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Old 09-14-2004, 09:23 AM   #661  
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I didn't quite reach my goals . I had a small serving of pasta at dinner. I did NOT eat after 7 pm. This is still a pretty big success for me. I will maintain the same goals for today since this is where I struggle and I didn't quite do it.
I had a hard day( you could read my journal entry on this site) and it seems a rough few days. Lots of change going on in our household and the troops seem to be balking at it.
HUGS to everyone. What wonderful inspiring posts from all!!!!!!!!!
Have a glorious OP day.
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Old 09-14-2004, 09:31 AM   #662  
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Good Morning To Everyone! What a neat day to be alive!!

Laura Lynn - There is no one more important to you, than you, make yourself a priority. My heart goes out to you as I came from a VERY verbally abusive childhood and a very verbally abusive marriage, which just ended last year after 21 years of hearing the same kind of negative comments. I was beat down to the gutter. You area beautiful person inside and out. Don't ever forget that. Take on a positive attitude, keep smiling, it does help and when you project a positive attitude, you will be surprised how easily it comes after a while. It has taken a lot of praying and remembering to be positive, to get up and out of this gutter I was beat down into. You are doing the right thing by taking care of you. I will keep you in my thoughts daily and hope for the best.

Suzy - congrats on the keeping most of your goals for yesterday. What an inspiration, as I ate too many of the carbs. Drinking the water does help, I can tell the days I do not, I feel fat. Isn't that strange?

Kelly - Welcome to the SB board. Great to have you. Come and post as often as you like. I love to read others successes and downs, as we are all here to support each other.

Holly - Great idea. Ok, my challenge for today, to drink all my water and to move for at least 20 minutes, if not longer. Thanks for the boost.

Samantha - Welcome, I don't remember welcoming you to our wonderful world of support. This is a great bunch of ladies. Enjoy!

Susie - I loved your your journal entry about your stomach. I related to it so much, I could of written it. What a marvelous entry and a great idea. I look forward to your next body part story.

Ladies...I didn't do so well yesterday. I ate OP, but ate too much OP. Those dang SB no bake cookies are so good. I will NOT make any more of those. I ate so many, I am concerned with not losing this week. HOWEVER, I am back on track today and going to be great at this. I even plan to move my body toward exercise.

Everyone have a wonderful, OP day! Stay focused. Be happy!

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Old 09-14-2004, 09:38 AM   #663  
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I stole this from another post on this website. Go to this site and read this article, it is very good.
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Old 09-14-2004, 02:28 PM   #664  
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Default A new day a new goal

Well, I didn't meet my goals that I set for myself for yesterday. I did great food wise. Didn't eat over at all. I drank 4 32oz bottles of water (128 oz). I didn't exercise though. I had planned on going for a walk at the park after work and that didn't work. BF started his BS and instead of getting into an argument with him I just went home. He told me he wouldn't help me with this, but I didn't think he would be this much of a jerk. Anyway - my goal for today is to walk for 30 to 45 minutes and to do the 20 minutes exercises that I found in magazine. I just won't talk to him until after I get home and he can't start a fight!! Good luck with all your goals today!!
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Old 09-15-2004, 08:37 AM   #665  
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Hello Everyone,
How did you do with your goals yesterday? If you met them, GREAT, if's a brand new day!

I did my ab work last night. And I wrote a short journal entry. Basically, I wrote about how posting to the board and sharing our thoughts is so encouring to me. My goals for today are: journal, deep some deep breathing thoughtout the day and to not slump when I stand or sit; to hold my abs in. I'm really bad about sitting like a bag of potatoes!

Looking forward to hearing from everyone today!
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Old 09-15-2004, 02:39 PM   #666  
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Afternoon Ladies,
I once again did not stick to my goals completely but did manage to maintain some control. Not a total failure.I ate about a 1/4 potato at supper. And I made and canned salsa last night and had a few crackers sampling it.I weigh in tonight at TOPS. We started a new contest last week and if you have a gain you get bumped out.The prize in the end is an exercise ball and tape.
I ordered the WATP dvd and it should be here soon. I have been thinking about it for months. My food is really under control so it is time to move more. I HATE sweating so I need to embrace the sweat!
My goals for today are the same again ( until I get it right) 2 starchy carbs a day and no food after 7pm.

Susie~ great workout.You made me sit right up. I am definitely a sack of potatoes. I did some yoga today. I was feeling tight.

LauraLynn~ you are brave to be so honest. Hopefully it will bring you healing.Sending some healing ,peaceful energy your way!

How's everyone else doing?
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Old 09-15-2004, 02:48 PM   #667  
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I have to get to a client meeting in a few so this is going to be quick. Didn't reach my goal of walking last night. When i got home to change I realized I had locked my keys in the laundry room downstairs and I had to call bf to come home and open the door so with him home i didn't have a chance to go walking. Food and water were right on yesterday. Actually dinner time I wasn't even hundry at all so I had an orange. BF took me out for a drink last night and then when we got home I guess you can say I got my exercise in another form than walking!! I can deal with that!! Well gotta go. Wish I had time to reply to others. Hopefully tomorrow.
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Old 09-15-2004, 03:25 PM   #668  
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Good afternoon all.....what a wacky my directors out the door to Denver, so I thought I would write.

I have met some goals for today, not all, trying to eat OP but not as much OP, if you know what I mean. So far so good. All the stinkin no bake cookies are gone, so maybe this week won't be a total bust. Hope to at least stay the same this week, as those cookies were my down fall. Dang it.

I know we can beat this wicked weighty witch. Keep on reaching for the stars!!

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Old 09-15-2004, 03:33 PM   #669  
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I got a minute to check in this afternoon.

Laura: You have been through a lot girl! Have you ever seen talked to any one professionally about all you have been through. I'd say you are one tough made it through all of I know you can and will meet any goal you set before yourself.

As for setting the same all means, I'll race you...and I'll run beside you to....we can cross the finish line together and if you get there before me, yell real loud that I can do it and cheer me own...I'll do the same if need be!

Holly: You are doing fantastic, even if you aren't meeting your goal excatly as you set them. You are learning something more to live and deal with it and go on...what a wonderful lesson..and I would say it's something we will all must learn to do, if we want to keep our weight off once we reach our goal..and WE ALL WILL MEET OUR GOAL!

Sparked: I'd say that your "alternative" excercise worked out just fine!
I'd opt for that any and every time!!

I tell you girls, this sitting up and standing up straight is taking a lot of work. Not easy at all..I've been a slumper for years...but every time that sit up straight..I feel the energy flowing there. Feels good.

Keep trying for those goals!
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Old 09-15-2004, 05:57 PM   #670  
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Hi Girls,
It is nice to see so much activity here. I have been busy and I've been avoiding a bit. I can not seem to get control of my eating. Every day I set out with my mind in the right place and before I know it I am binging. It is usually not junk food just real food. I have made changes in my eating in the past month or two but I am even overeating on them. I switched from real mayo to light mayo, white bread to high fiber multigrain bread, butter to smart balance, real cheese to reduced fat cheese, soda to water, seltzer, or diet decaf iced tea, etc. I know these are all positive changes and I am moving more also. The bus stop walk and making myself more active around the house is helping. But the eating thing is way out of control. I recently started making quesadillas for me and my family. The kids love them. Realizing that they are very fattening, I bought the tiny 98% fat free tortillas, reduced fat cheddar and mozzarella and cook them in Pam. All good changes right? Well, I figured I would make one with a salad for lunch or a dinner. Even two would not be bad at all. Nope, not me. I eat 2 at lunch AND 2 more late afternoon. That's what I mean about binge. Normal portions are just not good enough. I never feel full. I just want to eat like a normal person. I can be fat or it can take forever to lose this weight if I could have some sense of portion control or any self control for that matter. I can rationalize all of this out to have a positive spin by saying that at least two sandwiches on high fiber/multigrain light bread with light mayo are better than 2 sandwiches on white bread with regular mayo but the truth is I have no control regardless of what I eat. Sorry to be such a bummer today I'm just pissed at myself and feeling more like a failure with every minute. I thought that if I "confessed" maybe it would help. My daily goal has changed. It is now to:
1. Exhibit self control over eating at least one time during the day.
2. Explore lack of self control through journaling.
Thanks for listening everyone.
LauraLynn- I really admire your openness. I hope that it helps you. You have inspired me to be more open as well. It kills me to think that you let your hubby sabotage your efforts with the cupcakes. You are more important than to allow that. Men can be very insecure you know. Just because he says mean things and treats you badly doesn't mean that he isn't afraid that you will lose all the weight and attract tons of attention from men who value you as a beautiful human being. Keeping you fat might just be his twisted way of keeping the good thing he has with you cooking and cleaning for him. I don't know if that makes sense or not. I just know that sometimes bullies are bullies because of their own insecurities.
Susie- Great job meeting your daily goals. You have inspired me to try journaling too.
Holly- You are doing great even if you aren't totally meeting the goal you set for yourself. Good luck with the WI and let me know how you like the WATP dvd. I have been thinking about it for a while.
Annie- You are doing so well. I really enjoy your positive attitude. I do that thing like the cookies too. I will make or find a snack that fits right into my plan but then eat too much of it which defeats the whole purpose. Then I can't have that food around anymore. Pretty soon I won't be able to keep one single solitary morsel of food in this house. Lol.
Kelly-Alternative exercise is still exercise in my book. Great job not eating over argument with bf.
Have a great night all.
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Old 09-16-2004, 08:28 AM   #671  
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Hello Everyone,
I met my goals yesterday. No, I didn't hold my abs in all day, but I did think about it a lot and tried to keep my posture straight.

My goal today is to stay calm! Tonight is my first night of class. I'm taking Accounting this quarter. I'm always a little uptight about starting back to school. Numbers are not my strong suit, so I'm a little anxious. This has caused my IC (Interstitial Cystitis) to flare up a little bit. It hurts! and I keep feeling like I'm going to have to "go" all the time. I'm hoping this calms down sometime today.

Suzy: The journaling is a good way to see what's "eating" you. Someone once told me that when you are pushing down food, you are really pushing down an emotion that you don't want to feel. Maybe with that thought in mind you could journal about that and start exploring why you want to eat more than you think you should.

Also, if you are truly hungry (and you might be!) be sure to have some sort of protein with your meal or snack. I was told it helps to keep hunger away.

I hope everyone else is doing good. Set those goals for yourself. We are worth the effort!
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Old 09-16-2004, 09:09 AM   #672  
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OH Suzy~ I am in the same boat. Since June I have been seriously changing my eating habits.I have learned by journalling that I had some buried stuff to let go.I didn't lose a single lb until August. I am down a few but am hovering again.I do feel the food is in control so now I will focus on getting moving. That had to be what is missing.I live on a busy highway so I need to drive, to go for a walk in town.I am thinking the WATP will help.I can do it with kids here.

Susie~ great goal!!

Kelly, Annie, LauraLynn~ hope you had success yesterday and meet your goals for today!

My goal will be the same and I will try to stay calm. I did some yoga yesterday to release some tension. I will aim for that today too.

I journal every day on this site.That is where I pour my heart out. It really keeps me from imploding and binging.It is so wonderful to release stuff and hopefully put it behind you.
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Old 09-16-2004, 12:56 PM   #673  
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Happy Thursday to All!!

Got a late start on the day and have been behind all day. Shuuu Weeee!

Our state fair had all those fried things too, I didn't get to the fair this year, but a couple of guys I work with said they tried the fried oreo and said it was very good. You might try holding out as long as you can before indulging into the "bad" food. Maybe then you won't eat as much. Just a thought.

I didn't do well with my goals yesterday, but doing better so far today. Just trying to not eat as much OP food as I have been, I feel I won't have a loss this week, and will do good too stay the same. On to kicking butt with the beach. YEAH!! Eating a big salad for lunch right now and getting full. That should help. However, as mention before by others in here, my evenings are the worst. I need to find something, say like exercise, to take up my time. Or even a walk. ANYTHING to move would be great.

My son got hurt pretty badly in football practice yesterday, so I was up tending to him most of the night. Poor baby, he really whammed his shoulder, the trainer said it should of knocked his shoulder out of the socket, but instead just crammed it all into his neck and shoulder blade area. Very painful.

Here is onto a brighter and better on program day! I know I can do this! and so can you! One baby step at a time to a slimmer you. AMEN.

Hugggggs to all....annie
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Old 09-16-2004, 01:18 PM   #674  
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Hey everyone

I am fairly new to this site. All of you are such a great encouragment to me. Its nice to know that there are other fat chicks that can relate.

I have been going up and up and up for years now. I never could lose that extra 15 lbs I gained after my babies were born and I have 5 kids.
In Dec. of 2001, five weeks after my son was born, my daughter was diagnosed with cancer and I ate to comfort and sooth my emotions. I put on about 50 pounds. I was on an extreme roller coaster ride from **** . I'm definetly an emotional eater ...forward 3 yrs, an anti-depressant and 1 year that my daughter has been out of treatment and doing wonderful
My breaking point was when I put my size 20 shorts on and my rolls were being pushed up so much I thought I was wearing a push-up bra around my waist. I thought to myself, "There is no way I'm going up a size", not to mention I no longer noticed the person in the mirror looking back at me. I then decided to not only change the way I ate, but the way I think as well.
I was athletic as a teenager but life has crept up on me, putting others before myself and making that my excuse not to exercise or eat right. NO MORE OF THAT!!
The difference is this time I'm all out of excuses and tired of being a fatty. This is something I want for me. I know that if I have that fattening dish it's only going to hurt my goal and that is choice I make. I know that if that devilish side of me says, "I don't want to exercise" I do it anyway. Self defeating behaviour and talk are the things that keep us all from being the person we want to be. So to all the other wonderful ladies out there that find themselves struggling or thinking this is too hard, I say WE CAN DO IT~!!! Many things may get in our path but we can step over them, shove them to the side or dodge them alltogether.

Good luck to each of you!!


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Last edited by wildblue_yonder; 09-16-2004 at 01:21 PM.
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Old 09-16-2004, 04:28 PM   #675  
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WELCOME Wildblue Yonder,

You will love it here, post any time. This place is great for support!

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