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Old 10-19-2012, 09:15 AM   #256  
is a persistent thistle
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Chickieboom, what do you plan to do for exercise? Did you start that night as you had hoped?

You're going to be in the 70s in no time, Alaskanlaughter!

Chubbygirl, you always make me feel like such a slacker. I am so, so impressed you've managed to keep it up. Nothing is stopping you!

There was a nice two hour-ish window of no rain on Wednesday so I ran three miles. I want to mix it up a bit and do intervals and such but I'm having a hard time convincing myself to do it. I'm just enjoying the steady state so much!

Had a good lifting session last night. Managed to hold prone cobra twice for 2 and a half minutes each! When I started 30 seconds was tough. And I've moved down to doing all four sets of push-ups on the 1st stair step. I'll be on the floor doing real ones soon. Hoowoo!

I realize the scale itself has nothing to do with it (don't shoot the messenger!) but, whatever, I'm saying it anyway, my scale is still being uneccessarily cruel. I'm hoping that I'm holding on to a fair bit of water weight and that it will all whoosh out next week when I have my period.

Last edited by Thistleberry; 10-19-2012 at 09:22 AM.
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Old 10-19-2012, 07:50 PM   #257  
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thanks, thistleberry. but your workouts sound intense too. jogging is still so hard for me. today was an easier workout, I needed a bit of a break after yesterday. So I worked out for 3 hours and burned 2253 calories.
45 mins yoga
60 mins elliptical w/arms
30 min cross trainer
45 mins water aerobics

yes, chickieboom, update us! are you back on the exercise wagon? you can do it!
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Old 10-19-2012, 11:46 PM   #258  
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i finished out my week with another HIIT on the treadmill...5 days in a row again although a muscle in my top leg is bothering also a little congested in my chest but ALOT of ppl are sick and for me to only be very mildlyyy sick is HUGE for me....i always crash hard sick with bronchitis or pneumonia around this time of year....i somewhat credit the weight loss and exercise

also celebrated ONE YEAR at my gym today!! one whole year of going there 5 days a week, without fail, and working out...running...every single gym trip involved running of some sort

i think when i started i was about 211 although i'm too tired to look up my records...and right now i'm at going to the gym has helped me lost about 26 pounds over the year....which is also HUGE because my weight goes down sooooooooooo slowly lol
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Old 10-21-2012, 05:21 PM   #259  
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Sorry for bailing for awhile! I got a horrible cold and then went on a trip so I had a 2 week exercise hiatus :-/

After I came back from my trip I jumped back on the exercise wagon, though I've dropped weight lifting for now. My work is intense right now, so I'm kind of doing the minimum (cardio 3x/week). I definitely love it though!

Alaskanlaughter - Congrats on one year!!!! Way to go!!!!
Chubbygirl253 - Holy cow, 3 hrs, that's amazing!!!!
Thistleberry - I hear you on the water weight thing. I hate what my period does to my mood and my body.
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Old 10-21-2012, 11:54 PM   #260  
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It's been a loooong time... How have you been?

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So yah. I'm doing well. (Though I've been lazy this past week and didn't do nearly as much as I had hoped).. Staying on my diet for the most part. Allowing myself around 1 or 2 cheat days a month, sometimes more, starting to incorperate a bit of fruit for the higher carb count considering I need them with how much I'm working out.

Car's still dying, had the codes pulled, Cylinder 3 misfire. We're taking it to the shop Tuesday hoping a simple change of the spark plugs will fix it, but knowing my luck, not. However, necessity has been the mother of working out and getting around at the same time.

I have fully restored my 1993 Huffy Echo Canyon and even gotten a bike basket on the front now... and she is my new main source of transportation until the snow flies. My mom is very cheesed off at me for this. lol... She hates the fact that I bike downtown to my classes in a rather dicey neighborhood rather than drive. That's 10 miles (just over that actually) every other day for a week.. Plus I'm still doing water aerobics and swimming at the Y when I can, and I'm going to be starting boxing tomorrow hopefully. :3

I'm able to fit back into my old size 20 jeans from when I lost a ton of weight on just Atkins (WITHOUT the working out!) for the first time in several years. Some of the pants are really tight yet, but for the most part, I can fit into them again, when before, foooorrrget it! Very happy with that!

I'm also officially out of the 290s! My new weight is 289 and going down... Hopefully if I'm good and work hard this week I'll be at 287 come Wednesday.. which means I'll have beaten the Y's '10 pound 10 week challenge' 3 weeks early!!

Of course, the instructor for that class really got on my bad side last week, giving me a hard time about my low carb diet... grr..

anyway. Yah. I bike to the flea markets to get produce, I bike to school, I want to bike to the Y, but I promised my mother I wouldn't... Our Y is on a very dark road where it's 40 MPH and the cars generally go 50+, and it gets dark very early now... so she's concerned... I promised her I'd drive to the Y. 9_9;

Anyway, yah. I hope everybody is doing well and staying warm!
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Old 10-22-2012, 12:06 AM   #261  
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hi wolfshadow! good to see you back, I wondered where you went. You sound busy busy busy!

yesterday- rest day
today- worked out for 4.5 hours
11 mins rowing,1 mile
14 mins stair machine, 1 mile (oh how I hate you, stair machine!)
30 mins c25k week 4, 16 mins jogging/14 mins walking, 2 miles total
60 mins yoga 101
30 mins elliptical with arms, level 6, 2 miles
20 mins cross trainer, 2 miles
60 mins H.E.A.T. circuit training with running laps, 2.5 miles
45 mins strength training
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Old 10-22-2012, 04:07 PM   #262  
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i had a very odd workout today...ive been fighting the tiniest cold or something for a few days...woke up today with my chest hurting...i know it's settled in my lungs but i'm not coughing much...anyhow got to the gym and started to warm up, felt sick to my stomach...which is weird...i had been STARVING this morning but, since i ate a lot of food this weekend, i only had two tablespoons of peanut butter...last summer that fueled a morning run just i felt like i was gonna throw up i promised myself to get through 5 sets of HIIT and see how i then i didnt feel like throwing up i went a little further...few more sets of HIIT...the normal is 13 sets...struggled more and more to breathe, even with my inhaler, i could tell i wasnt getting air all the way into my lungs, deep breathing while running etc...

finally after the 9th set of HIIT my body just quit i just couldn't talk my body into one more set of HIIT and it's EXTREMELY rare that my body will stop before my mind will let it but it just wasn't going any farther...i walked for another 20 minutes on the treadmill and by the end of that, i was feeling nauseous again...i should have pushed out 5 more minutes of walking for 45 minutes total but again, my body was just DONE...

im not just puzzled...i made it back home and i'm just sitting here...i dont feel sick, i dont feel drinking some flavored water...perhaps i got dehydrated? perhaps i shouldnt have eaten the peanut butter? perhaps i'm just more sick than i think i am?
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Old 10-23-2012, 09:20 PM   #263  
is a persistent thistle
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Congratulations on your one year gym anniversary, Alaskanlaughter! Very strange about your recent workout. I guess I would put it down to the cold and not worry about it overmuch. I tend not to push myself too much when I'm feeling generally poorly. I've had something small develop into something big too many times. Maybe you misjudged just how much a toll your cold was taking on your body? Or maybe it was just a bit of dehydration as you suggested. Were you drinking water at all during the workout?

Good to see you back, faunaflora. Good for you for staying active even though work is busy. That's something to be proud of even if it is just "the minimum".
Actually, my period is the only time I lose lately. It feels so odd to say, but I'm glad it's here. My scale is finally moving again.

Sorry your car is still acting up, Wolfshadow. Sounds like you're making the best of a bad situation. Do you have lights for your bike? Maybe that would help alleviate some of your mom's fears? Congratulations on your progress for the 10 week challenge. Did you make 287?

Beast of a workout day there, Chubbygirl! I don't know how you manage it all. Do you list it in the order in which you tackle it?

I've decided to cut back drastically on my lifting for this cycle. I want to cut my calories some and I don't think it would be good to do the amount and kind of lifting I do eating at that kind of deficit. I'm also curious to see if it makes much difference with my water retention and see how it effects my weight loss in general.
The last three days I've been sewing up a storm trying to finish my Halloween costume for a party this weekend. I am thrilled with the way things are coming together! And, bonus, the dress will be a nice addition to my everyday wardrobe. Anyway, yesterday I had an impromptu dance session and today I managed to break away and ran three miles, walked one. Tomorrow is supposed to be warm and dry and I hope to do the same run then.

Last edited by Thistleberry; 10-23-2012 at 09:23 PM.
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Old 10-23-2012, 11:14 PM   #264  
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Originally Posted by Thistleberry View Post
Congratulations on your one year gym anniversary, Alaskanlaughter! Very strange about your recent workout. I guess I would put it down to the cold and not worry about it overmuch. I tend not to push myself too much when I'm feeling generally poorly. I've had something small develop into something big too many times. Maybe you misjudged just how much a toll your cold was taking on your body? Or maybe it was just a bit of dehydration as you suggested. Were you drinking water at all during the workout?
I wasnt drinking during the workout, which is typical...I never do...On the other hand I still felt a huge pressure weight on my chest this morning and my mid-back was also hurting so I went to the doctor. They listened to my lungs...and listened some more...and came back again to listen...and finally took x-rays and ruled out fluid in my lungs. I've battled pneumonia before a few times. They diagnosed me with a severe case of bronchitis, which I also tend to get every fall. I came home with antibiotics and am taking that plus my steroid inhaler which I rarely even use.

So today I worked, spent my free time at the doctor, and worked all afternoon. I am exhausted in a weird way. Like I'm not actually TIRED, more like I'm not getting appropriate oxygen levels yet. My oxygen levels registered surprisingly good today also but I'm still feeling it. So I'm gonna rest tonight and see how I feel tomorrow.
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Old 10-24-2012, 02:33 AM   #265  
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Exclamation warning: post contains tmi

thistleberry- I don't list it in the order I tackle it, just list as I remember it.

yesterday I did 4.5 hours of exercise. 1 hour was a cycling class. Normally when I do cycling its on a recumbent bike which provides a bucket type of seat and sits you upright. The group cycling class uses those itsy bitsy bike seats that look pointy and are harder than all get out. Uncivilized. Within a few minutes my lower back was feeling strain from the lack of support and having to lean forward. Luckily I was in the back row and I was able to lean back and brace myself on the window sill. But this position made the pointy seat dig into my groin. Now, I should mention the instructor gave me a seat cover which added *some*cushion but did nothing for the fact it was digging into me in unfriendly places. And it may have been an inch or so thicker but not any wider. My fanny was just not meant to balance upon such a small pedestal. Apparently cyclists have butts the size of postage stamps. Good for them. So when I was finally able to disengage my rear from Thumbelina's bike seat I limped outta there like a saddle-sore cowpoke. After I got home and showered I sat upon a heating pad until I went to bed. This morning I woke up and my upper and inner thighs, groin, and *lady bits* are bruised and swollen and the word sore just doesn't begin to describe it.

Today I didn't let my soreness stop me from having a good workout. I got 5 hours in. Started with a soak in the hot tub at the Y, then some light water aerobics, more hot tub soaking, and then strength training. Then onto the harder stuff but I got through it. Perhaps the most painful part was sitting flat on my yoga mat. For once I actually preferred the yoga moves that had my rear high up in the air like downward facing dog. I really hope my hiney and thighs are better tomorrow. Sorry for the TMI but I just needed to vent a bit.
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Old 10-24-2012, 09:14 PM   #266  
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today I had a 2.5 hr workout. 30 mins yoga level 102, 1 hr elliptical, 1 hr water aerobics
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Old 10-24-2012, 09:42 PM   #267  
is a persistent thistle
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Getting used to bike seats is no picnic, that's for sure! Hope your bum recovers quickly. In the meantime, you can stare at the picture of that gorgeous dress and it'll all feel worth it, right? I love, love, love the layers and the hemlines! And I adore a little bit of color in a wedding gown. It's more traditional than white, after all.

I ran two miles tonight, walked one. Were I not so crunched for time this evening I would have done a lot more. I was in the mood and the weather is so lovely for a change.

Last edited by Thistleberry; 10-24-2012 at 09:46 PM.
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Old 10-25-2012, 12:59 AM   #268  
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i gave myself a rest day from teh gym today...i dont often do that but i'm still struggling with pain in my chest from the bronchitis...i rested when i wasn't working my shifts but i also had a board meeting feeling like my energy level is increasing again but im still having a hard time with my chest...tomorrow i've promised myself to go to teh gym and just walk and see how my body handles also donating blood tomorrow...if they'll take a sick girl with bronchitis lol
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Old 10-25-2012, 01:23 AM   #269  
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Originally Posted by Thistleberry View Post
In the meantime, you can stare at the picture of that gorgeous dress and it'll all feel worth it, right? I love, love, love the layers and the hemlines! And I adore a little bit of color in a wedding gown. It's more traditional than white, after all.
Thanks, I LOVE IT!!! It'll take a lot of work but it's gonna be worth it. And I know my mom was right when she said my fiance's eyeballs are gonna pop out of his head! He'll love it too. Our wedding colors are pink and gray and it's gonna really stand out in photos. Found awesome bridesmaid dresses in the same pink, one shade lighter.
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Old 10-25-2012, 02:51 PM   #270  
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i felt much better this morning...the pressure in my chest is nearly/almost gone although i'm still coughing...not as much as yesterday though...the doctor called me back and said that my x-rays DID show pneumonia after all in my much as it sucks to have had pneumonia, i like that it validated that I KNOW my body and I KNOW that chest pain like that means pneumonia each and every time...scary how fast it set it though...i was FINE on saturday and couldnt breathe on sunday and diagnosed on tuesday...eek!

seeing as how i was feeling better today and on antibiotics, therefore not contagious, i went to the gym and walked for an a good pace, on a gentle incline...with the promise to myself that if i started to feel BAD that i would stop regardless of the length of time...but i did make it an hour and did not feel bad...i felt like i do during a regular workout - sweaty, feeling it in my muscles a little, etc

now i'm gonna wash up and go to the blood drive in town...they rarely ever come here...and plan to donate some blood if they'll accept a girl who's sick
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