tomorrow...i might go to a yoga class on saturday but not sure upper leg in the front is still giving me aches...not sure what's up with that...might see if a 3 day rest will help it out

and just because i "rest" for three days or whatever, i'm by no means not moving around...i still work full time, mostly on my feet, raise our kids, run errands, clean house etc...
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Old 11-16-2012, 05:51 PM   #302  
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Ok, very short post from me..

I beat the 10-pound-10-week challenge. My start was 297, my end was 279. 18 pounds. I was also officially my Y's biggest loser during the challenge, unless someone comes today who's lost more than me.

Haven't really been exercising much. Been too cold to ride the bike and all. We did go walking, just me and Axl and Toboe (my two dogs) through the Lights on the Lake display free stroll Wednesday, and walked about 6 miles.. I haven't walked our normal route in a few months, and my hips are still sore from that walk. Hoping it goes away soon.

Anyway, since I beat the challenge, I was sorta bad yesterday and treated myself to Burger King. A Whooper, a small vanilla shake, and a small fry. I haven't had fast food in about 3 months so I figured it was worth it. I also swam yesterday for about 2 and a half hours.. so I figured I could afford the calories / carbs.

Anyway. gotta go eat something, I'm starving. You ladies have a nice day/evening and keep working!
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Old 11-18-2012, 11:09 AM   #303  
is a persistent thistle
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Originally Posted by alaskanlaughter View Post
and just because i "rest" for three days or whatever, i'm by no means not moving around...i still work full time, mostly on my feet, raise our kids, run errands, clean house etc...
I certainly wasn't thinking you were lying around eating bonbons all day. I haven't worked out since Thursday, so it might seem like I've been slacking, but that isn't the case. I certainly haven't been inactive. There's a lot to do! We understand.

Congratulations, Wolfshadow! You blew the competition out of the water. 18 pounds is crazy fantastic!
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Old 11-19-2012, 10:46 PM   #304  
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Originally Posted by Thistleberry View Post
I certainly wasn't thinking you were lying around eating bonbons all day. I haven't worked out since Thursday, so it might seem like I've been slacking, but that isn't the case. I certainly haven't been inactive. There's a lot to do! We understand.

Congratulations, Wolfshadow! You blew the competition out of the water. 18 pounds is crazy fantastic!
LOL my mom always gives me a hard time because my "rest" days include no resting whatsoever...she always tells me to take it easy, take a nap, stuff like that LOL
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Old 11-19-2012, 10:49 PM   #305  
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i had friday off from a workout because of my allergy testing...i tested as medically allergic to cats, lobster and cockroaches as well as mildly allergic (not enough to warrant a diagnosis) to nearly everything else they tested me for - 33 inhalant allergens like trees, mold etc and 23 food allergens...i was prescribed an epipen for my most severe reactions and basically told that my whole system is highly sensitive to any/everything and is probably inherited from my dad, who has hay fever, allergies and excema

i took my saturday and sunday rest days and today i did HIIT on the was a crazy busy day at work, on my feet ALL day and mentally exhausted as well...
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Old 11-20-2012, 12:05 PM   #306  
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Originally Posted by alaskanlaughter View Post
i had friday off from a workout because of my allergy testing...i tested as medically allergic to cats, lobster and cockroaches as well as mildly allergic (not enough to warrant a diagnosis) to nearly everything else they tested me for - 33 inhalant allergens like trees, mold etc and 23 food allergens...i was prescribed an epipen for my most severe reactions and basically told that my whole system is highly sensitive to any/everything and is probably inherited from my dad, who has hay fever, allergies and excema

i took my saturday and sunday rest days and today i did HIIT on the was a crazy busy day at work, on my feet ALL day and mentally exhausted as well...
Geez, that is a lot to have to deal with. I read your post about it in general chatter and hope the ladies that responded there were able to help you make a decision about whether to pursue additional testing. I have some allergies but they've always been quite mild so have never been in your position.

I did get a nice run in on Sunday and I did both Zumba and Flow yesterday night. I found out recently my work covers gym costs up to a certain amount though the studio I go to doesn't qualify, so I've got an orientation appointment at a local gym later today. I expect I won't enjoy running on a treadmill quite as much as I do running outside, but I've got to face the reality that it is just too cold (not to mention dark) when I get home from work at night.
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Old 11-23-2012, 01:47 AM   #307  
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monday: HIIT on the treadmill
tuesday: walk at fast pace uphill for an hour on the treadmill
wednesday: HIIT on the treadmill
thursday: rest day - happy thanksgiving!!
friday: going to do something on the treadmill LOL maybe HIIT
saturday: going to try a morning yoga class which i dont think counts as exercise but still...
sunday: rest day

i stayed pretty good on calories today...i aimed for 1500 or less calories on mon-wed and gave myself permission to eat with awareness today and i ended up at about 1700 calories PLUS a slice and a half of homemade pumpkin pie, whatever that equals out to be

i feel full but not stuffed...just nicely full, which is what i wanted, was to NOT end up feeling insanely stuffed full

i did the entire meal cooking today as well as all the kitchen-cleaning and also the tired and going to bed now

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Old 11-25-2012, 06:09 PM   #308  
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i didnt do any workout on friday after all...i was just in a holiday mindset i guess LOL

saturday i tried the yoga class and really liked it...felt GOOD to take time for myself to stretch out, refocus, meditate etc....the 5 minutes of deep breathing meditation at the end was 5 minutes more than i've ever meditated in years! i remember why i love yoga now!

today sunday i felt like my body really wanted to i swept off the snow from the 4wd truck and went to the gym even though it's snowing today (expecting a foot of snow total by tomorrow)...i ran my HIIT and then walked at a fast pace and incline for the rest of the hour....i feel much better now

im also trying to commit to a low sugar/low wheat way of eating until christmas because i KNOW those kick off my cravings badddd....we'll see how that goes....i KNOW it helps my diet but whether i can actually do it or not, we'll see how my willpower is
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Old 11-28-2012, 12:06 PM   #309  
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I'm glad you enjoyed your yoga so much. Good luck on the low sugar/low wheat! I hope it's going well so far.

I've been feeling pretty poorly the last week or so and haven't been very active. I'm trying to convince myself to go to Bodyflow tonight but I feel like such a pitiful lump.
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Old 11-29-2012, 01:57 AM   #310  
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its been going well with the low sugar/low wheat...i have a hard time with ZERO sugar or wheat or even low carb in general because i rebel against such hard and fast i kind of bargain with myself like i can have ONE something that contains some sugar, like in a store coffee, or ONE something with wheat, like the noodles in our dinner....but the rest of the day needs to be clean...and that's worked well so far...i think about what one thing i want to spend that on and then it's easier to eat clean the rest of the day...also aiming for calories 1500-1600 and working out pretty hard daily

we'll see if it makes a difference...i can tell that my appetite and cravings have diminished...unfortunately my appetite has had little correlation in the past to what i actually put in my mouth LOL but i'm working on it

today i did some running and some walking for an hour on the arm is still bothering me from a week ago (i think i posted in general chatter about it) but it's slowly feeling better...tomorrow i'll do something similar on the treadmill

it's a late night...worked til 6 p.m. and went straight to a board meeting for an organization that im on their board of home at 9 p.m. zzz
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Old 11-29-2012, 09:30 AM   #311  
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I've stuck primarily to calorie counting because I don't do well with hard and fast rules either. I do try to keep things lower carb, but every time I have tried "low" carb it just doesn't work out. I think it might be beneficial for me, especially as I have PCOS, but it requires so much more planning and so much more work because, though I have come a very long way, I'm still somewhat of a picky eater.
Do you keep track of your macros at all? Just curious.

I went to Flow last night! And it was lovely. I was still feeling all out of sorts with myself and my body and exercise though. So, even though it was already quite late by the time I got into town, I stopped at the gym after Flow and hopped on a treadmill for half an hour. Consequently, I got to bed way too late and I'm awfully tired today, but I feel good. I'm glad I did it. I plan to go in after work tonight.
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Old 11-29-2012, 12:27 PM   #312  
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i dont keep track of my macros as tightly as some people do...i log things in a notebook so i dont have the fancy trackers and apps online that other people use...i write down what i eat and the calories in it...i try to hit my two goals every day : 1500-1600 calories (either total or with exercise calories subtracted) and low sugar/low wheat...i keep track of macros to the extent that i try to eat healthy, i try to eat good protein, try to keep sugars low and try to stay away from junk foods...i also track my exercise and what i do, i track the vitamins and medications that i take, and whether there's an unusual amount of stress during the day
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Old 12-02-2012, 04:19 PM   #313  
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where has all the 30-something accountability gone?? its just been me and maybe thistleberry? for awhile now

i took an hour and a half yoga class yesterday and spent the day running errands ahead of a big snowstorm moving we're getting lots of snow...gonna take the 4wd truck out to do a few things and then keep staying's a rest day from the gym today and probably wont even go to the hot tub there because of the snowstorm...i know *I* can drive safe on the roads but i dont trust that everyone else can and it only takes one stupid driver to slide into me...i love DH's truck in bad weather

where have you all gone since thanksgiving??
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Old 12-04-2012, 06:59 PM   #314  
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I've been stuck putting in long days at work and running all over trying to sort out some car troubles. I haven't been able to exercise nearly as much as I'd like. But, annoying though it may be insofar as time is concerned, it makes me feel very blessed. I have a job and I have enough money in savings to cover the car costs. Things could be a lot worse.

Ran 2 miles today. I would like to have done more but would not have been able to shower in time to make my meeting, and surely something is better than nothing.

Not exercise related, but I'd recently been having a lot of headaches and couldn't figure out why. I think I've narrowed it down to artificial sweeteners. I didn't realize how many had crept their way into my diet! Gum, syrup, salad dressing, pudding, etc. Now that I'm aware of it, I'm trying to cut the majority back out. Haven't had a headache for two days now so I'm hoping that was it. Fingers crossed.
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Old 12-09-2012, 10:06 PM   #315  
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Hope everyone is doing well.

Been getting a lot of informal exercise the last few days playing with our new puppy. She's a black and white cocker spaniel and pretty much the cutest thing you've ever seen. So sweet!!

I ran 5k at the gym yesterday morning and then decided I wanted to go swimming at the aquatic center in the afternoon. I managed laps for half an hour. I really wanted to do more but my contacts were glued to my eyeballs and they were burning something fierce. I went out and bought a pair of goggles yesterday. Thought I'd probably go swimming this afternoon as well, but town lost power and it was just safer to stay put. I think I'm going to go tomorrow afternoon (have the day off owing to a dentist appointment) and then attend Flow at night.

I always feel so embarrassed swimming but not for the usual reasons. I actually don't feel much anxiety wearing my swimsuit in public at all anymore except that it's too big and I'm constantly worried I'm going to lose the bottoms when I get out of the pool. My big problem is that I'm awful at swimming. I mean, I failed basic swim classes as a kid. Twice! But it's just such an enjoyable form of exercise and it torches so many calories even when you don't do it right just so long as you keep moving. And isn't that a wonderful thing? I feel like the lifeguards have got to be rolling their eyes at my flailing but I try to ignore it as best I can.
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