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Old 01-10-2006, 11:53 AM   #61  
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Good morning!!!!!!!
Robyn, as usual, you crack me up. Glad that the excercise class worked out for you. Yup, it really does help. And combined with weight loss, some of those aches and pains should go bye-bye. Golly......we could use some of your humor up here in NY! Hope the meeting went are the best.

Summer- well, I sort of figured that you might try to go to work , but hoped that you would not. Glad you made it thru the day ok....go slowly. I actually heard of one of those stomach bugs that you got better for a day or so and then went into relapse.....insult added to injury. How is Dd feeling?

Mouse- well, the good news is that (and I can't believe this myself, but know it is true) prom wear is available in the stores now. Hopefully you will be able to find something....golly so many of the stores are online now. Nope, I did not hear of the fire breathing mouse fire.......whatever......cute story though!!!

And Pam, no I did not get those red stitches painted yet......not interested in red hand prints either.

Got a short walk in this am.......planning on another in a few minutes. I might be MIA for a few days, time to get this darn computer repaired (software upgrade). Who knows.
Kiddies were AWFUL this am.....I was missing some of the primary big mouths and was still overwhelmed by their screaming....gotta redo the seating chart- again.......sigh........
Better go get something done around here. Take care!
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Old 01-10-2006, 01:56 PM   #62  
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Good Afternoon All:
Sounds like you all have been very busy since I talked to you all last on Sunday evening.
Robyn: Glad that you were able to survive your excerise class. Did you like it? I just laughed about your scale story. I hope all goes well with your meeting this afternoon.
Ginny: Sorry that you have to live and breathe baseball all year long. Atleast we get a break at our house. But by the middle of summer I am sick of it. So I feel your pain. I can't wait until football season is over. The males at my house are driving me crazy!
Summer: Sorry to hear that you caught what your dd had. I hope you are feeling better today! What a way to spend your long weekend! Take it easy and don't rush back into things and make yourself sick again.
Pam, glad that you are enjoying your Total Gym. I have wanted to go for a walk outside, but it has been too chilly in the evenings to do it. So I will just stick with my WATP's tapes in the mornings in my warm living room. Keep up the great work! You are going to look awesome in your dress for the cruise.
Mouse: I didn't hear about the house fire in New Mexico caused by the mouse. I guess it just caught me at the wrong time, because I thought it was funny! My aide asked me what I was laughing about. I told her and than we talked about it and she said that it severed the guy right. I hope you can get your phone call made this afternoon to find out what the doctor wanted. I hope that it is good news! I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
Zelma, are you enjoying your break still! When do you go back to school? Hope all is going well for you.
To update you all on my arm. I think I pulled a muslce in it. I have been taking it easy the last few days. I did go to Curves last night with my sdd. I took it easy and only did the leg machines. I did my walk and kick dvd this morning and just did the walking and kicking part. I go to the doctor tomorrow afternoon after school. So I hope to get some relief after my doctor's appointment.
Well I better go and get my kids started on their afternoon work. Talk to you all later. Keep your fingers crossed that I have a good weigh in at TOPS tonight. I have worked hard at watching what I ate this past week.
Talk to you all later.
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Old 01-10-2006, 08:11 PM   #63  
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Evening, all.

My teaching assistant thought the mouse joke was funny too. He & I have been trying to rival each other in the mornings with some of the stranger news stories we catch. His are usually sports related from the newspaper, mine are radio or TV News, and vary on topic. He's a good conversationalist, and I'm really enjoying working with him. He's going to come in on the teacher work-day (unpaid!) to help me with a project... I had started a vocational training curriculum for my kids last year, and through some small miracle, my former school mailed most of the materials back to me. I had the binder at home. I guess they didn't see the value in index cards and envelopes. The curriculum is commercial, called WorkBoxes, but all you get is the binder... you have to make or buy everything else. I want to set it up for some of my guys, but I just don't have time to finish making all the materials! I'm not even sure what still needs to be made or purchased... lots of the purchased stuff didn't get returned (sets of cards, crayons, wrapping paper), though.
Ginny: I don't think I would find a prom dress in my size in a store. Maybe in a Catherine's plus-size store, but not anywhere else. Formal gowns are cut smaller than a regular size would be. My issue is that huge pannus, because it makes it hard to fit dresses or pants. It was a nightmare trying to find business formal for my graduation with my master's degree. It was actually the DAY OF GRADUATION before we found something for me to wear! I'm dreading my school's graduation also because we have to wear robes. The robe we got for my master's graduation didn't fit because of the pannus. I am several sizes and many pounds smaller, but its still an issue! And there is no sizing on the order ticket, just height! The school will pay for our gowns, but we have to buy our hoods if we have above a bachelor's degree. My undergraduate school didn't have us buy gowns, they just let us use them and return them; I rented the one for my other degree. I mean, I never liked shopping at all before the endocrine disorder, but now I positively HATE it. I like plain, simple clothing... elegant is fine. My first formal dress was plain navy with navy embroidery and gold buttons. My grandmother hated that dress and was thrilled when it died. I had to get it for a concert at my university.
Kerry: Hope the doctor's appointment helps! I am still waiting for my endocrinologist to call me; I wish her luck: I will not be home before 6:30 any night for the rest of the week. I have PT on Wednesday, the re-scheduled holiday concert/pizza party is Thursday, and I have my last PT appointment on Friday.
Robyn: I'm well versed in nutso-parents. I have one now. Actually, 2... but that's okay... The one is the parent of my kiddo with touchy-feely issues, which she insists on blaming on another kid. The other is the parent of my senior. Her son FINALLY passed the last state test he needs to pass to get a modified diploma... I gave him the good news today. He smiled at me, and said, "So now I get my diploma and go to college!" Poor kid... his mom has him thinking he is going to college and he can't even write a descriptive sentence for a collage he spent months making.
Well... I think this mouse is headed for bed.
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Old 01-10-2006, 08:44 PM   #64  
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Evening All:
I just wanted to drop in real quick to share my good news. I weighed in at TOPS tonight and lost 1 1/2 pounds. So I am back on the losing track again. One of the ladies asked me how I did it. I laughed and said that my left arm hurt too much so I couldn't hold something in my left hand and eat with my right hand.
I have 18 more hours to go before I go see the doctor. I am hoping it is just a sprained or pulled muscle and he can give me some medicine for it. It seems to be getting tighter on me, the more stressed out I get. I am trying really hard to keep myself relaxed and calm with my MH kids. But I don't see that happening any time soon.
Well I better go and get my stuff ready for school tomorrow. Than I think I am going to head off to bed a little early tonight.
Talk to you all tomorrow. Have a great Wednesday!
Take care,
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Old 01-10-2006, 09:23 PM   #65  
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Back to school...ugh. Today was a weird day. I began the day feeling very bones like rubber. I finally broke down and got some regular coffee from Dunkin Donuts. Normally I can't tolerate caffeine because it gives me palpatations, but without it today, I think I would have collapsed. It worked and got me to 3:30. The BUG is everywhere. Today I heard so many "war stories" about it. One woman lost 9 pounds after vomiting for 3 days! She was about to be admitted into the hospital when it finally got better. So many kids had or have it. It is running rampant taking down innocent people in its wake.

The one bright light of my day was my mammogram. Now, most people wouldn't consider having their 42DDD breasts flattened down to the size of a, actually it was more like a crepe...a bright light in their day. However, after last years mammogram, which sparked several months of ultrasounds, MRI's, and finally a biopsy, having a simple mammogram that has...THANK YOU GOD...resulted in my breasts being declared, "HEALTHLY WITH NO SIGN OF BREAST CANCER!!!" you might call having a mammogram a bright light too. You need to understand that I've had two scares myself, and that both my parents died of cancer; my sister had breast cancer (is alive); my brother had cancer (is alive); my grandfather died of cancer; my aunt had breast cancer; even my miniature schnauzer, Snoopy, died of friggin cancer. Okay?! Am I a bit afraid of that hideous life destroyer?! You betcha. But it's not getting me today, and right now, that is all that matters.
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Old 01-10-2006, 10:11 PM   #66  
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Summer glad that you are feeling better. I am so happy that you got good news about you mammogram. I know you must be feeling a little bit better now! Hope you have a great day tomorrow at school. Try to stay away from people who are sick when you are still a little weak! I don't want you to get sick again.
Take care,
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Old 01-11-2006, 06:49 AM   #67  
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Morning, friends of mine! Thank you so much for your kind words of support as I try to end the earth by moving my BigFatFanny! I go back for more A$$HaulingAction this afternoon! I'll be there... but I WONT be enjoying it NOR would I say that it is "working out for me" as someone so sweetly put it! This class is totally against my will! I do NOT want ANYONE thinking that I'm smiling thru this junk! Gin, it isn't a is more like a pant, pant, pant thang that I've got going! I am nearly to a "new decade" on the scale! THAT is sort of exciting... I'm sorta silently hopeful for Saturday's WI!

Summer, Yahooo! I remember last year's scare! I'm so glad that you "ENJOYED" getting your mams grammed! I *do* know what you mean and I think that I did hear your scream of relief all the way down here! Glad to hear that you are recovering from your illness...... I am so sorry that you had to "get it"! I walk around in a Lysol cloud these days cause I'm scared to death!

Kerry, Yahoo! Your weight loss and dedication is so inspiring! Keep up the great work! I'm so sorry that your arm is still giving you trouble! I hope that the doctor is able to give you relief! Don't you LOVE trying to talk yourself out of stress?! Sighhh...

Mousie, the news story about the burning house / mouse made me grimace before I began giggling...if that counts! What an idiot that man was! AND... I love offbeat news! Google crossbow and virginia to read about a man in VaBch who shot and killed his wife with a crossbow last week. He claims it was an accident. He claimed it was an accident the last time she got shot in October too! She was a SpEd teacher. Shot in the back. He is in jail on murder charges. Also, did you hear about the contractors who destroyed the wrong house either late this week or early this? House they were supposed to tear down was across the street! EEK!
Regarding your prom dress: Do you know anyone who could sew your custom fit dress? I have a friend with a pannus who works with a someone who creates things that fit! Not that she gets to go to prom tho! Just a thought! Good luck!

Gin, do NOT go missing on us! We need you! Baseball stitiching, or not! I've yet to start Predator...don't know when I will! Maybe on Friday after school!

Friday... the magic word...sigh!

The meeting yesterday was postponed by the parent. Unfortunately, my stomach ache and mouthful of stress induced blisters couldn't be postponed. OMG This is getting really really bad! Breathe, breathe. I keep being told not to panic that I am NOT responsible for what is going on... however, I feel like I should have been able to talk her "down".... I've not had any contact with this family since 12/20th....when mom refused IEP....Kiddo hasn't been to school since 12/9...........breathe, breathe, breathe!

Thank you for your friendship, support, encouragement, and understanding! I've GOT to get moving this morning or go to school without my exercise clothes cause time is RUNNING out! and I KNOW that I'll hear it from YOU people if I drop out before my #2 class! So.. farewell friends!

Off to gather my flesh covering clothing for later today! Talk to you on the otherside! Sorry for not getting personal with everyone! Maybe tonight!

take care,
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Old 01-11-2006, 07:41 AM   #68  
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Kerry, yep, I'm still on break, thanks for asking. I can't believe how quickly the holidays are racing by. Only just over two weeks to go. Hubby's Dad and his wife are visiting for the last week and a half, so I'm not sure how much school work I'll get done then. I should be working my little (well, medium) butt off now I suppose, but I just can't get motivated. My heart really isn't into having the little kids and I keep hoping for a call from the principal telling me that I have an older grade. Hopeless huh? I hope I manage to get my head around it before I have to face the little sweethearts. I don't want to let them down, just because I can't get my act together.

The teachers' first day back is Jan 30th and the kids arrive Feb 1st. We have been warned to expect the hottest summer in a LONG while, so things may not be too pleasant. There are plans to get the school airconditioned, but that will probably be held off until winter knowing how the ed dept works.

Congratulations on your weight loss! I love it when the scales keep going down. I'm not keen on when they stay the same... and I do NOT like it when they go up. I get too easily depressed about those things and must learn some patience.

I truly hope that your arm is better soon, or at least that your doc can tell you what the problem is and get you on the road to recovery.

Summer, it is SO great to hear that your mammogram was clear! What an incredible relief that must have been for you. I hope that you are feeling 100% very soon. I agree with Kerry, stay away from all those sick people. The last thing you would want is a relapse. That seemed to be the problem at our school during the last school year. People would get sick, but not fully recover, so their systems were too weak to fight off the 3 or 4 other bugs that were going around. Some seemed to be sick every few weeks for a lot of the year.

We got all of our clearing out finished yesterday. Filled an enormous bin with a LOT of 'stuff'. We were so ruthless it was funny. We even stopped asking each other what we should throw out after a while... we just threw it! What a great feeling! It is wonderful to be able to reclaim the house.

Off to the doc tomorrow to get the results of Sunday's blood tests. I'm hoping for some good results after losing so much weight. These are pretty much routine (have them done yearly as there is diabetes in the family) but he is also checking for any reason that I may have been REALLY tired lately. I'm thinking I may be low on iron, but we'll have to see.

Take care all,

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Old 01-11-2006, 10:59 AM   #69  
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Good Morning Ladies,
Believe it or not my arm feels a little bit better today. It is still really sore. But I am still planning on going to the doctor's after school today in 5 hours.
I did my walking strong video this morning minus the strechie band and arm movements. I just modified it and walked in place, kicked or did knee raises when they were using the strechtie band for arm excerises. I guess I have to take my sdd to Curves tonight after my doctor's appointment so she can workout. My dh told me last night that he would apprecitate it if I would just take her so she gets in the habit of working out all the time. So this evening I hope I can relax a little bit before my show The Biggest Loser comes on.
Robyn, I hope that you were able to find your workout clothes this morning before heading off to work. Just think it is a little rough in the beginning and you want to give up. But in the end when you are little Mrs. Skinny Minny Robyn, you will look back on that excerise class and be proud of your hard work! I hope that you have a great loss on Saturday morning. Then you can look back on the excerise classes and go back next week for some more panting, groaning and sweating!
Zelma, glad that you had such a successful house cleaning. Would you like to come to the States and clean my house? I ended up helping my stepkids clean their room on Sunday. Oh my God, the junk we threw away filled one entire garage bag. I know that you will do fine once you start back to school with the kids here in a few weeks. This past summer I had to go back to school to become high quailfied to teach my special needs kids and I was depressed right before school started. But once I got back in the mode of doing school work with my kids, things were fine. So I am sure you will be fine here in a couple weeks.
Hi to everyone else. Hope your day is going great!
By the way, we are starting the Biggest Loser Contest at my school this week. We divided up into teams of 4. We had to name our teams and my team named themselves Hot Chicks in 2006. Guess who happens to be the team captain? You guessed it me! I hope that I can motivate and inspire my team to lose big from now until April 13th.
Have a great day! Check back in with you later. I will let know what I find out at the doctor's.
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Old 01-11-2006, 06:06 PM   #70  
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Hope everyone is doing ok...I am ok we're having afreak thunderstorm that just came out of nowhere. Weird...
Very proud of myself today...Had, a faculty meeting with piles of compliemntary goodies, I only had a couple slices of cucumber, tomoto, carrots, and a few peanuts....Even passed up the candy dish when it came around. THat was tough....I love me some chocolate......

I posted a long post yesterday which would not post no matter what I did, so I just gave up.
Ginny: On for lunch. Went to Ptown for a day during my honeymoon. Lost our car......Those trees...Hmmmm are they painted yet? If you don't post soon I'll know why. Maybe you could talk to Dr. Self about this baseball/husband problem......She could help...

Robyn: GO girl on the excercising. I have been excercising every single day. Aint it grand? Ok, I sent my pics, now you have to send yours.....

Kerry: Hope the arm is better. What did the doctor say?

Summer: Glad you were able to make it to school. It's just miserable going to school and being sick, I hate it.....I know exactly how you feel about the mammogram. My mom had breast cancer, and had to have a single mastectomy. She, tried reconstruction, and had to end up having it removed in emergency surgury because he body rejected it. She is very lucky. SHe had a lump, and they did a biopsy, and the lump was benign, they just happened to catch another piece of tissue that was cancerous. It was in her ducts. SHe is doing fine....Was about seven years ago I guess. My boobs are so lumpy I seriously wonder if I would be able to tell.

Mouse: Good luck with the prom dress.. I was sort of excited about getting a formal dress. However, I may just take that one back and get a second hand one, if I can find one. I told my husband that it is a waste to spend money and wear it one time....What, am I going to vacuum in it?

Zelma: So, two more weeks and you will be joining us? Ughh. I'm tired already! We did activities all day, and cooperative learning, and I'm pooped. Enjoy the rest while you can....

I have missed the federal express truck twice. I'm starting to get worried. It looks like I will have to drive the thirty miles to get my stinkin birth certificate if I miss it again.

Off to cook supper......And excercise.

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Old 01-11-2006, 07:12 PM   #71  
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Evening Ladies,
Well I went to the doctor this afternoon. After pulling and pushing my left arm, he has decided that I have burstitis in my shoulder. So I have to rest it for a week or two. Keep putting my Tiger Balm Patches on and take 800 mg of Iboubrofan 3 times a day with food. So I did take my sdd to Curves tonight and I just did the leg machines again. I felt like I really didn't have a workout by the time I was done. So I am hoping that after a week I can start using the arm machines again.
Pam great willpower at your meeting today. I know what you mean about the chocolate. The other night at the afterschool program several of the gals bought a large pizza and I passed it up. Since I knew that I was getting wi last night at TOPS. So you are still loving your Total Gym. Since you are exercising each day. See you will toned and buffed for your cruise in March
Hi to everyone else. I better go and get some more computer work done before my show comes on at 9. The Biggest Loser. I want to be able to watch it before falling asleep.
Talk to you all later.
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Old 01-11-2006, 07:59 PM   #72  
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Me again.
Just getting ready to try and find some plane tickets.....Called federal express and they are going to hold my birth certificate so I can pick it up tomorrow.

My family is sort of pissing me off. My oldest son, the athlete.....Has done nothing but make fun of me since I started working out on this total gym. Oh, that's nothing. I could do that with one finger (which he can)
blah blah blah. You need to step it up a notch. Then, there is my husband, who liked it the first time he tried it, but refuses to go in it now who says why are you at that level? Can't you go up a notch? Well, there are seven levels on the machine. I am starting at level 2. It's not at the very bottom, but pretty close. After doing the work out the first night on level 2, it kicked my butt. So, I said just leave me alone. I can do this at level two and still be able to walk like a normal person. I have only been doing this Saturday. Where is the support.? What about gee mom, it's great that you are excercising...UGHHHH. THen, my huby goes around squeezing my arm and saying gee how buff and laughing. I may just have to kick him in the face. SOrry...... Glad to be the butt of so many people's jokes in this house. My youngest son is very supportive....He has done it some too. He says geez, that's hard mom.Sorry to complain, it's just getting on my nerves.

Kerry: Sorry about your arm. I hope it will get back to normal soon. If I was hurting like that, I don't know that I would have even made it to curves. Kudos to you.....I'll be watching with you at nine......There is another show on fittv called reunions, that takes these people and gets them in shape for their high school reunions. It's a reality show too. I like that one as well. I just happened to stumble across it one day. The only difference, is that they are not in competition. But, you get to see their successes, and the work out routines they go through.

Ok, gotta get searching, then have to hem some pants for the little one, and then I'm gonna plop on the couch.

Have a great day tomorrow and for Robyn: Or not....THe choice is yours...and back at ya babe!

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Old 01-11-2006, 08:19 PM   #73  
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Hi, all!

Robyn: Hope the exercise class went well. I was thinking about you, because my physical therapist pulled out the step-blocks for me to practice going up and down. He discovered that I turn my left leg out (pigeon toe) and I tend to drag it when I walk. He thinks that is because my calf muscle isn't strong enough, and that is also why my calf has been cramping. I'm expecting it to do too much. He is going to go over my weight lifting record with me from my old gym (I snagged it when I moved) and try to help me add some leg exercises! I'm actually HAPPY about that; he also recommended seeing if I couldn't afford to work with a personal trainer once a week or so for the lifting part. I'll ask how much it costs at my gym. Its a shame the head lifeguard (now temporary aquatics director) at the old gym is being such a dick... he's a certified personal trainer, and he might have helped me. I might also ask my TA, since he is also a certified personal trainer, and started at training to be a physical therapist.
Kerry: Bursitis is icky. I've never had it... I understand that they frequently recommend physical therapy for it. I'm not sure what type though, I just have seen lots of patients at the PT offices with that issue. I totally understand stress in dealing with your kids. Today, we had the dress rehersal for the soon-to-be famous soap opera, "As the Cafeteria Tables Turn". I was given the part of the "Evil School Teacher", and we also have the red-haired seductress who sets up all this schemes to get others in trouble, the naive and simple ingenue who does whatever the seductress says, the scapegoat, the follower, and the Court Jester. The scapegoat allegedly kicked the ingenue, who was completely innocent. Reality was that the seductress and the ingenue both kicking, and the scapegoat thought he was just teasing.
The follower joined in by saying he was kicked (really, really hard too!) and he SAW the whole thing. 2 hours and lots of lost classtime later, I got the whole story! I can laugh about it now, but while it was going on I was just mystified. I was also a bit worried when I discovered that my naive ingenue was telling everybody that I'd called her names, said she was a criminal, and that I hated her... I do NOT need a kid going home and telling that story!
I seem to have an epidemic of lying going on in my classroom.
Ginny: Don't go missing!!! We need you!!!
Zelda: 2 weeks left, well... here I am cheering that we're going to have exams next week, which means that the kids will leave early. I could use the time to make activities and stuff for them.
Summer: AWESOME NEWS! I remember last year too, and am so glad you & your family do not have to go through that again! Do take care of yourself: we've had it going around also, but fortunately only one student in our program (mine and the severe disabilities teacher) seems to have gotten it. Its been a week since she got sick in school, so I'm hoping I didn't get it. Of course, the question is: Would I know that I had it since I'm nauseous half the time anyway? Hmmm...
Tomorrow is the concert and the pizza party. I will probably have a piece of pizza, then come home to have one of my frozen dinners. Or, maybe I'll take the frozen dinner to school for a late lunch (I have a break tomorrow, so could eat as late at 1:30), and have my usual tuna and cheese for dinner.
I'm still waiting for my blood test results from the endocrinologist. I still have no idea what her "thoughts" were. I'm going to try and call her tomorrow from school since I have to stay there. The librarian will let me use her phone, and won't repeat anything that she hears. She's good people.
As I said, we're rewriting picture books... I really wanted things like "If you Give a Mouse a Cookie" and "Brown Bear, Brown Bear", because its easy to pick a new main character, and a new thing to see or give, and wham! a new story!
Oh, and... If anybody has kids who want to be email penpals with my class and maybe the severe disabilities class, LET ME KNOW!!!! I signed my kids up for Gaggle accounts, which is the free, filtered email for schools. The assistive tech person that supports our school LOVES the idea, and is doing research to help us. I've been digging on the 'Net to find materials to teach the kids about safe emailing... We were supposed to do the lesson tomorrow, but I have an IEP meeting now, so it'll probably happen next week. I can also tell you how to get Gaggle accounts for your students (they really are free!) if you're interested. The one thing about the service that is really awesome is that if they send anything that is inappropriate or dangerous, the system forwards the email to the administrator (me!). Its not a human screening, but its better than turning them completely loose. I will also make sure my students know that I have their passwords and I will monitor the accounts; if I think I have a reason, I'll check the email. My students have writing levels anywhere from 1st grade to 4th grade...
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Old 01-12-2006, 05:03 PM   #74  
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Okay, just in case anybody is curious, today SUCKED. I mean, really, truly sucked. And it was so gorgeous outside! I would love to just go for a swim and then sit on the porch and read. I have to stay after school to go to the concert for one of my kids. And really, I would much rather go swimming!!!!!!
Alright, the parent didn't show up for my IEP meeting. I found out later its because his daughter told him not to. The father is cognitively impaired, and I have the daughter. She is allegedly impaired as well (testing from 3 years ago shows a cognitive level of 5 years which is SO wrong, I have no idea how they could have ever thought those tests were VALID!!!). She rules the roost. This is my chronic absentee. So, after Dad didn't show, she managed to get somebody to pick her up at school early. Unfortunately for her, the truancy officer was in the building. We spent more than an hour talking to her, and then I spent most of the rest of the afternoon with various people from special ed: our principal, our dean, consulting teacher, etc. I got nothing done at all, didn't get lunch.
In between all of this drama, the printer broke... and its midterms, so my kids have projects due... And I finally reached my endocrinologist. :sigh:
Most of the blood results were fine: my fasting glucose was 81, my cholesterol is a little higher than she'd like, but not much (and that's probably from the birth control pills anyway), all the normal chemistry stuff was okay. My liver enzymes were also normal. BUT! My insulin is elevated again, and almost back to where it was when we started this whole mess. It was 30. It doubled in less than 3 months... the last bloodwork was done in October, and I had this done the end of December. I know my eating wasn't great for a week or two there, but this is horrible. And, my testosterone is up again too. I've worked so hard, and done that whole damn diet, and swam my little mouse-y butt off... for what? NOTHING! NOTHING!
No weight loss in a year. I take all those drugs and I'm sick all the time for WHAT?
I have to go see my primary care doctor tomorrow because they want to try insulin lowering drugs again. I tried glucophage/metformin and was sicker than I was when I was throwing up everything. I can't do Avandia because that is known for causing liver damage. The only other two that seem to be out there are Class C drugs and can cause issues with having children. Okay, I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that I won't have kids... but some of those drugs say that women who are or might be pregnant shouldn't even TOUCH them. Does that mean, then, that my female friends shouldn't be at my home?
I'm really upset, and really just want to go home, but I can't.
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Old 01-12-2006, 06:45 PM   #75  
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oh mousie, how disappointing...... i'm sorry. that sounds so teeny but please know that it is heartfelt! (((mouse)))
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