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Old 08-27-2004, 07:16 AM   #586  
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Thank you for your support.
I ended up with a terible headache as the day went on yesterday. It was hard to function but I did. i dont get much empathy here. hubby has never had a headache so he doesn't really get it. Kids are kids.I had a good sleep and so far so good today. I have a LOT of tidying to do.
I ate a weird assortment and huge amount of food last night.ARRRRGGGGG.
Today is a new day, fresh start. I will try to do better.
I will check in later and see how everyone is doing. Have a great day!
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Old 08-27-2004, 08:54 AM   #587  
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Hi Everyone. I did show a small loss last night .25, but I'm ok with it, it's a loss, so I know that my veggie plan did work..and I'm feeling so much better this week, than I had been. I don't feel all worn out.

Someone told me once to compare it with gasoline. Your car will run on the low grade, but does it get the maximum performance out of the engine? Or does putting in the higher grade make it run better, smoother, with less problems arising? That made a lot of sense to me.

The same someone also told me to keep this in mind when I wasn't a big water drinker (and before IC dictated that is all I can drink!). When people mentioned that they got some of their water intake with coffee, and tea, or they drank fruit juices, she said that's ok, but would you take a bath in those and expect your body to be clean? She said if we are only putting those types of drinks in our bodies it's the same as if we were taking a bath in them.

Ok..enough wisdom for one day!

Suzy: You can change your health by changing your habits. I know that quest for good health keeps me going in this battle. Sure I want to look thinner and therefore I'll feel prettier, but it's the health factor for me. As long as I concentrate on that it helps me to stay on plan. Also, I know that by strivng for healthy, I'm still going to be a knockout when I'm over 50!

Just look at the women who are and keep theirselves in shape. They still look good. Notice I say in shape..not thin.

Holly: When I have a headache or I'm not feeling good, I tend to just eat whatever I want. It makes me feel better--hence the term "comfort food".

I hope you feel better this morning.

Looking forward to everyone's posts. I know we have been missing a few of you gals. Come on...we need to hear from you!

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Old 08-27-2004, 10:23 AM   #588  
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Morning All,
The fair was great. Expensive as all get out but fun. I ate until I thought I would puke and then did. I was up all night sick, my older son too. That was my punishment for eating badly. After a week or more of eating lighter and healthier my body just did not want to accept that junk. Anyhoo, I weighed in this morning and showed a .50 loss which I will take and run with. Showing a loss, albeit a small one, is encouraging for me. It tells me that if I eat better than I did this week I can do it. I'll feel better too. So thanks to all for being here and so positive and supportive. Any weekend plans/challenges? As for me, I'm not sure yet. I asked my kids (two boys 9 & 6) what they wanted to do with their last two weeks before school starts and they said hike in mountaintain with a picnic, batting cages, and the animal game farm. We will probably do at least one of them this weekend. None of them present any particular eating challenge so weekend should be ok OP.
Susie- Exactly! I always feel better physically when I am eating healthier with lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Congrats on the loss! I admire your positive attitude.
Holly- When I am doing well on my plan, I always splurged a little on weigh in day with the foods I craved during the week. You're right, today is a new day with a fresh start right back OP. Tidying is great exercise. I will be getting some today too as soon as I think my stomach can handle cleaning up the projectile vomit my son spewed all over my bathroom that the hubby missed in his effort to help out. Gotta love him for trying.
Have a great day ladies.
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Old 08-27-2004, 12:53 PM   #589  
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Cool Hello Ladies!!!!

Boy have I missed everyone!

How is everyone doing? And HELLO!!!! to all the new posters

Well...same ole' stuff going on here...EXCEPT for my FLIP-OUT at the public assistance office, lolol!

I applied for assistance since I will be on my own with three kids and they told me I'm like $6.00 over the limit. I almost killed someone lol! I said this is a bunch of crap, I'm being punished because I'm responsible and work, and the woman said it's sad but true. Why don't I just quit my job, go on welfare and I can qualify for EVERYTHING!!!!!!

So I've been trying to find housing and what-nots and dealing with a man who won't give an inch cause he's mad at the situation.

LORD they don't make movies as good as the drama layed out in my life right now, lol!

So as far as diet goes...I've been ok...nothing real bad, I should still be losing but I'm not exercising so the weight loss will be 3-4 lbs. a month at this rate.

I just don't have it in me right now with everything (and the kids just started back at school in 7th, 6th, and 3rd with track, football, and the flute) so you can imagine my stress levels, lol!

So people let me hear some good news stuff from you all --- I need major happy rushes!
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Old 08-27-2004, 01:41 PM   #590  
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Good Afternoon to Everyone!!

Hope everyone is doing well and staying OP. Pat yourselves on the back.

Tomorrow will be one week since starting South Beach diet. I couldn't stand it any longer and got on the scales this morning. Down to 256. So I have had a total loss since Saturday of 6 lbs. Official WI in tomorrow. Now that I am getting the swing of it, it is not so bad. Not too many eating choices these first couple of weeks, but for a 6 lb loss, I take it. Not eating carbs, fruit and dairy these first two weeks is trying, but actually I do have more energy and don't get sleepy at my desk like I did before. I want to be smaller so badly, maybe this is the motivation I need to keep going. Have not exercised yet, but doing more walking than phoning while in the office. Added steps has to help.

Hope everyone has a terrific weekend!! (My daughter took our home computer to college with her, can't get on line till work on Monday). Stay focused!


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Old 08-27-2004, 03:06 PM   #591  
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Hi Tardy!!! I am very happy for you that you are being strong and handling everything with such grace.AND you are still able to laugh.AND you are still eating well! The exercise will come again when you have a second of free time in the future.LOL

Annie~ Great loss, keep it up.

Hope you have a blast with your kids ,Suzie.

My day has been okay.I still feel a little shellshocked from the migraine but no reoccurance.I am nauseaus. I ate P,B&J with milk for lunch. Can you say comfort food?!!
My son is off to a bday party. It will be a quiet evening.Tomorrow we need to be beautiful and at the beach for 8:30 am for a family portrait.
I am hopin' for a nice sleep. Sunday ,I will sleep in!!!!!

Wishing everyone a delightful weekend!
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Old 08-28-2004, 09:04 AM   #592  
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Good Morning Everyone,
I had a really good day with my eating yesterday. I felt in control of it and that felt good. I have never been much of a breakfast eater but have tried to add that in when beginning a new diet. I find that as soon as I start eating during the day it sets off some kind of reaction where I want to eat more and more all day long. Does anyone else have this phenomena? Anyway, yesterday I did not have a chance for breakfast and had lunch in the early afternoon. I felt much more in control through out the day waiting for my body to tell me when to eat then to force food because of some rule. If I am hungry then eat. I haven't felt real hunger in a long time so learning to listen to my body seems key right now. Easier said than done though. I hope everyone has a good weekend.
Holly- Have fun with the portrait. Sounds like a beautiful setting for it. I hope you feel better and catch up on some rest.
Annie- Great job on the loss. SBD seems to be working really well for you. Having more energy is a true success for you. Keep up the great work.
Angel- Sounds like you have your hands full right now. It's great that you can stay in control of your eating during the rough times. That is an inspiration to us all.

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Old 08-28-2004, 08:53 PM   #593  
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Hello everyone...
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Old 08-28-2004, 08:58 PM   #594  
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Hello everyone,

I'm new in this site and I hope you don't mind me joining your group. I've read some of the most recent posts and you sound like a very supportive group. Originally from Costa Rica, I've lived in Toronto for the past 18 years (I'm 36 now).

I know I have to do something regarding my weight as I'm at my heaviest (240) and there is a history of diabetes and heart disease in my family. My ultimate goal is to be 165-170lbs which is when I feel my best. Would you midn if I share with you my ups and downs while I start this?

All the best of luck to all of you in achieving your goal.


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Old 08-29-2004, 09:33 AM   #595  
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Welcome to the Board Denise: I look forward to getting to know you and to see you reach your goal.

This is a very supportive bunch!

I'm trying to catch up on all the posts in a short time frame. We have friends in from NJ, so I'm not getting a lot of computer time in this weekend.

However, I know it's important for me to come here so I remember my goals and my dreams and to find support from all of you, so I had to get a quick check-in.

I'm still stiving for the veggies and such; we are eating out a lot since we have company, but last night we ate at Big Boy, and I choose a Buddie Boy dry, and an order of green beans and a salad. Everyone sort of looked at me, like "green beans"? but I thought to my self...yep,,they are long and skinny and those onion rings are round and plump...I'd rather look like the green beans, so that's what I'm having!

Have a good day everyone. I'll check in tomorrow.

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Old 08-30-2004, 11:12 AM   #596  
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Good Morning everyone....

Welcome to the board Denise, I have only been coming for a week and feel so welcome already. You will do great. Come here and post instead of eating. Post as much as you need to.

The beach portrait, ahhhhhhhh, just to go to the beach would be wonderful. That will be a marvelous portrait.

South Beach is doing me so great!! My official weight loss for Saturday's weigh in was minus 7. I am so excited and jazzed about it. I feel great, only have 78 lbs to go to healthyville. I can already tell my tummy is going down, cause when I sit it doesn't stick out past my size D's anymore. lol.

Have a happy day! Stay focused.

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Old 08-30-2004, 11:23 AM   #597  
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Annie: CONGRATS on the weight loss. Nothing like a loss to spur you on for the next week! Keep up the good work.
How's everyone else doing?

Anyone have an special occasions coming up this week? Anyone anticpating a road block in their way this week?

I didn't start off real well. We have friends in from NJ and last night we went to The Cheesecake Factory. I didn't eat badly (shared the cheese cake with hubby and brought the rest of it home..they give you HUGE portions!), but I did eat all my salad and my Angel hair pasta with olive oil, herbs and garlic. (again HUGE portions) I felt miserable all night because I stuffed myself!

I'm pushing the water today to get this out of my system and also planning on a much smaller size lunch. I should've halfed everything at the resturant and had the rest for lunh today. Now I think of it!

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Old 08-30-2004, 12:14 PM   #598  
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Hi Ladies,

Annie- Great job with the loss. Keep up the great work.

Welcome Denise

How was eveyone's weekend? Mine was great. Did a lot of activities with the kids as a family. Hubby travels a lot for work so we don't usually have time to do things all together. As for eating, we ate out a lot. Saturday was a bust, Sunday not so bad. I did notice that I felt fuller quicker which is great news. I was thinking about joining TOPS this week. Does anyone know anything about it? I'd appreciate any info anyone could give about their experience.
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Old 08-30-2004, 01:23 PM   #599  
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Hi Suzy: I go to TOPS. I've been going for about a year. For me the weekly weigh-in is a good accountability. I found that it's a lot cheaper than most of the other weight-loss programs as far as fees and things.

You can check them out online at I know there is a "Chapter Finder" when you log into that and can find one in your area.

I feel that it's a good progam. Of course, you get as much out of it as you put into it, but isn't it that way with everything? You can attend a meeting free of charge.

I say "Nothing ventured, nothing obtained" (I don't even use the word "gained"! )

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Old 08-30-2004, 04:32 PM   #600  
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Suzi~ I go to TOPS to. I like the weigh ins. We are a small group in a small community so I find it hard to be really open about weight and issues but I get that here. The meeting are sometimes dorky but it is motivating. The price is right.

My weekend was just right. lots of time at home puttering. Nice meals with my family.
I still have a low grade headache but I figure it is hayfever related.
it is a beautiful day out here today. I am heading out to do some weeding!
I will check in later, Have a great afternoon!
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