Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: With Halloween around the corner, how do you think you'll handle the candy issue?
I swore to stay totally OP and not have a single piece 8 28.57%
I promised I'd have just 1 piece and that would be it! 0 0%
I plan on having a tiny piece of SB LEGAL CHOCOLATE as my treat. 2 7.14%
I have a WEIGHT & SEE ATTITUDE right now. 2 7.14%
I'm not holding out for much hope for myself. 1 3.57%
You mean it's not Halloween already? I'm already guilty! 2 7.14%
I'm not opening my door, didn't buy any candy, not an issue! 6 21.43%
I'll let you know AFTER Friday! 4 14.29%
Can someone just tie my hands and tape my mouth up? Let's just say, I'm worried! 3 10.71%
Other 0 0%
Voters: 28. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-30-2003, 12:09 AM   #91  
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Quick check in before bedtime....
I put a pork roast in the crock pot this morning with some garlic and black pepper, and was very disappointed. It was very tender and just fell apart, but it had no flavor to it. Any ideas what to do with the leftovers tomorrow?? I saved the juices, but would like to do more than just a gravy.

BOB-- Atta girl!!

Fruit-- Don't worry about keeping up, just get better!

Mom-- I think I would have everything documented. Sounds like you may need it in the long run! Sorry you have to go through this kind of ordeal.

Monet-- That sounds delish!! I have just gotten so tired of the veggies that we have been eating since the wanted to try some new ones. Any other suggestions? We have been eating all the garden veggies, cucumber, onion, tomato, summer squash, zucchini, spaghetti squash, broccoli, cauliflower, and greenbeans. I need a change!!

Well gang, talk to you all tomorrow!!
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Old 10-30-2003, 07:54 AM   #92  
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Good morning. Gee I'm here really early. Got DH off to work. I've got lots to do before my 10:00 walk. I've let my house go to the dogs the last week. Laundry is calling my name. Yuck....... I can't believe this is already Thursday. Tomorrow I go out of town to shop and visit my sister. When you live in a rural area sometimes you have to go along way for a decent grocery store. And the best one for me is over an hour away. I go every two weeks and shop locally in between. Its supposed to be beautiful and warm here today. I hope so.

Teensybean- Wow 50mph winds. Its a wonder you didn't get blown away. The fire in your husbands shop sounds nice. We haven't had to light one yet but its sure not far away. I like to put taco seasoning in leftover pork roast with some water and cook it awhile and make yummy burritos. Or barbeque sauce and make barequed pork....

Bob- I hope you got a good nights sleep. And its good you made a decision before going to bed or you would have fretted over it all night...

fruitloupe- Sorry you're sick and hope you feel better soon....

SuperDave- Did I read in the posts you were going to try adkins diet for a bit. Sometimes we need a jump start and I'm one of those who do...

mom2jared- You sure are having a heck of time with your Ex. That stinks. Sounds like he is just trying to be difficult. Maybe you should get the letter just so it is all documented. I hope things get better with Jared having speech therapy.

Monet- Wow I've never thought of using fatija seasoning on beef jerkey. That sounds so yummy I may have to try that soon. Your eggplant rolls sounds good to.

Well guess I'll go start the laundry. Be back later this evening to check on everyone...
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Old 10-30-2003, 08:55 AM   #93  
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Good Thursday Morning!

As promised, I stayed 100% OP. It was easy as I knew it would be. Once I make up my mind to do it and believe in what I'm saying to myself I can do it. It's just keeping that mentality that I've had a hard time with lately. BUT, as I mentioned to JACKK, I plan on staying OP til we meet in FEB. FRUIT has already told me that we won't be 100% OP while there since there are some regional foods we just HAVE to try and honestly, I know I probably will take part in trying some things but with all of us there, we'll share and not indulge in the entire whatever-we'll all keep our eyes on each other!!! I'm not worried about the holidays - I've kept SB LEGAL though them all without a problem and will do it again!

Thanks for all your kind words, support and understanding. You are the best!

I actually stepped on the scale yesterday and was horrified I KNEW I had gained even more weight, heck, I could feel my skin stretching when I was trying to go to sleep - no joke, unfortunately. I actually gained 8 pounds in a week! Yes, it's true - 8 pounds - it's terrible. BUT, I'm back, and I vow to get these off once again. It's going to take me time, maybe a year? Whatever it takes, I wasn't going anywhere anyhow! I know I will slip and fall in the future, it's inevitable, but I hope in time it can be with less and less consequences. Thankfully, when I gain I don't gain it all back and seem to catch myself before long.

I don't know about anyone else, but since the time change I've been sleeping like a dead woman! Last night I must of slept wrong and woke up with a pain in my right shoulder, but other than that, I've been sleeping better than I have in a long time - thankfully!!!

ELI and I did absolutely NOTHING at all yesterday but go out to lunch. We went to Shorty's and I got the chicken. I even told them not to put the fries on my plate, though I usually pay extra for a sweet potato, but since I always bring it home, I got a bigger size cole slaw, but only ate half (about 2 ounces).

LAUREN came home from school the other day with xeroxed pages from the SOBE diet book that a friend of hers at school gave her and decided that she wanted to start it, so this is her 3rd day, but I don't think she's eating enough, or drinking enough water (as her guilty DM doesn't either). I have to find more foods she'll like as it's been hard to fix her lunch. Just the first 2 weeks is hard on the Phase 1, but come Phase 2 I think, if she stays on this, she'd do great and it will be so easy to help her. I'm making chicken for her and taking it to school when I go get MICHAEL as she has to stay til late tonight. I'm just happy she's decided to do something. That's another incentive for keeping me OP, I have to set a good example for her and not continue to let her see I have no control like when I'm scarfing down a half gallon of ice cream in front of her!

I've been watching/hearing about the fires in CALIF. from my cousin and the news. I'm so bummed to hear about Julian, which is a little town about an hour or so from San Diego that we've gone to every time we go to SD. If you've never been there, it's just so pretty, up in the mountain area. It's a little tiny town that you feel you can throw a rock from end-to-end on Main Street. They are known for their apples and esp. the apple pies they serve up there. I'm hoping they can save it. It's been so devastating to see all what's happened to those people and I thank G-D my cousin hasn't been directly impacted.

For those of you who are NOT on my e-mail list and are interested in being included in our next SB GET TOGETHER PLEASE, do make sure you get on my list as I will be sending periodic e-mails with updates and information. If you are would like to come and aren't 100% sure, let me know anyhow so I can still send you the info while you are making your decision. [email protected]
The dates are as follows SATURDAY, FEB. 21ST-WEDNESDAY, FEB 25TH. Now, if you can come in for Saturday and Sunday only, that's great! That, I would say is when we are really going to be having the "fun times". Monday, FRUIT is busy but we can make it a day of sightseeing, or as FRUIT thinks, eating!!! TUESDAY is MARDI GRAS, so that is something I know I would like to expereince as I've never been and then WED., leave and go home E-mail me with any questions!!!

GREEN, is it possible that you aren't eating enough and thus, you are more hungry? If you aren't sure, e-mail me your stats and I'll be happy to give you some number suggestions [email protected] If you are eating enough you may need to increase in one place and decrease another (like proteins and carbs) or maybe try to eat foods that are more slow releasing, like beans, which keep you full longer.

TEENSY, sounds like it's a messy process doing the deer? Do you use a saw to cut it up? I know, stupid city girl questions! King crab - can I come for Xmas dinner??? Thought about you last night - ELI made an eggplant dish that was absolutely DELISH!! Don't know all he had in there but it had onions, tomatoes, pine nuts, feta cheese and spices-at least that's all I could destinguish! I think it's probably my favorite vegetable, but actually, it's truly a fruit! Here's an interesting site for eggplants:

PANCHO, hope you are feeling better today You're really doing so well with you maintaining your weight. I did so as well for well over a year and then started to slip up, little at a time and then more than not. Just take my experiences to heart and try not to fall in to the same trap I've seen myself fall in to time and time again. One good thing is I never go as high as I've been before.

TRISH, did you get my e-mail about the dates for Feb? See above if not. How far of a drive would it be for you? You may want to ask FRUIT what the closet airport is if you are flying. I haven't a clue about the geography of LA. Hope you continue to hear that DS is doing okay.

ROSE, so glad to know I will be seeing you again in Feb at FRUITS!! Glad to hear you are getting in some walking - if I was there I'd be walking too - it's gorgeous!!! I have the same incentive girlfriend, FEB is just around the corner and I'm not going there with major gains on my body. Battening down the hatch!

TONI, you'll get back in the swing of it all, not to worry. The walking is something and definitely a "step in the right direction!"

COUNTRY, are you still logging all those miles? I so agree with you, the first time I went off plan after 2 years of being so "perfect" I've never been able to regain that same stance. I've said it so many times before and I'll say it again, it's like we've been drug addicts or alcoholics who've kicked the habit, but we all know that if a druggie or drinker binges more than likely they will fall back on old ways. As FILLISE said before, we all know that we can't stay 100% OP for the rest of our lives. What we have to find is a way we can indulge once in a while and then get right back OP and not continue on - so far, I haven't found that magic key yet

FILLISE, so sorry to hear that you are in so much pain-I guess this is your TOM's big send-off!

CHERYL, I know personally my eating off plan is totally due to emotions and is how I've always handled my personal pressures, let downs, etc. I don't know any other way to handle things when I get thrown a new problem. It's hard to change when you've been doing the same thing since you were a little girl, but I'm trying!!!!

JACKK, I'm with you and I will NOT indulge in anything at all! This is a promise! I know, when I'm at the grocery store and I start to think about buying something off plan that I have to stop right there. No ice cream, no nothing! I am back on track and plan to be 100% OP til we go to FRUITS house in Feb. I've done Thanksgiving 100% OP before and I can do it again. The only thing I will truly miss are the cookies LAUREN makes, but then I have to say to myself - she can make them at any time so there's no reason to indulge during the holiday. CONGRATS on being down 4lbs - I'm hoping I can say the same soon!

JEC, have you asked DH about a boob job? Better talk to him before his DM puts thoughts in his head. Hey, how about trying to make some "healthy" cupcakes for the kids one day! None of our kids need this junk and I'm sure the mother's would thank you for THOSE cupcakes!!!

AGAPE, thanks for those recipes, I'll show them to ELI as I know I'll never make either, at least if I did, I doubt anyone would eat it, when he makes things, everyone wants to try!

HEART, CONGRATS on your 3lb loss! One more pound and you've reached "new territory" and just another 5 to hit 100 pounds! Now, if that doesn't keep you going strong, what will? It's right there, so close, now go for it!!!!!! You can do it!!!!

BOB, I agree with everyone else, a card and nothing more. You don't want to open a can of worms with a phone call. Got your e-mail and will give you a call on Saturday.

MONET, parents stayed in Savannah last night - so wished they'd of gone to Atlanta instead - sure could of used some flour from Harry's!!! Hope work is okay for you today. Guess the WWotB doesn't need a costume tomorrow, though a black hat probably would make you chuckle!

FRUIT, got your e-mail and will TRY and find you home during the weekend. Feel better!!!!

DAVE, good advice for BOB! I hope your kids and GK listen to you when you hand out advice, you put things in such a good prospective!

MOM, sounds like you are doing the right thing the right way. Sometimes in the height of things we don't think clearly and then we just have to stop, step back and take a good look at what we're doing and re-access. Sorta like what I've had to do with this WOE. Another book you may want to get, at the library, THIN TASTES BETTER - it's a good read. I have it right now, actually have had it for a while and when I cracked it open last night decided I need to sit and read the whole book, so that's my plans over the next week.

Okay, so it seems I've caught up? If I missed ANYONE, it's not intentional, so please forgive.

I have no plans at all for today. Probably will work in the 4th bedroom and/or MICHAEL'S room which is now, once again, a mess! I have to go to the library and return some items and then go to the school and do a few things there in the office. Still have a few phone calls to make to parents, so nothing exciting.

Will check in a bit later. Going to find something for breakfast before it gets too late.



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Old 10-30-2003, 09:04 AM   #94  
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Default Good morning!

Just sitting here being lazy this morning. I had over 300 emails so the last hour I've been sorting through them. I haven't even had my one cup of coffee yet. I think today is going to be my last day of coffee. Fixing to go back to no caffiene. I don't know why I do this to myself. I get away from the caffiend and end up coming back. You wouldn't think you would get headaches from giving up one cup of coffee a day...but the last two times it was horrible. could always bbq your left over pork roast. I do that a lot. Sometimes I make frajitas out of it. You could also make a brown gravy and serve it over rice. note made me smile this morning. It's almost worth to be bad just to get you to come out here so I can meet ya. I'm being good. So I guess the visit will have to wait.

Bob...good choice going with the card. That way he doesn't get his hopes up. And you can keep your sanity.

Toni.....change your name and don't tell the laundry. I tried that with the kids but they still found me.

AGGGGG Jess just brought me my coffee. If I could purr I would.

Mom2jared...if you are having this much trouble over going to the dr. I wold get documentation as to why you are waiting. In case the Ex's say they didn't say such a thing and try to turn it on you. Prayign the speech therapy goes well.

My son is having trouble focusing this morning so I'd better get and draw him back into his lessons.

Love and hugs,
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Old 10-30-2003, 09:27 AM   #95  
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Howdy everyone.

Just wanted to pop in and say hi. Got a few replies and then I need to hit the shower and find some breakfast. Probably gonna have a bowl of either Uncle Sams or Shredded Wheat and Bran, not sure which one yet.

BOB, Oh I'm sure it would have turned nasty. She's the type that her son does nothing wrong no matter what it is he's done or going to do. I used to could tell her everything, but now I'm going to start keeping nearly everything to myself where she's concerned. If you don't want to call your Ex then don't, I think sending a card and having your mutual friend give him your condolences would be enough.

Monet, Yes the shoulder is doing good. I'm still taking the meds the doc gave me for it though. I've told hubby how she does me, but he's never been there to see any of it, she always "attacks" when he's gone. I do have his sister on my side though. I try to keep my mouth shut about things just to keep the "drama" down, Lord knows I don't need none of that mess. She doesn't know that we are here at crappy Whiteman because of me either, (hubby decided to not fight his orders because I wanted to come here and get away from the heat of La.). I'm sure she'd have a whole heard of cows if she found that out, she thinks he should still live his life to please her and no one else. I did ask him if he'd want a divorce if I got a boob job and he told me no.

Toni, I've been after that woman to try SB since I started it because of how healthy it is and how FIL has heart probs. I'm glad she finally decided to try it. Maybe it had something to do with my doc taking me off the lipitor that really got her to thinking about it. Whatever it was though I'm glad she finally came around.

Mom, My gosh! I agree with your attorney, they do sound like a piece of work! With them being that way, I'd get letters and notes from everyone I talked with about this situation just to prove that I was making sure that I was going by the "rules."

Deb, Uh oh, sounds like you did what I did. I hope yours goes away without a doc visit! Oh yeah, I've talked to him about it before, I even asked him after that conversation with his mother if he would want a divorce over it and he told me no. I figure it's really none of her business what I do, and heck, it's not like I want to go as small as she is anyway, (she's somewhere between an A and a B). Where would I find a recipe for some "healthy" cupcakes?

Ok, now I'm headed to the shower. I'll talk to y'all later.

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Old 10-30-2003, 09:39 AM   #96  
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Good Thursday Morning.

Hope all is well with everyone today. It is supposed to be beautiful here (in the high 70's) for the next 4--5 days) I'm loving it.

Did get my 3 mile walk in and some wt training. I tried a new routine out of Fitness magazine and boy is my chest sore. You let it go for awhile and you pay the price.

Nothing going on here, so on to replies.

Bob, I think a card is sufficient. You have sent condolences with a friend and any more might start the calls again and you want to be rid of him, then think of yourself. You are such a sweet person, don't let him guilt you and pull you back in.

Monet, we ended up with chicken fajitas. Not one of my favorite things. No there were only 1 pork chops but it sure looked like 50. We fixed 6 and will fix the others Sat. Hope work is not too bad today.

Toni, I thought about doing the SoB diet for the jump start, but don't know if I can give up my starches and fruit for 2 weeks. Hope it works for you. I'm sure you will catch up with me before long at the rate I am going and the race will be on. Have fun on your shopping trip with your DS.

Teensy, I feel for you with the cold temps. Luckily it has turned warm here (high 70's) for the next 4-5 days. THe first thought that came to mind with the roast beef was hash. But that involves potatoes so that is out. How about some BBQ?

Missy, hope you are feeling better, You tell DH to take good care of you.

Mom, I wouldn't think a letter would be necessary, but it sounds like you have an ex like my niece, and she documents every single breath.

Deb, what would be the first thing you would say to us? Those 8 lbs are not fat. You know they are water. They will come right back off. Proud of you staying OP, but I knew you would. I'm so proud that Lauren has decied to do the SOB diet. Tell her we are pulling for her. Yes, you do have to set a good example.

Country, 300 emails. I would die. I would never get through tehm. I don't know that many people.

Jecrites, glad your shoulder is better.

I've spent too much time on the computer and balancing my checkbook, so I'd better get some work done. Be back later.

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Old 10-30-2003, 09:44 AM   #97  
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Default Good morning all

OK, 1 day down completely OP (only 2 starchy carbs) and another on the way.

We got a letter from Jordan yesterday. He seems to be doing fine, no effects from the smoke and qualified as "expert" shooter. For the Marines, that's tough to do, so we're really excited for him.

Seth is in his first year of middle school and is in the band. He's been playing trombone but has decided he wants to switch to tuba! This is actually fine with us, because we've been renting his trombone, but the school actually provides the tuba for them to use. He keeps one at home for practice so he doesn't have to lug it back and forth.

Deb, I sent you an email. I didn't get yours. Thanks for the dates. Gotta start those plans!! Can't wait.

Monet, I'm going to try that jerky recipe. Do you need to store it in the frig?

Mom, I can't believe that you're having to go through all of this. You just stay right here on this board. Whoever said it was right, you'll start when you're ready. Meanwhile we're here for you.

Teensy - Mix up that pork with some green chilies, onion, and stuff and make soup.

I can't get to everyone right now. I've got to run. Talk to you guys later.

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Old 10-30-2003, 10:10 AM   #98  
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Tis I again!

Ended up making some egg beaters with 2 tbl of parm cheese thrown on top - YUMMY!!!

COUNTRY, on an alternate e-mail addy we have I have well over 300 e-mails too and wonder when the heck it will fill up and start bouncing them back to all these spammers - what a waste of time going through that crap. I wish there was a better way to stop them, AOL is trying but hasn't done a great job at it. Giving up caffeine sounds like giving up sugar!!!

JEC, my shoulder isn't bad. The last time it happened though, it took over a week to iron itself out, but it's not as bad as last time. Must of just slept wrong on it. Do you think maybe his DM is bothered by the money aspect of having a boob job?

JACKK, girl, don't I just WISH that those 8lbs were something other than fat, but I can tell you, fat is just what it is. I ate and ate and ate junk-ice cream, candy, cookies, like you, if it wasn't nailed down I ate it-even if I didn't like it!
Sad-it will take me 4x longer to lose that weight than it took to put it on, maybe longer, but hey, it's no ones fault but my own

TRISH, sounds like JORDAN is doing great! OMG, tuba is soo big! Well, at least he's staying in the brass family If he hasn't seen DRUMLINE, get it for him - he'll love it!

Okay, I'm outta here once again!


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Old 10-30-2003, 10:19 AM   #99  
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Lyn, do you have email up there in the wide open spaces? I think the email I have for you is your home email. I need to talk to you about the SB bash.

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Old 10-30-2003, 10:23 AM   #100  
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You ALL must go to this site...especially sure to show this to MS BELLE


Last edited by BOBatwork; 10-30-2003 at 10:25 AM.
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Old 10-30-2003, 11:16 AM   #101  
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Bob, good decision on getting a card and writing a nice note. The card will be thoughtful gesture from you.

Trish: I keep the same email address all year and look at it over a web site. I tried one year to change address but it was too confusing to change so often. I will email you to be sure you have the correct address. Such good news about your son! I was playing with uploading pictures from my digital camera and found the pictures from the Fl. get together......the ones of you are sooo cute.

Teensybean: I just noticed that the "100 pounds lost" at the bottom of your messages turns into a picture of cleaver of you to be able to do that. I saw some recipes for eggplant that don’t require cheese that sound good. My son-in-law said he did not like eggplant but he went for seconds when they were done on the grill. Maybe the pot roast did not have enough salt and may have needed some onions. Not to worry....Here is a recipe for the left over pot roast. It is delicious....well, if you like curry. Also, it is quick to make. I serve it with brown rice and a green veggie.

Pot-Roast Curry

Recipe By : Good Housekeeping's For The Woman Who Hates to Cook
Serving Size :8

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
3 Tablespoons Cooking Oil
1 Small Onion -- Chopped
2 Tablespoons Green Pepper -- Chopped
3 Tablespoons SGWW Flour
1 Teaspoon Curry Powder -- Up To 1 Tablespoon
½ Teaspoon Salt
Dash Pepper
1 10 ½ Ounce Can Undiluted Beef Bouillon
2 Cups Cubed Cooked Pot Roast
2 Cups Hot Cooked White Rice
Snipped Parsley

In hot oil in skillet, saute onion and green pepper 10 minutes, or until tender. Stir in flour, curry powder, salt and pepper. Add bouillon gradually; stirring until thickened. Add pot roast; cover; simmer 5 minutes or until meat is heated through. Serve on rice, tossed with sniped parsley.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NOTES : Serve with curry accompaniments (chutney, toasted coconut, canned or thawed frozen pineapple chunks) if desired.

Fruit: What is happening with you, girl? I hope by the time you read this, you are feeling much better.

Mom2Jared: My goodness, it is hard to make an informed decision when even the Pediatrician is not giving you all the information up front. If the doctor is willing, I don’t see that it would hurt to have a letter stating what she is recommending. I don’t understand why the ex doesn’t even want speech therapy for his son.

Monet: It wasn’t me who asked for the Beef Jerky recipe but it sounds fab...I will definitely try it. It will be nice to know what is in the beef jerky instead of eating a lot of preservatives.

Toni: I am with you on the living in a rural area. It takes us 20 minutes to go down the first 9 miles, then it is still 15 minutes to a good grocery store. When we go shopping, it turns into an all day affair. When we get home, we have to put the groceries in a container and lift them to the main part of the is 43 steps so we can’t carry all that up. It is all worth it though.

Deb: Hey, good start! Having Feb as a goal works for me. Just think how much better off we will be by then by staying on program. Since the time change, we having been eating all our meals earlier...a good thing but I miss the light in the evenings. OOOH, Shorty’s, I remember the cole slaw being yummy as well as the chicken! When Lauren gets to Phase II, she will be able to eat like SB...good news. She is so lovely. Get a pen and paper and copy down that recipe of Eli’s the next time he makes it. It sounds share. Yesterday, Ray and I took a little drive up a dirt road starting east of our house. We could only go so far, so we started walking. It is a forest service fire road and according to the map, will go into our property (over the other side of the hill from the house) if we walk far enough. We realized that we would need to walk further than we had time for, so we are returning today and I will have my pedometer, so, we can see how far it is and Ray will have a compass and a map as well as water, this time.

Well, off to straighten up and get ready for the afternoon walk in the woods. It is beautiful here today.
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Old 10-30-2003, 11:19 AM   #102  
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Good Thursday morning everyone! I actually slept until 7:a.m., with the exception of seeing DH off at 6:a.m. I've been going to bed early to get as much sleep as I can while feeling sick. I actually stayed up until midnight last night flipping channels...couldn't sleep, but once I got to sleep, I slept good. It wears you out being under the weather and taking care of two sick kids as well. We are all feeling better, but it seems Britt is getting some chest congestion.

DH carved the pumpkin last night (Belle from Beauty & The Beast...Britt's request). It turned out great, but I can't get a good picture of it with digital, as the flash keeps going off and ruining the picture.

I made the chocolate cheesecake, Yellow and anyone else?????? Is it supposed to turn out like cheesecake, to where you can slice it and serve it? I replaced the cream and water with 1% milk, and then added the cream cheese and pudding mix, but mine turned out more like thick pudding???? Is it supposed to be like this, or more set? Do you serve in bowls or slices? I can't imagine messing up a recipe with 4 ingredients, maybe I'll use the cream and water next time.

Britt's Kindergarten pictures turned out so great; I am sure this will be our last picture of her for awhile with all of her teeth (ha).

I was still at 122 this morning after eating the no-no's yesterday. I will eat OP today and then allow myself a little lee-way tomorrow, and then will stay OP until Thanksgiving.

BOB: My sister is back home, for good....we think. Thanks for asking. I am with everyone else on the ex thing....get a card, and don't mess with bringing someone like that back into your life now.

heart: I am so proud for you....175#; isn't that awesome. You just needed to kick up that exercise routine!!

Monet: That's funny about hiding presents and then finding them later. I have a few stashed around, and hope I don't forget about them. When I was young, our family would actually hide the hard-boiled eggs instead of the plastic ones at Easter. We were looking for eggs one year, and found one from the prior year....yeah, pretty disgusting! I actually have to pick up some little goodies, since the elves start showing up periodically after Thanksgiving and leaving little gifts around for the kids.

Toni: The party was not so bad. I did really good considering. There were about 40 dishes there, and lots and lots of desserts. I felt proud when I left, even though I did eat things that I wouldn't have touched months ago. Enjoy your sis, and shopping this weekend.

Trish: Glad to hear Jordan is well. Do you have hearing aides for when Seth is practicing his Tuba (ha)?

Fruit: Feel better soon.

Mom: Wow, what a hassle; good thing this isn't a life--threatening issue. Gheez...."have your people talk to my people..." What a shame. Good luck. My advice would be to document everything. Get documents from anyone/everyone, and keep your own notes; it's so easy to forget the specifics, and they may be very important to have one day, if things do get out of hand and anything goes to court.

Deb: Are you sure that you are being honest to yourself saying you will be 100% OP through February???? Did you forget the holidays are right around the corner ? I know that I could not make that pledge at this point. I am glad to hear you are finally getting some sleep. I will take your experiences to heart! I don't know how to say this without it sounding bad, but I know you'll understand. I know that my weight-gain was pregnancy related. When I got preg. with Britt, I got up to nearly 200#. I was on bedrest for two months, and just laid in bed and ate for all 8 weeks. Once I gave birth, I settled at about 160 pounds, and fluctuated between 150-160, which isn't huge, but definately overweight for 5'4". I never did anything to lose that weight for about 3 years, and then finally started exercising and doing WW. I got down to 138# before I got pregnant with Delaney, and was actually feeling pretty good at that weight. With Delaney, I only gained 33#, as I didn't eat everything in sight, and didn't end up on bedrest with her. After having her, I settled at about 152 pounds. Both times, I gained the weight from pregnancy, but didn't do anything to lose it. I think that it would be difficult for me to just put on 30 pounds without getting pregnant or having a health issue, as I was always pretty small before having kids. I was in my mid 120#'s when I got married, and had gone up to 130# when I got preg. with Britt. I know with age, things change, and it could come on faster now. So, I am going to give myself a 5# window, and not let myself get above that. I really think that I have a handle on this, and will not let it get out of hand. That is one of the reasons I do weigh-in daily, to keep an eye on it. If I see it start to go up, I get control of it. If it stays the same or goes down, I ease up a bit, or stay OP. I think coming here will always be good incentive to me, though.

Britt is out of school today and tomorrow for parent/teacher conferences; it's nice not to have to be on a schedule. We have a few things to get done, but will probably stay home most of the day to do laundry and clean bathrooms. This house has gotten out of hand, and we will be doing some Fall cleaning this weekend, for sure.

We are overcast & hazy from the San Diego fires. The air quality is pretty poor here; I can't even imagine what they are breathing over there. My sister was an asthmatic as a child, and she is sounding really bad right now. She had her doc call in a inhaler for her, and she did a breathing treatment on herself; I hope she is better soon.

Well, take care, and have a great OP day!!
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Old 10-30-2003, 11:42 AM   #103  
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Pancho: When I made the "Chocolate Cheesecake" recipe, I put it into individual serving cups and mine did turn out more like a mousse. It was very good, though. I saw a recipe on another sight that called it mousse and also there was a recipe that used lime jell-o and it said it made a key lime pie-type mousse. I'll give you the recipe, if you want.
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Old 10-30-2003, 11:51 AM   #104  
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My husband just called and he's getting us tickets to go see the UT - Nebraska game on Saturday. YIPPEE!!!!!
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Old 10-30-2003, 12:28 PM   #105  
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Hi To All
Thanks for all the tips.

Woodfrog Thanks for the tips on walking, I wish I had time at work to walk in the evenings, maybe I'll try,especially since I usually eat my edinner while a wach the cardiac monitors so that person can take a lunch break.

Pancho I eat a lot of ice at work in the evenings. Try to mostly drink water now, the healthy snacks is what I need to do more of, find myself not eating fruit for snacks, which I know I need as it curves my needs for sweets. Try some warm drinks, such as tea or broths to help thin out the mucous and be able to cough it up.
Do you have the day after Thanksgiving to shop for Christmas? It has become a tradition for our family, there are great sales and you can use layaway at all the stores. But we have to be there early to get the great bargins, the supply is limited. We usually start at 4:00 to 4:30 am, Walmarts let you put the items in your basket, but can not pay for them until 6:00., the sales come out in the Thanksgiving newspaper! I think that I will try to take foods I can eat to our potlucks, haven't been doing that thus far.

YellowRose Thanks for the tips on the deli meat, I keep it in the fridge most always, my Dh and I take it for our lunches a lot . Recently I learned to take vegies instead of chips, make for a great meal with SGWW bread.

JackK My Dh would love it if I spent more time cleaning out things, Glad to see your pounds are melting away, do you ever use Atkins, I find I use it if I don't pack our lunch's when I am good. Sometimes I just eat protein, a meat, beans,and a few raw vegies.

Agape3737 I loved you choice in the recipies, saw eggplant in the grocery store earlier this week, I love to use fresh in season friuts and vegetables, have to say with the friuts I am back to grapes and apples. Will give your recipes a try soon. I really love to cook.
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