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Old 09-13-2012, 12:43 PM   #211  
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i have TOM this week and it's also been raining like crazy, also thunderstorms...and cold, very very wet and chilly and cold ugh i hate being cold...ive still been running though

also been variously ravenous with TOM and then not hungry...the day before yesterday, i ate A LOT (!!) of food and yesterday was barely hungry at im starving this morning so i ate more than usual...i try to really listen to my hunger signals and what my body's telling me vs. just a craving...granted, sometimes i'll cave to a craving anyhow...but if i'm genuinely hungry then i will eat

im done with my morning i get to rest, take son to high school, go to the gym and work til 6 p.m....directly after 6 i have two different meetings to be at idea when i'll be home

and also, with the bruising question, i would think that yes you could retain water if there are alot of big serious bruises, your body would treat it like any other injury and retain water
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Old 09-14-2012, 09:23 AM   #212  
is a persistent thistle
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Sorry TOM is giving you such a hassle appetite-wise, Alaskanlaugher, though it sounds like you're managing to keep your calories pretty balanced anyway. Natural calorie cycling. Good for you!

Yesterday was one of those days when I didn't particularly feel like lifting but was all about the post-workout smoothie so did anyway. (Well, that and I have a goal to get a certain number in this month and if I skip that'll be near impossible.) Even still, managed to up my Bulgarian Split Squat and Cuban Snatch weights last night by 2.5 lbs each. The only unfortunate thing was that I pinched a finger when I was reracking my plates. That resulted in a lot of hopping around and incoherent muttering.

I'd really like to hoop again tonight but I'm not really keen on putting bruises on top of bruises so I think I'm going to do some yoga instead.

I signed up for a 5k with my sister and her sister-in-law and mother-in-law! I've never done one. Pretty excited about it. It's on September 22nd.

Last edited by Thistleberry; 09-14-2012 at 09:25 AM.
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Old 09-15-2012, 12:38 AM   #213  
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i finished my week again of running....2.1 miles every workday M-F with additional walking each week of running is 10.5 miles with total distance including walking of 16.25 miles...and after each morning of running, i then go to work where i'm on my feet all afternoon 1-6 p.m. or thereabouts

after work was done at 6 p.m. today i stayed with my younger son at the school's fundraiser carnival home around 7:30 and literally SAT DOWN for almost an feet hurt SO BAD and i know i have good shoes, it's just the combination of working out and THEN being on my feet the rest of the day lol

it was one of those low-calorie days again, after eating more yesterday...i wasnt hungry all day and am sitting at only 820 calories at almost 9 p.m....i am making something to eat though and probably going to bed soon...i am exhausted
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Old 09-15-2012, 05:52 PM   #214  
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Did Zumba today but wasn't tired enough after so sprinted .45 of a mile on the treadmill at a 9 min/mile pace until I felt the lactic acid burn! Then stopped.
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Old 09-15-2012, 10:28 PM   #215  
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Originally Posted by faunaflora View Post
Did Zumba today but wasn't tired enough after so sprinted .45 of a mile on the treadmill at a 9 min/mile pace until I felt the lactic acid burn! Then stopped.
what is this supposed to feel like? just wondering if i get that too...and i suppose its a good thing? i have no idea...fill me in
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Old 09-17-2012, 03:41 PM   #216  
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i bought an actual running shirt this weekend!! ive been wearing an old tee-shirt for nearly a year now and, to be honest, no amount of washing is going to get that thing clean now i mean, soaked in sweat 5 days a week for nearly a year...yeah, not good...poor shirt i got an ACTUAL top built for workouts, the tight clingy kind with the straps crossed in the back to keep it secure...whatever that's called

and i ran longer total distance today! i put in total running distance of 2.25 miles and walked a little farther than that, still in 45 minutes total on the treadmill...and so far i'm not sore from it lol
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Old 09-18-2012, 01:37 PM   #217  
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That's a great treat for yourself, Alaskanlaughter. I own one of those shirts too because my mom found it on sale for an extremely good price and couldn't pass it. I'm glad she did. I like it.

Finally got to go back to the park after my lifting again yesterday. I couldn't for the last week or so because a festival was being held there. I really enjoy doing hanging sit ups. They make me feel kind of badass while I'm doing them, like I'm some super fit chick in some training montage in a movie. In reality I'm a pudgy, somewhat uncoordinated chick whose foot got stuck trying to get down from the first set, but a girl can dream.
Managed to swing 4 rungs this time, which is still lame but is 1 more than last time! Slight progress is still progress.

Last edited by Thistleberry; 09-18-2012 at 01:38 PM.
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Old 09-18-2012, 04:42 PM   #218  
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thats so cool to be able to work out at the park like that

i ran again this morning....did 2.25 miles again which is the longest distance ive ever done...the run was harder than yesterday though, which i attribute to not having my protein shake also very stuffy in my nose and sneezing alot...little son is a bit sick so i probably have a touch of that...i havent gotten a serious cold/flu since i started running last year though although i still had bouts of bronchitis and ear infections

i didnt DARE take anything for my nose though before running due to those horrible reactions that i get...i still havent taken anything but i always carry allergy tabs in my bag just in case i need it

i saw a new low on the scale today - 187.8!! my lowest weights for the month are always directly after TOM so i really expect it to climb a little pretty soon and hold there for the month
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Old 09-19-2012, 11:59 AM   #219  
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Congrats on the distance and the new low weight! I've found my low weight occurs right after TOM too and it's always so very nice to see.
Oh goodness, yes, let's keep those bad reactions to a minimum! I hope your sniffles don't turn into a full blown cold.

Yeah, a part of me worries about doing these things at the park because it's so public Do people see me and think I'm an absolute nut? A grown woman monkeying around on a children's playground, intermittently dancing, and wrapping it all up with stretching? But a part of me is adament that it doesn't matter. I'm just doing my thing and it's fun.
Haven't decided if I'm going again tonight as I have to stay at work later than usual. We'll see.
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Old 09-19-2012, 02:55 PM   #220  
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well, there will be no workout for me today im so bummed but i feel absolutely crappy...and there are VERY few days when i feel crappy enough to stay away from the gym

my face hurts like crazy and my ears are getting fluid buildup...i already went to my doctor who gave me antibiotics so it should stop things in their tracks soon...i've learned the hard way not to let ear infections go and hope they clear up...that's what led to a series of massive ear infections last winter that ended with multiple injections of antibiotics typically used to treat meningitis! eek!

so i'm going to rest for a few hours and then head to work...yes, sadly i have to work, there is no one to cover for me with my students
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Old 09-19-2012, 03:32 PM   #221  
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That's too bad, AlaskanLaughter. I'm sorry you're feeling so unwell. It's a pity you still have to work, but do try your best to rest as much as you can and take care of yourself. That's the important thing. Here's hoping you have a speedy recovery.
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Old 09-19-2012, 08:35 PM   #222  
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my workouts are going good. As of today I have done 99 miles (various methods) in Sept. The goal was first set at 60 miles but then I raised it to 100. Since I'm only a mile away from goal I'm going to raise it to 120. So I can stay challenged. Ok, I have a toddler who will be getting up any minute so take care.
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Old 09-19-2012, 09:27 PM   #223  
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Originally Posted by alaskanlaughter View Post
what is this supposed to feel like? just wondering if i get that too...and i suppose its a good thing? i have no idea...fill me in
From Livestrong: "The American Council on Exercise defines lactic acid production as a physical state following the first few minutes of vigorous exercise, where blood fails to transport enough oxygen into working muscles to meet activity demands. In this anaerobic state, you may feel winded and your muscles will more than likely ache or burn."

You are a runner so you've probably built up more tolerance than me... when I feel that ache/burn I definitely feel like stopping. I haven't gotten into running as much as other activities.

So my TOM is approaching, indicated by my appetite, feeling like crying, and bloating... but I'm at 173 so only 1 lb up. I'm hoping that after my period I drop a couple of pounds, that would be so nice. I'm trying not to give into the hungry monster that takes over during this lovely time.
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Old 09-20-2012, 12:44 PM   #224  
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ive noticed that i too feel like stopping just as i'm getting into it...but i just keep going and then it gets better...that must be the lactic acid thing

i wont be working out today either...i still feel like crap and my younger son is sick so i'm staying home most of the day with him and wont be able to get to the gym anyhow...ive sort of made peace with that because i've made up my mind to run this weekend both days to make up for these last two seriously bugs me when i cant run but i know my body needs to heal and i also cant leave my son home alone lol
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Old 09-21-2012, 04:43 PM   #225  
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i think the antibiotics are working...i feel better today, not 100% but almost there...i did go for my run at the gym, same distance as usual...i feel a little bit worn out from it but hopefully the rest of the day will be easy...headed to work now
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