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Old 06-16-2009, 01:11 PM   #91  
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Default employing the EXACT same strategy with MY water!! too funny..
On a side note, i think im gonig to go intonight to my hair stylist and get my hair cut-- like REALLY cut-- Like, a whole new me cut! Scary, scary...will i look good with short hair ( im thinking inverted bob, victoria beckham kinda style), but i dont know...right now its long, past my shoulders, no real shape, just kinda lays there and does nothing ( it doesnt help that the only thing i know how to do to my hair is pull it into a pony!!)
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Old 06-16-2009, 01:29 PM   #92  
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I think it's a great idea. My husband is the manager at a fitness center/salon/day spa...the inverted bob is cute but I'm afraid that it may not suit your lifestlye if you don't love styling your hair. If your hair is straight without bangs I would try just above the shoulder...still sweeping the shoulder with a VERY straight...very blunt cut...NO razoring...then if you don't already have one get a chi straightener...even if your hair is straight to begin with...the chi will give your hair a really nice finished look to it...and if you end up putting it into a pony tail this cut makes a really cute pony tail...
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Old 06-16-2009, 03:42 PM   #93  
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does the bob take a lot of maintenance?? i was under the impression you just apply a little mouse (maybe blow dry sometimes) and Go!! If that ISNT the case, then the bob is NOT for me...
whats a chi straightener?? just a regular brand straightener? or something different?
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Old 06-16-2009, 04:13 PM   #94  
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I think the inverted bob will take a little more styling than you'll like if you're used to having long long really wouldn't have the chance to do something quick with it like toss it in a pony tail...but it is a cute style...

A chi straightener is a top of the line if you don't have one you probably won't want to shell out the $$ to get one...100% worth it though if you can afford wouldn't think there would be much of a difference between a regular staightner and a chi brand but wow there is...I LOVE LOVE LOVE my chi...and I have straight straight hair to begin with...and I'm a pony tail low maintenance kind of gal that doesn't put much effort or time into how my hair looks...

LOL good luck!! I'm sure it'll come out cute no matter what you decide!~! It's always fun to get a new hair cut...
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Old 06-17-2009, 06:17 AM   #95  
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I have straight hair too and ever since college, I've usually worn it long and straight, putting a band around it to keep it pulled back when I needed to.

For about 7 years when I lived near Portland Oregon, I went to the SuperCuts training center and got really cheap haircuts and let the students learn to cut on real hair. I ended up with a bob that was almost shoulder length and turned under slightly at the bottom. When I wash my hair, I would bend over and blow dry it with my head upside down until the under layers were mostly dry. Then stand up and twirl the brush from underneath and continue on low fan to dry the upper layers, brushing the hair from underneath to keep it turning under.

Loved the hairstyle, looked good on me, but when we moved to North Carolina, I couldn't find anyone who could cut it that way - even at the SuperCuts! So I went back to long and straight.

Two years ago I got tired of the weight of all that hair and how hot it was on my neck in the summer (and I found a starving artist that also cut hair) so I told her about how I wanted it and we cut 12 inches off and I sent that to Locks Of Love. She cut my hair in what I guess would now be called a reverse bob - it was shorter in back and pointed in front and turned under a bit. It made me look ten years younger , they all said. I've had it cut every 3 - 4 months since (Hey, 10 years younger each time, I'll be 20 again soon!)
I blow dry it same way I did back in Oregon and that is all I do to fuss with it. Once time when she cut it, it did not turn under as well as I wanted, but other people told me it looked cute even flipping up so I didn't worry too much, but when I cut it again, I made sure the person, did a good undercut so it would turn under.

mkroyer, I say 'Go for it!' Get your hair cut! It will feel lighter and cooler for summer and be a real boost! I think I'll go get mine cut again - it's been three months . . . bye, jeanette
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Old 06-17-2009, 06:44 AM   #96  
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I have not been losing as much as I would like (I guess I would like to see the scale go down a pound a day!) but I am so encouraged that I am losing at all after years of trying to eat sensibly. I do not like to restrict myself - I like to enjoy everything in moderation - but if I can do this extreme restriction for a limited time and get to my goal, then I think I can maintain there and go back to enjoying the things I am restricted from enjoying right now.

My older son gave the worst test last week - brought a box of a dozen Cinnabons and 2 extra cups of the frosting to our house. He ate one, husband ate one, I said, "You are going to take the rest with you, aren't you?" but he didn't! I did resist, even the next morning, I did not lick the forks with the white frosting - just put them in the dishwasher, but I knew my resistance would not last. I left for my parents' house on Friday, and when I returned on Sunday, my husband had done something with them - he says that's all he ate, one with coffee for breakfast, with milk for lunch and two for dinner but he did not touch the cups of frosting - I can't throw them away! In the past, I would just grab a spoon and eat the frosting to get rid of them, but now, I don't want to get out of the 'barely-in' ketosis that I am in, so they sit on the counter. I'm hoping one of the guys will throw them out and they will be gone. Well, today is trash day, maybe I could do it . . . we'll see . . .

Our Center has a BINGO this month (did you get a copy, Shelby?) Each square has a challenge or accomplishment - when you get five in a row, you get a prise. For next month, I suggested one square be "Resisted a great temptation"! Now I gotta go get a refill on my water bottle after all this talk about Cinnabons! jeanette
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Old 06-17-2009, 02:57 PM   #97  
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soooooo'd it go????

I fell off track again last night...oh boy....todays another day LOL wish me luck!!
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Old 06-17-2009, 06:01 PM   #98  
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DietingAgain--i CHOPPED it!! Took the plunge!! and Now........i want to chop it more!! LOL it looks great, the concept is great...A-line that falls below my chin in the front, running shorter to the back, where the hair is stacked in the back..lots of layers everywhere...i LOVE it!! UNFORTUNATELY, im realizing after only one day, that not enough was removed, the top SHOULD have some real nice volume too it, but i think there is still too much weight in the hair and its pulling it flat want to go back in and get more removed from the back, stack it EVEN more dramatically, and take a little more length off as it works its way back...i like it though...

Im sorry you fell off the wagon again dietingagain! is there something going on in your life? you seem so strong all the time is all..... Im not having the best of weeks either.....i cant seem to control my BLT urges......last night it was a couple licks of my BF's split pea soup (plus licking the batter of the MRC cheesecake i made), today it was two bites of my daughters pancakes, and i licked the peanut butter knife...why cant i control myself? i did so well for like 2 weeks...every morning i tell mysellf 100% OP today, and then i cant stop taking little bites of pretty sure im not in ketosis, and im concerned i wont show a loss on friday...ALSO, im back on percocets for the wondering how (if at ALL) it affects the weightloss. I will ask the center when i go in to weigh in on friday.. i NEED to be stronger. I KNOW i can do it! i think the percocets are deteriorating my will power (much like alcohol!!) LOL! I dont get high or anything on them, but stiill......So i messed up with the pancakes this morning..all i can do is be 100% just the REST of today. i can DO is only for like 4 or 5 more hours (till i go to bed). I will conquer tomorrow when it disappointed in myself though...ive pretty much ran out of time to turn this week around for the weigh-in in two days....<sigh>
Tell me your story dietingagain...maybe it will help to let it out and CONFESS what a HORRIBLE MRC dieter youve been !!!!!!!
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Old 06-17-2009, 08:17 PM   #99  
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LOL life's great...just a series of events leading to my giving into temptation...I was cooking my delicious fruit pizza with sugar cookie crust for my daughter's bday party Sunday and (mindlessly...not thinking of it) liked my fingers and the dough was so delicious...I couldn't get the taste out of my mind...stole some bites cooking...had to test a piece to make sure it was yummy....then I was late for the party and didn't get to eat my on program lunch....did good at the party....but had a cupcake at the way then I decided I've done this bad lets really make it worth while and decided to have a bar-be-que for dinner with burgers and baked beans and potato salad...then be back op Monday...

Then Monday came, I did really good up until 10 o'clock at night and I had my daughters cake on the counter mocking me...and it was so moist and delicious looking...and since I only had a cupcake the day before I really couldn't handle it sitting there staring me in the I had some...then my husband mentioned the cookie pizza was a ton better day then I felt it necessary to give it a try....and back op Tuesday....

Did great Tuesday...then I went to my son's kindegarten graduation....they had cake afterwards and my daughter ate all the frosting off her cake...and we were going to throw it away so I thought I'd take a bite...but by the time I got to the can I'd eaten it all...oh then we took my son out for ice cream to celebrate....and I'd already messed up so I decided to get a baby cone...and back op Wednesday....

So here is Wednesday...I am completely op and am going to make it through the day....

I even stopped avoiding the center and called in today (mail order so I can't stop in)....

Oh so VERY LONG story short.....I don't buy sweets or chips...we never have these in our house...even when I'm not dieting...we like to promote healthy eating and snacks for our it all just came down to having temptation way too close to home...but there's still cake on the counter and there it will sit until my husband eats it or tosses it...

Mkroyer....your haircut sounds very stylish!! Congrats for taking the plunge A whole new you!!
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Old 06-17-2009, 09:30 PM   #100  
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Originally Posted by dietingagain22 View Post
LOL life's great...just a series of events leading to my giving into temptation...I was cooking my delicious fruit pizza with sugar cookie crust for my daughter's bday party Sunday and (mindlessly...not thinking of it) liked my fingers and the dough was so delicious...I couldn't get the taste out of my mind...stole some bites cooking...had to test a piece to make sure it was yummy....then I was late for the party and didn't get to eat my on program lunch....did good at the party....but had a cupcake at the way then I decided I've done this bad lets really make it worth while and decided to have a bar-be-que for dinner with burgers and baked beans and potato salad...then be back op Monday...

Then Monday came, I did really good up until 10 o'clock at night and I had my daughters cake on the counter mocking me...and it was so moist and delicious looking...and since I only had a cupcake the day before I really couldn't handle it sitting there staring me in the I had some...then
my husband mentioned the cookie pizza was a ton better day then I felt it necessary to give it a try....and back op Tuesday....

Did great Tuesday...then I went to my son's kindegarten graduation....they had cake afterwards and my daughter ate all the frosting off her cake...and we were going to throw it away so I thought I'd take a bite...but by the time I got to the can I'd eaten it all...oh then we took my son out for ice cream to celebrate....and I'd already messed up so I decided to get a baby cone...and back op Wednesday....

So here is Wednesday...I am completely op and am going to make it through the day....

I even stopped avoiding the center and called in today (mail order so I can't stop in)....

Oh so VERY LONG story short.....I don't buy sweets or chips...we never have these in our house...even when I'm not dieting...we like to promote healthy eating and snacks for our it all just came down to having temptation way too close to home...but there's still cake on the counter and there it will sit until my husband eats it or tosses it...

Mkroyer....your haircut sounds very stylish!! Congrats for taking the plunge A whole new you!!
Congrats on Wednesday! Keep going!
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Old 06-18-2009, 10:02 AM   #101  
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Dietingagian- how FUNNY.....i love the way you describe food as mocking you with its deliciousness on the counter!1 it IS too much to ask to resist cakes and cupcakes whne they are in your own home, sittin gout for you to see everytime you walk by...when my BF makes something delicious and HE leaves it ou on the counter all night/day to tempt me, i just throw it away!!! Toss that cake!! your huby might get angry for a minute if he wanted more, but **** get over it real fast and forget about it! its very empowering to look at something youwant so bad, and toss it in the trash! ( i need to do that with my cigarrettes too!!) I stayed OP last night like i promised i would, and far so good ( at 8 am) I WILL stay OP today!! No PROBLEM...Good luck with today!!!
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Old 06-18-2009, 11:07 AM   #102  
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Yay!!! I made it through yesterday...I decided to weigh-in today...I was down 2.2lbs...but lost 3.4 lbs of muscle and gained 1.2lbs of that to me is not successful...ugh...

But back on track yesterday and today I am going to make it through another day...

Although we are taking the kids to the movies tonight and a big bucket of buttery popcorn would be delicous...but I'll pass...

Oh and I would completely toss the cake...but we spent just shy of $50 on her cake and it just seems terribly wasteful to throw out even a hubby'll finish it off today or tomorrow...I can handle it...
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Old 06-18-2009, 12:33 PM   #103  
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when i took my daughter to the movie recently, i just snuck in my recently cooked mrc meal, in a big ziploc freezer baggy!! rought a celery/apple/poppyseed salad, and a piece of chicken, and brought in my own water bottle to drink my HNS worked..the popcarn smelled great at first, but i just sat there and slowly ate my slada and food...didnt have even one bite of the popcorn!! what movie are you seeing?
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Old 06-18-2009, 12:36 PM   #104  
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Night at the Museum....we went and saw UP two weekends ago...but the kids are still begging for Night at the Museum and tonights the last we're going to squeeze it in
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Old 06-19-2009, 09:47 AM   #105  
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well, i had an intersting evening....stayed OP like I promised i would ALL day-then for somereason, when i woke up around 11 pm last night (to go PEE, of course!) my stubby little sausage fingers managed to find a way into the jar of peanut butter! WTF!! i havent "night-time grazed" for quite a while...the only thing i can think of is Im subconciously trying to sabotage myself, because i have a weigh in today!! I hope i didnt "F" things up too badly.....if it wasnt for my 8 year old, there would be NO penut butter in the house!
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