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Old 09-26-2005, 06:17 AM   #346  
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Mornin chickies.
Couldn't see the picture Halgal.
Not a very nice morning here today ...... wet and windy so I did not get for a walk. I will get some exercise cleaning the house and it needs it! Hopefully going to TaeBo tonight. Not too sure if I will lose weight this week ...... No Hal Ketchum to chase this weekend! Looking forward to hearing about Halgal's adventure on Thurs at the concert.
Heard yesterday from a friend about a small party in a local pub ......... The House of McDonnell on the Sunday night (tha same day I first caught Hal!!) My friend's friend and her hubby, who plays music, were invited to the party with Hal and his promoter. She said Hal was very nice and she found out that he had been married 3 times and that his present wife's father was in the Mafia! So they were saying to him that is that case he would probably not be going for a fourth wife! Sorry Halgal !!!
If only I had known he was in that pub on Sunday night we could have just dropped in!!
Better go now and get some housework/exercise done!

Have a great day all.
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Old 09-26-2005, 01:04 PM   #347  
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Hello ladies,

just a quick hello. Storms didn't come up my way, instead they veered East. Got some winds but nothing major. Boss called me on saturday night and asked if I could come in and help with calls. Went in saturday night and work a few hours, then went back Sunday morning and worked 8 1/2 hours with taking in overflow of phone calls of customers calling in that they have no power. It was no fun talking to angry, hot people. Today i'm back at my job and I now have a much appreciation for the people in the call center.

will post more later this evening.
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Old 09-26-2005, 08:28 PM   #348  
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Hi Ladies,

Just a quick hello to let you know I did make it to my orientation of the exercise machines this morning at 7:00 a.m. I then went back at 11:00 and did an hour of senior stretches and weight lifting. It went by pretty fast and the group seems to be a good one! I was surprised to see so many men present. I only met a couple of ladies but I did get the telephone list. I also checked into the use of the pool and it can be used whenever they don't have a class. I might just try this out--the heat has gone back up to 106, and 107. I even went bowling after the class.

My eating started off great this morning but this afternoon I messed up but it's okay because I will get back on track!

Take care all,
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Old 09-26-2005, 09:10 PM   #349  
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Default RE: Picture reposted

Mooz: I have no idea what happened, but here it is again... scroll up! You know we heard Hal's current wife came from major money, we just did not know how much. She divorced one guy, and he was a singer also... Italian looking guy. Hal has not really worked much the last 8 years, and word out was it was her money supporting them. Interesting... He is not so comfortable with fans here, too bad.
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Old 09-27-2005, 07:41 AM   #350  
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Hal, don't know about that picture - first he wasn't there, then he was larger than life, then he wasn't again. Now he is back and in my face again. Might be something to do with firewalls as I haven't been able to see him at work (McAfee software) but I can at home (Norton software).

Can't stop, I've a 4.00am start tomorrow to be ready for the gym when it opens (5.30am - half hour drive, breakfast and time getting ready). It's the last gym session this week. I have Thursday and Friday off - Yeehaaaaaaaaa. Some much needed time out from pushing, pulling, swinging, lifting, running, stepping, rowing or cycling. I loooooovvvvvvve it. Only wish all this activity would actually take off some weight!!! Even take off some inches, but it seems I am stuck AGAIN. Fasting may be the only way!!!!
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Old 09-27-2005, 05:55 PM   #351  
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Had my last workout for the week this morning Five days on the trot, I feel virtuous and no I haven't lost any weight. It's leading up to weight and measurements day as well for those of us who, once a month, put ourselves through the torture of weigh, measure, sigh.

Now for the next two days I can sleep a little longer in the morning, and get home a little earlier at night. Gotta love those two days. I had my treat for the week this morning after a lovely ferry ride to work. I got a bacon and egg muffin - no sauce, no salt, no oil, hold everything else. It was good too. Aaaah well there's always next week for another one. Lunch today will be salads - I forgot to get anything ready last night so salads from the MYO is on the menu. Dinner tonight will be chargrilled salad and veg.

Hope everyone is doing okay. Catch up with the news later tonight.
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Old 09-27-2005, 07:53 PM   #352  
Give peace a chance.
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The paper said we had 400 people at our rally--about the same as the pro-war rally in D.C. People who were there said there were hundreds of thousands of people in the peace march--way more than the press reported.

Lech Waleska (sp?) was here to lecture, and said the U.S. had completely lost any claim to moral leadership of the world. Right.

Yet I did hear a story on the radio today that reminded me what my country can be at its best. It seems that cricket is becoming a big sport, particularly in California, but in other parts of the country as well. The cricketers are mostly people from the former British colonies--people from countries that hold each other in bitter hatred at home. Yet here they play on teams together with complete cooperation.

I wish we could live up to that.
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Old 09-27-2005, 08:06 PM   #353  
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Cat - it is an amazing thing that people as ordinary people, get on extraordinarily well. It's when politics and religion get in on the act that the trouble starts. Now I hope I haven't offended anyone with those comments, but it is true.

As to cricket - well there is enough weirdness in there to keep any war at bay. I've lived with cricket most of my life. Both brothers played it. I played it at school. My 2 sons played it in their young days and my ex coached. At the moment I am working with a man who is a cricketing king in Queensland - selector, coach, mentor to the youth cricket teams, advisor, organiser and whatever else it takes to get things done. From him we get to hear things that never make the press from the Australian Cricket team.

We can live up to that. It's eminently possible, but it will take a lot of effort, time, tolerance and patience.
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Old 09-27-2005, 08:18 PM   #354  
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Hello Ladies,

Cat - This weekend I really didn't keep up with the news other then the weather channel. I was going to say that 400 is a good show, but i'm like you said i'm sure the news media didn't get the right numbers posted.

Shad - I have to agree with you. For some reason when religion or politics get involved, trouble starts. WTG for getting your workouts in. Hopefully you get some good measurement numbers.

Been somewhat busy this week, I volunteer with the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation and our 10k walk is this weekend. I have been busy with getting prizes donated. I'm busy with last minute phone calls.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 09-28-2005, 06:17 PM   #355  
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Shad--there's a Lord Peter Whimsey murder mystery (Murder Must Advertise) where the humor is based on cricket. Of course, it's opaque to us Americans. They say you have to grow up with Cricket to understand it.
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Old 09-28-2005, 06:31 PM   #356  
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You must be kidding - I grew up with it and I still don't understand much of it. The basics are there, but men being men have to fiddle with the rules from time to time. Of course once money started coming into play then the game had to have some golden rules - ie them what has the gold makes the rules. It's changed a lot in the past 20 years and I haven't kept up with it.
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Old 09-29-2005, 03:16 PM   #357  
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Weigh in day today. I'll post the results tonight. Meantime back up to the top we go!!!!!
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Old 09-30-2005, 04:16 AM   #358  
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Usual monthly weigh in figures:

Measurements are as follows:
Weight 73 71.5 down 1.5k or 3lbs more or less
Upper Chest 36 36 same
Bust 40 40.5 Up 1/2 inch
Lower Chest 34 33 Down 1 inch
Waist 33 32 Down 1 inch
Upper Hip 38.25 38 Down 1/4 inch
Lower Hip 38.75 38.5 Down 1/4 inch
Top of Arm 12.25 12 Down 1/4 inch
Top of Leg 21.25 21 Down 1/4 inch

I'm really pleased to see the lower chest and waist measurement reducing. I've been putting a lot of effort into abs and crunches. Still not enough and those bl**dy boobs are GROWING!!!
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Old 10-01-2005, 06:30 AM   #359  
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Every one must be busy - back later.
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Old 10-01-2005, 04:04 PM   #360  
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Default RE: Back in the saddle, again...!!!

Good Saturday afternoon girls!

I guess everyone is out enjoying this beautiful weekend. I am going to also, thus a short post just to say I am alive, well, and Hal-rested. I got to see Hal in concert Thursday night. I am still coming down to earth. I took yesterday AM off, and slept in. I actually worked out before going into school in the afternoon. It felt great. My schedule is just so full, maintaining healthy habits is a challenge and a half. Now, to do this exercise thing...
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