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Old 05-12-2006, 03:09 PM   #121  
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Veggie - you never know, it might work anyway. They only put those dates on to cover themselves legally. It sounds pretty dreadful, it might be a VERY good idea to go to the quacks if it hasn't sorted itself out by the morning.

Frus - Have the thunderstorms got to you yet? They were coming and going for most of the afternoon here. In between it was awful in my sheltered garden hot and sort of steamy. Now then - you can do this - go to that gym and kick

OMG - you ought to see the colours my foot is going. I thought I hadn't done anything too bad to it but its all swollen up and has gone a very fetching shade of deepest indigo intermingled with a particularly disgusting shade of olive green (and it now hurts like ****). Well, it kind of solves the problem about walking the dogs tomorrow, I can't get a shoe on.
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Old 05-12-2006, 06:09 PM   #122  
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try taking something like piriton allergy tomorrow morning veggie. I hate taking them but sometimes my hands swell up and its the only thing that stops it.

On the subject of crap doctors I went to my asthma clinic today, when I went they asked me why I was there (I was there because the doctor told me I had to start going) we decided the reason my asthma was bad, which I already know is because my hayfever is bad and because it was a nurse run clinic they couldn't give me any stronger hayfever tablets anyway so it was all totally futile and pointless. I have to go back again next week now

I met my friend this aft and had a lovely healthy veggie thai curry at a noodle bar in town it was so yummy and I used chopsticks.
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Old 05-12-2006, 06:12 PM   #123  
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Originally Posted by Sarah Ann
Veggie - you never know, it might work anyway. They only put those dates on to cover themselves legally. It sounds pretty dreadful, it might be a VERY good idea to go to the quacks if it hasn't sorted itself out by the morning.

Frus - Have the thunderstorms got to you yet? They were coming and going for most of the afternoon here. In between it was awful in my sheltered garden hot and sort of steamy. Now then - you can do this - go to that gym and kick

OMG - you ought to see the colours my foot is going. I thought I hadn't done anything too bad to it but its all swollen up and has gone a very fetching shade of deepest indigo intermingled with a particularly disgusting shade of olive green (and it now hurts like ****). Well, it kind of solves the problem about walking the dogs tomorrow, I can't get a shoe on.
Ice it quick I did the same thing a few months ago dropped a dumbbell on my foot luckily it was lighter than yours and it swelled up so much and was so bruised I couldn't get a shoe on for a week. Try icing it for 5 mins every hour. Its a pain but so much better than not being able to go out for a week.
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Old 05-12-2006, 06:25 PM   #124  
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OMG - you ought to see the colours my foot is going. I thought I hadn't done anything too bad to it but its all swollen up and has gone a very fetching shade of deepest indigo intermingled with a particularly disgusting shade of olive green (and it now hurts like ****). Well, it kind of solves the problem about walking the dogs tomorrow, I can't get a shoe on.[/quote]

Sarah Ann, ice it like imposs said and raise it to get the swelling down...and stay away from heavy objects.
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Old 05-13-2006, 02:56 AM   #125  
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Yikes Sarah! Ice and elevation is good.

I didn't go to the gy, i came home and watched Zoolander and Austin Powers and was in bed by 9pm!!! I was so tired last night I had trouble riding home safely! I would never have made it to the gym and back in one piece! I'm awake now though! I'm going back to bed for a bit before my kickboxing lesson.

My main computer is busted. We woke up yesterday morning and it was whirring away and the hard-disk light was flickering, but there was nothing on the screen and it wouldn't switch off, so we switched it off at the wall, and now it won't switch on at all! I don't think there was anything essential on there, just some "before" pics and some charts and lots of old digital photos from Jamie Cullum and Japan and things. Grrrrr! I hope we can save the hard disk. It might just be something else. I will take it to my computer doctor next weekend in Yorkshire.

Ok back to bed for me It looks like it's going to be a sunny day again here! No thunder storms yet.
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Old 05-13-2006, 06:16 AM   #126  
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Well, the ice, elevation and some of my elderly neighbour's 'Tincture of Arnica' (or something like that) have worked. It isn't swollen any more and the Arnica stuff brings out the bruising so its all very pretty colours. I can get my shoe on so I'm thinking about walking / hobbling the dogs because they are being complete pains in the - DH said to leave it until he gets home but I'm sure he won't feel like going for a 2 hour walk in the rain after working a 10 hour shift.

No weight loss this week. I'm not worried or suprised. I've not cheated on food (except for a little cheese on my free day) but I have been seeing a difference in my body shape and muscles and (up until the blood pressure incident) I've been lifting heavier weights than before.

I've been thinking... I only got a high BP reading because I was stressed. I'm going to carry on lifting and just take longer recovery times between sets. I find lifting very relaxing - a bit like meditation and if I just take it easy....

I had the phone consultation with the other doctor. He just said to carry on with the thyroid pills for another month and then go in and see him and we'll re-assess. I've got to try and work out where each symptom is on a scale of 1 to 10 and see if there are/will be/have been any changes. He's thinking it could be something else AS WELL as the thyroid. Great...!

Frus, what's making you so tired? Working out should energise you - are you eating enough cals to exercise properly? I know you want to lose those pounds you gained but don't go too low on the cals.

Veggie, I hope you are a lot better this morning. Don't just leave it - if you aren't better then you need to see your doctor in case its doing your skin some kind of permanent harm.

Impossible Princess, Thats awful about your clinic visit - I get the feeling that medical people forget that their patients aren't just a bunch of symptoms and ailments - they forget that there is a person in there as well - and that person has a life with a timetable and other responsibilities. A couple of weeks ago I waited over 2 hours for my doctor's appointment - and when I commented to the nurse about the delay she just told me (with this dreamy look in her eyes) - 'oh yes, but he is a very GOOD doctor - very THOROUGH - well worth waiting for'. Huh? TWO HOURS??? No man is worth a 2 hour wait! (Except, possibly, George Clooney or Johnny Depp)
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Old 05-13-2006, 08:27 AM   #127  
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Hello everyone

Grey old day here. I've started the day healthily scrambled eggs on this wonderful bread with all sorts of seeds in it. I've not lost any weight either but as I said the other day I'm going to crack on again. Next Saturday I have a party to go to so I am going to aim to lose a few pounds by next Saturday.

Sarah - glad the foot is a little better. The Physio at work says the same things too she says RICE. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.

I've been cleaning the house again god I got very dull in my old age. I was going to Brent Cross with some friends but couldn't be arsed I don't have that much money so I decided to stay in and read. Didn't get that book yet Frustrated. I read a book the other week that I enjoyed. The History of the Tractor in Ukranian its only £3.73 in Tesco.

My father continues to do well which is great so my life is pretty back much to normal. One son is fishing other son is waiting for the Cup Final to start, hubby asleep on the sofa.

Have a good weekend everyone

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Old 05-13-2006, 09:39 AM   #128  
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Chris who is in your av? I hate not knowing pics.

Well I haven't washed my hair today I couldn't inflict shampoo on my hands I have some plastic gloves somewhere left over from my last hand outbreak (Christmas) I'll have to find them. But they make me itch so maybe just have bad hair for a week. I think I will go to the docs this time

I'm pleased it's not hot today my neighbour across the road keeps hoovering round his front door in just shorts It's quite a sight! I should put a note through 'please put some clothes on you're disturbing me'
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Old 05-13-2006, 10:38 AM   #129  
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Its still drizzling here I took the dogs for a walk/hobble but not a very long one so they are out in the garden boxing, trying to chew each others' ears off and racing round and round churning up the lovely new grass which we only laid last month (after the last lot of racing around the garden).

After I'd got back and rested my foot I inspected the damage and the walk hadn't made it any worse so I'll try it again tomorrow.

Veggie - How about asking your sister to wash your hair? I know what you mean about the neighbours - my chav neighbour spent most of the week sitting out in her back garden (which is almost fully concreted for some reason) in a very ancient lace bra and panties combo which was probably white when she bought it. Not nice.

Michele - The History of the Tractor in Ukranian???? Sounds exciting..... not! I didn't know they sold foreign language books in Tesco. Having said that, its a LONG time since I went to a Tesco - theres something about their lighting that makes me feel sick - same as M&S.
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Old 05-13-2006, 11:51 AM   #130  
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Hi all, I got some clothes from Ebay today, two lovely pairs of trousers and a skirt! Hopefully that'll do me for clothes whilst in Oz!!!

I went to yoga this morning. Yoga is hard when you're not 100%, I have a cold, and some of the breathing is really hard to do when your a bit clogged up!

I've not got much exciting to report.

Princess, my new doctor wrote me a script for my reliever inhaler, and it only dispenses one inhaler at a time, my old script from the old gp dispensed two, so now it's gonna cost me twice as much!!! Annoyed!!! Gonna send my script request in with a letter to ask her to change it, hope it works!!!
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Old 05-13-2006, 12:44 PM   #131  
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Originally Posted by kykaree
Hi all, I got some clothes from Ebay today, two lovely pairs of trousers and a skirt! Hopefully that'll do me for clothes whilst in Oz!!!

I went to yoga this morning. Yoga is hard when you're not 100%, I have a cold, and some of the breathing is really hard to do when your a bit clogged up!

I've not got much exciting to report.

Princess, my new doctor wrote me a script for my reliever inhaler, and it only dispenses one inhaler at a time, my old script from the old gp dispensed two, so now it's gonna cost me twice as much!!! Annoyed!!! Gonna send my script request in with a letter to ask her to change it, hope it works!!!
Yeah thats whats mine is like costs me a small fortune. Its not the worst surgery in the world they are just disorganised andhe managed to send me to a nurse clinic and they can't give me a hayfever prescription. I'm booked in for next thursday now though.
I pay at least £20 a month on prescriptions at the moment grrr so expensive.

On a good note I got the most gorgeous pair of unworn Jones the bootmaker flat purple shoes today and they only cost me £3 bargain and you know how hard it is to get something that fits for my wide old feet so I'm so pleased
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Old 05-13-2006, 12:58 PM   #132  
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Why don't you get a prepaid prescription thing? They're £34 for 4 months and £95 for 12 months. I do believe (yes I googled) you can even get them online!
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Old 05-13-2006, 01:05 PM   #133  
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Thats what the doctor said to me the other day. i haven't been spending that much before two months ago it was just the occassional asthma meds, but now its two inhalers a month and two sets of hayfever stuff and then as well this last two months I've had stuff for my hair and antibiotics. I think I'm going to do that before I get my next set so its a bit cheaper.
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Old 05-13-2006, 01:44 PM   #134  
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[quote=veggie]Chris who is in your av? I hate not knowing pics.

Vegie my lovey, that would be the one and only Jon BON JOVI I LOVE him. I went to their concert back in March having wiated 20 years to finally see them and it was brilliant. I could do some serious damage to that man if someone left me alone with him... Prob doesn't help that the darling husband I have is three thousand miles away from me and I have another two weeks before I see him again, so I drool over JBJ...he's even on the desk top of the computer...

Go see the doc about that rash.. is it some sort of demititus? SP? Try using some coal tar soap or cream, it smells vile, but it really helps with skin irritants...

Sarah, glad to hear the toe is doing better, keep up the RICE...

Frus...take it easy, sounds like you're over doing it again, them pounds will fall off again, don't sweat about it luv.
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Old 05-14-2006, 09:03 AM   #135  
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I thought it was Kevin Bacon
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