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Old 10-23-2005, 06:25 PM   #406  
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Hi Ladies,

Shad, you are correct it is very quiet here--perhaps everyone is enjoying good weather like we are. I did weigh in yesterday at a 7:00 a.m. WW meeting and even though I hadn't eaten breakfast I still gained 1/4 of a pound. I am sure it has something to do with all this exercise because I am toning up.

Now that I know there is a meeting just 10 minutes away from where I live, I have no excuse to not go. The Leader is about 5 ft--the same as I am, only she has red hair and seems really to enjoy what she is doing. She lost 25 lbs. and has kept it off for 4-1/2 years. There must have been 40 or more people at the meeting. It is true if you stay for the meetings it is very motivating.

Since the cleaning people are coming on Wednesday, I have been very busy getting my house in order--on Friday I spent most of the day cleaning the garage and yesterday it was my office and the next things I need to do is clean the desk in the other room. I have never had anyone clean for me so this is going to be a treat.

I hope all of you are having a "wonderful" Sunday.

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Old 10-24-2005, 09:25 PM   #407  
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Hello Ladies,

What a busy weekend. My brother was in town and I told him and my parents to drop by saturday night for some burgers. Next thing you know my other two sisters are coming over too, so i was busy tidying up the house. Then one of my sister's decided to stay the night, with her big dog. So that was interesting trying to keep both dogs seperated. But it was fun to get all of family together. Today I work a big trade show for work. Got lots of goodies there. Did lots of walking.

Shad - Two days left. Don't know if you be logging on but if you do be sure and tell us of your adventures.

Nita - 1/4 of lb is not bad. Like you said you have been toning up, so I wouldn't worry about that. I've never had a cleaning person to. I think i would probably clean before cleaning people come.

Hope everyone is having a good evening!
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Old 10-24-2005, 10:15 PM   #408  
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Default RE: Hey there girls...

Hey There Girls...

Good to hear everyone is doing well. I am also!

SHAD: How long will you be gone on your trip? I am excited for you!!! Guess what, I want to hear about the food. Surprise!

Nita: I am thinking/looking for a cleaning person. But, I am right there with you, I know I would clean before. But, once I have one, and am on a schedule it would be heavenly. I just got in, finishing yet another 15 hour day! I did get to come home for about 45 minutes around 5P to walk Rocky and freshen up. I don't know why, but I am not tired? I just found out we can now place money in our flexible spending account for weight loss and management programs. Finally, someone gets smart. I am thinking seriously about joining WW once again. I know you enjoy the program.

OneDay: Rocky would be nuts with an extra dog or animal in the house. I would have to keep him in his kinnel most of the time. I bet it was nice to spend time with you sister, tho. My poor sister is still at freak out level after losing her daughter. I know it will take time.

Mooz, CatLover all the best to ya, girls! Write in soon!

Have a GREAT week!!!
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Old 10-24-2005, 10:43 PM   #409  
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Hello everyone,
Yes we are down to counting the days. only 2 sleeps left now. I have organised the little brother and the big brother and the youngest son. Now all I have to do is to get myself fixed up and sorted out and packed. Nothing new there, I always pack on the last day. That's when I sort out what I really want to take and what stays at home.

I am going to the duty free store today to buy a new lens for the new big digital camera. DS2 bought the camera some weeks back and has lent it to me for the trip. I'm hoping that I get some good shots with it. Should do and once I get them onto my computer, you shall see them on the network.

I had an email from my friend telling me it was getting a bit cooler now and that the leaves are starting to change colour so I look forward to that. She also says that she has heard of a park up in the hills a bit further that lights up the maple trees at night and the wonderful colours reflect in the pools around them. Sounds good to me.

I will try to log in while I am away, but it may not always be possible. You will hear from me as often as I can make it. I'll keep a diary while I am away, so you will get to hear about the food and the weather and the people and the scenery and all the places we go to visit.

Nita, having a cleaning lady is good. Provided of course she is a good cleaning lady. I always used to do a tidy up before she came. But I have had to put her off because of the renovations which seem to be never ending around here. It's so nice to come home to a clean and tidy house.

Okay, better fly. Lots to do today and tomorrow will only be half a day at work. So catch up again later.
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Old 10-25-2005, 07:56 AM   #410  
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Hi chickies ....... just a quick call to let you know I am ok! ......still trying to eat healthy and exercise but the eating is difficult! Lost 1 pound last week but I will be lucky to stay the same tonight. I hope I have not put any weight on!
Paul is home from Canada. Sinead is back in Belfast afte 17 days in Chicago and Orla is getting back to Belfast tonight after 4 days in Berlin.
Mum is getting slower all the time now but at her age I cannot expect anything else.
I will try and call tomorrow and let you know how I did at WW!
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Old 10-25-2005, 11:47 AM   #411  
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Good Morning Ladies,

It is finally cool every morning now in Phoenix. Tomorrow is the day for my "first" cleaning by other people. I understand there will be two people and that they will be done in two hours. Today I steamcleaned a couple of spots on the carpet and then went on to clean the windows in my car. Would you believe after all my exercise yesterday I came hope and washed the car. Instead of eating dinner I only had some jello mixed with coolwhip and my stomach was a whole lot better. I have decided to have my biggest meal either at breakfast or lunch and just a snack for dinner. Not only will it help my stomach but I am sure it will help me get rid of some of these extra pounds.

Have a "super" trip Shad, I know how excited you must be! While you are gone I most definitely will continue my exercise program as well as checking in with WW each Saturday morning.

Mooz -- It's good to hear from you and I know how it is taking care of someone who is not getting around very well. I am very lucky, however, because as long as I fix Gene's lunch before I leave I can be gone for 4 or 5 hours and he does not have a problem. I always have my cell on and our next door neighbor is always available in case of an emergency. I really think he could do more walking with his cane but he is still terrified of falling. Perhaps this feeling will get better as time goes by.

Well I need to go and get my hair cut before I go bowling. Take care all and have a "great" day!

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Old 10-25-2005, 07:45 PM   #412  
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Morning all,
Well there is only one more sleep before I go on the plane tomorrow. At LAST!!!!

Mooz - good luck at your weigh in. I'll be waiting for the result.

Nita - good to hear that you are going to carry on with the exercise. Apart from anything else, it does allow us to eat a little more without gaining weight.

Gotta go. Meeting in 10 minutes, I am so not ready.

Next post from Mizunami in the Gifu prefecture Japan.
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Old 10-25-2005, 10:53 PM   #413  
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Sorry I have been AWOL but I have been discouraged about the whole weight thing. I've been walking but not enough yoga. There just isn't enough time for everything.

Love you all, though.
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Old 10-26-2005, 03:50 AM   #414  
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Mornin chicks ........ just a quick report ....... lost 1 more pound making it a total of 6.5 so far.

Have a great time in Japan Shad.

Talk to you all later ........
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Old 10-26-2005, 04:15 AM   #415  
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Well done Mooz
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Old 10-26-2005, 10:49 AM   #416  
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Good Morning Ladies,

Mooz -- You are doing so awesome, keep up the good work!

Catlover -- I know what you mean about this losing weight business. I am not losing weight either, however, I am toning up from all this exercising I am doing. And Shad is correct, the more we exercise this gives us a chance to eat a little more if we so desire. Perhaps you just need to take a breather for now and stop and when you are ready, I know you will get back on track! I am still having a problem at night time and I really think it has to do with nerves--even though I don't discuss Gene's situation with him, I think unconsciously I am rather nervous about the whole thing. Some days he seems better than others and then other days he really has a hard time getting up from a sitting position. Maybe it is a good thing I am writing this down because I really have no control over the situation and can only pray it does get better.

Well I am ready for the cleaning people even though my house looks rather good since I have put up a lot of things I should have done long ago. I won't see the end results until I get home from bowling but I will be here for an hour or so while they are working.

Take care all and do keep posting--that is what this support group is all about!!!!

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Old 10-26-2005, 09:12 PM   #417  
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Shad - I hope you have a fun and exiciting adventure. Looking forward to you wonderful stories and photos. Will keep you in my prayers for a safe journey.

Mooz - WTG on your weight loss. Glad all the kids got home safely.

Nita - I can understand your stomach being upsetby stress. My doctor call it the mind/gut syndrom. He said what's on my mind, effects my stomach. And he is so right. When I'm really stressed, I can feel it in my stomach. During those times I try to do mediation or any kind of relaxing techniques.

Hal - 15hour days, girl, I don't see how you do it. I'm thinking of rejoining Ww too.

Cat - I feel your frustration.

Ok ladies, tonight I went and got my hair permed (needed it badly) and left the hair salon feeling pretty good. My hair was looking good. Then I stopped at the mall. I'm attending a funeral tomorrow (coworker's son) and wanted to get a new top or something. We'll I looked around and picked up a few items that I thought would look good. WE'll they didn't look good or one or two items didn't fit. So I tried on a larger size and it too didn't fit in the bust. I ended up trying on a size 18 jacket and it fit. Now remember i'm 5ft 1 1/2" tall. Now I realize different clothes fit differently, but I was so discouraged with myself I wanted to cry. The blouses fit me and they were a XL. I left there and immediately wanted to eat everything in sight. I have got to do something about this. I haven't gained any more weight, but I haven't loss anything. I'm starting my exercise program on monday.
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Old 10-26-2005, 10:14 PM   #418  
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1day--I just hate clothes shopping no matter what. Good luck on the exercise.

I got a new yoga CD. Sometimes something new gives me a boost.
Went to candlelight vigil tonight in remembrance of the 2,000 US fatality--and of course the coalition deaths, the deaths elsewhere, the 30000+ Iraquis. We sang some old songs including "Blowin' in the wind" "How many deaths will it take till he knows/that too many people have died?" I wonder.
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Old 10-27-2005, 08:57 PM   #419  
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Hello Ladies,

Cat - Can you recommend what's a good yoga tape to start with? Did you get your from a local store or purchase or on-line?

Hope everyone is having a good day!
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Old 10-27-2005, 09:25 PM   #420  
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Morning all,

Quick note here. We are on our way from schoo to Nagoya today. Dont have a lot to report. Things here are fine and mostly warm. Someone asked me if I was cold today but it is quite pleasant out there. Went for a run in the school grounds this morning so that got the aeroplane kinks out of the way. Didn't get lost either.

This keyboard is a killer, very small space bar. I end up with one very long word every so often. No idea what some of the symbols mean either. But it is all fun.

Sorry to hear about the clothing blues. How well I know that feeling.

We have done a 55 minute English class this morning. Lots of fun and shouting so I think that is it until a kindy class tonight.

Glad to hear it is all going okay with everyone so far. Try to get back tomorrow again.
Now I better get ready to read the signs to the railway station. It's all fun!
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