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Old 11-28-2007, 06:45 PM   #151  
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cargirl- 20 lbs in a little over a month is EXCELLENT!! Great job!
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Old 11-28-2007, 11:10 PM   #152  
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Losing Weight Now: It was the vanilla pudding creamy sup not a meal replacement so I just had to give up my evening hot cocoa or cap sup. I highly recommend it. I haven't tried any of the meal replacement things yet. I think I had too much slim fast in my life. Scared to get that ball rolling.

Goal for Life: The brand was Yogi Tea. It was in the organic section of our grocery store. If I find it online I will post the link.

The smoothie I made wasn't really a recipe. I just put 4oz cottage cheese, the vanilla pudding, strawberries, and water to make it the right consistency.

Ok, big big thank you to Donuts. All of your talk about exercise drove me back to the gym today. It felt great. I have been dragging my feet since starting the program and calling my walks with the kids exercise. (Walking with a two year old really isn't exercise.) Once again you are an inspiration and leader, thank you. You must stay here when you are done. We all need your input.
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Old 11-28-2007, 11:12 PM   #153  
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My MIL is letting me barrow her gazelle that she is not using. I got it in the house last night at 8:00 and jumped on prepared to do 30 minutes. Boy did I way over estimate my exercising ability . I can do 30 min on an elliptical, but I could only go for 15 minutes last night. Tonight, I was able to go 20 minutes. I will keep working on this and maybe get to a point where I am not spazing out on the thing . That is really what I looked like, red face and all. My 3 year-old sat there tonight watching me and giggling the entire time.

As far as things I can do now that I could not do before…Fit comfortably in a movie theater seat, feel the muscles in my shoulders, stand quietly watching my daughter swim and actually have people come over to talk to me, clip my toenails without getting winded, dance to an entire song (with no one watching), have the confidence to go to a job interview (I did that today). These are all with only losing 25 pounds, imagine what I will be able to do when I lose the 123 pounds I want to lose.

Sam - You should try the vanilla with blueberries and the chocolate pudding with mixed berries. Those are my favorite ways to eat my fruit. I have to have my fruit frozen when I eat them, I don’t know why. I used to do the same thing with chocolate. May be it is a texture thing.

I almost forgot. I ate fish last night and I loved it! For those of you who don’t know, I don’t do cooked fish, period. Well, now I do! Thank you all for the recipes.
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Old 11-28-2007, 11:42 PM   #154  
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Ok that is what I get for posting on page 9 when we were already at 11. I just have such a hard time remembering everything I want to say when I wait till the end. Sorry you had already worked out the smoothie thing before I caught up.

Ok, I am heading into a big weekend. Luckily my donuts inspired trip to the gym has me feeling a little more prepared. All of my college girlfriends are coming to stay the weekend with me for our annual Christmas party. As I was telling my friend who is also on the program it should be called our annual eatfest. We eat and visit and then eat some more. It is everyones chance to bring their best most decadent recipes. We eat, cook and never leave the house. It is going to be a tricky one. A few of the girls are totally fat free living types and we all roll our eyes at them. Now my past behavior is going to haunt me. This diet is going to make them look like wild crazy girls. It should be interesting. Obviously I decided to host this year before going on this plan. I am going to do my best, but watch for midnight help messages from me.

On to things I am thankful for: Today it was the fact that I walked into the gym with pride. The knowledge that I was headed in the right direction made me feel like I belonged there rather than like an outsider among the healthy. I usually kind of try to stay in corners and stay invisible. I wasn't in any better cardio shape, but I wasn't embarrassed by my red face and huffing and puffing. I had a new found confidence that this is my new lifestyle and I am going to be here and be proud of it.
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Old 11-28-2007, 11:57 PM   #155  
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One last thing, you are all making me want a gazelle. Does it have resistance? I tried one in college and it was so much fun, but seemed more like being on a swingset then exercising. (I loved it!!) I pulled out my mini tramp, but the kids wouldn't give me 2 uninterrupted minutes on it. They love it and expect us to all take turns. Might have the same problem with the gazelle. I will stick to the gym for now, but keep the gazelle posts coming. Can't wait to hear about your results.

Oh and finally best for last, Namaste, you are my hero. Making it past all of those hurdles is amazing. You are officially our rock star of the week or maybe year. That sounds like an unbelievable battle and you won. Enjoy your victory. I will be thinking of you and your victory all weekend.

Take care everyone and keep up the fight. Thank you for being here each day to listen to my rants.
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Old 11-29-2007, 07:43 AM   #156  
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Hi Everyone I finally got a chance to read the posts - 6 pages!!! We're sitting in the airport waiting for our plane. I did wi yesterday and lost another 1/2 lb.

Donuts: thanks for the book recommendations. I actually went to B&N and bought the 100 day book. It looks awesome and I have already enjoyed reading a little. I'm bringing you all with me on the boat! You will be in my thoughts as I try to make healthy choices. Thank you for that fish recipe too. Sounds delic - can hardly wait to make it.

Wow, so many things I wanted to comment on, but DH is saying hurry! Almost time to board.

I did want to comment on Springfield Amy's post - you are awesome. I love that you analyzed the "why" you ate. That is a great step to change. The why is what got me here in the first place. You really had me thinking about your post for a couple days. My why is first surface - lack of planning and eating out of hunger. But my deep why is the "I deserve it" attitude. I over endulged but I used food as a reward. I work hard, I've been good, I'm celebrating, I deserve this wonderful good. I spent a few days thinking of new mental talks to "I deserve it". I deserve to be thin, I deserve to be healthy, I deserve to live a long life and I deserve to have a body that can move the way it was designed to!!

So as I'm heading off to be good on the floating food fest, I would like to lay out the question. What is your "why?"

See you all when I get back. We'll probably be on post 7 by then!!! Love you all

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Old 11-29-2007, 07:44 AM   #157  
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BTW, as I was lugging around my heavy suitcase this morning I was wondering how much it weighed in comparision to my weight loss. Well, it was 37 lbs!!! I can't believe how much that weighs!!!! No wonder I feel so much better
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Old 11-29-2007, 07:58 AM   #158  
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Originally Posted by texdoc2001 View Post
WI today and I lost 1.5. That's fine by me. But I've noticed the last few days that, even though I'm doing the same things, I'm HUNGRY. Any ideas?
There was a conversation going on a few days ago about self-sabotage. I noticed as I left MRC today (HUNGRY as it was lunch time), I had the first negative thoughts I've had about the program. Like, "This is just too hard. I want Taco Bell." and even, "I'm not sure I'm any different than I was 16 pounds ago. Maybe I'm supposed to be fat." Does any of this ring a bell or make sense to anyone else? You guys are my reality check about this.
When I get these feelings....I just look back at old pictures of myself and I know I don't want to go back to that weight! Find what motivates it your personal weight loss? If it's a tab on how much you've spent at MRC, if you quit now.... then you've lost that investment! YOU ARE WORTH IT!!! PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP!

The coworker that got me started at MRC has decided to give-up...I know this will make it harder for me just not having that added support at work. But I have too much invested to give up! Plus, I'm liking my new body!!
WI tomorrow.....and I've had fish 2 days this week so
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Old 11-29-2007, 09:34 AM   #159  
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Originally Posted by ShineOn View Post
BTW, as I was lugging around my heavy suitcase this morning I was wondering how much it weighed in comparision to my weight loss. Well, it was 37 lbs!!! I can't believe how much that weighs!!!! No wonder I feel so much better
Can you believe it! Congrats! Bravo! Amazing!

Have a great time on your trip!

Last edited by namaste; 11-29-2007 at 09:38 AM.
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Old 11-29-2007, 09:40 AM   #160  
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Originally Posted by Mary V View Post
texdoc- The longer I've been on the program, the more those sabotaging thoughts start to sneak into my consciousness. It happens more when I'm hungry, but usually it's triggered by seeing or smelling foods/drinks/advertising. So I make sure to eat every 5 hours, have a HNS if I get hungry in between meals, and drink LOTS of water. buy a pair of pants one size smaller than the ones you're wearing now and before you know it, they'll fit; stop wearing baggy/oversized clothes - retire them and wear things that flatter your new body; make sure to get as much variety as possible into your menu - eating the same stuff day after day gets boring; I prepare my lunch the night before, and shop a few times a week so I have no excuses to eat off plan.

A while back, there was a great discussion in which people talked about the things they'll most look forward to or the things they've appreciated about losing the weight (things like having more energy to play with their kids, fitting into an amusement park ride/airplane seat, etc...). Maybe we can go through those again. It was really inspiring and there are so many new members here...

The things I have appreciated: Having my clothes fit instead of bunching up or binding, or needing to wear to a big top to hide the waistband of my pants, I don't dread getting dressed in the morning, shopping in normal size stores, being able to walk into a store and pick a size medium off the rack knowing it would fit, buying cute underwear (in a regular size store), wearing said cute underwear , feeling comfortable in a swimsuit on the beach/pool on vacation, I found you can pack more size 10 clothes into a carry-on than size 20 clothes, actually liking my body again, and running!

Anyone else have appreciations to share?
You are great! You have wonderful suggestions, and I know that everyone appreciates them! I do!

We were talking about things that we were looking forward to a few threads back....! I believe Donuts called them our "freedoms" and I keep a little notepad with me so when I feel tempted I pull it out and remind myself of those things....

Some of freedoms are:
Playing with my son without getting winded!
Being able to wear my wedding ring again (tried it on again last night, almost there!)
Rollerskating, Rollerblading, Riding a bike without being embarrassed!
Sitting in an airplane seat without needing a seatbelt extender!
Going to a concert and being able to fit in the seat!
Tying my shoes the "normal way"
Buying clothes ANYWHERE!

The list goes on and on..... it helps me stay focused and I encourage everyone to make their own list. It really does help.

Have a great day!

Last edited by namaste; 11-29-2007 at 09:42 AM.
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Old 11-29-2007, 09:48 AM   #161  
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Well...I had WI last night and was up a half pound. There are all kinds of things that could factor into this (weird food week - ate lots of the same things, been dealing with some back pain that's been slowing me down, had two big losses the weeks before this...etc.). I never really get upset when I see the scale slip up a little bit or even stay the same. Weight loss is not a destination. I can't just say I want to get to 150lbs. Weight loss is a journey. You have to be prepared for small set backs and bumps in the road. No matter how much you prepare and plan ahead and do the perfect things, you'll still run into those set backs. If you let those things slow you down, your journey will slow down. If you let them discourage you, you'll get off the road completely and your journey will stop. Think instead about how they can help you. Can you try a different path? The road still leads the same just have to convince yourself to stay on it one more week....the the next week (or day, if you need shorter terms) you'll convince yourself to do it again. And before long, the journey doesn't look as scary or difficult. So, that being said...I am going to vary my diet again (no more flippin chicken!...ugh) and up my water a little bit (in case this is the beginning of another plateau) and keep my head up as I continue on my journey.

jant - I started plan with a live-in supporter. Hubby and I started together on plan and he quit too. And is now eating whatever, whenever. I just want to tell you, that we will be your support! I was already very active here, so it didn't really increase as I began to go at it alone, but this group is mega-inspirational and very challenging to me. When I start thinking that I've got it all under control, someone posts something about something else I could be doing to be healthier and it makes me really think about my health a bit more. I know you already know this is a great bunch, but it never hurts to get a reminder!

(I'm not going to change my New Year's goal, even though it's likely I won't get it if I plateau here, but thats ok...I'll keep truckin along until I do.)
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Old 11-29-2007, 10:05 AM   #162  
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Originally Posted by SpringfieldAmy View Post
We eat, cook and never leave the house. It is going to be a tricky one. I am going to do my best, but watch for midnight help messages from me.

On to things I am thankful for: Today it was the fact that I walked into the gym with pride. The knowledge that I was headed in the right direction made me feel like I belonged there rather than like an outsider among the healthy. I usually kind of try to stay in corners and stay invisible. I wasn't in any better cardio shape, but I wasn't embarrassed by my red face and huffing and puffing. I had a new found confidence that this is my new lifestyle and I am going to be here and be proud of it.
1st off... We'll all be here if you need us. Stay strong and you'll be fine. Keep your focus on the bigger picture and remember the things your weightloss means to you.
2nd.... OMG! Congratulations! Being able to walk into the gym with pride is amazing! You are inspiring to me! I don't know if you've read my other post about "freedoms" yet, but I've just added that one to my list. I've always felt that exact way, embarrassed and just trying to stay invisible. I look forward to the day, I can do what you have done. Thank you! Keep it up!

Have a wonderful, empowering girls weekend!
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Old 11-29-2007, 10:26 AM   #163  
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Originally Posted by Hvnlymzic View Post
Well...I had WI last night and was up a half pound. There are all kinds of things that could factor into this (weird food week - ate lots of the same things, been dealing with some back pain that's been slowing me down, had two big losses the weeks before this...etc.). I never really get upset when I see the scale slip up a little bit or even stay the same. Weight loss is not a destination. I can't just say I want to get to 150lbs. Weight loss is a journey. You have to be prepared for small set backs and bumps in the road. No matter how much you prepare and plan ahead and do the perfect things, you'll still run into those set backs. If you let those things slow you down, your journey will slow down. If you let them discourage you, you'll get off the road completely and your journey will stop. Think instead about how they can help you. Can you try a different path? The road still leads the same just have to convince yourself to stay on it one more week....the the next week (or day, if you need shorter terms) you'll convince yourself to do it again. And before long, the journey doesn't look as scary or difficult. So, that being said...I am going to vary my diet again (no more flippin chicken!...ugh) and up my water a little bit (in case this is the beginning of another plateau) and keep my head up as I continue on my journey.
That was so lovely. I needed to hear that. It is definitely a journey, and we sure didn't get here overnight! I look at your weightloss and I am just so inspired. I appreciate your honesty and your ability accept the "bumps" in the road. If it was easy, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the loss and would be right back where we started!!

Last edited by namaste; 11-29-2007 at 10:27 AM.
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Old 11-29-2007, 10:29 AM   #164  
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Originally Posted by ShineOn View Post
BTW, as I was lugging around my heavy suitcase this morning I was wondering how much it weighed in comparision to my weight loss. Well, it was 37 lbs!!! I can't believe how much that weighs!!!! No wonder I feel so much better
I've had that same thought - about my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter! I lost about what she weighs.
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Old 11-29-2007, 10:33 AM   #165  
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Can you do this plan on your own? I'm far from any city.
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