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Old 11-24-2007, 01:56 AM   #46  
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Originally Posted by graduatethin View Post
Teddiebare: I have had lot of an "anxiety issues" which have gotten better since being on plan, I am not on anything except Total Woman, I am anxious to hear what you have to say. Tell me more.
Well I'm going through an enormous amount of family/work stress, which is the reason i went on plan. I need someone to help me get through the holidays in one piece! I was taking Xanax a couple times a week, as needed, for severe attacks. I have only felt even a twinge of an attack once since I started taking the 5HTP. I'm not a very faithful pill taker and that's the only one I'm taking on a religious basis (I take it with my important nighttime meds so I don't forget).

I have certainly gone through periods where I didn't have any attacks, so i'm interested to see if I stay anxiety free for a while. I'll let you guys know. I like it so much that if I find an affordable version of it I'll up the dose. My sleep has been whatever - I haven't noticed it affecting that one way or another. My temperment has felt pretty even, but that's another thing I'd like to give a few weeks.

It's funny, I was nervous about starting all these supplements to start with. I took the 5HTP first, and I had myself so psyched out about it that I didn't sleep a wink that night. I've been fine ever since, but I am so ridiculous being anxious about taking new things for my anxiety
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Old 11-24-2007, 03:06 AM   #47  
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One BIG food eating holiday down, two to go. I am very thankful that I worked Thankgiving. My family went to the ILs. So no temptations for me. Of course I'm as mentally focused as Hvnly and ShineOn, so it didn't really matter anyway. I'm so impressed with most of you showing your mental strength over Thanksgiving food. I'm also impressed with those of you who slipped a little and got right back on plan.

I WI today and lost 0.5 lb for a total loss of 92 pounds.
Yaaa Hooo!!!
I can almost hear the 100 lb board calling my name. What was I thinkin' carrying all this excess weight around all these years. I feel so light on my feet now. If someone asked me to carry a 92 lb bag of sand around all day, I would say they must be crazy. and yet that's exactly what I've been doing.

I spent part of my Thanksgiving putting my new Gazelle together. I love this thing! The Gazelle is actually a fun way to exercise. I was able to watch football and exercise at the same time. Boy did my bum muscles get a good workout. They were a little sore the next day. What I like about the Gazelle Power Plus is that it's quiet, has 3 levels of resistance, and it's easy on the joints. It also holds up to 350 lbs. I bought mine online from Fitness Quest for $120 less than suggested retail plus free shipping. The price ranges from 84 to 250 dollars on the different Gazelle models.

4my2ltl1s - losing 10% of your body weight is really something to celebrate about!!!
Congrats on losing 2 lbs and signing the 25 lb board too. You have made it past the hardest part of the program. Your metabolic furnace is on fire.
You are unstoppable! Keep going.

RamsWife88 - I have used MRC-6 since I began over 5 months ago and just recently started the Enhancer a couple of weeks ago. I like the Enhancer for it's appetite suppression, increase in energy, and a overall sense of wellbeing. Personally, I would choose the MRC-6 over the Enhancer because I prefer the increase in inches lost that the MRC-6 provides plus the Enhancer costs more.

Last edited by nomoredonuts4me; 11-24-2007 at 03:35 AM.
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Old 11-24-2007, 09:01 AM   #48  
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How important are the HNS if you havent been following the menu as strictly as you should, but are eating really healthy? Is it still beneficial to stay on the HNS 4 per day? They burn fat and speed metabolism?

Thanks, Julie
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Old 11-24-2007, 09:31 AM   #49  
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CONFESSION: WI yesterday which was okay. Stayed the same from Wednesday to Friday, which is ok. Lost 21 inches, though, as we measured. BUT, I had friends over to dinner last night. It's very cold and has been snowing, so I made my favorite green chile stew (chicken broth, chicken, Ro-tel, cannelli beans, more green chiles, garlic, onions, cumin, oregano and a touch of red pepper) and corn bread. I knew it wasn't strictly MRC and thought the cornbread wouldn't sing to me. But when we sat down to eat, it serenaded. Should have had a lo-cal tortilla but I had a piece of cornbread. Not half the pan as used to be the case, but still. Not worth it. I seem to keep learning that same lesson on this plan. BUT, back in the saddle this morning and off to the gym. I want my health and my appearance more than I want cornbread. P.S. My friends brought a warm, homemade loaf of cranberry bread with pecans and a cream cheese filling. I thanked them so much and threw it away after they left, having served some to them but avoided it myself. So maybe it's a mixed victory/failure.
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Old 11-24-2007, 10:22 AM   #50  
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nomoredonuts - Too bad you had to work on Thanksgiving, but the added bonus of avoiding the food all together is pretty nice, I suppose. I'd stinking LOVE to get to 100lbs lost before the end of the year, but honestly, I don't think I can lose 20lbs in a I'll get as close as I can and be pleased with that. But'll get there and beyond, especially with your new friend Gazelle to help you. Maybe I'll ask for some exercise equipment for Christmas...but first I would want to be sure i'd use it. I have a friend that really likes an eliptical machine...but having never been on one, I don't know what to ask for. Maybe I'll have to check into that, huh? (it sounds better than walking...especially since it's snowing today!!)

4my2ltl1s - I'll congratulate you on your 10%. I'm gonna try to figure my weight loss percentage ... I watch The Biggest Loser on TV and they use weight loss percentage to eliminate people and I've always wondered how much I've lost... Either way...10% YAY!!!

RamsWife - Here is what I learned about whey protein, which is apparently what is in the HNS.
Q: Will whey protein help me lose weight?

A: Adding whey protein to the diet is a great way to jump-start a weight loss program. Whey protein is a key ingredient in numerous weight loss and meal replacement products and whey protein isolate (with no fat or carbohydrates) is often the preferred choice. Studies have found that individuals who combine diets with leucine rich protein foods, like whey protein, and exercise have more lean muscle tissue and they lose more body fat. As they lose fat their metabolic rate increases and they naturally burn more calories each day. Another way that whey protein helps manage weight is by promoting satiety, or a feeling of fullness.
My personal favorite part about the protein drinks is the satiety that they provide. Thats why we're allowed to have them between meals...they really stave off hunger for me. If I know I'm not going to be able to eat on time or if I don't get the right amount of food or there is some other imbalance I drink an HNS and it holds me for a while.

texdoc - congrats on throwing out the temptation! Thats a big victory. You may have eaten slightly off plan, but you eliminated the option of doing it again later.

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Old 11-24-2007, 10:33 AM   #51  
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Default is how to figure your weight loss percentage...
((IW-AW)/IW) * 100= weight loss percentage

In this formula IW is your initial weight and AW is your actual weight at this point. It's not as complicated as it initially seems: practically all you do is subtract the actual weight from the initial weight and divide the number obtained by your initial weight. Multiply the result with 100 and you'll get the exact percent.
For those not so hot at algebra, here is mine as an example.
My initial weight is 353. My current weight is 271. 353-271=82. 82/353=.23 .23x100= *drumroll* 23%!! I've lost 23% of my beginning body weight! Thats pretty stinking cool. I'm curious what you all come up with. If you try it and find out on your own, let me know.
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Old 11-24-2007, 11:25 AM   #52  
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Hey Gang! I did have a bite of a few things that were off-plan and had a yeast roll.
I was not able to go wi yesterday, nor will I be able to today, but for some "weird" reason my body is still in fat-burning mode. My scale is down below what it was when I wi'd on Tues. I got right back on the wagon for Thursday night supper. I had made up the broccoli cheese soup recipe ahead of time so when everyone else was parading out the leftovers, I was heating up my soup. I hosted T-Day at my house so I packed a tiny amount of leftovers for hubby, mom and me and then packed up tons of leftovers for everyone else. I guess that makes me a feeder, but there were a lot of people so the amount I sent with them I'm sure was gone by last night.
Anyhow, congrats to all those who stayed OP. I am happy as I handled it. Otherwise I fear I would have eaten the entire pan of squash-cheese casserole!!!!!!
As far as supplements, I buy the MRC6, Corti-Trim, and Flax from MRC. My chromium, B-Complex, and multi-vitamin are wherever is cheapest. I did try Relacore for 2 weeks and my weight-loss stopped completely, so I went back on Corti-Trim and weight loss resumed. Of course, I'm a little different body-wise with no colon and tons of health problems. I am also on A LOT of meds so I can't take any of the other supplements. I have 4 HNS a day, one creamy, four regular. I drink 6 16.9 oz of water a day. I am trying to drink more, but my acid reflux seems to make me start regurgitating if I drink more.
I did not reach my T-Day goal, but am close according to today's scale.
Also, I willincrease my stretching, but my knees will not allow me to exercise. I even have trouble walking. I use a cane most of the time. I need new knees, but the Dr. will not let me have them until I reach my goal weight. This is a great motivator.
Sorry so long. A LOT to catch up on. Have a great MRC day!

Last edited by oreoparent; 11-24-2007 at 11:27 AM.
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Old 11-24-2007, 11:28 AM   #53  
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Sorry. Had to post again to update my subscription.
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Old 11-24-2007, 01:28 PM   #54  
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Originally Posted by TeddieBare View Post
I have only felt even a twinge of an attack once since I started taking the 5HTP. I'm not a very faithful pill taker and that's the only one I'm taking on a religious basis (I take it with my important nighttime meds so I don't forget).

I have certainly gone through periods where I didn't have any attacks, so i'm interested to see if I stay anxiety free for a while. I'll let you guys know. I like it so much that if I find an affordable version of it I'll up the dose. My sleep has been whatever - I haven't noticed it affecting that one way or another. My temperment has felt pretty even, but that's another thing I'd like to give a few weeks.
It comes in a couple of different strengths, I forget which the MRC version is but CVS carries Natrol brand 5HTP in 100 mg & 50 mg - you can check it out online. I take one 100 mg in the morning for appetite & mood control, and one 50 mg at night for sleep. I find that with my sleep it makes it easier to get back to sleep when I wake up in the night. It's also available at Target (I forget if it's Natrol brand or another) - both places are MUCH cheaper than MRC.
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Old 11-24-2007, 01:48 PM   #55  
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4my2ltl1s That's amazing that you've got to the 10% mark! That must be so motivating since you didn't get there with WW. Congrats!
donuts 92 lbs is wonderful, that 100 board is yours! I agree you're lucky to have worked on T-Day, would have loved not to go my cousins in Loveland. The turkey was the only legal item there, so I had lots of that and small bites of the other stuff.
Hvnly Thanks for the formula, 23% is quite an accomplishment, and you have certainly motivated me again and again. I'm at 11.5%.
texdoc You're so strong to throw out that gift! I wish I could do that, I still have homemade cinnamon rolls on the counter-they're for my kids so maybe they could "hide" them from me until they are gone.

I did go off program for some bites, but my cousin didn't make anything on plan except for the turkey. I do feel pretty good about how I did, I usually oink out big time on T-Day, so a small plate was good for me. I did partake of the illegal wine though. Back on plan yesterday and feeling much better. I always get a little sick when I indulge in the carbs. I guess thats my body telling me that it has changed.
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Old 11-24-2007, 01:57 PM   #56  
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Deb I see you're in No. Colo-you must not go to Greeley MRC as I've found them very pushy. Well, only one of them, but I seem to get her a lot for my weigh ins and she basically told me that I wasn't losing fast enough and if I wanted th success she had I should take this really long list of supps. She also said that I my inch loss was not enough and I need to work harder. Kind of a downer-I was really happy before I talked to her that day. I'm going to try and request somebody else next time I go and see what they say about the supps.
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Old 11-24-2007, 03:30 PM   #57  
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Hello! I WI yesterday morning, lost 1.5!! I am now down 25 lbs! Yippee! I could not have done it without all of you on this board! I read and post instead of eating and it really keeps me motivated. I am half way to my goal, doesn't seem possible! It really seems like I just started this process.

I still need to get myself to the Y and get an exercise plan going. I have been stalling on that. I am going to dinner tonight with a dear friend that just turned 50, I suggested we go to Ruby Tuesday because I have heard you all say that it is easy to stay on plan there. I am looking forward to having someone else fix my meal.

I hope everyone has good night!

Teddibare: I have only had a couple of anxiety problems since joining MRC, I think they are related to my hormones-- I have a lot of stress in my life, but not more than I have in the past. I have been dealing with this anxiety thing for about 2 years. It is better now than it has been and I think a lot of that has to do with diet.
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Old 11-24-2007, 07:26 PM   #58  
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Way to go 4my on the big 25 pound loss! I hope I am right there with you, but I won't find out until Monday, I am out of town and can't wi.

Awesome Job!
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Old 11-24-2007, 10:52 PM   #59  
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Originally Posted by cargirl View Post
Deb I see you're in No. Colo-you must not go to Greeley MRC as I've found them very pushy. Well, only one of them, but I seem to get her a lot for my weigh ins and she basically told me that I wasn't losing fast enough and if I wanted th success she had I should take this really long list of supps. She also said that I my inch loss was not enough and I need to work harder. Kind of a downer-I was really happy before I talked to her that day. I'm going to try and request somebody else next time I go and see what they say about the supps.
I've only had one lady be particularly pushy at my center. I sat down and the first thing she said to me was, "I'm going to need you to buy some carb and fat blocker today." That pretty much set the mood for my whole WI. Now if I see she's there, I ask for someone (anyone) else. She was also really fake and it was weird. Overall I've had really good experiences, so I won't take it personally
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Old 11-24-2007, 11:36 PM   #60  
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I wi today and lost another 1.5 lbs!!! Yea! Not quite to my cruise goal, but I think I was calculating 3.5 per week and I'm just a little under that. I'm good with 34.5 lbs since Labor Day The tight clothing I bought 2 weeks ago are already loose! I'm between sizes right now. Had to go back out and try to find something dressy for the cruise. I don't want to buy anything too tight since we are leaving on Thursday, but I'm having trouble finding things that look good. I think the biggest problem is I'm not sure how to dress for my new body type. The styles that used to look good on me now look goofy. My well intentioned daughter went shopping with me tonight. She picked out a lot of cute clothes but they were way too young for me. This is the same child who cried when I first started the diet because she didn't want me to be a "hot mom" and dress too young! At least this is a fun "problem" to have. It will be back to the stores tomorrow. I'm running out of time!

I love the formula Sam! I'm down 13.22% since starting MRC and down 15.17% this year. That's pretty darn motivating!!

Donuts - You are so close to the brass ring - 100 lbs! I expect to be reading a lot of happy dances when I get back from cruising. You are simply amazing!!! I'll miss your words of wisdom while I am gone, but rest assured, I will be strong, exercise and eat healthy while basking in the glorious sun! We already have snow here

graduatethin 25 lbs is awesome!! It does seem like you just started. You are doing so great and losing really fast. Great job!

4my2ltl1s 2 lbs over Thanksgiving, 25 lbs lost and 10% YOU ROCK! :CHEER2:!!
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