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Old 10-26-2012, 01:28 AM   #271  
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Hi ChubbyGirl! I was thinking the same thing about you, I didn't see anything from you either!! LOL.. You put my rear to shame with how much you work out!

And, second of all, I LOVE THAT DRESS. I wish I had a wedding coming up so I could look at things like that too, but sadly in my area, all the good ones are taken and anybody single is single for a reason!!!! Oye.. I would probably go for something VERY similar in blue instead! lol. (Pink and gray is such a pretty combo too!)

I hear ya on those stupid spinning bikes!!! OMG, I tried one once, and my rear was SOOOO SORE, from only 10 minutes!!! And I DO ride a bike, too! Like, 3 times a week, and on an ACTUAL BIKE (y'know, as transportation!) For 10 miles. Granted, I have a bike seat that's wider and has cushioning on it, but seriously, are they trying to punish you for using them!? I refuse to use them. Just flat out refuse. My suggestion is to invest in a real bicycle and ride it once you change out the normal seat for a nice cushioned one. Wonderful exercise and a great way to save money on gas!

I am happy to report that my car is now fixed, Thistleberry! My mom has been a god-send during all this nonsense of not having a job... it run her 500 dollars (which I will eventually pay back to her once I do have a job again) but the car is running like a dream again and best of all, she's all paid off. I used her pretty good today, went to someone's house who had advertised on CL about having a bunch of black walnuts they needed gone so I filled a garbage pail with them and will be shucking them tomorrow... went to my sister's to drop off food etc... fun fun...

Speaking of the 10-pound-10-week challenge.. I have a serious issue. I did not hit 287.. (despite the fact that I was working my butt off..) in fact I went up a pound. (or so their scale says.)

However, at my mom's today (one day later), her scale says 288. Her scale is, typically, 2-3 lbs higher than the Y's scale. There is NO WAY I lost 3+ pounds in less than 24 hours. I have a sneaking suspicion that they somehow altered the scale's "0" gauge... maybe on purpose.. to cause everyone to 'not hit goal' so they don't have to give back the 10 dollars entry fee into the program. (Which is part of the deal. You lose the weight and you get your entry fee back.)

They also, yesterday, offered everyone a slice of Betty Crocker Spice cake.. with pumpkin added in, and chobani plain yogurt instead of eggs and oil, and topped it with about 4-5 tablespoons of fat free cool whip. When one of the other ladies asked how many calories, they said 100.

I looked up the nutritional facts today.. This says it's 170 a serving..., and from what I can tell, that is WITHOUT any oil/water/egg added to the mix!! PLUS, they were cutting out HUGE slices. There was only 8 or 9 people at yesterday's meeting, but they managed to give out half the cake, and 2 people (myself included) opted not to have any. (I knew better!)

So, instead of 100 calories, each person who ate any ate about 300-350, from my calculations (depending on how big of a wad of cool whip they dumped on top.)

I really want to bring this up to the people in charge, because I honestly think they're purposely trying to sabotage our progress at this point... but I had a sneaking suspicion when I signed up too... They have you weigh in at first right? So they give you this information packet, and how many calories you should be eating based on your weight. Mine (being 250+ and up) was 1200-2000 calories! And it lessened if you weighed less.. and I'm like "....isn't that opposite of what we really should be doing!?!" If you weigh a lot it's because you're taking in more calories than you should be!! I only take in around 700-1000 each day, and I'm losing weight! (it also kinda burns me that they are more "Oh low-fat low fat!" all the time like that's the only way to lose weight.. I'd rather eat a pile of animal lard (natural!) than a pile of processed, sugar-loaded bread!!!

Anyway, what do you ladies think? Should I raise a stink about this? (If I do, it will be anonymously over email from a brand new email account and from the POV of an imaginary person who wasn't me.)

Last edited by Wolfshadow; 10-26-2012 at 01:37 AM.
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Old 10-27-2012, 09:59 PM   #272  
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wolfshadow- I think I would bring some of those shenanigans (does anyone besides me say shenanigans anymore? lol) to light in a positively constructive way to whomever is in charge of the challenge. Especially if you can be anonymous. I'm involved in a challenge at the Y right now and it would be very unmotivating if I felt it was rigged or unfair. The stakes for our challenge is only bragging rights, no money, but it's demoralizing for people to work so hard just to be sabotaged by the very people who should be helping them. I can't wait till Nov when another challenge starts. It's called Battle of the Bulge and its designed to help us lose or maintain but not gain during the holidays. My current challenge is all about minutes we work out. I didn't tell my team captain that I think another team captain is playing kinda dirty. She is actively trying to recruit the people who work out a lot to switch to her team. I was pursued by a couple people on her behalf twice last week. It's nice they notice how hard and long I work out but trying to poach me seems like it isn't in the spirit of the challenge. Its not a big deal because I siad no thank you but I wonder how many others they are approaching. That isn't so nice. It takes all kinds.
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Old 10-28-2012, 11:04 PM   #273  
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I am off antibiotics as of today...and my lungs are feeling much better...and my cough is almost entirely gone...the antibiotics are supposed to continue working in my body for another 4 days though

i got everything done on my list today: shower - laundry - shopping - baking cranberry walnut bread - taking the kids to the halloween thing at the mall - and trying out a fitness class

ive never done a class before...this one is like zumba only set to more party/hip-hop was an hour long and it confirmed just how terribly, horribly uncoordinated that i am despite that, i got a good workout and had a good time, and will go back next sunday as knees hurt from it tonight though, as well as my back, but that's to be lower spine is all kinds of twisted up and always will be so things that target that area tend to hurt my back a surprised that my knees hurt though, probably just moving in directions that i normally dont go LOL

tomorrow i will attempt some slow running on the treadmill and see how my lungs handle that...i'm terrified of pushing myself too hard, too fast and winding up in the ER with a reoccurrance of pneumonia (that's happened before)

hope you all had a good weekend!!
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Old 10-29-2012, 12:55 AM   #274  
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glad you enjoyed the class, alaskan laughter. I had a decent workout today. 3 hrs. burned almost 3000 calories. I took a really hard class today and everyone there was really fit. But they were all so encouraging. They literally cheered me on as I finished several mins behind them. it felt good.
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Old 10-29-2012, 11:08 PM   #275  
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i got back to running today....i ran two miles in very short intervals, not pushing myself on speed or endurance today...i put in an hour total on the treadmill, just over 4 miles total, and it didn't seem to aggravate my lungs much, if at all...i will do some sort of running tomorrow too...was an insanely busy day at work, lots of crises and kid drama etc...can tell its a full moon lol

and right now my weight is sitting between 184-187 consistently which is awesome!! sitting more at the 184 end than farther up so happy!

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Old 10-30-2012, 01:24 AM   #276  
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today was good. 4 hr workout. burned 4184 calories. did 13 miles total, mostly on machines. I'm beyond tired tonight. Took HEAT again. That class is sooooo hard!
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Old 10-30-2012, 01:30 AM   #277  
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so the doctor's office called back again and left a message to see how i'm feeling....they NEVER do that...makes me wonder just how bad of pneumonia i really had...hmmm

good job on the workout chubbygirl!!
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Old 10-31-2012, 02:21 AM   #278  
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I worked really hard today, 5 hr workout. I finished my Oct goals a day early! Here's how I did:
82 hours of cardio (75 was the goal)
201 miles done (200 was the goal)
69,548 calories burned (60,000 was the goal)
I can't wait to weigh and take measurements tomorrow!!
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Old 10-31-2012, 10:27 AM   #279  
is a persistent thistle
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Hi, ladies! Glad to see you're all still chugging along.

Not much to report from me. I did a 2 mile run on Monday but that's been it. Unavoidable life stuff and uncooperative weather keeps getting in the way.

This Saturday I'm going back to the studio to get my classes on. Short of double digit snowfall, the weather shouldn't be a problem this way. I could have signed up at Snap instead but zumba sounds like so much more fun to me than treadmill running. I can see myself making all kinds of excuses to avoid it. Plus, I really, really, really miss bodyflow.
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Old 11-01-2012, 09:40 AM   #280  
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Zumba is fun, though for me I get picky about instructors because they have such different styles. Zumba is not as standardized as Les Mills classes.

I'm taking a Zumba class now that I really adore, the instructor uses more straightforward movements that are pop/hip hop oriented and less Latin. I don't like all the twisting motions of Latin, I am worried I'd wrench my knees or something.
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Old 11-01-2012, 03:30 PM   #281  
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Well, I've been horribly lazy this week and haven't done much of anything aside prepare for Sandy. We didn't even get all that much and we got lucky and didn't lose power here. I have friends in NYC though that are going on day 4 without power... One is so sick of her rich snobby friend's attitude that she's going back to her own apartment without power just to get away... gotta love that.

Anyway, I was semi-bad yesterday on my diet, after I weighed in at the Y, I didn't stick around for Yoga or anything, and because of the Hurricane (or SuperStorm, or Blizzicane, or whatever they're calling her) the Y of course was closed Monday and Tuesday, and my school didn't have licences for the MS certifications so I didn't bike to school.

However, I managed to weigh in yesterday and I am now 284.6, and I have beaten the 10 pound challenge 2 weeks prior to goal!!! I am also going to be writing the email to the people in charge about that stupid spice cake they gave everyone... really burns me that they would sabotage us like that.

Anyway, planning on braving a bit of snow tomorrow on the bike to get to classes. I'll check in in a bit!
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Old 11-02-2012, 10:47 AM   #282  
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I've been having a lot of low blood sugar spells lately. I don't quite know what to do about them and I feel like an idiot talking about it to anyone in real life. Oh, they're quick to hand you a butterfinger when your blood sugar has crashed and to tell you that you should work out less and eat more "actual" food (as if the healthy food I eat isn't real... oh, that makes me roll my eyes so hard), but surely there are things to do before it gets to that? And, really, can a 3 mile run the night before affect you that much fourteen hours later??

Tomorrow morning I plan to do Bodyflow followed immediately by Zumba. What should I eat for breakfast? I was going to have an egg and a couple slices of bacon but now I'm wondering if I need some carbs in there, like an apple, perhaps. Would that help?

Any advice is much appreciated!

Wolfshadow - Good luck with the email! I wouldn't outright accuse them of shennanigans, but rather outline your grievances with class. If you make it clear you feel you're in this together rather than a 'them vs me/us' scenario you'll probably get better results. I really hope that it was just a misunderstanding and not sabotage.
In the meantime, congratulations on meeting the challenge so early! And I'm glad the storm has left you largely alone.

Last edited by Thistleberry; 11-02-2012 at 11:08 AM.
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Old 11-02-2012, 11:03 AM   #283  
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I do need to start working out again. I use to be a beast in the gym. Err.. not so much anymore
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Old 11-02-2012, 12:37 PM   #284  
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i'll be at the gym later this morning doing some sort of running...probably the HIIT...still very sore in my upper legs, not quite sure what's up with that

will have a very busy day tomorrow between doing my teenager's birthday party and then heading to a halloween party with my younger son, my niece and her baby

i dreamed of eating eggs last night...and i freaking HATE eggs...i think it's my body's way of saying "enough halloween candy already" LOL
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Old 11-02-2012, 06:10 PM   #285  
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Originally Posted by Thistleberry View Post
I've been having a lot of low blood sugar spells lately. I don't quite know what to do about them and I feel like an idiot talking about it to anyone in real life. Oh, they're quick to hand you a butterfinger when your blood sugar has crashed and to tell you that you should work out less and eat more "actual" food (as if the healthy food I eat isn't real... oh, that makes me roll my eyes so hard), but surely there are things to do before it gets to that? And, really, can a 3 mile run the night before affect you that much fourteen hours later??

Tomorrow morning I plan to do Bodyflow followed immediately by Zumba. What should I eat for breakfast? I was going to have an egg and a couple slices of bacon but now I'm wondering if I need some carbs in there, like an apple, perhaps. Would that help?
Try eating something small every 4 hours to help with your blood sugar, keep it at a regular level.
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