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Old 07-19-2012, 08:29 AM   #1  
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Talking Exercise Accountability

Exercise is a huge component in weight loss and long term health! Let's band together and encourage one another to squeeze in a walk or a stretch or whatever each day!

Today: I normally do upper body weights - but admitedly was just too tired to get up early today. I only have 4 kids today, so if they all nap I can do it during nap time...if not, after we get groceries tonight. I WILL get it in!

How about you?
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Old 07-19-2012, 10:25 AM   #2  
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For the past month I have been doing an outdoor 4k run/walk 3 times per week along with some ab work and squats. I have a running buddy and that helps with my accountability (and not bailing)! I feel confident over the summer, but I will need extra support in the fall as she can no longer run as frequently and the weather gets wetter.
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Old 07-19-2012, 10:55 AM   #3  
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Nice idea for a thread. I'll cross my fingers for you for naptime, mortonpixie.

Oooh, westcoast rosa, are you keeping track of how many total km/miles you've done? I would imagine it would be encouraging to see that number grow.

Tonight I had planned to do an extra stage 2 NROLFW workout. It works out better for me to tack on two additional workouts in this stage and scoot my week of rest back just a bit. Anyway, that was my plan until I dyed my hair last night. It is so bright and so bold and so not what I was after! I have a wedding to go to on Saturday and I'd like not to look completely ridiculous so I'm trying to do everything they tell you not to do after you've dyed your hair. I'm just not sure I can get home from work, lift, do intervals, steam the bride's gown for Saturday (I would do it Friday but I have to attend a nephew's birthday party. Saturday morning I'll be doing the alterations on my dress for the wedding.) and still have time to jump in the pool.

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Old 07-19-2012, 01:18 PM   #4  
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Originally Posted by Thistleberry View Post
Oooh, westcoast rosa, are you keeping track of how many total km/miles you've done? I would imagine it would be encouraging to see that number grow.
I keep track of my runs and their length/time in a little book. I have registered for an 8k in October (my first run ever...i am insane....hahaha), so once I am at a point where I can run for 30 minutes without stopping I will start training on the race route (happens to be right by my house).

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Old 07-20-2012, 08:40 AM   #5  
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westcoast rosa - I'm impressed with your running! Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to hear a full race report on your 8k in October!

Thistleberry - What is NROLFW? Sorry about the hair mishap!! I did that once on a Tuesday evening and had Kids Club at church on Wednesday of the kids said I could probably be seen from space. :smack:

Well, naps didn't happen yesterday - everyone was dialed in but the 6mo old...had him nearly gone and my 10yo came in from an overnight. Then...after we got home from grocery shopping at 7pm, I poured a glass of red wine and that was all she wrote!

Today: Got up and ran on our clunky basement treadmill. Ever since my husband switched to a 6am - 2pm shift, it's been harder to co-ordinate workouts. I ended up with a couple of sleepy-headed visitors the last 10 minutes (I think they can hear the tm!), but I got it done!!

We have a wedding tonight - one of my little daycare boys Mom is getting re-married! So sweet, I got him 3 years ago when his mom and dad split and she moved here. I'm happy to see their little family grow.


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Old 07-20-2012, 09:17 AM   #6  
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That's so exciting, westcoast rosa! I can't imagine being able to run for 30 minutes straight. My running has improved but I don't think I'll ever be a runner, you know? But I ran outside for my intervals last night instead of using my bike just because I was thinking of what you'd written.

Good for you for getting your run in this morning, mortonpixie! It sounds like you're quite the busy supermom.

NROLFW is New Rules of Lifting For Women. It's a book that gets reccomended a lot for people who are new to lifting weights. I love it! I had no idea I was going to enjoy it as much as I have.

I was able to knock off work an hour early yesterday and managed to accomplish everything! I wasn't able to jump in the pool but it was because it simply wasn't warm enough. I opted for a shower after my workout and a bath before bed instead. Maybe it's just in my head, but my hair color does seem a bit less vibrant!

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Old 07-20-2012, 09:39 AM   #7  
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Hi, everyone! It feels good to be in the company of other women committed to keeping up with their exercising routine.
I just started exercising again just over a week ago, and though my muscles are tired, I feel twice as confident about reaching my health goals. I'd like to run a race again, like you, westcoast rosa! That would really make me feel good.
So far, I've been doing walk-jog intervals and plan on doing those 5x/week, with 20 minute kettlebell workouts after two of those jogs. Hopefully, I'll work some yoga in, too, but there are only so many hours in the day! I successfully met all of my jogging days in the last week, and did a kettlebell workout on Tuesday. Still a bit sore muscled from that one. Hopefully, I'll do #2 tomorrow.
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Old 07-20-2012, 11:54 PM   #8  
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i like this thread and i happen to be in my 30s...most of the chatting seems to happen in the younger age groups...

ive been going to the gym since last september very regularly, since i signed up then...i work on running and also do weight training on the machines...i will not do heavy free weights although lots of ppl say that's better than machines, because i am at high risk of re-injuring my lower wrong move while learning the moves and more discs in my back could easily rupture...i've lived through enough of those to NEVER EVER chance weight machines it is

right now i'm running at a 5.5-6.0 speed on the treadmill...i run quarter-mile intervals with a 30-second or less pause between intervals to walk...and i run a total of 1.5 miles which ends up about 2 miles total with a bit of walking, warm up and cool down

right now i can push out 100 pounds on my arms on the weight machines and i can pull down between 110-130 pounds on my abs

anyhow thats what i do every morning...i get up at 530 a.m. to work out and am home by 7 when DH is getting ready for work...
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Old 07-21-2012, 12:39 PM   #9  
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[U]alaskanlaughter[U] - wowee, girl! That's some great intervals on the mill! I know what you mean about the potential for back injury - I don't do anything that involves twisting (russian twists) or swinging (kettlebells). I once did some side to side moves with an exercise video and had to crawl to bed that night.

RVAscreenwriter - keep up the GREAT work! You will run another race!! I started with walk/run intervals many moons ago and the sky really IS the limit.

thistleberry - what a nice feeling to get it all done!! I will check out the New Rules for Weight Lifting - always up for a new workout.

Slept in until the kids got up at 7:20 this morning and then went for a nice bike ride. I rode over to the lake where my triathlon is next Saturday, but there was way to much pedestrian traffic to safely do any serious cycling of the course - so I made a loop and went home. Out there for about an hour - a little shy of 17 miles.

Would like to get in some arm work today - but hubby always raises an eyebrow when I do 2 workouts in one ;o)

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Old 07-21-2012, 10:54 PM   #10  
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17 miles in an hour is really good!! i bike ride sometimes and only get about 8 miles in an hour...i would love to bike more but unfortunately it rains nearly daily here on the coast of's supposed to be nice tomorrow (as in, not raining lol) so i'd like to do another 8 mile ride tomorrow

did my usual running intervals at the gym this morning...i usually dont go on the weekend but i missed thursday due to being sick so i wanted to make it reward for 5 days of exercise is a hot tub session on sundays at the gym, so i wanted to make up for missing one day LOL

forgot to mention that i also do childcare...i manage an after-school childcare program that also runs a full day program during the summer...right now i have about 60 kids a day in my program, run through the school district here...for several summers i had previously opted to stay home and do home childcare instead of work becuase i'm really only contracted for 10 months out of the year, but my kids are older this summer so i chose to continue to work through the summer
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Old 07-22-2012, 07:00 PM   #11  
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alaskanlaughter - I love that you made up the day to get your reward! That's a great reward btw - ahhh.... Wonderful line of work, childcare! That full day care for school agers during the summer is a workout in itself!! Hard to keep them all busy with activities, movies, crafts and games! When does school start up again? How old are your children?

Today: Went over to the YMCA for our usual Sunday swim. David and I drop the 3 & 5 yo's off at the child care and swim laps while the 10yo splashes around (and the 13yo stays home being "pensive) I swam for about 40 minutes and managed 1500yds with a long set of 400yds. I just started swimming a little more than a year ago, so that 400 w/out rest is a huge accomplishment for me! After our workouts, we get the kids from the child care and take them swimming.

Now, we're home and hubby is parting out a rotisserie chicken that we picked up on the way home, for a quick and healthy meal...I will have my chicken on a few corn chips with some 2% cheese, low fat sour cream, salsa and avocado. YUM!!

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Old 07-22-2012, 07:15 PM   #12  
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i manage a program for elementary-age students so i get kids ages 5-12 but i also have good staff and it's a good thing for the community, to have this program in the school district

at home i have a 14 year old boy from my first marriage and a 6 year old boy with my current will be in high school this fall and the other will be in first starts mid-august here...summer sure is going by fast

i usually have sundays as a rest day but it wasn't raining today so i opted for a new biking route this afternoon...took me about an hour and a half and i rode about 13 i'm gonna pay for that tomorrow morning when i try to run

i try to keep my calories about 1600...sometimes i eat over a bit and deduct my exercise calories but usually hit right around there...try to eat low sugar, low wheat

right now i'm at 190 pounds, exactly in the middle from where i started at 230 to where i want to be at 150
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Old 07-23-2012, 09:26 AM   #13  
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alaskanlaughter - ha, ha, I also have one in HS and one in K! I've home schooled my High Schooler for the last 4 years, so I'm not real sure about booting him out to the public school...scary!

Today: The plan is for a 45min bike ride after supper. We'll see if it gets done - it's supposed to be 105 degrees today and we haven't had rain for weeks - we're in the worst drought since the 50's. Anyway...might have to break out an exercise tape instead.
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Old 07-23-2012, 09:48 PM   #14  
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i hit a milestone weight this morning!! it said 189.0 after my morning workout!! i've never seen that LOW of a number on the scale in my whole adult life

like i predicted, i PAID for that 13 mile bike ride yesterday....i went to the gym this morning like usual before work and my arms were so sore i could barely push out any abs or arms on the weight machines...i ran but i only ran one mile instead of a mile and a half...i ran it at a faster speed though but my whole body felt absolutely exhausted

i worked an 8 hour shift straight through without a lunch break (due to short staffing) and i felt totally useless at work...exhausted, achy, tired, sore...i sat down on the playground with some kids and could have just fallen asleep

ive thought of homeschooling my kids as well...i was home schooled growing up until 8th grade because we lived on a remote alaskan teenager has ADHD and autistic traits and frankly isn't learning a darn thing in the public school system...but i plan to have him focus more on life skills in high school (career choices, balancing a checkbook, drivers ed etc)...
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Old 07-24-2012, 09:04 AM   #15  
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Wow!! I'm SO extremely excited for your NEW LOW!!

Sorry you felt so tired yesterday - maybe an extra rest day is in order?

Home schooling will certainly keep you hopping - I have a small home daycare as well, and I'm not real sure how I keep it all up in the air.

Well, last night I ditched the bike ride and swam laps instead. 1500yd in 40min, not bad and I had one set of 400 continuous. It was still 105 degrees at 6pm, so no hope for a cool down...I don't mind riding in the heat, but that was bananas!

Today: Most likely end up on the treadmill at the Y. We normally swim on Sunday and Tuesday, but since the weather has been so dreadful, our swims have been more often...and my shoulders are sore!

Have a great day!
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