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Old 06-19-2009, 10:57 AM   #106  
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Default're doing great....just the fact that you've come this far...part of the reason why I wanted this forum is b/c I think when you get down to this last little bit it gets harder and harder to stay on track...I think our bodies want a certain amount of fat on us and when you get down to this last bit our bodies start to reject our efforts and it makes it harder to stay on track...if that makes sense...

Well anyhow stay strong you can do it...try you have a mini cupcake pan? If not get one...then make strawberry jello shots with you hsn...I sprayed the pan with just a tiny bit of pam...and one packet makes six shots...when you need a mini treat...pop a jello shot!!
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Old 06-19-2009, 11:30 AM   #107  
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do you use the knox unflovored gelatin?? im sorry, i am kitchen impaired....step by step...create gelatin, then add HNS then pour into cupcake pan?? mix HNS with jello powder mix, than add water?? They sound good, i just have no instinct for cooking or anything kitchen related...

I always had that thought, in the back of my mind, that it is hard when you dont have as much too doesnt come off as fast,m you dont see results as noticably, and it takes a LOT OF EFFORT just to loose a little! I feel bad saying these things, because of the women out there who have 50 to 100 pounds to loose, or even more! WE ALL have our struggles and obstacles though...I think, for someone with a lot more to loose, all those little cheats, well, they dont have such of an imapct, you know what i mean? Of course, i am grateful i dont have the obstacles that some of these women face to deal with..i CANNOT fathom the idea of being on this diet, or any diet, really, for 6 months, or 1 year, or even longer!! We are lucky, you and I, we have such a short amount of time comparitevely speaking, but we need to be ever so much more dilligent and careful with our choices..
I think at my weigh in today, i will make them do BF and take mesurements. Im fairly certain the scale wont give me too much to be excited about, but hopefully even if the scale didnt move, my BF or or inches will show a change ( in the right direction!) this will help keep me motivated, i think...
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Old 06-19-2009, 11:34 AM   #108  
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Oh ya, im gong to a wedding tomorrow afternoon, a BBQ wedding..WAHOOS! Im thinking of purchasing some of the meal replacement bars for the occassion...they will prob have SOME form of a salad oor veggies, but i have no idea what the protein or starch selection will be, ya know? plau i cant measure anything out, SO, i know its tacky to bring your own food to something like this, but i figure i can discreetely eat my meal replacement bar, and then have a veggie option...what do you think?? Its so far away from home to, we will be gone all afternoon/into the evening..IM driving at least (which i HATE) but at least i know i wont be tempted to drink any of the alcohol!! I have no plan to outsmart the wedding cake though.......YUMMY...>CAke!!!! Havent had any sugar touch these lips since i started....dont want to break THAT streak!
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Old 06-19-2009, 12:01 PM   #109  
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At the wedding you could drink your HNS out of a wine glass! or even use 0 cal 0 sodium sparkling water to mix HNS with and have it on ice in tall glass! That way, you can be 'drinking' and people won't keep trying to give you a drink. Hope you have fun and stay OP. jeanette
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Old 06-19-2009, 12:14 PM   #110  
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thanks Jeanette! That is a great suggestion!
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Old 06-19-2009, 12:36 PM   #111  
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Mkroyer, the jello is an HNS so you don't need knox or anything else to mix it take the Jello HNS and mix it with 2 oz boiling water...stir til dissolved (doesn't take long) then add in 2 oz cold water...very easy...and yummy...

I went to a wedding this past weekend. I brought my food in a cooler and left it in the car...then when everyone went up for the buffet line I snuck out...ate in the car and went back in....the buffet line was still going and no one knew the difference...people leave to go potty, smoke, etc so no one notices or cares...

Also if I was you I'd get feedback on the cake before you take the plunge....I brought a chocolate pudding with me and had that in place of cake...but I heard the cake wasn't very good anyway so no skin off my back...I also RSVP'd to the wedding stating that I would be there but not eating...tacky, probably...but it gave me extra motivation not to eat...
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Old 06-19-2009, 01:19 PM   #112  
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thats sure the bride and groom were very thankful though, to have one less person they had to buy dinner for!! I was actually considering the cooler idea as well.......should i just save my money on the Meal replacement bars and go that route?? maybe its a good idea....
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Old 06-19-2009, 01:29 PM   #113  
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meal replacement bars can only be used for breakfast or lunch...and they are teeny tiny....the vanilla wafers are a bit bigger though so not a bad option...but again just for breakfast & lunch....
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Old 06-21-2009, 04:27 AM   #114  
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another weekend off program...i suck...i feel like such an idiot...I can't believe I did this again...I feel like crap and it's starting to show around the waist on now...I have to get back on track...this is dumb to spend so much money and put so much effort into something and then to do something so dumb!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 06-21-2009, 10:35 AM   #115  
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Originally Posted by dietingagain22 View Post
another weekend off program...i suck...i feel like such an idiot...I can't believe I did this again...I feel like crap and it's starting to show around the waist on now...I have to get back on track...this is dumb to spend so much money and put so much effort into something and then to do something so dumb!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey dietingagain--
That stinkin' thinkin' has got to go! We can be our own worst enemy sometimes. We wouldn't allow someone to speak to us like that, but yet our own self talk can really take a toll on our self esteem. I think one of the smartest things I ever read about having a slip up was comparing it to walking up a flight of stairs.... If you tripped on a stair, would you throw yourself down the flight of stairs or would you catch yourself, maybe walk a little more carefully, and hold on to the rail?

And honey, you didn't ruin the weekend, because you still have today! Plan what you are going to eat, drink your water, move your body for at least 30 minutes. And you find something positive about your accomplishments so far!

Was it a situation that just caught you at a weak moment, or do you have a major life event going on? You had some great strategies that you shared just up in this thread so I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!
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Old 06-21-2009, 01:19 PM   #116  
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Dietingagain--- What happend?? Dont be so hard on yourself!! PLEASE!!
You know what ive found out about myself recently...the more I 'cheat' (BLTS, mostly) the more i CHEAT! I dont know if that makes sense but its like, i cheated a little here and there, and then i weighed in and still lost so then i convince myself its ok to cheat a little here and there, and then i start cheating a little MORE, etc....its really easy to start doing, and REALLY HARD to stop!! Its like when you start ditching classes in HS, then it becomes so much easier to keep ditching untill it gets really bad! STOP RIGHT NOW!! Get back ontrack!! you are fine, and if its starting to show around the waitsline a little bit, its prob just water weight, and if you are dilligent the next few days, you can get it right back off, no problem...Maybe you need to get away from temptation for a while...when im starting to get hungry and im at home, and the fridge and all the snacks are inviting me, i just leave....go to the grocery store, drop off the bags of clothes to donate to goodwill, go to the gas station and buy a pack of gum, go walk around the mall and try on smaller clothes, whatever...Keep on at it, ok!?? Stop beating yourself up
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Old 06-21-2009, 10:08 PM   #117  
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LOL Thanks ladies you rock...I did really good today...until dinner time...then it all went downhill from husband wanted to go out to dinner for Father's I went...whoopsie...ok so back on track tomorrow...I won't beat myself up about it...tomorrow's another day....

oh yes and once you cheat once its a slippery slope mkroyer. I bought some really cute clothes this weekend at the mall...mostly size 5/6...without muffin top may I I have to get back on track...after today I'm sure there's muffin top...and I really really want to wear my new clothes so op more slip to go to tomorrow night but I will not have anything...for sure...weekdays are so much easier for me...

But on a good note I spent all day Saturday walking at the mall...all day...and today I spent all day at the zoo pushing my daughter in her stroller...and boy oh boy do my feet hurt after all that walking...AND I drank a ton of water...

(friday night was my sister-in-law's middle school my husband's parents took us out for healthy alternatives then Saturday we impromptu went to the mall...and rather than stop at the grocery store to get healthy alternatives (I'd usually just go to the deli and get a quarter pound of low fat low sodium turkey...done it before when I went to the mall on the fly) I gave in and had Sbarro's pizza....then I topped off the day with a salad at Pizza not healthy and a plethera of beer....yummmmmm this morning I packed all my food for the zoo and even packed dinner in case we didn't get home in time for dinner (the zoo is 2 1/2 hours away) so I was soooooo prepared....but then we ended up eating just a bad series of events that got way out of hand...this week will be a good week...I know it...)
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Old 06-21-2009, 10:11 PM   #118  
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oh and mkroyer..whats the abbreviation blts? besides bacon lettuce tomato? i keep meaning to ask...
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Old 06-22-2009, 07:20 AM   #119  
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Dietingagain, thanks for asking what BLTS means - I kept meaning to ask also!

When I have to eat out, I try to stay OP as much as possible but know that some things are cooked with butter and salt . . . oh well. I haven't been tempted by pizza yet but beer ! oh, sigh! No one said anything to me about alcohol when I signed up and although I was sure it was a no, no - I usually have one beer with dinner and I wanted to keep doing that while I loose this weight so after I was off this program, I would not be adding the extra calories etc that that beer would have. But I can't do it!!! I tried at first.

The first Thursday after I started MRC program, I had a my first $100 plate party at the Flying Saucer in Raleigh because I had drunk 200 beers - I had a delicious chicken salad with oil and vinegar dressing, a glass of Loose Cannon's Heavy Seas triple hopped Ale (7.25% ABV) which was delicious, then they tapped a keg of New Holland's Black Tulip - again a Trippel Ale but 8.8% ABV. I didn't enjoy it as much as the Heavy Seas but boy, was I flying.
But the time we got home, everything was spinning - I think this would qualify as the third time I've gotten too drunk, the first two back in freshman and junior yrs of college! It took me 3 hours before I could even think of trying to go to bed - I felt queasy & should have not keep everything down but couldn't bring myself to do that.

That next Sunday I tried again and had a fairly light beer and felt way too intoxicated for that much alcohol. Then I read that being in ketosis, our bodies metabolize alcohol really efficiently - we get more intoxicated on less! I'm a cheap date now and my hubby says I'm losing the weight just because I'm not having my nightly beer! I'm sure that reduction in calories helps but that is not what's doing it - it's the being just in ketosis and I want to get though this part so bad so I can go back to my nightly brew.

I don't have a list like Namaste did of things that helped keep her from cheating, but a good draught beer would be high on my list. Namaste's top item was to wear her wedding band and to be able to ride bikes with her son. Make a list, even if it is not lofty goals like that, but something that you would like. Also find OP food treats that you like - I love shrimp and when I need a reward, we'll have shrimp for dinner - eating out last weekend, I had lobster tails - expensive but OP - it was a rewarding treat.

Keep up the good work during this week and that may help you be able to stay OP more this coming weekend. I'll send more pictures soon. jeanette
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Old 06-22-2009, 10:00 AM   #120  
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DietingAgain--"BLT"s = "Bites, Licks, and Tastes!"" LOL Thats me!! Im a grazer for sure, cant seem to keep my fingers out of ANYTHING if its goin on in the know, ONE lick of this wont hurt, and ONE little bite of that wont hurt, and then it ALL ADDS UP!!
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