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Old 03-25-2004, 03:14 AM   #106  
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Cachee wrote << I will try to overcome the bad food cravings, but if I only slip up by having a couple extra slices of pizza, than dang-it, that is wonderful compared to what I used to do! I need to not beat myself up and realize I'm only human, not a weight loss machine that never has an off week.>>

(( Sassy edited the bit about candy bars and ice cream only onna count of she could add that to cakes, cakestries (normally pronounced pastries but i never understood that so decided to call them something more appropriate. my favorites are the fruity-licious ones ~sheepish grin~), chocolates, adding a snappy lil tune while i waddle my way around the grocery store...........and well you can see where this is heading..... ~stops rewinds tape and thinks~ fresh strawberries, seedless grapes, tangeloīs......lemon anything!! ~dabbling at her brow~ whew, scared myself there. and now i return you back to our regular positive posting ~winks n grinz~ ))

Cachee what you wrote is my new non-guilt mantra! which i needed really bad tuesday. i was doing so well, had a fabulous weekend point-exercise-people-wise. every saturday his immediate family gets together. we alternate homes, his mom getting us all there twice a month, sister-in-law and me once a month. now what makes this truely fabulous is.......... his older brother and sister-in-law started the winning points thingie in january, his folks in february and we in march!! i should mention the younger brother of course is one of those love-to-hate peeps, a Lean, Greenwithwithenvyi am, eating machine. anyhoo his mother uses her staurdays as a day off the program. judith (SIL) has wow power way better then will power, just amazes me how she will grab a piece of fruit as opposed to the fruity-licious before us. or she will take a bite of her daughters and call it good. well last saturday was at my house....i did so good, i did so good!! ~almost pulls a muscle reaching to pat herself on the back~ saturdays start at around 1 or 2 in the afternoon with coffee and cake, dinner between 4-5, followed by coffee and dessert. they love all things american, but especially holiday decorations (and foods, shhhhhhhhhh) so i whipped out the easter stuffs and had the foresite to make sure i brought egg coloring gunk with me. the children had a ball, and his parents were taking pictures of my decorations (they are so cute!) boy ifn they could of seen all the stuffs i couldnt bring ~power pout............shaking it off~ again back to foods. we all have a sweet tooth and love flavors and i wanted to show, not with words, stressing that.....Show the momīs that we didnt have to go off program just because we were getting together. so with the coffee i served the 3pt scones w/cranberries........oh I FOUND CRANBERRIES!!! cranraisins actually, but i was so thrilled! a lil taste of home ~sighs softly~ and for dinner i made the diet coke chicken 4pts, spicey oven potato wedges 1pt, and orange glazed carrots 3 pts. (you just gotta love a recipe that takes a veggie and turns it into a fruit!!) topping it all off with a fruity-licious 1 point cobbler! am i good, yes iīm good!! da-dang ~big ol cheesy grin~ they loved it. couldnt believe it was all ww foods, how low in points and so easy to make. everyone got to take some home along with a dozen easter eggs the children made. i know i am beaming and babbling....... sunday Alex and i had leftovers. i so dont like that word leftovers, thats the bestest part of having a shin-dig at your house, having all that pre-made food in your fridge. monday another fab day, how could you not following such a weekend. tuesday popped in to post, truth be known i was going to post saturday tuesday ~sniggers and shrugs~ oh well best laid plans and all....... and was bebopping around the boards, tueday was going goodly too, i was gathering new taste sensations and all of a sudden out of no where........ i get a Big Mac attack! unbelievable, for one i dont do restraunt hamburgers. i rarely do hamburgers at all, except on ocassion and only the ones i make. and two, i dont do McDonalds. quick side note, McDonalds is the only american fast food we have in Steyr. now there is a Burger King and Subways in Linz a half hour drive, but feels alot longer then a half hour. and a KFC, Subway, Burger King, and McDonlads in Vienna & Salzburg. those 2 towns about 2 hours from me. and the selections are Nothing, i repeat Nothing comparred to what we have in the States. just the basics and a pro-mo burger of the month. needless to say they have never called to me, never even been in the Steyr Mickie-deeīs. so when Alex comes home from work and i offhandly comment that "man, a big mac sounds so good right now," he was shocked and even double asked me just to clarify. i guess i was mentally needing a little bit of home, yanno..... well he had some errands to run and comes back with a big mac for both of us.. and i savored it! relished every bite. that is till we looked up the points for it, 11, count them........ i was so bummed. keep in mind i had a fabulous dinner planned, everything thawed and ready to go. until that big-omgeorgehowmuchwerethosepoints-mac. fine fend for yourself Mister Get More points then me. i dont care thats its only 5:30pm, i am going to bed now, out of points ~insert pitiful pouty puss looking face here~

WHICH brings me all the way around and full circle to Cacheeīs Comment........ << I will try to overcome the bad food cravings, but if I only slip up by having a couple extra slices of pizza, than dang-it, that is wonderful compared to what I used to do! I need to not beat myself up and realize I'm only human, not a weight loss machine that never has an off week/day>>........... THANK YOU! i sooooooooo needed that, i needed to read that. i will not crave another 11pts big mac thats for sure, not when i can make a better tasting one for 4pts, but i cant say i wont crave a Kaiserschmarm or something else just as yummy (but for the life of me i cant think of anything that is just as yummy as a Kaiserschmarm, except for a pooooooonch-key<~~~ and yeah i cant get that here!) but i wont beat myself up over it. this isnt a " I Canīt" thing but a "I Can". its a lifestyle, a new view, a can do. not a quick fix or a temporary change. it goes beyond food to doing things, making choices i know is right for me, good for me. not only for my body and appearance but mentally as well. as long as i am 99% percent on track that 1% isnt going to hurt me. in fact in a crazy sort of way, that 1% can help me......... like my bigmac attack, it not only instilled the fact that mine are better, but better for me ~smiling brightly~ and on that note.......

i am wishing you all nothing but the very best and keep that eye out for the little thing, it shows up in the darndest of places ~winks n grinz~



i did end up crawling out of bed, thinking this was ridiculous. took Bosko for a walk and coming back to make a nice big, warm, and spicey chicken salad. over points, yep,by 3. over pity-party, yep. but best of all ........ over my mental mudslinging. ~cheeky grin~

Last edited by sweetnsassyfied; 03-25-2004 at 06:53 AM.
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Old 03-25-2004, 08:49 AM   #107  
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Girls! Me? Queen? Okay, I'll take that job Really, thank you girls so much for the good thoughts and encouragement. I really think I will be successful this time. It's all about having self control and exchanging one habit for another. I have learned alot from the motivational tape that comes with it. It's alot like losing weight. You might want to but even if you really want to and aren't willing to commit to doing it then you won't lose weight, stop smoking or anything else.

Chach, excellent job I know you have said but I can't remember, are you doing weight watchers? I hear wonderful things about that program and have thought about trying it but something keeps me from going there. I think it's because I don't want to take time to count points and so on. Pure laziness isn't it

Happy, are you not smoking in your car and so on? Those cravings are worse than labor pains I throw myself into some of the cravings because I'm stubborn and feel like if I want to smoke then by sh*t I'm going to smoke!!! I haven't and I won't. I have smoked since I was 12 years old and it's time to quite.

Raven, did I read that you already met your goal of 5 pounds for March? Excellent Hope all works out so you can buy Shadow, is that name right? I'm suffering from brain fog right now, pleez 4give me

Kathy, Gary quite smoking when I got pregnant! I tried but just couldn't do it. That was 14 years ago and I have tried many times, maybe this time is the right time. I MEAN This time is the last time I will try to quite because I AM GOING TO QUITE!

Time to fess up and tell you all I have been eating like a horse Chips and dip and twizzlers. I went last night and bought fresh veggies so I can make up a veggie tray and that will be my snack food. Lots of veggies, lots of water, lots of walking. Stay on me girls!!! Raven, this is your job!!!!

Gotta run! Talk to you later
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Old 03-25-2004, 10:53 AM   #108  
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'Morning ladies

Hippy - I am SO proud of you for quitting smoking. And that's right, you ARE going to quit. You have all of us to be accountable to, eh? Part of me wants to say hey .. you're quitting the cig's - maybe a little overindulgence in the snack area won't kill you till you get the cravings under control. BUT - the other part of me says HEY! You want to keep that weight under control while you quit, right? You don't want to get one thing taken care of just to realize you've gained 20 pounds doing it!! I know how hard it is to add more pressure to yourself, which is what you've done. You've undertaken something huge when you were already trying to get a handle on something else. Well, now you really have a handful of things to deal with, but you know what? You can do it. One minute at a time, one craving at a time, one hour, one day, one week... they add up and pretty soon you'll be smoke free and slippin' into those teeny clothes and feeling fantastic. So grab those veggies and munch away, but always remember what your goals are, what your priorities are, and how MUCH you want to lose weight and never smoke again! Yes, I have actually gone past my 5 pound goal for this month - I'm at 7 pounds down right now, I'm trying for one more before the first of next month to put me at 40 pounds down. And after reviewing my finances - if I'm very, very, VERY careful, I can put $200 a month towards Shadow (and maybe some of that extra paycheck I get because of the every two weeks pay thing) and get her paid off at the latest right before Christmas. I told my daughter that would be her Christmas present, I'd just tie a big red bow on Shadow. It's not as fast as I'd like, but it's better than I thought I could do. It's going to be real tight.

Sassy - I think when I realized that I would never be able to completely give up certain foods for the rest of my life is when I actually started to change my life. Prior to that I'd try so hard to cut all the "bad" stuff out "just till I lost weight" and either I'd go insane and feel resentful and angry and just give up and eat even more than before, or I'd lose the weight, then just go back to the way I'd been eating before I lost it and gain it all back. So like you said, it's now all about what I can have, what I can do, not about the negatives. Amazingly enough, just that perspective change alone has enabled me to stay OP with relatively little hardship. I try to mitigate the cravings with something healthy or not high in caolories or water, and if all that fails, then I have a little of whatever it is I'm dying for. Then I move on. So far, so good. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a country where all the foods I take for granted aren't even around! It must be a challenge sometimes!

Chachee - OMG girl! That is so awesome!!! Lordy at this rate you're gonna be all slim and svelte and sexified in NO time!! I love your #1 goal. Sometimes that's the hardest thing of all to do, isn't it? I either worry incessantly that it was a fluke and next week I'm going to be 5 pounds over that, or I start agonizing about every speck of food I eat so I don't endanger my new found number... I'm so psychotic sometimes. Favorite restaurants... mmmmmmm... Sourdough Mining Co!! Corn fritters and bbq!! *die* I have such a love/hate relationship with that place!

Lucky - Is work getting any better? I'm going to try to make an arrangement to swap out a day off during the week for one on the weekend every 7-8 weeks when the farrier comes to the stables so we can work for Rosa all day. It was really a wonderful day. I hope my boss goes for it. How are you doing on pilates? Still doing it at work?

Happy - I LOVE that avatar!! That is very, very cool. Oh you KNOW how it is around here then to walk or bike or anything not involving a car or truck. My daughter was saying she could ride her bike if she got a job, I told her oh yeah.. just paint a big red bullseye on your back while you're at it, because that's all you'll be to these folks is a moving target. *sigh* I haven't figured out how to do the yard stuff yet... last year we actually resorted to hiring someone to come mow and trim every week, but that's too expensive for my budget this year. I think I'm going to have to buy a cheap mower and trimmer and just get out there and do it myself. Maybe I can enlist the aid of the younger folk and put them to work! Ha! Make them earn their keep.

Well I guess I'm doing ok. I kind of feel like I'm taking a beating from every direction, and this morning was bad. Got woken up by the foster dog going poo on my bedroom carpet (at 3:00 a.m.) and then when she was in the garage she made another horrendous mess. She's sick to her stomach because out at the stables she got into all the hoof parrings and now I'm paying the price. I really wish someone would show up who could give her a good home. This is just getting to be too much. She's destroyed my recliner, a very special book given to me by my mother, countless other things, goes through rawhide or bones like they're butter, and gets bored silly if you leave her alone for 30 seconds. It's not her fault, she's half husky, so she NEEDS to be working, learning, doing, moving. She's the ADHD kid of the canine world. I just don't have the time to spend with her. I got her to the point where she's relatively housebroken, is relatively well behaved, and understands some verbal obedience commands. But she needs so much more. I'm getting worn down on this one. The disappointment about the house is still really there. I'm trying so hard to not let it get to me, but every once in a while I realize what my situation is - again - and I just want to break down and cry. I know it's self pity, I know I need to knock it off, I know the "it's so unfair" feelings aren't doing me a damn bit of good. I'm very blessed in so many ways, and I need to really focus on that. Right now the hardest thing for me to overcome is that I won't be able to get my tummy tuck. Isn't that awful? So selfish. I was just really looking forward to being "normal" for once. Well, while I was still remotely young enough to enjoy it, that is. I was so out of it this morning I completely forgot to weigh myself till after I'd had coffee and gotten dressed. By that time it's too late for an accurate reading, so.. I guess waiting till tomorrow won't kill me, eh?

Tomorrow is Friday... thank goodness. I think I'm going out to the stables tonight and I think I'm going to try lunging Arashi with his bridle on. He's done SO well with the training halter. If I work him with the bridle and he gives me a whole bunch of trouble, then my guess is that his teeth need to be refloated, and I'll have the dentist hit him next month (to the tune of $130 *pain*). If he does well with the bridle, then I'll saddle him up and do it that way... If he's still doing really well, the next step will be to put Nick on him so she can start teaching him the leg cues while I'm giving him the visual/verbal cues from the ground. All these "ifs." Then next week or this weekend if he's still doing really well, we'll drop back to the training halter and try to see what he does when I ask for a canter on the lunge line. Ought to be exciting! There's this wonderful book I want to get that tells you all the cues to teach your horse when you're doing the groundwork, it's only $20 ... I keep wanting it SO badly. It always seems like something else comes up. Right now I HAVE to get my car back on the road because the gas prices are eating me alive driving the truck. It's kind of a miserable catch-22. If I weren't spending that money on gas, I'd have the money to spend on my car, but since I have to drive the truck to get to work.... bah. Anyway... I'm just venting a bunch of frustration here, ladies. I hope it's ok.

Have a great Thursday, everyone!!
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Old 03-26-2004, 12:22 AM   #109  
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First off - the avatar. I made it for one of the ladies on the forum here and I posted it so she could see what it looked like in case she wanted any changes. So no, my name's not MEL although she is a real sweetie. Glad you guys like it.

Now time out for a small rant. I was reviewing some of my bad habits. Been a real slacker lately on not eating breakfast. So today my motto was "Just Do It" - when I think of it do it don't procrastinate. I decided on a protein shake this morning. Usually I make them with a scoop of protein powder, a few spoons of LF yogurt, some fresh fruit and a bit of water. Not bad, kinda frothy but you can sort of taste the protein powder which has an odd, but not unpleasant taste. I had seen some commercials for Yoplait's Nouriche brand nonfat yogurt smoothie. Today I had one of those - mixed in a few ice cubes, a bottle of that and 3 strawberries and 1/2 a small banana. It was GOOD! It made 2 glasses and since DH had already gone to work, I poured the second glass back in the bottle to have tomorrow. That's when I stopped to read the label. Fat = 0g, Fiber=6g, Protein=10g, 25% of a daily allowance of whole mess of vitamins and minerals. All good stuff, eh? And the protein allottment was good - it's difficult after a while to find alot of protein options. 290 calories which was in a good range for a breakfast meal. But then... my eyes scanned down and I saw 60grams of carbs and 46 grams of SUGAR!!!! I grabbed a can of Coca Cola. A 12 oz can of Coke has 39grams of carbs and sugar compared to an 11 oz bottle of this yogurt smoothie. Now granted a Coke is just sugar water with no nutrients but... 46 GRAMS OF SUGAR? This kinda made me mad. Here's an example of seeing something you think is healthy but it goes to show you that you REALLY have to watch the labels and just supports my belief that you have to cook as much as you can from scratch - limit the processed foods. Bummer... it was so dang good too and now I know why! But unlike scarfing down a Coke or candy, the sugar didn't trigger a typical craving for more sugar.

Also on my Just Do It program, I took a walk at lunchtime finally. It was cool and damp but I got 20 minutes in. It was a painful reminder to dig out my physical therapy exercises because my calves and feet muscles were really tight and got sore quickly. Got to make a habit again of doing them in and just out of the shower when the muscles are warmed and pliable. I just hope it's not storming bad tomorrow like they predict.

Raven, I saw a neat website on huskies that a lady put together. I think it was one of the people posting on the journals talking about how destructive her dog was. Didn't realize just how hyper those dogs are. I think foster puppy needs a new home soon before it causes problems on the home front. I know it's disappointing about the house but maybe there's something in the future where that money will come at the right magic moment. Hopefully when the ex comes down he can get a good job and maybe you can help him manage his finances and Shadow will be yours sooner.

Hippy, I've been reading alot about smoking cessation getting myself psyched up. One of the things that stuck with me was a comment someone wrote "what if you knew ahead of time that your next cigarette was THE one that started the cancer growing? Would you still smoke it?" Obviously it wasn't powerful enough to make me quit at the minute but I keep thinking about that and have used it to stall myself when I otherwise would have mindlessly lit up. I am trying to break association habits right now and take more time in between them. And you're so right, I have seen so many parallels between quitting smoking and weight loss. Since smoking is an oral fixation, it is tempting to stuff food instead of cigarettes into yourself. Have you gotten to the point yet where your sense of smell and taste are improving and things just plain taste better which doesn't help? I started really drinking alot of water when I quit. I'd take 6 big gulps of water before I'd eat anything. I also started sucking on sugar free candies. Then at night I'd get gut twisting, bend me over horrible stomach pains which is how I realized I am super sensitive to any sugar substitutes Stay strong girl, I think of you often during the day and send good karma to you!

Sassy, good to hear from you again. There's always going to be a McDonald's and Big Macs. The thing is that sometimes we will "cave to a crave" but the more you stay away from it, the more you realize that it really makes you feel yuckky later - the tongue may like it, but the stomach doesn't. And actually, there's a few no no's that I have 2 or 3 times a year - really good plain cheesecake, hot dogs and a plate of pasta with veggies and cream sauce. Spaghetti, cheeseburgers and pizza I try to limit to once a month since I can't seem to live without them. 1 planned for Big Mac once every few months is ok, eating them 3 times a week isn't.

Chachee, hope you are enjoying some serious relaxing time with your friend and on the loss for the week!!!!! I had to laugh when you said it was 3 hours before your friend arrived and you still had to get the guestroom ready. you are MY kind of woman! I plan ahead but still seem to be rushing around at the last minute. The night before a vacation, I rarely get any sleep at all. You should try a soak with euclyptus bath salts for your cold. It's the best thing for clearing out your sinuses, easing the body aches and it's supposed to remove toxins from the body tho I don't know about that I can tell you that if you overindulge in the exercise, it really does help for those times when you're so stiff and sore you look like Frankenstein!

Lucky sorry you lost your post. The forums have been kinda wacky lately. I've been having some troubles too. Hope you're doing well.

Ok, now that I've written my book, I can go get ready for bed. The window's open and the scent of fresh rain washed air is just the wonderful kind of thing I love nodding off to. Happy Friday!!

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Old 03-26-2004, 03:06 PM   #110  
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I am so slammed at work today, but I just wanted to pop in and say hi!

Happy .. I figured that avatar was for MEL. It still rocked. I'm really familiar with the husky personality, and I'd never have picked one for my pet because I know I just don't have the time for one. But this one was looking down the barrel of being sent to the pound if I didn't help out and foster her and teach her some basic rules - housebreaking, crate training, walking on a leash, etc. There's no way she would have stayed in a home before - they would have given up on the second day of having her, I'm sure of it. She's come a long way, but now it's time for her to find a new home. Past time.

Ok chicks... either the scale is playing with my head again (very probable) or I'm so on a roll here. Make it a wheat roll, please? I weighed in at 177.5 this morning. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it stays that way, but I'm sure tomorrow will be a little bump up. It always does this. I'm happy, it's still under 180.

Hope everyone's Friday is going really well!!
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Old 03-27-2004, 07:52 AM   #111  
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Hey ladies! It's SATURDAY!!

And even more exciting... the scale stayed at 177.5. Now what?? OMG, if it bounces up now I'm going to be so annoyed. Because wow.. this puts me in a position to actually maybe possibly (!) achieve my stealth goal! I really just need to stop that. But .. but .. but .. that would be so COOL!!!

Ok .. today it's off to the stables. Richard is following along because he might have a contract job lined up with Rosa's hubby to do the networking and systems stuff on this startup company that Jeff hooked up with. And Rosa, the kids, and I are all off to the Humane Society (lord help me, I can NOT go into the back area) to meet the woman who runs it so we can start doing her web updates too. She desperately needs help, and it's all volunteer, but V can definitely use it as job experience on a resume. Then back to the stables to work the pony-ponies, and who knows what next. I am SO broke, food is just .. well, whatever I can scrounge up at the moment. I had to spend more money on horsie stuff than I'd budgeted for, so ... It's one of those "how am I going to make it to Thursday" deals. I'll figure it out.

I think right now I'm going to walk the dogs then do some taebo. Hope everyone's Saturday is going great!!

(Still fantasizing about hitting 176 by next Thursday morning.)
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Old 03-27-2004, 08:09 AM   #112  
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Happy Saturday

Raven, you're on a roll!! How exciting!!!

I myself have avoided the scale. I haven't indulged a little bit Everytime I turn around I am putting something in my mouth. Yesterday when I went Wal Mart I bought some sugarfree candy and gum. I have been chewing gum everyday, to the point that my jaws hurt so I thought I will try sucking on hard candy. Yesterday was a bad day. I got up wanting to smoke. I paced the floors, I was depressed, I was crying, I had the shakes. I felt like if I could just have 1 cigarette that I would be okay. I got a cigarette from my friend, I lit it, took 2 drags, felt all put it out and haven't touched another. I have today and tomorrow left on my program and I feel like I'm going to make it. My lungs didn't like that smoke going into them again and it reminded me why I want to stop smoking.

We have had 70 plus degree weather here all week!!! I have a few things to do today and that will help me stay away from food. I am so worried about gaining weight. I have to figure out how to get control and keep it so I don't go back to smoking to keep from eating. I know I can do it. I feel so much better. I'm not winded and can breathe really well and even feel like I can do much better on exercising. Exercise and veggies. That's the key, right?

Have a good day!
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Old 03-27-2004, 09:49 AM   #113  
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Hippy my dear, you can do it!! I'm so proud of you for just trying it and putting it out!! I remember that's what happened with my mom so many many years ago - she had pneumonia so bad. We didn't know at the time that it was one of the fallout issues of her hepatitis, but I remember she couldn't breathe hardly at all, and just stopped smoking. A couple months later, she tried a cigarette and put it out - she couldn't imagine why she'd ever smoked it was so bad. That's the same thing my great friend in Alaska tells me now, too. She'd smoked for so long... after she finally quit (I think she used zyban?) now she's hypersensitive to the odor and thinks it's completely disgusting. And with your lungs clearing up and healing, you're going to be able to push yourself harder with the aerobics, which will really help you kick up that metabolism, girlie!! Keep going!!!
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Old 03-28-2004, 10:55 AM   #114  
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Good morning ladies,
Ugh, here I sit suffering from a mega carb hangover. Yesterday a friend called in the afternoon and we made a date to get together for pizza in the evening. We had a wonderful time but it was a terrible eating day. No breakfast, just grabbed a quick sandwich for lunch and we had pizza, fried appetizer things, chicken wings and some coffee and cake later at their house for dessert. Not a fruit or veggie found it's way into me yesterday. Today the scale is 2 pounds up and every bone in my body hurts - I have discovered many of my aches and pains are related to too many bad carbs. I have to whine. It gets really frustrating trying to balance all the right combinations to get the correct foods in me. Meals might be right on the fat and carb side and but they are too high in salt or blah blah blah. I have been reviewing things in my head over the last few days and I just need to get boot camp strict here. I can do it for a few weeks but seem to hit a slack period and then have to start all over again. Ok, pity party over. Time to get serious. I know what I have to do...

Raven that is awesome about your weight loss. I hope you make your stealth goal for the end of the month! It's got to feel so great to see the progress you've made from the beginning of the year. You've got forward momemtum going with you - run with it!

Hippy, that is terrific that you lit up and put it right back out. I think that's a positive sign that you're strong enough mentally (most of the battle) and that you will stay smoke free. So many parallels between weight loss and giving up the cigarettes. Just one smoke, piece of candy, hot dog, burger will make me feel better - or so we think and then we find that it really doesn't. Like you said, keep reminding yourself of how good you are feeling when tempted. I gained weight after quitting and it was one of the reasons I went back to it and I never did lose that weight after I started again so don't be tempted with that distorted thinking. The lack of nicotine will lower your metabolism a bit so compensate by moving around more.

Well, the day is flying by, I've got lots to do, none of which is getting done by sitting in front of the computer, so I'd better get this big 'ole rear of mine in gear and get busy. Have a good Sunday all!
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Old 03-28-2004, 03:11 PM   #115  
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Hello Lovely Ladies!

So much to catch up on, so let's get cracking....

Sassy: I'm so glad that my little self-talk helped you. You know, sometimes I think we get so focused on the actual dieting and keeping track of everything, a little break from it can be helpful in remembering why we are doing it. I forgot you were doing WW also. As I get good recipes and stuff from the meetings, I will send them off your way. We might get things that you don't. As for McD's, man, I bought my son a Happy Meal the other day and I swear it was the best smelling food I have ever smelled! Why is it when you "can't" have something it's always so tempting?? I do have a good suggestions for you and everyone else when it comes to McD's. I read about a year ago that the new Happy Meal is actually the size of what the adult meals used to be about 10 years ago before we all "supersized" everything. So, what I have been doing is ordering a cheeseburger Happy Meal--not the "big kids" size, but just a regular one. For those of us on WW, it's only 6 points for the cheeseburger, and if you just nibble on the fries, it's only about 4 more. Get the Diet Coke with it and it satisfies all the cravings, without killing the diet!!!

Happy: Woman, I so understand where you are coming from. About six months ago I kept trying to "recommit" with the diet, but kept sabotauging myself. I was going to Low Carb it, but I love my fruits and veggies too much. I'm not a big meat eater, and that's the problem I have with a lot of diets. (And frozen meals also, because it's hard to find veggie ones!) Plus, the low carb is a good short term solution, but it comes back on right away for me and then some more! Plus, when I did slip up on the carbs, I'd get that carb hangover you spoke about. Nothing worse! I kept putting off joining WW, but one day at work said, "Enough, you are going to the first meeting you can find after work." I did it and it seems to be working for me so far. And, about the procrastinating, I don't know what my problem was this time. I am usually so good about getting things done before, but I was a slacker this time. My father will be here in a week and I already did the grocery shopping for him this morning, washed the bedding, got his stuff put in his bathroom and cleared out the closet. See, I truly amd psychotic!!!

Hippy: Excellent job with the quitting smoking. I am so proud of you putting that one out right away. It's tough and I can't imagine what it would be like to have that addiction and give it up. I admire what you are doing for your health! Yes, I am doing WW. I really enjoy the meetings and having the interaction with the people going through the same issues as I am in person. I get so much support from you all here, but sometimes it's looking someone in the eye and saying, "Yeah, I had that candy bar but dang, it was wonderful. Now, how can I get back on track and not keep the downward spiral going?". My leader lost 66 pounds last year and she is "real". I joined one other time and the leader was just an unreal goal for me. She was so short and skinny I just knew I never would achieve what she did. Now I can!

Raven: Or, should I just start calling you Stealth?? Wow, I am blown away! You are doing so good! I need to give you big kudos for staying on track so well! Svelt and sexified soon? Maybe not, but maybe by the end of the year! I'm sorry your puppy is being a butthead. I hope that it stops soon.

Okay, so I did okay with my friend here. I did splurge a couple of times. I had 2 desserts the past 4 days and two candy bars. Honestly, I felt like doo-dah because of it. (Kinda like the carb hangover.) I am back on track today and feeling much better. I didn't get enough water in the past four days, but I did sneak a peek on the scale this morning. I am about 3 pounds up, but I have four days to get that off and then some. I will pay for the choices I made, but I did have some fun and realized that it doesn't taste as good as I feel when I eat right. I went to the store and bought my veggies, yogurt and fruit for the week.

I was also going to let you all know I found some wonderful things in the frozen section today. (Bear with me if you already have these things, because Alaska is on the slow track.) Michelina's makes a "lean" budget gourmet frozen meal now. It's cheap--around $1.50 per entree--and appears to be low in points/calories/fat, whichever you are counting. Also, I found Skinny Cow sundaes, which look awesome. Also, Healthy Choice is now making a strawberry sundae bar. For those of us counting, all are 2 points each on the ice cream. Also, Starbucks makes a frappechino coffee ice cream bar that is also wonderful--2 points also.

Okay, I am off to eat a big salad and have an apple. Put the puppies down for a nap, and heading off to put the hubby and son down for a nap also. I'm going to watch Sleepless in Seattle and knit! Oh, what a life!

Congrats to everyone for staying OP and let's have a wonderful week this week!

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Old 03-28-2004, 07:45 PM   #116  
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Heyyyyy chicks...

Happy - You sounded kind of down. I hope you're feeling better. I know how rotten a food hangover can be. I also hear in your post that intense frustration with realizing that this is something you can't do part time. I had that battle with myself last year when I went up to Alaska and came home to supposedly going back to my healthy lifestyle. Well, I didn't. When January came, I couldn't figure out why I couldn't just jump right back in where I had left off. I think it hadn't sunk in that this wasn't a temporary thing. I'm not sure when it clicked, or honestly if it has completely yet. But I think I'm closer than I was. I'm not on a diet. I'm changing my life. Every day. For the rest of my life. *big hug*

Chachee - Fortunately most fast food to me smells and tastes abominable. Even the smell of McD's is greasy to me, and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Once in a great while I really like a spicy chicken from Wendy's, or the chicken club from Arby's - but if I want a hamburger I far prefer my own. My downfall really is pasta and bread. I love dem carbs!! I'll have to keep an eye open for the Michelina's - that sounds great! I'm with you on the Skinny Cow sundaes, they're wonderful! And the HC caramel sandwiches and the raspberry/orange sorbet things they have are great, too! My daughter has discovered italian ice.. very low in calories! I'm glad you're back on track. I think I'm afraid to take a break - afraid the same thing will happen to me that did last year and I'll start gaining weight and won't be able to get back OP. I think you're doing SO well... being able to have a little fun and get back on track is GREAT!!

This was a very, very horsie weekend. I rode both days. I did *better* on food and water than I did last weekend, but .. that isn't saying a whole lot. Ok, well - today I really worked hard on it and made sure I ate enough. Yesterday was just kind of an accident all the way around. Rosa ended up ordering pizza for everyone, Richard and the kids ate, but I avoided it all and hand grazed my horse while they were all eating, then I ate leftover pasta primavera at home. Prior to that I hadn't had but about 330 calories. And .. lets not talk about water yesterday. But today I made sure I took 3 litres of water with me to the stables, and I drank two of them there, then one here at home. Yes, I got a sunburn. I wore sunscreen, but it was just that intense. My leg muscles are trashed. I worked so hard on my two point, and I can post the trot now 6 times around the arena without feeling like I'll never walk again. I can two point the canter, but not a full lap yet. I'm working on the sitting trot to loosen up those lower back muscles so I can work up to the sitting canter. I am having a BLAST!!! I could ride all day now, or at least I sure want to.

I wish I could find a job working with horses where I could make as much money as I'm making now (which isn't that much anyway). I could haul hay bales, lug feed buckets, scrub water tubs, pick stalls, sweep halls, bathe ponies and clean leather all day long and never feel like I was working. Ah well. Maybe one day.

Tomorrow back to the "real" world. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
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Old 03-29-2004, 09:06 AM   #117  
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Default pilates strikes again

I got my Pilates for Dummies tape on Saturday, and did it for the first time this morning, since I was riding and working at the stables pretty much all weekend. Wow. How I have fallen!! It's not as bad as when I first started doing pilates, but it's obvious I have a lot of work to do to get back to where I was! I can do the whole workout, but it makes me break a sweat, and it will take some time before I have the breathing and control down again. It was good to get that going again.

I'm at 176 this morning. If I can just hold on to that till Thursday morning, I will be one very VERY happy chickie. Food OP, water OP, exercise OP. Wow.
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Old 03-29-2004, 10:12 AM   #118  
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Morning chickies Fly lady would be so proud of me. On my refrigerator is a list of all my meals for the week, complete with snacks. All checked and verified for fat, sugar and salt contents. I also have a to do list with all my appointments for the week, along with a mission or two each day of things that I want/need to get done. I really don't like living such a rigid life, especially when it meant that a good part of Sunday was spent planning meals, grocery shopping, putting food away, making a list and cutting up/ preparing things - a good 5 hours at least. It's not the eating clean that frustrates me - if I ate like I did 3 years ago it would probably kill me in more ways than one. Eating low fat is second instinct to me, but it's the combination of having to constantly monitor fat, carbs, sugar and salt altogether CONSTANTLY that sometimes bugs me. Any deviation shows up immediately on the scale. Perhaps I should just toss the scale for a while as I use that to validate my success or failure.

I picked up a video a while back for the exercise ball - going to try that tonight. Went looking for a tae-bo video and of course because I want one, I can't find one. For the time being, I'll just use what I have. Did alot of walking around this weekend and got some new shoes for vacation - they are mostly comfortable but need some breaking in. It's supposed to be a cold, rainy week with on and off rain. Hopefully I can sneak in some walks in between the rain drops. 40's temps and rain is not as comfortable as 60's temps and rain.

Less that 3 weeks until vacation. Found out that the friends we went out with Saturday will also be in Las Vegas the same weekend we are. That makes 2 sets of our friends who will be there at the same time - all unplanned, but wonderful none the less. Serendipity I think they call it - a fortunate accident? It's always more fun to be there with others so that will make vacation more fun. I just wish it would be a little warmer in Monterey than mid 60's. But as long as it's sunny, that's all that matters.

Raven, no wonder the weight is falling off with all the work you're doing at the horsie place. Sounds like the same amount of labor as at a farm. Make you gud strongk vooman, eh? I do know several couples who live your dream of working with the horses full time. They are all dirt poor, don't have the provervial pot to "*** in" but are 10 times happier than most others. It takes a strong relationship to survive because in each case, one partner works a "regular" job to bring in the cash and insurance benefits while the other pursues their love of life. It might seem lopsided, but I guess that's where the strong part of the relationship comes in. I am a firm believer in following your dreams and not wasting your life (a remarkable revelation I discovered as I got older). It's all a matter of perspective - where do you want to put your cash? As far as Nickie's dream of a rescue shelter, you just need to find a rich philantropist! Or a bunch of people with a common interest who are all willing to kick in the support and volunteer their time and efforts. We have a wild animal shelter up in Wisconsin. Saw a documentary on it and it was really fascinating how this person took their idea and made it a reality. The kind of thing you watch and say --- gee I'd love to do something like that too!

Chachee good to hear that you had fun with your friend. We have Michelina's lite entrees here too - but that's out for me as well as the Lean Cuisine's and WW meals - too much sodium. The Healthy Choice dinners aren't bad but they taste like cardboard to me. Maybe I just got spoiled making everything from scratch but that seems the only way I can control everything more tightly. I have started to portion out batches and freeze it for quickie meals when needed. That's interesting that you say when you go off the low carb diet, the weight comes back and some - I've heard that alot.

Hippy, how are you doing 1 week smoke free now? CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Let me ask you, what do you attribute to your success? Do you think the Smoke Away program helped you or is it mostly just your determination that you won't smoke anymore? I've been thinking... I am going to set my quit date as April 16. That's the day we start vacation. I am going to California - a most smoker-unfriendly state. I'll be out of my routine and for 8 days will be in an environment where it will be very inconvienient to smoke. I figured I will get some nicotine patches for vacation. They don't help me at all with the cravings as I am a habit smoker but I'm too afraid to light up when I have them on - don't want to stroke myself out from too much nicotine so it's kinda like taping my mouth shut The hard part will be when we get to Las Vegas after San Francisco - no smoking restrictions in that place! But I'll at least have 8 days under my belt by then so hopefully I can stay strong. That will also get me to my goal to have stopped by my birthday. I've got to spend the next 3 weeks concentrating on the mental aspects. Right now I'm 60/40 I need to quit vs I want to quit and I think you only win the battle when you want it more than anything else - just like losing weight. Like you, I thought - let me lose 20 pounds first because I know I will gain some, but at the rate this is going, I'll be smoking for another 2 years. I think you were right on the mark with your "if not now, when" attitude. Fortunately, I already know I can count on my husband to help me through this. He was really supportive when I quit the last time and he's really been pestering me to quit. So that's my plan.

Best get productive now. Hellos to Lucky and Sassy and let's all have a great week!
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Old 03-29-2004, 01:54 PM   #119  
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Good morning, Ladies.

Well, I am off today because it's a state holiday--Sewards Day. Oh, you gotta love these Alaskans for making days for holidays!!

Okay, so we have some water leaking into the house from the roof. The guys are coming by today to take a look. I don't know that it's a big deal, but it is in the fact water shouldn't be in my house. Nothing in the basement, just the top floor closet and closet in my son's bedroom. I am sure it will be a fixable problem.

Hmmm...most people would be livid with that, but you know why I am not?? I spent a good half hour trying on clothes in the "too small but love so much I don't want to get rid of them " section of my closet. Well, I was able to move about six pieces into rotation!! A couple of sweaters that were just too tight about the tummy are now fine and some skirts I forgot about are on the verge of being too loose. I tried one and and couldn't figure out why it was hard to get on. Well, duh, I forgot to unbutton and unzip it. Hello????? Yes, I put it on without undoing it. I figure I have about another month with that one before it gets donated to the Women's shelter. And you all would be proud of me because I took about five other articles of clothes that were just too big on me now. I hate to do that, but if I keep them it's a green light for me to gain it all back because I have clothes to fit me in the bigger sizes.

I am going to order some new clothes online after I am done here because I am beginning to run low on good work clothes that aren't getting too sloppy on me. I know, it doesn't seem that 12 pounds would do that much, but it has.

My appointment is tomorrow with the plastic surgeon. I am excited/nervous/fearful/overjoyed. I am thinking he is going to tell me I still need to lose more, which is fine. Idealy I would like to have the surgery next Spring Break or Summer. Maybe I could schedule a tummy tuck at the same time.....

Raven: Girl, hang on until Thursday. I know that scale is going to be incredibly good to you. I love your job idea, and if I ever win PCH, I will grant you the money to start your own stable/rescue! I just gotta win!! I want to know more about your Pilates tape. My physical therapist says it would be wonderful for my sciatica. If you could let me know if you think it's basic enough for me to do with never having done yoga or pilates before.

Happy: Wow, the new Martha Stewart with her organized lists! I am so proud of you getting this commitment going before vacation. I know a lot of people would just wait until after, but getting a good handle on it before you leave is a great idea! I didn't think about the sodium content with the frozen meals. I have them about every other day and bulk up on the water on those days. Just a thought.

Okay, I need some input. The scales haven't moved in the downward motion yet, and I only have two days before weigh in. I am going to get on my Gazelle today because I can finally breathe normally and can get a workout it. What I need to know from you all is your opinion on the following:

We have a "no weigh pass" option at WW. If we know the scales might not go our way or if we've had a really bad week, we can pay for the meeting, stay and just not weigh. I'm kinda on the fence about this this week. On one hand, I need to take responsibility for my bad eating, but on the other hand, I hate to show a gain on the scales after doing so well. And, this may all be not necessary considering I have two days to get the few extra pounds off. I would like some opinions on what you all would do. I am about 80% sure on what I am going to do, but I need some help here.

Okay, off to order some more SMALLER clothes and then to do my Gazelle.

Talk to you all later.

Hi Hippy, Sassy and Lucky. I wonder where Jolly is........Tracy.......Janig......

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Old 03-30-2004, 01:28 AM   #120  
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Hey Chachee... regarding the pass at weigh in... I know someone else on the boards asked the same thing. I think most people said they'd just weigh in and go on from there. It's kind of like when you go on vacation or you're in a situation where you can't totally control everything as well as normal. You might pick up a slight gain but then you get focused again and keep going downwards. They won't take away your bookmark if you gained, will they? If it was me, I'd go weigh in and cringe as I approached the scale. But you knew this was not going to be a normal week for you and maybe it won't be as bad as you think or you can undo some damage in the next 2 days. I think the important point is that you have your celebration and then get right back on plan again instead of drifting downward. Good luck to you tho! And a big old Fly Lady/ Martha Stewart pat on the back to you for cleaning out the closet. How great to find clothes you thought wouldn't fit that do.

Hah, Martha Stewart - I think not! Maybe her evil twin I'm just tired of bouncing the same 2 pounds over and over and I was thinking about what I'm not doing right. One is not exercising regularly - I don't know why I can't just get in the groove again. The other was with food. Tho I'd come home from the store and make a list, often I'd get side tracked or wouldn't have everything I needed ready so I wouldn't be eating as correctly as I should. So I figured I'd make a list - kinda like the old days at WW where you laid out all your meals and checked off the food combinations. I stuck to my list today - a bonus was that it was nice outside so we were able to grill the swordfish and salmon I had for supper. It was FANTASTIC : and I even accomplished the 3 things on my to-do list. I guess I have to be more rigid with myself until I can become more self-disciplined.

Raven, Pilates makes you break a sweat? With mine there's a whole lot of cussing and shaking going on as I try to hold the poses

I caught part of a behind the scenes special on the TV show Extreme Makeover. They said the tummy tuck takes the longest to heal of all the procedures - 12 to 18 months. Oof-duh! And how do you keep your abs in shape when they are cutting around there and the long recovery? I mean even if they are just cutting away fat and skin, I'd think you'd have to be very careful with the ab movements? Guess I never gave it much thought but they did show some people pre-tummy tuck so I can understand why people would want to have that done.

Well, I'd better get my keester to bed. I'm running a little low on sleep lately which is not good for trying to focus on work during the day 'Night all...
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