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Old 11-30-2007, 09:43 AM   #196  
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nanadb - I traveled with my HNS concentrates recently and had no problem. I took 4 in my carry on (in a small plastic ziplock, you have to take the ziplock out during the screening processes) and had no explosions. I also had about 25 of them in a gallon sized ziplock bag in my checked bag (all grape concentrate) and had no problem there either. No explosions, no arrests. I took soy crisps to eat on the plane for a snack during peanut time and i ate in the airport on my layover (shoveled a turkey sandwhich down) so I didn't have to eat the roast beef that they served on the flight. I don't think you'll have problems traveling with your concentrates as long as you follow the rules. (the TSA webpage says you can have packages of gel-based protein/sports/health drinks...i mixed mine on the was no big deal at all).

Steph - I eat red meat only on the is my reasoning... I weigh in on Wednesday and red meat can take (not always) longer to digest and I don't like the thought of it sitting around during my weigh in, so I give myself some time to get it through my system before then. Its probably not a medically sound reason, but it works for me. I also think it's setting me up for a way of life in the future. When I'm on maintenance (eventually, it WILL happen), I think I'll maintain the idea of mostly eating lean meats and only having red meat on 2 or fewer days a week. By the way, Buffalo is a good lean meat replacement for other red meats. I eat buffalo at least 1 time a week, sometimes more than that. Hope that helps!

On HNS + H2O - I was told not to count HNS as part of your water....but I drink it with only 6-8oz of water, so it never really occurred to me to drink it with more. I always thought, why fill up on water that has HNS in it, if I can't count it. Slam down the HNS and then pick up the bottle water chaser and drink to my heart's content. But...because you all made me think about it...I asked my friend mayoclinic. c o m about it and they said ... well they said alot of things. Here is a summary... There are 2 recommended ways to drink water. The first is the replacement method. Our bodies put out about 1.5liters of urine a day and about 1 liter of water lost through other body fluids (sweat, water in bowel movements, etc). To replace that loss, we would need to drink about 2L of water a day. (they say food accounts for 20% of your water intake for the day, so 2L is good enough to drink to replace what you expend during the day). The second way to drink water is by simply following dietary recommendations. And that says that men should drink 3L (13 cups) and women should drink 2.2L (9 cups) of water a day...women, thats about 72oz a day, if my math is right. Thats far less than what I intake.
I've also read a couple other things that I think are interesting...
Any water that isn't pure water should be counted as half of it's oz in your daily if you drink your HNS with 20oz of water, count that as 10oz in your daily count. I don't know the reasoning behind that one, but it stuck with me (i also don't use that method by the way).
For me personally...I drink over 100oz (usually 109 or something) of pure water a day. The added benefits of water make it worth it for me. It moves things along in your body (nutrients and wastes), it makes your skin healthier, it curbs hunger (we often confuse hunger pains for actual thirst pains) and it keeps energy up. All from water! I will only drink something other than water after I've had my daily 100oz. (I still weigh alot as well, and you may not require as much water as I do if you way less than I do).
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Old 11-30-2007, 10:03 AM   #197  
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Sam.. your water teachings are great. I to try to drink the required 90-100 ounces per day, based on my weight. I rarely drink anything other than water. During Turkey Day, I did have small glass of Diet Rite, but that was a first for me. I also do not count my HNS as water, as that is kind of something that I feel is separate. I do mix mine with more than 6-8ounces of water (usually I use 12-16 ounces.), still I don't count the extra water in that glass.

Ok, I need a good cottage cheese recipe. I don't really like cottage cheese that much, I can tolerate it if things are added to it. However, I would like to have it 1 or 2 times a week, just for variety, and nutrients etc. Any good suggestions? Also, what meal can we typically eat the cottage cheese with, what does it replace? Protein?

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Old 11-30-2007, 10:11 AM   #198  
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NanaDB It is good to hear from you! I've been wondering about you! I recently flew to New York, not as long of a flight, but a flight nonetheless. I also, am a white knuckle flyer. I had the Dr. prescribe a little xanex for the trip and that really helped. It just took the edge off, didn't really knock me out. I dont' know how you feel about taking meds, but that did help me. I just tried to focus on the goal and think about how fun it would be once we got there. You will be fine. As far as eating goes, you can only do the best you can with the choices you have. Do you know about taking the liquids on the plane-- I did the powder ones because I wasn't sure if it would be confiscated-- just a thought.

Have a great day!
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Old 11-30-2007, 10:20 AM   #199  
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Sorry- started that post earlier today and I hadn't read all the posts that said it is just fine to take your liquid HNS on the plane..... Good to know.
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Old 11-30-2007, 10:59 AM   #200  
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goal4life - cottage cheese is a protein. It replaces meat, ounce for ounce (6oz meat = 6oz c.c.). There are lots of things that I do with C.C. One is I make a yummy veggie dip. I blend up a 24oz container of C.C. in the blender with a packet of any powedered dip or dressing packet (hidden valley ranch, onion soup mix or this week I made a garlic herb packet). I use it for dip for veggies. Today for lunch I'm having 4oz of tuna with an oz of the dip mixed in and another oz of the dip for my cucumbers. Another way to have it is with some left over chicken. Put any ammount of left over chicken (or any other meat) with enough C.C. to make up the right ammount of protein for you. Then add 4oz of spinach (already cooked) and mix up in a bowl and microwave for a couple minutes. The C.C. melts into the meat and the spinach. Very yummy little meal. Another idea is to put some seasoning into the C.C. Makes a different flavor. I use any number of Mrs. Dash combinations for this.
You can also blend it up and put a pudding packet with it and some fruit (for lunch obviously) for a sweeter treat.
Just remember that you technically shouldn't have cheese at more than one meal...but I use cheese for alot and tend to disregard that little rule. I like to think of it more as, don't have cheese as your only source of protein at more than one meal a day.
Hope those help

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Old 11-30-2007, 11:18 AM   #201  
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Originally Posted by Goal4Life View Post
Ok, I need a good cottage cheese recipe. I don't really like cottage cheese that much, I can tolerate it if things are added to it. However, I would like to have it 1 or 2 times a week, just for variety, and nutrients etc. Any good suggestions? Also, what meal can we typically eat the cottage cheese with, what does it replace? Protein?
I'm not a fan of plain cottage cheese either, but I do like it mixed with something.
My favorite is to mix it with fresh fruit, my current favorite is pineapple...the little cups of Del Monte "Fresh Naturals" pineapple you can pick up in the refrigerated section of the produce department are really good mixed in with a little Splenda & vanilla. I especially liked berries during the weight loss phase since they're the lowest on the glycemic index, and with berries I like to add a little mint too. It's the protein part of the meal, but I usually eat it like dessert for lunch, have a big salad & save the cottage cheese & fruit for "dessert". You're only supposed to have it 3 times a week for lunch.
Breakfast - I like it mixed with oatmeal & some splenda & spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, etc - or pumpkin pie spice).
You can also add it to a smoothie if you like smoothies - a HNS, 1 or 2 egg whites & 2 oz of cottage cheese, some ice, maybe a little diet soda in an appropriate flavor - and for lunch you could add fruit to it.
I remember just throwing it in with my salad during those first 4 days at lunch, treating it like dressing, but that definitely wasn't a favorite for me. LOL
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Old 11-30-2007, 11:20 AM   #202  
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Default Red Meat

Stephanie .... in response to your question, I eat beef steak twice a week. I'm not giving up my red meat (old Iowa girl that I am). But I do keep it to the twice a week. Sometimes only once if I want shrimp or crab for a treat.

Does anyone know why shrimp is limited to the twice a week thing?
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Old 11-30-2007, 12:02 PM   #203  
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Meemo and Hvnly...Thanks for some of those great ideas! I think I want to try the 'dip' idea, that might be a nice change every so often. I also like the chicken and spinach idea.
So cottage cheese only 3 times a week even though it is not in that special protein column?

I have been hanging at the same weight for most of this week, I am due to wi today or Saturday morning. I have increased my weight training work out a bit, as you all know, I have added the 2lb weights to my walking, and I have also been doing some other weight training exercies. My clothes are all hanging on me, but the scale hasn't been moving that much last week and this, I think my inches are going, and some fat might be being replaced by muscle. So after this coming wi, hopefully I will see some more pounds go next week. :

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Old 11-30-2007, 12:05 PM   #204  
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Originally Posted by Goal4Life View Post
So cottage cheese only 3 times a week even though it is not in that special protein column?
3 times a week for lunch (at least on my old green menu, for all I know it may have changed) - but no limitations on breakfast.
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Old 11-30-2007, 12:11 PM   #205  
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Originally Posted by Meemo View Post
3 times a week for lunch (at least on my old green menu, for all I know it may have changed) - but no limitations on breakfast.
Ok, I got you. I am on the Meta Slim Plus, I think that is the beige menu??? I never really asked. Ok, so it is really a time of day thing. Never at dinner then? Similarly as we follow the cheese rule?
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Old 11-30-2007, 12:17 PM   #206  
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Originally Posted by Goal4Life View Post
Ok, I got you. I am on the Meta Slim Plus, I think that is the beige menu??? I never really asked. Ok, so it is really a time of day thing. Never at dinner then? Similarly as we follow the cheese rule?
Yep - you got it. (At least it's that way on the green menu.)
And good luck on your weigh-in - but hey - even if it doesn't show on the scales, at least you know you're continuing to get smaller - sometimes the way our clothes fit are a better indication of where we are than the scales.
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Old 11-30-2007, 12:20 PM   #207  
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Goal4Life - Have them do a body comp or measurements when the numbers on the scale aren't changing... you'll see some positive changes!

Have a great weekend everyone!!
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Old 11-30-2007, 12:28 PM   #208  
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Originally Posted by Meemo View Post
Yep - you got it. (At least it's that way on the green menu.)
And good luck on your weigh-in - but hey - even if it doesn't show on the scales, at least you know you're continuing to get smaller - sometimes the way our clothes fit are a better indication of where we are than the scales.

Thanks for your help! I am excited about the clothes hanging off of me! I have told relatives and those who ask about christmas gifts, to get me gift cards to Kohl's, then I will have some extra cash to by my new wardrobe as I shrink LOL
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Old 11-30-2007, 12:30 PM   #209  
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Originally Posted by Mary V View Post
- Have them do a body comp or measurements when the numbers on the scale aren't changing... you'll see some positive changes!

Have a great weekend everyone!!
Thanks! I think I will ask for the out of cycle body comp when I wi. As the day is going, it is looking more like I will be wi on Saturday morning instead of today, I don't think I am going to make it to the center before they close this evening. A little bit of a drive from work to there, then home. I would really like to see the body fat and bmi numbers. Just curious.

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Old 11-30-2007, 12:43 PM   #210  
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Originally Posted by dkmd27 View Post
Stephanie .... in response to your question, I eat beef steak twice a week. I'm not giving up my red meat (old Iowa girl that I am). But I do keep it to the twice a week. Sometimes only once if I want shrimp or crab for a treat.

Does anyone know why shrimp is limited to the twice a week thing?
I was wondering the same thing. Shellfish is very low in calories--less than chicken, so I am not sure why there are limitations on that. I will ask Monday if no one has an answer before then.
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