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Old 11-30-2007, 12:50 PM   #211  
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I'm going to add this note to the conversation about water and HNS - even though it has probably been totally covered. My center says that you can count any amount of water over the 8 oz that you are supposed to put into your HNS as part of your water intake. So I mix mine with about 12 oz each time - thus 4 extra ounces of water per drink. I still drink way more water than the required amount, but I thought it was interesting that our centers are telling us different things. (side note - those HNS are way to sweet for me but I found mixing a lemon one with any of the other fruity flavors really helps).

As far as red meat - I have it occasionally - maybe once a week at the most. I'm ok with a buffalo burger instead of ground beef, but DH likes steak every once in a while, so I have some too. We don't have a buffalo man around here to get steaks from, so it is just the plain old steer kind. I agree that beef takes a few days to get out of my system, so I might start thinking more about what day I eat it and when I WI -- good idea!

I really like that a couple of you question the counselors and send them scrambling for answers -- some of what they say seems so logical and then there are some tidbits of info that seem like they haven't thought it through at all. I generally just listen and say nothing. So far I am mainly impressed with the counselors, but as someone pointed out earlier they are getting commission for the supplements, I keep that in mind when they suggest particular items.

Someone asked about guggal. I haven't tried that at all. I was told it was to help with salty, crunchy cravings. My downfall would be sweets - so I figure I can skip that med.

Has anyone had any adverse reaction to any of the supplements? I just started the MRC6 this week and I'm having some odd sensations in my mouth - teeth seem to be tingling all the time??? It could be unrelated, but I thought I'd ask.

Donuts - I know you like the Triphala. Do you buy it at the center? I bought a bottle from the Health Food Store and took it as directed for about a month - I'm not sure I saw any benefit. I read on line that it takes a while for your system to benefit from it - should I have seen anything yet?

Congrats to all the BIG LOSERS this week.
Have a wonderful weekend.
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Old 11-30-2007, 04:08 PM   #212  
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how bad is it if i want to eat a 50 calorie serving of popcorn. you know those 100 calorie packs that are 94% fat free and very low sodium, i really am craving some, i was thinking, i would eat half the bag after i finish dinner tonight as my 'starch'. i know know, not op, but the craving is sooooo strong, and i can't think of any thing that might satisfy this!

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Old 11-30-2007, 04:38 PM   #213  
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Default Hello Everyone!

I am new to the boards here, thanks to a nice woman that I met today at the MRC center. She said that I might like it here so here I am! I could really use the support. I want to read and see how other people are doing here. I hope to get to know you all!!!!

I guess I should share a little about myself. I am a stay-at-home mom / Mary Kay consultant. I am married to a wonderful guy. I have a fabulous 3 and a half year old daughter. I have been on the MRC plan for 14 days and have lost 12.5 pounds. I am excited, but I still have SO much to lose!!

"See" ya all around!!!
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Old 11-30-2007, 05:01 PM   #214  
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Originally Posted by Lilyannas Mom View Post
I am new to the boards here, thanks to a nice woman that I met today at the MRC center. She said that I might like it here so here I am! I could really use the support. I want to read and see how other people are doing here. I hope to get to know you all!!!!

I guess I should share a little about myself. I am a stay-at-home mom / Mary Kay consultant. I am married to a wonderful guy. I have a fabulous 3 and a half year old daughter. I have been on the MRC plan for 14 days and have lost 12.5 pounds. I am excited, but I still have SO much to lose!!

"See" ya all around!!!
Well, you've come to the right place! Welcome and congratulations on your loss so far as well as the decision to take back your life!!!

Last edited by namaste; 11-30-2007 at 05:01 PM.
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Old 11-30-2007, 05:03 PM   #215  
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Lilyannasmom. this is a great thread to be a part of.
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Old 11-30-2007, 05:05 PM   #216  
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[BL'S MOM[/B]: You've found a home where people are walking the same journey and sharing guideposts, advice, comfort, encouragement and a whole lot of humor. Join right in!

WI today and I'd gained a pound. It's frustrating because it's been a good, OP week. But, emotionally, it's been a crappy week. It took me three days to realize what was going on but now I think I get it. I was having to take care of some worrisome business left over from my husband's death and it just floored me. I thought, "I don't understand. I thought I did all this grief stuff last year. Why am I having to wallow in this again?" Then, on the way to the gym this morning, I realized that while I was going through it last year, I was eating anything and everything and drinking 2-3 cocktails a night. This is the first time I've been dealing with this stuff with no cushion (food, alcohol) and just having to feel the feelings that are there. My MRC counselor was wonderful with this today and said that the stress alone could account for the pound gain. She advised skipping the gym tomorrow and resting, upping the water (always a good idea), and having a good cry (which seems not far away). It's the first time I've really, really gotten it about how much of my eating is emotional--the first day this stuff came up, I just thought, "I want to go home and order a pizza and drink a lot of beer." But that's not what I did. I stayed OP and that's allowed me to experience the feelings (gee, thanks) and really start to get it about the food/feeling connection. Thanks for listening, guys. I love you.
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Old 11-30-2007, 05:09 PM   #217  
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Originally Posted by Goal4Life View Post
how bad is it if i want to eat a 50 calorie serving of popcorn. you know those 100 calorie packs that are 94% fat free and very low sodium, i really am craving some, i was thinking, i would eat half the bag after i finish dinner tonight as my 'starch'. i know know, not op, but the craving is sooooo strong, and i can't think of any thing that might satisfy this!
Oh my, you sound like you've got it bad!

Don't do it! Turn back! Is there anything, anything else that would satisfy you? Crispies? Hot Cocoa? Some pudding?

Now, this might not sound right and I'm sure other's will have amazing ideas for you but when I've had cravings in the past (on weightwatchers, it hasn't happened here yet ), and I just couldn't get past it.... I would go to bed..... It probably sounds pretty stupid, but it would work for me. In the morning, it usually had past.

I'm thinking of you!
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Old 11-30-2007, 05:22 PM   #218  
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SPRINGFIELDAMY I asked the Flax, MRC6 question a couple of weeks back and did not get it answered yet. I will ask again and report back to you. I'm glad I'm not the only "freak" that thinks up this stuff. Ha Ha
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Old 11-30-2007, 05:26 PM   #219  
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GOAL4: Someone else here as said (and it seems true), that it can help to brush your teeth and then find something to do that will absorb your thoughts. When I was wanting to go OP this week, I would think,"OK, I can do that if I want to, but first I'll wait an hour while I (fill in the blank--call a friend, read the MRC site, take a walk)." I found that after the hour, the craving wasn't as strong. Hope this helps!
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Old 11-30-2007, 06:52 PM   #220  
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ok, I am going to ignore the craving. I do not know why I am having it...still wanting to run to the cabinet and microwave that mini bag....sorry, in my head I have already pictured it...I wi tomorrow morning, so you would think I could shake this off....
thanks for some of the suggestions!
texdoc...I am sorry to hear of your loss, you did great with all of the stress, and keeping yourself together. Get some rest, and maybe give yourself a treat, like a manicure, or pedicure, something to bring yourself back into perspective and help ease your mind a little. I always love getting pedicures, it makes me feel so good, seems to wash my worries away.

Last edited by Goal4Life; 11-30-2007 at 07:39 PM.
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Old 11-30-2007, 09:55 PM   #221  
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Hello to all the MRC peeps!

Went in today and WI. Just FYI when it is that TOM, you are not to get a full scale reading. All of the numbers will be off. I had one done on Monday and I guess that it wasn't correct, which is fine. However, the gal at our center didn't give me a full break down like they did the first time so I was a tad disappointed. But nonetheless, I did manage to loose another 2 lbs. So, that being said, it was all good.

Lots going on here on the boards. I haven't been the best poster lately. Just been busy as ever. So WELCOME to everyone

I have not been filling out a food diary. Everytime that I was, I really felt as if I were on a diet which I dont want to feel restricted. I stick to the menu to a T and drink over 100 ounces of water a day.

Re: the guggal. Today at the center, I felt for the first time that maybe something was being pushed on me guessed it...guggal. I dont doubt that it's a great product but I almost didn't get it to prove a point, that I have the right to say NO.

I have been OP since November 10th and have lost 8.5 pounds. So in 3 weeks 8.5 pounds, Im totally blown away and way impressed.

Shellfish are from the salty ocean so they are low in fat but loaded with salt. I noticed this the other night while dinning on crab legs. They are so super yummy but so salty.

We are going to a football party Saturday night, so please send on the vibes!
Happy Weekend
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Old 11-30-2007, 10:35 PM   #222  
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Hey Textdoc. I am really sorry to hear about your loss. I, too, am an emotional eater. I have been that way my whole life. It is really hard when we don't have that crutch there. But think of the goals you have and the results that will happen with your will power!!! You can do it!

I really feel like I need to emotional eat tonight. I went OP I think tonight. I had everything that I was supposed to. Weighed it all out. Then I slipped up. I really wanted chips or popcorn. Something salty and cruncy. I had a homemade pickle instead. I need to drink lots of water to rid myself of the salt... and now I feel guilty. I am not even sure it was worth it! Argh!!

Oh well. Tomorrow is another day... I will do better!!
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Old 11-30-2007, 10:45 PM   #223  
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Congrats to all the great losses this week! I haven't posted in a week or so and had a lot of reading to catch up on. I got my free 2 weeks last Friday-so I made it through the holiday!Today was day 37 for me and I had lost 2 lbs since Wednesday-a slower loss week for me. I stayed the same from last Friday through Wed. I got measured today and have lost another 8 inches in 2 weeks for a total of 19 3/4 inches and 18 lbs. I also had Tanita done the counselor said I had lost 20 lbs of fat -I still don't quite understand what they tell me about tanita readings- I've lost 18 lbs and 20 lbs of fat? Where's that other 2 lbs? Anyway she said reading was great and I am probably coming off a plataeu because of water weight or something like that?? I showed my Mom my green ribbon of inches lost and I am hoping she'll join MRC. I think she's leaning towards joining but not until after holidays. I hope to be half way to goal by then!We always go out to eat on Friday and I tell everyone I don't care where we are going as long as I can get chicken, sirloin or talapia. Well, Mom wants pizza (buffet -all you can eat) not an option for me so I tell the rest of family to go eat pizza and me and my DH will go somewhere else, or I'll stay home and eat canned chicken. Mexican was also mentioned but I opted out of that too-sometimes it kinda feels like I'm being a pain in the butt to others about where "I" can go but I knew I couldn't make good choices by going to either of those places. So me and hubby had a date night (Logans)and the rest of family went to eat Tacos. Anyways it worked out and I stayed on plan. I want to sign that 20 lb board next week! Are any of you guys experiencing very dry skin?I have increased my flax to 9 a day but my skin(especially hands) are awful-sandpaper!Yuk!One of the counselors mentioned the MSM so I got some at Wal-Mart tonight. What exactly is that for? Thanks to all for listening to me rant. Take care and have a great weekend.
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Old 12-01-2007, 11:03 AM   #224  
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Woke up to an icy wonderland this morning. I welcome the time to be home and may even get my Christmas tree up! I went to wi yesterday, left work a little early so I could stop on my way before having to take my son to the Dr. Wouldn't you know...the only time I have ever had to wait very long was yesterday. I ended up having to leave without wi, very disappointing.... no one's fault, but still too bad. I guess I will just have to watch my home scale and see what happens over the weekend. Maybe it will look better when I wi on Tuesday. I did purchase my Total Woman which I was almost out of, so it wasn't a total waste of time. Then, I sat at the Dr. office for an hour and 20 min. waiting for him because he was behind. My patience was running thin by then. It is a good thing that I like him so much!

Tonight we have a staff party with a big pot luck. I am trying to figure out what to bring......any suggestions? I thought I might just do a big green salad and bring some of that grilled chicken that is already cooked. That way I could still eat. Let me know if you have any better ideas.

Congrats to all the big losers out there! Your posts keep me going!
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Old 12-01-2007, 11:48 AM   #225  
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Hi all,

Haven't posted in a while...Christmas time. Busy, too busy. W'dI on Friday and to date have lost 12lbs. For a few weeks my weight fluctuated a few pounds here and there without much loss, but seem to be back on track. I have lost a total of 14.5" so far though and my clothes are fitting again, so obviously something is working!

I've been reading the posts and Meemo, I so appreciate your attitude. I do have a tendency to take what I'm told as valid eventhough it goes against what I consider common sense. I've had almost every counselor at my center at my WIs and they have each contradicted the other on various issues. Common sense says, an extra half ounce of lettuce or green pepper etc is not going to cause me to gain. I try to follow the plan as closely as possible, but am not going to beat myself up for the little deviation here and there.

Hope everyone is enjoying this GREAT time of the year!

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