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Old 08-01-2012, 10:42 AM   #46  
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alaskanlaughter - a good rule of training is to only increase your mileage OR intensity by 10% per week. Did you go from 1/4mi intervals to 1/2mi? That's a big jump. Treadmills usually go by tenths of a .1 = 176yds. (1mi = 1760yds) Do a little rough math here and see that 1/4mi = 440yds (or .25 on the tm read out) 10% of that wouldn't even be another .1 on the counter. My advice - just run another .1 this week and see how it goes. Increasing from quarter mile repeats to half mile repeats is to much.

thistleberry - stellar consistency with the workouts!! We would love to hear more about Flow - are you referring to Vinyasa style Yoga? You've inspired me to get back to the weights - thanks!

Today: Just got back from a walk with the kids, tonight I will ride my bike long - thinking maybe 30 miles. It's been a while since I've had Little Blue Trek out on the highway.
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Old 08-01-2012, 11:59 AM   #47  
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i didnt increase my distance, just the interval before i was running 1.5 miles in quarter-mile intervals and now i'm running 1 mile in half-mile intervals...and then i'll add to the interval lengths from there more slowly...i chose to increase it like that because that's what i was running last spring and i know my body is capable of it...i'm sore but nothing that a good stretch and a rest will take care of...

did my usual workout this working on increasing some of the weight training a little bit too...not by too much, just a little at a time
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Old 08-02-2012, 11:02 AM   #48  
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Originally Posted by alaskanlaughter View Post
i'm sore but nothing that a good stretch and a rest will take care of...
Okay - didn't mean to over did ask us what we thought and you seemed to be in a fair amount of pain. *shrug*

Managed to get the kids out for a walk this morning before it got *too* hot. Last night I went for a 20mi bike ride in 100* heat - it was not pretty.

Today: Weights for legs and back, then a 3-4mi run at the the nice cool A/C!
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Old 08-02-2012, 11:57 AM   #49  
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i was definitely in a lot of pain after doing 2 ankles and that area were really bothering me...i might just need new shoes also, not sure yet...after only doing 1 mile, i was hurting but then stretched and rested and it felt better within half an hour

im leaning towards it being my shoes because i'm really not doing anything more intense or longer than i've done in the it shouldnt be bothering me at all, really

i did another mile today in half-mile intervals and then walked for awhile....sore again but stretched and rested and now i feel fine...did some weight training too
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Old 08-03-2012, 11:18 PM   #50  
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each day my ankle area is feeling better...i ran again this morning...two intervals of .6 miles instead of .5 (half) and it was okay, i didnt feel like i was pushing it too hard...what i'd like to do is run next week two intervals of .6 miles each, then .7 the next week, .8 the next, etc until i'm running two intervals of one mile each, which should be beginning of september if all goes well

at that point i'd like to transition to one day focused on weight training, the next day do a two mile run and work on even longer, and alternate it...right now i'm doing half hour weight machines focused on arms and abs, and then half hour on running the intervals...usually i'll get the running intervals done and then just walk fast til the rest of the half hour is up, stretch out and be done....

anyhow...i'm rambling, but that's my plan
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Old 08-04-2012, 10:01 AM   #51  
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alaskanlaughter - it's great to have a plan! My husband laughs at my spreadsheets - but that's how you set goals and get things done, right!? Glad the ankle is feeling better.

Yesterday was a rest day for me. I completely SHREDDED my legs on Thursday with a lower body weights routine followed by a slow and steady 3 mile run. Not sure why I always do that with resistance training...start, do it for a month, stop again... I KNOW the pain that awaits me when I resume!! I love cardio too much and always dump my weight routine to do more swimming, cycling or running.

Today: it's relatively cool here in good old Nebraska, so I'm hoping for a long slow run on the bike paths today. Haven't done anything longer than 4-5 for a while and could use a good "head clearing" run.
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Old 08-04-2012, 12:24 PM   #52  
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Originally Posted by mortonpixie View Post
thistleberry - stellar consistency with the workouts!! We would love to hear more about Flow - are you referring to Vinyasa style Yoga? You've inspired me to get back to the weights - thanks!

Today: Just got back from a walk with the kids, tonight I will ride my bike long - thinking maybe 30 miles. It's been a while since I've had Little Blue Trek out on the highway.
BodyFlow (also called BodyBalance in other parts of the world) is a Les Mills class that combines Yoga (not sure what style), Tai Chi, and Pilates. I love it!

I go to this cute little place that's two towns over but is so worth it because it's privately owned. The ladies there are such a joy to know. Other places in town offer the class but I just can't bring myself to give up that warm and friendly atmosphere. I'd really like to try some of the other classes they offer but I work too late and have a 45 minute commute each way. Trying to fit anything else in my schedule is just impossible.

It's been amazing how lifting has changed my performance in the class. I really notice it during the standing strength section. For instance, my warrior poses have improved dramatically. My form is so much better and deeper. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I have to do a double take because I'm not sure it's me.

Today I am supposed to do phase 3 workout B1 of NROLFW. I've got terrible DOMS though so I'm kind of debating putting it off until tomorrow. I'm hoping to do some stretching and maybe some light cardio to loosen my body up a bit and see if that helps. It would be much better to do it today as I'll have a proper recovery day tomorrow. If I do it tomorrow I won't have that on Monday. Plus, you know, my post workout shake is really tasty and sounds so good right now!

Last edited by Thistleberry; 08-04-2012 at 12:25 PM.
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Old 08-04-2012, 03:24 PM   #53  
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the weekends are "rest days" for me...although i do a whole lot of errands, house cleaning etc that keep me up and moving around...i really hate, genuinely HATE, just sitting around with nothing to do...unless i am drop dead exhausted and want to fall asleep...ive often wondered if i have a bit of ADHD because my teenager has it, although i've always thought he got it from his dad who is bipolar and those are in similar regions of the brain from what i've learned (i could be wrong)

so today i'm hauling all my stuff to the recycle center and going grocery shopping and making a crockpot soup and probably several other things i'll remember to do...and i'd like to take the puppy for a walk with my little son
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Old 08-05-2012, 07:23 PM   #54  
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thistleberry - namaste. Rocking the warrior pose, ye-ah!! Inspiring to see your success!! I don't blame you for driving to where you are comfy. I swam at a pool that was farther away for a long time when I was first learned to swim...the people that went there in the morning were much less intimidating than the semi-pro men that met at the other location - yikes!

alaskanlaughter - hope you got all of your errands ran. I understand about not being able to sit still. I think those of us that dedicate our lives to working with children, do so because we are high energy just like the kids!

Got my run in yesterday - had kind of a tummy ache, so had to "pull over" on the side of the trail, yuck. I have a hard time with my t.o.m and it makes my guts hurt. But I got 7 miles in with the help of Creed: Greatest hits and a wonderful turn in the weather!

Today: Did my swim - drills, and work with paddles, long freestyle set all added up to 1500yds. I was tired and it wasn't pretty but it's done. I took the kids swimming for an hour afterwards, and am now just waiting for my dinner to be done cooking!

Hope you all had a great weekend!!
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Old 08-06-2012, 12:09 AM   #55  
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i think i'd go crazy at a desk job LOL before i worked with kids, i spent 8 years working as a reporter, photographer and (for a few years) also managing editor (and sometimes ad sales as needed) for a weekly newspaper up north...never sitting still for too long, never a dull moment....

like the day of 9/11 when my newspaper is due at the printing press...and there's an airliner headed for alaska that they thought was hijacked...and i had phones in two ears and a camera in my hand AND my photographer was stopped because he looked like an arab when he was really a long-haired hippie stoner from california LOL

but i digress...i had a nice rest day, got chores done around the house, sat and read books for awhile (probably longer than i have in months), went to the hot tub for my workout reward etc

tomorrow is back to my early morning workouts...only 2 more weeks of those early morning ones before school starts...then my routine shifts to work at 645 a.m.-8 a.m., then home and to the gym, then work noon-6 p.m.
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Old 08-06-2012, 11:34 AM   #56  
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this morning i worked on increasing the interval distance by a little bit....last week i was running 0.5 of a mile, doing two of those i tried 0.6 of a mile, doing two of wasnt as hard as i thought it might be...a girl that i know from the gym came and walked/ran next to me so that was fun

i have a big mental block on running distances without a breath...i think it's related to my my goals are to 1) slowly push past that mental block consistently and 2) end up running more distance total after awhile

i can push myself past that mental block once...i've done it's just pushing myself past it every.single.morning that i can't get past gradually is my plan for now lol
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Old 08-06-2012, 08:56 PM   #57  
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alaskanlaughter - I'm excited about your pushing past the blocks, mental and physical! It's super good for your confidence in many aspects of life!

Today: Got my run in...I was good and frustrated from a "monday from heck" and ran hard and fast for about 40 minutes. Coping skills - check!
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Old 08-08-2012, 01:42 AM   #58  
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Yay, awesome thread!!

I'm an anime/gamer geek, and we head to a convention in Baltimore each year (called 'Otakon') and at the suggestion of a new friend who plays Pokemon with me (...yes, 32 and I play Pokemon.) who suggested we both try to get healthier and work out. Naturally, based on my interests (games and anime tend to be sedentary activities) so this was a challenge, to say the least.

So, I started. I found a website that allows me to track my route I walk (gmap-pedometer) and also allows me to keep a log so I can put in when I walked and figures my calories! I also got a swim pass for the public pool right 2 blocks from my house (pool access is free for residents!) and swim as much as I can. I was 312 2 weeks ago and I've so far lost 8 pounds and am at 304!! I found a free calorie counter for swimming so I can figure how much I'm burning when I swim. I'm already being able to hold my breath longer and longer each time I go, plus I LOVE swimming. Next year I'm going to sign up for the free swimming classes so I can learn something aside the doggy paddle!

I'm also able to keep up with my mom and sister when we're shopping now (normally I'm lagging behind and needed fairly frequent breaks because my feet hurt- I have overly tiny feet for my size- a whole size 7 (though with my wide width I usually need to get an 8 or 8 and a half to compensate) while my little sister's feet are HUGE (her toes can CURL over mine if I we line our feet up heel to heel!) and I'm the shortest in my family (Dad was 6'1", Mom is 5'8", and my little sis is 5'10, I'm a whole 5'6"... ARG).. and I'm the fattest... so YAY for fitness!! I love the fact that I'm already seeing results.. and being able to use gmap's calender to keep track of what days I do stuff is awesome! I'm going to start incorporating some weights while I'm sitting (I have a pound of 3 lbs weights I'm using to do curls while I watch the olympics or TV) so I can try to get some upper arm strength.. I'm currently unemployed (got laid off in April) and still looking for work, but once I do have a job I plan on joining a Tae Kwon Do dojo near my house, since martial arts have always been something I've wanted to get into. I would prefer Ninjitsu, buuuut I don't think that's really taught around here.... lol

...and I'm sorry for babbling. ^^;; Anyway, nice to meet all of you and wonderful idea for a thread, once again!
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Old 08-08-2012, 02:06 AM   #59  
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Hi! I'm new to this thread but its refreshing because the other ones I've tried to join seem to fizzle out. It's great there are so many of you committed to not just diet, but exercise as well!

I'm Laura. I work out at the Y and at home 2.5-3 hrs a day about 5 days a week and usually 90 mins the other 2 days. I do water aerobics, zumba, strength training on machines, walking, hiking, spinning (stationary bike) and I just started the couch to 5k program! I wanna be a runner but I have a long way to go! I am very committed to exercise along with my diet.
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Old 08-08-2012, 10:34 AM   #60  
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alaskanlaughter, I have a desk job and yeah sometimes it drives me absolutely batty. I get so fidgety some days! I try to get up and walk around more on those days and I'll listen to upbeat music and bop along in my chair. My coworkers find it amusing.

Wolfshadow, you really make me want to jump in the pool! I love that you're so excited about it. Good for you! I think it's great that you and your friend are taking on this challenge and I hope your friend is doing even half as well as you are. You're rocking it out over there. (Do you also go to GenCon?)

Wow, Chubbygirl253 (or should I just call you Laura?), you are dedicating a lot of time each day to work out! That's some stellar commitment. I think it's fabulous that your workouts are so varied. I'd love to try water aerobics.

I wound up doing my NROLFW Stage 3 workout B1 on Sunday. I just needed the extra day to recover. Turns out it's a lot more upper body than the A workout so BodyFlow the next day didn't really mess with my recovery at all. I'm excited and sort of dreading doing A2 because of the bodyweight matrix at the end. You get through the whole workout, which includes many squat-like exercises, and then you do 24 squats, 24 lunges (12 each leg), 24 lunge jumps (12 each leg), and 24 squat jumps. You're supposed to rest for twice as long as it took you to do it and then go in for round two. I managed to get through it once at 4:10 but didn't manage the lunge jumps at all and was so wiped I couldn't even contemplate doing it a second time. I'm going to push to get through it all this next workout but man is that thing brutal!
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