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Old 10-13-2005, 10:27 AM   #391  
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Default RE: International Friendships rule at 3FChicks!

Good Thursday Morning Movers and Losers!

Just a quick pop up for the thread and a note of appreciation for our thread of diversity. Neat things happen here, and I say THANKS!

CatLover: I slept for 3 days until I felt 'back to normal' this week! Sad but true. Mother Nature has a way of letting us know our limits. I hope you are able to get your rest soon. I feel SO much better. I've gone from needing 5 hours to 8 or 9 hours of sleep. Just the facts. I have to plan for it, and it is a real challenge to work it in.

OneDay: Thanks for the heads up on the trolley set ups. I'll check them out, and now I know where to look. I'm glad it was not just me, I wondered how long the biggest losers were moving it daily. I have a feeling it is an incredible amount of time. Again, is losing 8 to 10 pounds a week healthy? I don't think it is, and I am suprised a nationally syndicated show would promote this 'quick weight loss'. I just hope these losers safe healthy and are free of problems.

Here are some tips on shopping for ingredients as we attempt to prepare nutrient dense taste delights!

Buying better quality brands can be more expensive, but since you're using such small quantities, it's well worth it.

Parmesan cheese. Don't use canned, pre-grated Parmesan – it's nothing but oil and fillers. Instead, buy a small block of Parmigiano-Reggiano, a skim milk cheese from the Parma region of Italy. You can tell it's the real thing by the name stamped on the rind. Shave it with a vegetable peeler, or grate it with a microplane grater, available at cooking stores. Taste a bit of each cheese on its own and you'll be converted.

Fresh Produce. Use fresh fruits and vegetables, rather than frozen or canned conveniences. Sure, it's easier to buy pre-chopped, bagged, frozen onions, but your casserole will taste better if you dice a fresh one. Blueberries, cherries, carrots, broccoli — they're all better fresh. And that goes double for herbs. Buy fresh whenever possible. Double the amount of fresh to substitute for dried.

Seafood. Buy fish or shellfish at the fish counter. Avoid prepackaged, frozen, or canned fish (with the exception of tuna fish). Ask your fishmonger if you can smell before you buy. It should smell fresh, like the ocean on a spring morning — never like the tidal flats on an August afternoon. If you're buying a whole fish, the eyes should be clear, not cloudy, and the fish should have tightly closed, shiny scales.

Cold Cuts. Shop for deli meats at the deli counter. Use sliced fresh turkey breast or roast beef for your sandwiches, not prepackaged versions stuffed with salt and preservatives.

Pasta. Go for imported dried pastas like those made by De Cecco — they have a wheaty, bread-like taste and stay al dente better than most other brands. Or buy high-end American brands, like Hodgson Mill: Try their whole-wheat fettuccine. And while you're at it, don't put tasteless tomatoes on good pasta. If the fresh ones you have aren't quite ripe (or they've been refrigerated, which diminishes flavor and texture), use canned Italian tomatoes instead. (Make sure the label says "packed in Italy.")

Olive Oil. Olive oil should taste like, well, olives. There are plenty of good extra-virgin brands available in the grocery store, such as Colavita or Filippo Berio. Or go for one of the luscious new high-end bottlings from places like O & Co.

Vinegars. Use balsamic vinegar when you can – it's light and fruity. Look for Colavita Aged Balsamic, or indulge in a boutique bottling of syrupy balsamic to drizzle over salads or steamed vegetables.

Rice. Life's too short for tasteless rice. Rice Select makes many types that are robust in flavor: Texmati (toothy and mild), Kasmati (slightly fragrant), and Jasmati (almost floral). Try various types and find a few you like.

Honey. Honey should taste like flowers. Buy types from specific flowers or trees, like orange blossom, acacia, star thistle or even pine tree. Read the labels — many "blueberry" honeys, for example, are made with artificial flavoring.

Chocolate. Chocolate is never just chocolate. Some brands are cut with shortening. If you're going to splurge on chocolate, don't you want the very best? For baking, use Scharffen Berger, available in the baking aisle; or Lindt bars, often in the candy aisle.

Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough are the authors of The Ultimate Potato Book (William Morrow, 2003).

Groceries are super expensive now, and it is important to make the best choices so we don't have to throw anything out. I hope this helps you, I thought it was really good.

I thought I would mention, after I read the article on the 3FChick that lost the 87 pounds using our site, and at the end I noticed the article was 'sponsored by ediets' I received no less than 10 emails from them! Just from reading the article, I did not reply or inquire about anything. Wild, huh?
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Old 10-13-2005, 06:24 PM   #392  
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Morning all,

Today is day 21 of a challenge I took up over on another thread. It was fairly simple and easy - keep a check on portions, lo carb, drink the water, exercise 5 times a week. However the close I got to the 21st day, the worse I seem to get. I've managed but only just and will have to hold myself together today to stop from blowing the last day. Why is it we crave what we can't have?


Hal - good advice there on buying the good stuff. It really is worthwhile for the important things. I have recently found that I can no longer buy my underwear from Target which I have been doing. It's now rubbish and it isn't that cheap either. Now I will buy from the big department stores where the stuff fits, doesn't shrink or warp and the underwire tends to stay put and has a name brand on it, not generic as Target now are - they sell under the Target brand.

I thoroughly agree with the buying fresh fruit and vege and growing your own where possible and the Parmesan cheese as well. Nothing like freshly grated or sliced parmesan and if you can't get the authentic Italian, go for a New Zealand cheese if you can get it. It's (and I admit to bias) as good as any and certainly better than most. I never buy fish at the supermarket. It takes so long to get there that frequently it doesn't last the journey home. A fish shop or even better the fishing company outlets are a much, much better proposition. Here some of the fishing fleets have a shop where they sell the fish almost straight off the boat. And it is much cheaper than any supermarket. So if you are near the sea, it's worthwhile making enquiries.
I love balsamic, but watch the sugar content. A little goes a long way and the age of the vinegar also affects the flavour and the price.
As for the chocolate - well the Belgians, Dutch and Swiss make the best in the world and having tried all three from the countries of origin, NZ chocolate stands up well to the test. It's because they have a high rainfall and the amount of fat in the dairy (as in dairy milk) makes it so much creamier. You'd think the Brits could feature in there as well, but no their stuff is not as good, IMHO.
When I visited the States - all I saw was Clover honey. I remember remarking to Happy2bme (from one of the other threads) that the bees in the US didn't have much fun. Maybe it was just the supermarket we were in because you mention different flavoured honeys in the article. I'm not talking additives to the honey here, flavours of honey taste different depending on where the bee forages. Here we have Ironbark honey and Spotted gum, not to mention Teatree honey and wildflower honey. In NZ you get Manuka honey, Rata honey, Kowhai honey etc. etc. It all depends on where the bees come from and what blossom is out at the time. It's an interesting taste test (and I am not a honey fan)

I'm glad that you said that about LindaT and ediets. LindaT is a lovely lady, and I have read the article a couple of times now. My firewall keeps telling me someone is trying to access my computer. It may well be that since it has only recently started this gig. I haven't had an e-mail from them, but it could be that the firewall is doing it's job. Doesn't usually work on e-mails though. I still get scads of junk coming from some mailing list somewhere.

Only 13 days to my trip now. We have an itinerary coming together. There's the Toyota factory visit, the Noritake factory visit, a trip to the mountains where my friend is to judge a speech competition, an autumn festival in Tajimi, a visit to a castle, shrine and some gardens. Added to that I will have some hours to myself when she has to teach or visit the hospital. It will be fun. I think there is something else I have forgotten but thats okay. It will happen.

Mooz - sounds like the kids are having fun. Must be your turn soon? As for the boyfriend tramping through the jungle?? and eating crickets?? He must be having fun. The Witchety Grubs must be coming up next. His constitution will be altered forever when he gets back.

Okay, time to go do some work. Nita, keep up the exercise. Things will move soon.
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Old 10-13-2005, 10:27 PM   #393  
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Hello Ladies,

Hal - I found my trolleys at Walmart in the garden center, you might some on clearance. Thanks for the shopping tips.

Shad - 13 days left, by the time your read this it will be 12. I wish I knew of some fish stores, but I don't think there are any in this area. I'm not really use to eating fish but would love to try some different varieties, try some new foods.

Just got home from a meeting. Getting to stressed out at work. Didn't eat lunch til 2pm. I"ll be out of the office for two days next week, kinda of looking forward to that, but at the same time not looking forward to the work load.

Hope everyone is having a good evening.
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Old 10-14-2005, 10:52 PM   #394  
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Good Evening all you fine ladies!

This has been one of those very busy days for me. However, I did survive. Before going to the gym this morning I washed two loads of clothes and changed my bedding. I also replaced the filter for the filter. I then met my big sister at the gym and worked on some of the weight machines before the aerobic class. Joe is probably the best instructor and he really works all of our muscles. It is amazing, however, because when you are through you just have so much energy. I then went bowling and almost made 500 -- 496. I then went on to an office supply store far away from home to get a chair with wheels for Gene so he can do his exercise machine on the patio. On my way home I stopped at the hospital and seen my friend who had his leg amputated almost the same as my sister. Needless to say I never got home until 6:14 p.m. and I had left at 9:30 a.m. While I was gone we paid a guy to come and wash all the windows inside and out and he did the screens as well. They are sparkling at the moment. He charged $90 but it was really worth it. Now, however, I believe I have to clean the curtains to match the windows.

Shad is correct, all this exercising and I am not losing any weight. I do feel a little more toned up but I really hope the scale starts moving again.

Well it has been a long day so I will close for now. Again, you are an awesome group and I hope we stay together for a long, long time.

Take care,
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Old 10-15-2005, 09:26 AM   #395  
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Default RE: All things certainly are possible...

Hey girls!

What a beautiful Fall Saturday morning. The trees are just beginning to show a hint of the orange and red shades of Fall. So pretty!

Nita; I am right there with you, so thankful for our support thread. You had a great day yesterday! Now, time for me to move!

Shad: Count down time... I know you are excited. I have a freind that works in a Toyota plant here - so does her husband. It is huge. They make very good money also.

OneDay: I'll check out Wally world, don't they seem to be the solution to all that ails? Kind of scary. I was at a good friends home yesterday - she is a newly wed. She had the nicest wooden wagon on her front porch with plants in it. She said someone at her church made it for her. It was really unique, very neat. I saw a clip on the Today show this AM that said we should try to reduce our work day by 30 minutes to 'be more effective'. I will if you will. LOL Sometimes don't you wonder where these folks come up with these ideas? For living in a so called democracy, we really don't have the choices it advertises.

Do any of you watch HBOs Real Time show with Bill Maher? I just love that show. He spoke about the reality of a democracy in the US last night. The wheels are spinning...

I remember the night prior to the sentencing hearing for the young man that took my nieces life last May - I gave it totally to God. I let my stress go (So I thought, hoped and prayed.) When this young man received the maximum sentence of 50 years, and the average sentence in that state was 8 to 10 years - I knew then - all things ARE possible. This is very comforting.
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Old 10-16-2005, 11:17 AM   #396  
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Good Sunday Morning Movers and Losers!

I hope everyone is enjoying a restful, relaxing and beautiful weekend. It is so nice here. My fall break is so over. I am finishing odds and ends here to go in this afternoon to pull a few things together for the week of teaching!

If any of you are Martina McBride fans - do catch the Soundstage show on this week. She recently made an album of classics, and it is Martina at her best. She began her career selling tshirts at Garth brooks concerts, where she met her husband, John. John was Garth's road manager, now he is hers!

I've tried to put the weight tracker on my posting. We shall see. I knew I had gained some serious weight when I had my physical this summer. I did not register on my doctor's scale. She ignored it. Honest. Yes, my friends all say get a new doctor. I bet I won't have a choice. The state department is changing insurance companies in January - and a new list of doctors will be part of it. So... I 'think' this current doctor honestly believes fat folks make fat choices - and who knows - I guess we do. I have no thyroid glands (surgically remove) so I am dependant upon meds for my TSH hormones, and there have been some interesting occurances over the years with lack of responsiveness to the thyroid meds. Anyway... Thi picture I posted of Mr. Hal with myself showed the proof. I've never had a stomach, and I do now. One word - ICK. This tracker will place me one pound under 300 pounds - you do the math.

I was reading the current issue of O. I lost 107 pounds along with Oprah about 15 years ago (she lost 60). Trust me, keeping those pounds off the next 3 years were the longest ones of my life. You cannot, cannot, cannot fast and begin eating food without expecting your body to say thank you, thank you, thank you and return some (much of) that body weight! She said she thought she got it then, but now she has it. Certainly looking and listening to her - she has it. Now for me... It is a choice, a decision to be followed up with actions.

Wyonna is another example. She is on the television as I type. She just published a book on her life. Imagine having Ashley Judd as your sister, and having a weight problem. I love them both for each of their talents. They are Kentucky girls!

So anyway... exercise is key. I think the diet part is not a huge challenge for me, it is movin it.

Last edited by HalGal; 10-16-2005 at 11:25 AM.
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Old 10-16-2005, 02:11 PM   #397  
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Hello Ladies,
Been a busy weekend. I am going out of town monday and tuesday, work related, so I was busy yesterday with getting oil changed, tires checked etc. Just got home from church and I need to run up to office to get a few things done.

Nita - WTG on bowling 496 that is awsome! Remember you might not see the scale move, but like you said your are toning your body, your probably reducing your blood pressure and lowering your cholestrol. Lots of underlying things are improving. But as usual we want to SEE the results. Keep up the good work, you inspire us all.

Hal - Girl i'm with you. I know I have to exercise, but i just don't seem to find the time. And work, we'll i'm off to the office to get some things done because i'm going to be away at work site for a few days. What's wrong with this picture. Let's make a committment to get more exercise in.

You all might not hear from me til wednesday. Don't know if i'll have use of a computer or not.
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Old 10-16-2005, 06:22 PM   #398  
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Morning all,

Nita - glad to hear that the exercise is really doing well for you. I think it is great (most of the time)! Sometimes I really don't want to be there but I have this argument with myself and get along there and just do it. Always feel better afterwards - exhausted sometimes - but good.

Hal, Oneday, Cat, Mooz and any others here that I have missed. Hope you are all having a great Sunday and are getting in some quality time before going back to work on Monday. It's Monday here. Time I got off this site and moved into doing some work.

Come home early from work on Friday not feeling very well. I feel better now, although I still have a blocked up nose. At least the back pain and neck pain have gone. I went to gym on Saturday and did the Body Balance class and I'm sure that made me feel better. Went again yesterday and did a full cardio and half a weights session. Then went shopping. I needed some new gym shoes and a new clothes drying rack (not much use hanging the washing out in the rain). Wasn't that impressed with the price of either the shoes or the rack I might add. What I didn't really need was 3 new tops, but I got them anyway.

We have just had the most wonderful weekend of steady rain and coolish temps. I have no doubt that when the sun does shine again everything will spring up 3 feet (including the weeds). The weatherman tells us there is more on the way at the end of the week. News tells us that the dams have now got 2 more weeks of water in them, and when the run off gets to the dams we might have as much as 2 months more. Apart from the weather and Princess Mary's new baby there hasn't been much else in news. Still I guess both of them were good news stories which doesn't happen very often does it?

Better go strike a blow. 10 days to go.
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Old 10-18-2005, 06:15 PM   #399  
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Morning all,

Everyone must be really busy. I'll be back later to say hello properly. Better get on with some work now.

8 days to go
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Old 10-19-2005, 11:41 AM   #400  
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Good Morning Ladies,

Shad -- I am with you there in regard to not always wanting to go and exercise. In fact today I was thinking seriously of missing the aerobic class because my buddy is not going to be there today--she has a doctor's appointment. What I have decided to do is do 30 minutes on my treadmill because our weather finally has gotten really cool. Then I will go to the gym about 10:30 and do the 11 o'clock class and then I will be on my way to bowling. In fact, I bowled in no-tap tournament on Sunday and came in 3rd place for $48. The scale is definitely not moving. This could be because I haven't really been in control of what I eat. I am finding out that no matter how little I eat at night time, I seem to have an indigestion problem. I do not have this problem during the day but almost every night it happens. I was thinking of just having some soup for dinner tonight. Tomorrow is my day at the office so that is going to be a long day!

Do any of you ladies watch Boston Legal. James Spader is one of my favorite actors, however, even he seems to be putting on the pounds. I do believe this obesity problem somewhat stems from what they are putting in our food as well as what they are feeding the cattle and chickens!

Well I had better get moving--I need to take the clothes out of the dryer and get on that treadmill!

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Old 10-19-2005, 06:25 PM   #401  
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Good morning everyone.

Nita my scale is not moving either - hasn't done for a long time. Don't know whether to up the food intake or lower it. Whatever, I am reasonably content with who and what I am as long as the body keeps improving. Had a terrible time at the gym yesterday. I really didn't want to go at all, however I pushed myself into it, got there and there were young people all over the place - they seem to use it as a useful meeting place. My hassle with that is that they lounge all over the machines I want to use and talk or meditate or psyche themselves into whatever they want to do and it takes so much time and the rest of us are forced to work around them. I'm afraid I lost it when two of them decided to leave their towels, water bottles and keys on the machine they were doing their reps on and go for a wander around the gym talking on THEIR BL**DY CELL PHONES while the rest of us waited and waited for the equipment. I don't think they do it deliberately. If you ask them politely they will shift for you, but it is just so annoying. Eventually I just gave up and had a few words to the manager and left. I will now try to use the city gym first thing in the morning before coming to work. At least those who go to gym at that hour of the day have only one purpose in mind - get in, get sweaty, get showered, get out.

Gots lots of work to do today so I had better go do something.
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Old 10-19-2005, 08:25 PM   #402  
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Hello Ladies,

Back from my work trip. Had a overnight stay. Blackie was very happy to see me. Thank goodness for the doggie door. Not doing to good on my food, I started buying Halloween candy and of course started eating it.

Shad - 8 days left. I'm sure your getting excited. I think my gym is like yours in the evening. More of a pickup place.

Nita - WTG for your 3rd place. I have to agree with you on what additives they are adding to the feed they are giving our cattle. One of the tv shows did a program on that and unfortunately I missed it.

Lots to do this evening. Hope everyone is having a good day!
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Old 10-19-2005, 09:34 PM   #403  
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Hi Ladies,

Shad, Since our YMCA is rather new since I go late morning before our aerobic class, we don't have the same problems you have. In fact, the machines are very easy to get to. It is a huge place and they must have 20 or more treadmills and perhaps 15 bicycles and some of those elipitical machines, plus all the weight machines. It is really a "super" place to go. I, too, didn't really want to go again this morning but you are right you just have to bite the bullet and do it. As a result after the class I went onto bowling and really felt like a million dollars. My first game was quite poor--116 but then I went on to l82 and then ended up with 191. And can you believe after all this I ended up going to the mall and walked around and did some shopping for another hour and a half. Exercising really does give you a whole lot of energy.

Tomorrow is work again so I will not be exercising until Friday. Hope the rest of you ladies are having a "super" and "happy" week!

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Old 10-21-2005, 10:54 PM   #404  
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YIKES - Found us on page two at bottom.

Thank goodness it's friday. Even though I was out of town two days and I have plenty of work to do, I am not going into the office. Lots of things to do around here. I have some Halloween decorations that I need to put out, so i'll be doing that tomorrow besides cleaning house. My sister is going out of town so I volunteered to watch her dog. She has a 70lb beagle mix. Blackie loves playing with her but I'm afraid sometimes they get a little to rough. Needless to say it will be a Doggie filled weekend.

Nita - Sounds like you ended up bowling some good games. How did you do at Ww?

Shad - i'm forgot the count, but I know it's getting close.

Hal - Hope your able to enjoy your weekend without having to go to the office.

Mooz - Hope kids all got back home safely.

Thin and Mitchelelz - Would love to hear from you all.
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Old 10-23-2005, 06:19 AM   #405  
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Well, we are at the end of a busy weekend. It's back to work tomorrow but only for 3 days and then I am on leave and leaving on a jet plane. Yaahoo.

I've been busy this weekend with all the last minute things one has to do before going away, you know like emptying and cleaning the fridge, mowing the lawns, cleaning the car, weeding and deadheading the garden. I've also pulled all the lettuce and tomatoes out and given most of them away to family and friends. They will have gone to seed by the time I get back and the tomatoes will be over ripe. So the gang benefitted. Not sure what I will plant when I get back since it will be moving into summer, high temps and humidity. There isn't a huge amount of vegetables that can take those conditions.

I also need to keep the laundry up to date and make sure I have ironed everything and put it away or in the pile I am going to take with me. Probably pack around Tuesday night.

Nita, I wonder what is causing the indigestion. Could it be a spice or a food that you don't realise is in the food you are eating. If you are having a lot of ready prepared foods, read the label. Make sure there is no gm foods or maybe MSG that might be upsetting the system. If it is not that, how about trying something with a milky base and see if that helps. Or now that I am thinking about it - something with apple or just apple on it's own. Apple juice is very good for upset tummies as is ginger. Glad to hear you are getting on well at the gym. Yes I understand how hard it is to get motivated, but as you have seen the results come after.

1day - Good to see you back. It's been very quiet on this thread lately.

And it is time I went to bed. I need to get up very early in the morning. Gym then work and then home to work some more. Catch up soon.
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