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Old 04-15-2002, 08:17 AM   #136  
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Veggie- we had new neighbours move in last year and their son asked Harry why he was always visiting his Grandma!! He told him I was his mum and he didn't believe him!! Luckily Harry didn't see the relevance of all this and just shrugged his shoulders, must have beem my matronly dress sense

Melissa - You ate it cos it was there!!I am the worlds worst for leftovers. I try to freeze things if possible, chuck em or immediately put them into sandwich fillings/ lunchboxes etc.

Being unorganised is definetely a problem here for me, we didn't get to the supermarket this weekend and the cupboard is bare of fruit and veg, i need to shop tonight or I am asking for trouble!!

Keep smiling!!
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Old 04-15-2002, 03:20 PM   #137  
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TQ - I totally sympathise with you about the bare cupboards - we were just like that yesterday morning, no cereal no butter no bread, nothing so I nipped off to sainsburys and spent £105!!!! Anyway went back to my car to find some pillock had parked too close to my car and I couldn't get in so I had to go round the other side and climb over and somehow set the alarm off - I must have looked a right sight with my fat *** hanging out of a car with the alarm going

Well first day back on track and done pretty well, I think I had 1,400 cals - dreading the weigh in though in the morning I think its a case of too little too late!!
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Old 04-15-2002, 03:39 PM   #138  
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Mel, Do you 1400 cals per day to allow you to save for the weekend or do you have 1400 7 days a week?
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Old 04-15-2002, 04:24 PM   #139  
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Jano to be honest I don't usually drink at all as I would rather eat calories than drink them. If I do want to drink though I just try to make up for it on that particular day - I haven't got the willpower to save my calories all week for Friday night.
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Old 04-16-2002, 01:55 AM   #140  
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I was just tying to decided if I was having the correct amount of cals. I am trying to have about 1000 - 1200 per day, I think that this will allow me a little more for the weekend. How did you work your allowance out??? I haven't done cal couinting in ages but when I went to R Conely last year I was told to 1400 per day, so I was using this as a guideline.
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Old 04-16-2002, 03:25 AM   #141  
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Jano that sounds about right. How how much do you weigh/want to lose?

I go to RC and they said 1750 cals per day (I was 18.4 when I started in jan - now 17.2) but on that I just didn't lose weight!!! So I decided to find what suited me and that seems to be in the region of 1,300-1,600. I have the RC calorie fat gram counter and with reading labels on packets etc it does seem to be working for me. Having said that I came 'off the wagon' 3 weeks ago and only just dared to step back on the scales and its showing a gain of 2lbs - oh well!!
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Old 04-16-2002, 03:38 AM   #142  
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Jan, if you go too low with your calories you will really struggle to lose weight. Have a look at what Posy/Ali said on the Weekly Weigh In thread - that happens a lot to me. You might find that its a good idea to just eat about 1400 during the week and give yourself an extra few calories at the weekends - maybe 1700-1800 and perhaps aim at burning off a few more calories on your rebounder. (Although I know that you are really rushed off your feet at the moment so you probably don't get a whole lot of time!!)
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Old 04-16-2002, 06:14 AM   #143  
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I fell off the wagon yesterday and had a really bad day food wise. I can identify with Ali's post where she said how ill she felt after eating fried food again after a long time. I had chip shop chips last night and felt so ill during the night. I was almost in tears. I love the way being in control of my eating makes me feel, so why do I have to sabotage my own efforts every now and again. I have been housesitting for my sister and have felt almost lonely being away from my home, very strange. Its given me time to think about the way I use food when I am bored, lonely, upset, etc.

I am determined to make this a one day slip up.
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Old 04-16-2002, 07:48 AM   #144  
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oh phoebe what did you surmise when thinking about the way you use food! for comfort i do this also and few months back i tried to explain to dh that i think it came from when i was small, when i hurt myself or got upset or fell out with friends parents used to "reward" me with goodies to make me feel better and i think thats where it stems from ive always connected food with getting comfort ...................only it doesnt work like that now or it may at the time but the disgust afterwards is terrible and im sure i never felt that as a kid has anyone else thought about it this way or is it just me looking for yet another reason for piggin out
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Old 04-16-2002, 07:57 AM   #145  
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Yes - you've come to the same conclusion as me, Kim. I was always told I was a good girl if I finished everything on my plate and if I was good (or in pain or upset) I was given sweeties or cake to reward me or make me feel better. I also got lots of sweets as presents at birthdays, Christmas and Easter. So now when I am feeling down or even want to celebrate something I always naturally want chocolates or gooey cakes.

Its quite frightening though - because I don't even think about whether I WANT those things - I sort of get in to an 'auto-pilot' mode and just automatically buy without even rationally deciding to get them. Its a hard habit to get out of - I wonder if anyone has ever successfully broken that habit for the rest of their lives.
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Old 04-16-2002, 11:52 AM   #146  
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Default Categories of fat people

I think there are two types

No 1 are naturally fat, have been all their lives and I fit into that category. I don't think I will ever be thin even if I lose all my weight this year, I think within a period of time it will go back on and I will be dieting again.

No. 2 are the people (mostly women I think) who have always been slim but because of a situation in their lives, (preganacy, perhaps or going to Uni and eating too much junk food etc, something like that to upset the apple cart) have gained weight. I think these are the people who mostly keep off the weight. They suddenly HAVE to learn about cals and fats whereas No 1 type have almost always known about these things. They are then in a position to re-train their short lived eating habits to get back to their naturally thin weight. I know that they do go on to gain a little weigh as everyone does as they age anyway.

So that is what I think.... and I think that anyone who fits into Cat 1 is never going to keep off the lbs as once they start to relax a little, the lbs return. It makes me sad to say this but I really do believe it. Now I know that it doesn't do my motivation any good but when I look at friends who have lost weight I can put them roughly into one of these catagories and it almost always works out that way.

Anyone else got any views on this ??
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Old 04-16-2002, 01:07 PM   #147  
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I'm definitely group 1... although I keep trying to persuade myself I'm group 2.

If I get to goal this time it will be the NINTH time in my life I have got there - and I usually stay there for anything between six months and two years and then slowly it all goes back on again.

This time it has GOT to be different...!
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Old 04-16-2002, 05:13 PM   #148  
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I am fat person type one and I too have passed this way before!! However I have learned....the hard way.......... and aim to become type no 2.
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Old 04-16-2002, 09:38 PM   #149  
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I'm a # 1 Weighing in tomorrow too, had a bit of a melt down yesterday and ate FOUR choc chip cookies! Had an ok day today I hope, think and pray. I bought a mini trampoline this weekend cos I've read so much about you all bouncing up and down, must admit, I like, Hannah does too and I have been having a bounce whenever possible, even during lunch so it might help the scales read a loss tomorrow?
Anyhoo, everyone have a great day, talk soon...wish I could come to Blackpool with you all..maybe I'll win the 350+ million lottery tonight? I'll let you know.
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Old 04-17-2002, 01:37 AM   #150  
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Well done, Chris! I love my rebounder - the dog HATES it though. He treats it like the vacuum cleaner and barks his head off whenever I get it out of the cupboard.

Well.... after having made ourselves thoroughly depressed by deciding that we are all going to put this weight back on again eventually because we are No. 1s - has anyone got any ideas about the best way to maintain? I know from experience that its no good just stopping the diet when I get to goal because I INSTANTLY gain half a stone - but I don't much like the idea of actually dieting for the rest of my life!
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