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Old 06-22-2009, 10:36 AM   #121  
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Well so far so good OP and it's 10:30...I treated myself this morning though....vanilla creme pudding blended with 4 oz of water and 4oz low fat cottage is just so delightful...

I have my new outfit muffin top...yippee...but some of my shirt buttons are begging for forgiveness and holding on for dear life...that will soon change I'm sure

Good luck's a new day...oh and as far as weight goes I weighed in this morning. I haven't gained anything...weird...I lost like .2 lbs or something...but my bf% went up sticking to program otherwise all my beautiful muscle will just slowly disappear and be replaced by fat...

Keep on keepin on!!
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:39 AM   #122  
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My weigh in on Friday went FABULOUSLY!!
I didnt want to post, because it seemed like everyone else was having a rough time of it, but here it is anyways..
Im down to the 130's finally!! 138.5 to be exact, plus i gained 1 pound of water for somereason...however, i lost another 2.5 pounds of body fat since 2 weeks ago!! Thats a grand total of....8.5 pounds body fat and 4.7% body fat!!! Im super excited, and that was exactly the pick me up i needed after a dissapointing weigh in last week..i didnt get my measurements taken, but i know ive lost inches...been going shopping a lot lately ( its actually FUN to try on clothes now, imagine that!!) Im solidly wearing 6's in pants and dresses, although the 6's in dresses are already getting TOO BIG!! never thoguht id say that!! Oh, and some of my "skinnier" clothes that were too tight, or completely unwearable before, are now too loose!! and i cant help but check out my new 6 pack that must have been hiding all along underneath my candy coated crunchy fat layer!! Things are looking pretty good..... Will make sure to stay on plan BLTS when i get home (thats Bites, licks, tastes, incase you missed my previous post) Sorry, sometimes i forget we dont all know the same acronyms around here!!! I see things all the time where i have NO IDEA what people are talking about!! I think there is an "acronym" post somewhere here on the site, that goes through all the commonly used "slang".....dont remember whre it is though...
Well ladies, have a great day to all!! I need to update my profile weight, i guess...
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:37 PM   #123  
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NICE JOB MKROYER!!! Don't be afraid to posts successes. I love to hear them....oh and I'll have a great success story for you on my next weigh in...just wait and see
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Old 06-22-2009, 09:14 PM   #124  
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Smash!! On Program all day!! And drank a gallon of please excuse me as I float away...
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Old 06-23-2009, 10:53 AM   #125  
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excellent job OP for the day DietingAgain!! ISnt that how were supposed to do it? One day at a time an all?? Once you fall back into being OP everyday for a few days, itll be easy to make ot stick!!! Kepp at it!! Youll do awesome today as for me, well, my fingers found their way into the peanut butter jar again last night....oh well.....
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Old 06-25-2009, 08:35 AM   #126  
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Well it's been a long couple weeks...on program...on program...on program...right now I'm doing pretty good...until dinner time..then it gets a little sketchy...I'm not sure how that'll work out for me at the scales but we shall see..I usually weigh in on Fridays...maybe I'll stay on program today, Friday, Saturday & Sunday...and I'll miss my weigh-in tomorrow and weigh in Monday instead...that'll give me a little extra time to see some movement in the scale....I really hate weighing in twice a week...but I guess it's good to keep you motivated and on track...

How's everyone else been doing?
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Old 06-25-2009, 12:24 PM   #127  
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the past couple of days have been "OK" for me... still BLTing a little...and then last bf was eating alittle snack bag of the animal crackers ( cookies really) you know the little ones, with the pink or white frosting that have the sprinkles? Well, i ate ONE of them...the first real Completely "off" plan item ive eaten since starting...only a tiny little cookie cracker, like the size of a melba toast round...anyways, after ia te it, i had a HORRIBLE stomach ache for a little while....very weird. Maybe it was just a coincidence that i got a tummy ache after i ate it, or maybe it was BECASUE of the little cookie goodness!! Ive done such a good job about not eating any processed sugar for well over a month now, i wonder if the tummy ache was a side effect of the little cookie with frosting?? so today, i MUST be 100% because tomorrow i weigh-in....Oh, i had yummy yummy salmon for dinner last night!! It was a welcome break from the chicken, chicken and more chicken (with a little tilapia or cod or tuna thrown in the mix now and then). Oh and then for breakfast, i somehow managed to end up with maybe a little LESS than half a "serving " of the cheesecake (im thinking my daughter, or BF had their fingers in it at some point!!) Anyways, to make up for it only being a half serving, I supplemented with a half a piece of the low cal bread, and a 1 oz piece of lowfat string you think that was an appropriate add in to get all my food in?? i dont think it will be that big of a deal if it wasnt...breakfast is so TINY on this plan anyways....cant wait to have fruit again at breakfast, or yogurt or something.... Good luck today ladies!
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Old 06-25-2009, 02:22 PM   #128  
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Default make it with Vanilla pudding and 4 oz cottage cheese and 4 oz water in a blender? It's just delightful...sometimes I'll switch my vanilla pudding for lemon chiffon pudding...very yummmy...I eat it every morning for makes the day harder...I like pudding at night...but I've been so screwed up at nights anyhow...
I've lost a two weeks...but hey it's one less pound then I had before...oh and my bf% is back to that's nice...
Weighed in today even though I said I wouldn't...I'm a slave to the scale...
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Old 06-26-2009, 10:25 AM   #129  
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I go in for my weigh-in today....broke down last night and had a couple bites of a lowfat oatmeal raison granola bar....... i just KNOW the center is going to tell me its time to go on stabilization...but i just dont FEEL ready...i thought id be skinnier after i lost almost 5 % of my BF....i want to loose more though...maybe i can keep goign for another week or two??
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Old 06-26-2009, 03:10 PM   #130  
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I need a boost of confidence. I'm down 20.5 pounds. However, I've been plateauing for about a week and 1/2. I've read online that many folks will plateau for a week or even a month. Mentally, I struggle with the idea that it could take that long. This is the healthiest I have ever been. I have been strictly OP for 55 days. NO CHEATS! So I am getting frustrated. Three weeks ago I started running (4 days a week) and I'm wondering if I'm increasing/gaining muscle back which is why the scale is staying put. I've almost doubled my water intake.

Does anyone have suggestions? The only one that comes to mind is eat something off program to 'shock' my system. I'm guessing that's my devil's advocate mind tempting me to walk across the street from my office and indulge in a cookie. HELP!
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Old 06-26-2009, 05:36 PM   #131  
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Originally Posted by lookinfine09 View Post
Three weeks ago I started running (4 days a week) and I'm wondering if I'm increasing/gaining muscle back which is why the scale is staying put. I've almost doubled my water intake.

Does anyone have suggestions?
Ask to get your full body comps measured on the Tanita next time you go in. You wouldn't believe how much adding exercise to your lifestyle can increase your muscle weight. Also, you could be retaining water because of the exercise. A lot of people lose water weight as they exercise because of all the sweating. I sweat A TON when I exercise and somehow I always weigh 1-3 lbs more after I work out. Some of that is that I'm drinking a lot of water as I work out but not pounds of water.

So just ask for your body comps next time. It may be exactly the kind of confidence boost you are looking for.

Last edited by lcmaly; 06-26-2009 at 05:36 PM.
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Old 06-26-2009, 07:18 PM   #132  
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I agree with Icmaly--- ask to have your body comp taken...your "weight" may seem to be plateauing, but you might find that while youve possibly gained water weight, your body fat may be down, or your lean muscle mass may have increased...perfect example, i went in to weigh today, and i GAINED .5 lbs since last week!! BUT they did a body comp, and i am actually down another 1% BF (1.5 pounds body fat), but for some reason i GAINED 1.5 pounds in water, plus another .5 lbs of lean muscle mass (this is a good thing!!)....My actual weight loss has semed to platau lately ( ive only lost about 1 pound total in the past few weeks) however, ive lost almost 2% body fat during that time period as well!! Now, if only we could figure out WHY my body is retaining water (its not TOM, so thats not it, and i havent been eating salt either). In any case for me, at least, its the body fat that matters, and im still moving in the right direction.. Ive lost 6 % since i started about a month ago!! I am now at 22% according to their method, or, if i measure myself as an athlete, about 20%!! Im completely stoked!! i NEVER thought I could be at 20& BF!! Keep your head up, you are probably doing alot better than you realize...remember, the "number" on the scale is only one method of measurement!
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Old 06-28-2009, 01:17 PM   #133  
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lookinfine...I think if you are following the program...and exercising...even if you don't see it in numbers on the scale you will see it in're doing great and keep it moving...just don't get hung up on a's more about how you feel...I know when I'm on program I feel great...physically...mentally...just great...even when I'm not losing weight...

And when I'm off program I feel terrible...and today I feel terrible...the last few weeks I feel terrible...I can't get back on track...every day is a new day...every day I try again...every day I I decided to just start from scratch...shoot I've been off program in one way or another almost every day for two this point I need to start over...and today I've already messed up...darn frozen cookies...they were frozen so they'd stay out of my reach and belly...who knew they'd taste so delicious frozen...ugh...but back on program now for lunch...I will make this work...I will get back on track...I am worth it...I deserve this...

Keep on keepin on can make it work...I'm going to make it work...
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Old 06-29-2009, 10:56 AM   #134  
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Wink Thank You

Thank you all for the confidence boost. I am going to have them do a body comp when I go in tomorrow for WI to see how it's changed. My clothes do fit better, so I'm excited about that. I know this program works and we are worth it, each and every one of us.

I am pear shaped, so I think I get totally obsessed with my thighs, rear and hips and forget to look other places for changes. I did run into a friend I haven't seen in about 2 months this weekend and she said she could tell in my face and my shoulders and chest (yep, they shrunk! ha!). When I think about it, that fat has been there the least amount of time. My thighs, rear and hips have been heavy most of my life, which stands to reason that it might be longer to get it off. I'm sure that's TMI, but had to share.

I'm done rambling now. Wishing you all a fantastic week and a safe and OP holiday!
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Old 06-29-2009, 11:37 AM   #135  
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Lookingfine--- i too have that stubborn butt/thigh/hip fat that wont seem to BUDGE!! It is very frustrating!! I've lost total about 30" so far, and not ONE of those inces has been from my butt or thighs!! not even a QUARTER of an invch!! NOTHING~ GRRRrrrrrr..... oh and FYI, about 50% has come off my bust! im BARELY fitting into a B cup now, and i should seriously consider downgrading to an A..its that bad!!
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