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Old 12-28-2007, 11:40 PM   #511  
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Maya, the eggs suck on the stove too....

I'm staaarrrrrrvvvvviiiiiiinnnnnnnggggg!!!!!!!!!
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Old 12-29-2007, 09:53 AM   #512  
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Morning all!
ok, day 4 for me now!!! I can't believe I made it over the hump!!! I peeked at the scale this morning to see if it was reflecting how my body is starting to feel and change and I was pleasantly suprised, lol.. but I won't reveal any more weight loss until my official weigh in on weds
OK, so yesterday was much easier than day 1 and 2 for sure! we even had friends over and them eating chips and dip and real tacos didn't make me waver and I didn't feel like I needed a nap to escape from the food so that is good
my menu yesterday was:
mf meal 1- meal bar
mf #2 - soup
mf#3 - chilli
mf#4- lettuce tacos (5 oz of meat is a lot more than I thought! it made 4 stuffed tacos!)
mf#5- shake
and that was all, didn't have my 6th meal.

hoping today goes even better!!!

michelle, I hope you found something last night to curb that hunger. mf says you can have an extra shake the first few days until the hunger subsides.. So glad you had that talk with your girls and things are going to get better less stress on you means less running to the fridge for comfort.. I'm a stress eater to boot! I completely understand about your dh.. mine is around 300 and his weight affects him so much more than he knows. He has had two back surgeries and the surgeon flat out told him if he didn't lose weight then he'll be having more and each surgery means out of work for 5-6 months!! but he has no will power, he's lost some lbs on different tries and the difference is amazing! he stops snoring, he has more energy... but then he puts the weight back on and thinks he's fine. So I understand your point of view completely.. I have to take care of me first..

maya, I'm with you on splitting the l&g meal! I have to have my biggest meal in the evening or else I'm gonna be sooo hungry! or maybe I'm just used to dinner being the biggest meal of the day my whole life.. I don't know, lol.. but one thing I am LOVING about this plan is no counting!!! I don't have to add up calories or carbs etc.. just have to make sure I get my 6 meals in.. but lately it seems that 6th meal is hard to fit in, just not hungry for it, do you think that will backfire on me? should I force it down anyway?

mpope, yeah the first 3 days are the hardest, maybe even the first week for sure but the good news is, it passes quickly I had been working on knitting a blanket but my 1 yo decided to pull out a bunch of rows and now I'm not sure if I can fix it, lol.. oh well.. guess I can start over! kids! but definitely find a distraction.. maybe a hobby, maybe surfing the net, maybe reading a good book.. just something to keep you out of the kitchen and your mind busy I play a lot of video games with my kids, lol.. that seems to waste a lot of time, hehe.. but here is some for you!!! did they say when your order will arrive?

Well I guess I am off here for now.. gonna go get me a meal bar for breakfast and chug some water.. here's to another day OP!
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Old 12-29-2007, 10:04 AM   #513  
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Confession! My blood glucose level bottomed out this morning and I grabbed a cup of eggnog for breakfast! Oy! 250 calories and a ton of sugar but it worked. I am skipping my morning snack. Friends are coming for lunch today. I am serving tourtiere which is definitely not lean and green but will focus on the cabbage salad and ignore the dessert my friend is bringing. (She's trying to get rid of goodies too.) I'll have MF chili for supper tonight and some soup before bed if I'm still hungry.

We just plug along doing the best we can. Weight is still the same at 203 but at least I'm holding my own since the Christmas blip.

I'm considering my next order as I want to have lots on hand when I recuperate from my knee replacement. I know my doctor and my friend Claire will insist I eat normal meals but am pretty sure I can work in some soups and shakes. I may even break down and order some oatmeal to make into breakfast cookies.
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Old 12-29-2007, 10:57 AM   #514  
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I am thinking about starting medifast. I can't believe the results you are getting in such a short period of time! Is anyone having any issues with their skin because they are loosing weight so quickly. I have to admit thats one thing I am afraid of-- is having hanging belly skin.

But everyone's posts seem great and I think I am going to do it!

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Old 12-29-2007, 11:38 AM   #515  
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Hi everyone!

Um, I have a confession... I bombed out on Medifast! Yep, I went way off course for the holidays. I stayed pretty low-carb though, and stayed the same as when I made my MF attempt on 12/13: 242 pounds.

But today I am back on it, cracking away I will not BE DEFEATED! Heheh!

Right now I am in the middle of packing up a ton of stuff to take down to my parents' house about a few towns south. I am moving in there to house-sit while they take their 1st trip as retired folks to Florida for the winter, while they stay in Titusville (Cocoa Beach area) January-March and enjoy the ocean and boating life.

I'm going to try and squeeze in a long weekend visit to them down there to enjoy their company and the balmy 80-85 temps!

Cool thing is that now my work commute will be super fast since they live in the same town where I work.

Holy cow, I have a LOT of things to cover 3 months... clothes, shoes, books, pillows, cat toys/dishes/scratching post/litterpan, etc. Mostly cat stuff! She is a high maintenance animal, oi! Ok, maybe I am too. I have not mastered this "light packing" thing yet. One must be prepared for any shoe situation.

Oh yeah and of course, I am also toting down a big ol' laundry basket FULL of Medifast boxes

Ok, gotta down 1 more shake before I get outta here... Hope you all have a great day! I will be back later to catch up!
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Old 12-29-2007, 01:02 PM   #516  
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Eggs suck on the stove, too???? Bars/Oatmeal it is!
I think that with time, you just learn to live with hunger from time to time.
I am now back down to my pre-Christmas weight (yippee!) given that I had a couple of nights curled up to some chips and dip -- hope this doesn't trigger anyone, but Chips/Dip are my WEAKNESS, and to control this, I have them once a year at Christmas ONLY, else I'd eat them every. single. night. of. my. life.
Ms Berkshire, good luck on the move!
Ms Ruthee! Take care of your blood sugars first -- the rest will follow with time. And have a great evening -- I LOVE tortiere...I miss my mom's perogies, too...
Am I having a food-obsessed day? I'll stop now!
Ms Spryng and ms Michelle - hang in there! It'll get better!
Ms Belle -- I guess the options are: full, fat belly or loose skin, small belly. I can surgically address the loose skin, I suppose, but health-wise, I think that the medical impact of loose skin is WAY less significant than the medical impact of lugging around 30, or 50 , or in my case when I started, 105 extra lbs is....the one thing I DO hate is that I am getting a turkey wattle under my chin due to the loose skin. Ah well - better living through surgery...gotta start saving, although our latest house issue involving a structural engineer isn't helping our bank account! But, as my DH says, "if you want to play, you gotta PAY", so no complaints here. Besides, the bank has plenty of $$$...

Last edited by freiamaya; 12-29-2007 at 01:06 PM.
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Old 12-29-2007, 04:02 PM   #517  
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Spryng - You are doing great - keep up the good work!

Amy - My skin and belly are doing good I haven't been overweight for long so I think that helps a lot and I also have good genes! But it is true - better to be healthy than anything else

Waving Hi to everyone else...not sure why but I am just "in the groove" and this has been the easiest thing I have done. I feel I am taking care of myself and have a lot of support. In all my failed attempts with other programs, I didn't have the focus but this is different! Of course then I think of all the time I wasted

But keep fighting everyone and each day gets better!

Have a great day -
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Old 12-29-2007, 10:39 PM   #518  
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Hello! I was also wondering about excess skin. I watched a show about a 619 pound woman who had WL surgery. She had MAJOR surgery done to fix her extra skin problems. It was both scary and GROSS. BUT I think WL surgery causes one to lose far more quickly than what we're losing. The first few weeks are phenomenal, but then it slows to 3 or so right?

My daugher gave me her 8th grade dance dress. It is SO beautiful and a perfect size 10. I think that may be my ultimate goal no matter the pounds. When I was young and cute I was a size 5/7 and people kept bugging me because I "looked anorexic." It was annoying. I have giant man hands (have you seen that episode of Seinfeld? Not that big!!) size 9 feet, and big chubby cheeks that don't get smaller as I lose weight. So when I was smaller I looked like a stick with giant hands, feet, and head! So right now I'm in a 22; the last time I lost weight I was 175 and in a 14.

Eh...I'm so impatient! It will happen and I will learn about myself in the process. Well I'm off to eat pudding - what a tough life!!
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Old 12-29-2007, 11:27 PM   #519  
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ok girls.. rough day for me after all, really thought I'd be in ketosis by today but I guess not, had some MAJOR cravings and was sooo hungry! so I caved!! can't believe it.. went on a little binge fest.. ugh.. drinking my water and hoping I didn't do too much damage.. I guess it's back to square one for me.. gosh, it was out of the blue too because I woke up feeling so in control! how does that happen? hmm... o-well, no one to blame but myself..
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Old 12-30-2007, 08:27 AM   #520  
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Default This is awful

My first weigh in was this morning. Looks I have dumped 3.5 lb since I started on Wednesday. Mostly water and bloat, I'm guessing.
I'm getting very cranky. The perky chicks on the official MF site who say "This was like SO easy and I was like NEVER hungry! Sometimes I actually forgot to eat my packets!" are full of crap.
How can we possibly succeed on a plan like this that leaves everyone seemingly ravenous every minute? I wake up hungry, I work hungry, I go to bed hungry. How do you go back to normal eating without overdoing it from being deprived so long?
I'm sorry for blowing all this negative stardust on you guys, but I'm really having a rough time between sleep deprivation from work (26 hr days sometimes), the red menace accompanied by bad cramping, and the constant hunger and lack of energy.
I'm still dead on with "the plan" unless you count two small handfuls of peanuts as cheating.
Group hug? Anyone?
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Old 12-30-2007, 10:49 AM   #521  
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Definitely a group hug day!

Boud, first of all, congrats on the 3.5 loss. As to the hungries, are you getting enough calories? It seems to me that the five MF so-called "meals" add up to 600-700 calories only and that lean and green meal should put us up another 500-600 to get to the minimum of 1200. I don't know if the perky MFers are full of crap but they sure can flame if you deviate. That's why I hang out here with the humans.

Spryng, I had a wee binge fest last night too but made a discovery: chocolate eclairs can be eaten frozen! Darned yummy at 250 calories each! (I need to slap myself!)

Today is shaping up as another difficult day with yet another dinner party tonight. It's at my friend Claire's place and I know she is serving it buffet style. It may not be that difficult as she will have healthy salads along with tourtiere (yet again!) and ham. I will try to be abstemious - love that word! - but wish me :luck: !

Chicken noodle soup coming up for lunch. I still have not mastered it. It always boils over in the micro and comes out sort of lumpy. I'll try it stovetop this time, I think. I also am going to try to make oatmeal breakfast cookies from real oatmeal and see if I can get the nutritional content to match the packaged MF oatmeal.

We'll need a new thread for January. Did we ever decide on a name? It must contain the word MediFast so folks can find us. MediFast Forward into 2008?

Have a lovely second last day of 2007, MFers.
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Old 12-30-2007, 11:58 AM   #522  
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Hi all!
I don't recall who suggested it (gotta read back!) but I really like the monthly themes:
Medifasters Jump into January
Medifasters Fabulous February
Medifasters Marching Along
Medifasters Amazing April
and so on.
SO how's about the first one for January?
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Old 12-30-2007, 12:00 PM   #523  
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OK, Ms Ruthie - found it and it was YOU!!!
Anyways, I think this is the best idea and since a consensus will be tough to get, I fear, in the next few pre-New Year's Eve days, I think you should GO FOR IT!
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Old 12-30-2007, 12:05 PM   #524  
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OK - I'll set it up now, Maya. I guess we could start posting there gradually although it's not NY yet. Once we are into January, I'll close this thread with a referral link to the new one.

Consensus? Heck, we can't even reach one on the oatmeal or the chili, not to mention the scrambled eggs!
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Old 12-30-2007, 12:36 PM   #525  
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Hi Everyone,

I'm a newbie and feel very fortunate to have found you. I've tried Medifast before but didn't stick with it despite the great results and I really did not like the message board.

I'm divorced, live with my dogs, and am self-employed although I think I'm going to try to find a "real job" in the new year. I don't really have anyone that I feel comfortable with sharing my issues with food, so you guys are a godsend. First and foremost, I am an emotional eater, a real binger. I get tremendous, yet fleeting comfort, from eating large amounts of sweets and pizza, etc. I don't feel lonely or sad when I'm watching a movie and scarfing down a half dozen croissants with a jar of Nutella. Of course, I then shy away from socializing because I feel (and usually am) the fat person in the room. I also feel judged by people, little comments that aren't meant to harm but feel like real zingers. Then there is the not so subtle such as my brother commenting on his daughter's weight, "unfortunately, she's built like you with really big hips." He's an idiot but still, it hurts (and hurts her).

I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you. Right now, I feel like an addict and am craving a fix but even writing this helps me stick to the plan. Thanks everyone for being there!

PS: I hope I'm posting this correctly
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