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Old 12-27-2007, 05:24 PM   #496  
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I, unfortunately, am stuck with only a microwave, so it is a microwaved sirloin burger patty (within L/G guidelines) and green beans.
I hate microwaves!
I've also had the worst reno day EVER. This project has gone horribly, horribly wrong in the matter of 2 days. Gotta get a structural engineer out here STAT...
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Old 12-27-2007, 07:18 PM   #497  
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ok, well my day is pretty much done. Just finished dinner, my l&g meal for today. Made rosemary chicken (my fave!) 1/2 c sauteed mushrooms and 1 cup boiled cabbage.. all my favorites, lol.. it was sooo good and filling. I have one more meal today left but I may skip it if I stay this full by time 8 pm comes along. I'm usually in bed around then
but I had a long talk with dh about him not really supporting me, he said he was but then making all my favorites is NOT helping me, lol.. so he promised to try harder, lol.. let's hope so, but Im hoping once I'm past the hump of 3 days then those cravings will go away some.
I know you guys said the first 3 days is the hardest so after the 3 days or the first week your hunger subsides correct? and then do your cravings go away as well?? please tell me they do!!!

I have 2 more glasses of water to get in to hit my 8 for today, which I'll work on in a bit.. just ready for today to be over already.
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Old 12-28-2007, 07:53 AM   #498  
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Hi all!
Well, the structural engineer is on his way out. As my HOT contractor says, I seem to have an irrational attachment to the top floor of my home, and wouldn't it just be easier to have it slide into the creek and be done with it?
Hope today gets better...
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Old 12-28-2007, 08:09 AM   #499  
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morning all

well I am sooo glas yesterday is over!! what a rough day. started out easy and energetic but got harder as the day went on. This is day 3 for me, that magical number, lol.. so let's hope once this 24 hrs is up I feel like a new woman, lol..

I ended up staying up late last night (becuase of that darn nap) so I had my last mf meal at 9pm, pudding but when I went to bed at 10 pm I was ravenous, let's hope it was my body eating some fat reserves, lol.. not gonna weigh again until my official first week weigh in on weds, so I have a few more days to go

Well anyway, here is a to another (hopefully easier) OP day
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Old 12-28-2007, 08:29 AM   #500  
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Well, I did it ! ! ! I ordered my two week supply of Medifast this morning. I'm SOOOO excited. I went w/ the two week supply to see if I liked the food before ordering the 4 week supply. Can't wait to start this process.
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Old 12-28-2007, 09:47 AM   #501  
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Good morning, MFers! I see we are over 500 posts and hope Suzanne doesn't get all keen and close this thread. If so, there'll be a fight! (Long threads are slow to load for chicks with dial-up - very slow to load!) I may go back and combine posts from the same person.

Yesterday was not a pure day. Chinese food was involved!

Today has started out much better although I am having trouble with breakfast and may have to go back to oatmeal cookies. Broccoli soup just doesn't cut it with coffee!

Weight is still 203 and my blood sugars have been really good so that's something to be thankful for.

Mpope, I hope your order gets there fast.

Maya, I imagine letting the top of your house fall into the creek would get the attention of the Ministry for sure!

Spryng, I hope today is easier. I actually found the hungries went away quickly as long as I didn't have slippage - like a cracker snuck in or a glass or two of wine.

Happy and healthy day to us all.
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Old 12-28-2007, 11:04 AM   #502  
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Hi Ruthie!
Thanks for the shout-out. I really have had a miserable, stressful, crappy couple of days, and just having that acknowledged somehow makes it much easier to manage.
Welcome mpope -- we're all here to support ya, so if you have any questions, just ask away!
How was everyone's Christmas????? I know that I had a great time, and although I was ---gasp----OFF PLAN ---- I'm right back on at 100% with no regrets. Although it isn't OK to cheat, I think like I've said before, life with a weight issue means strict discipline tempered with the realization that events/holidays/feasts happen, and it is how you deal with them and their aftermath that is more indicative of SUCCESS than, say, white-knuckling it is.
As for being off plan, check THIS out --
My dear SIL who invited me for Christmas dinner and knows about MF made a completely UN-MF-friendly meal! I'm not upset about THAT -- but I DO wonder how all of you would have handled going over to a dinner with the intention of being 100% OP and being faced with stuffing, potatoes, carrots as a veg, and ham! How would you guys have handled this?
I know I TUCKED RIGHT IN, and darn it all, had a wonderful time too, and am very appreciative of her efforts, and have no regrets, not that I would post this on the MF board as I am quite flammable these days and don't need the extra roasting that would ensue! hahahaha!
Anyways, just waiting for an engineering report, and for the guys to load the contents of our garage into the SEA CONTAINER that is now parked in my driveway....Oiy!!!!
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Old 12-28-2007, 12:01 PM   #503  
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Default Trembling on day 3....

Day three...still that gnawing sensation in my stomach, even after I've just finished a packet. Isn't day three when you start to snap out of "the fog?"
I think when I finally weigh myself on Sunday it'll all be worth it.
Pudding was nasty this morning...even when I put it in the freezer, I still had to slurp it out of the spoon it was so drippy. Beef stew was actually really good at lunch today. Tasted like real gravy. "Mmmmm....gravy." (in my best Homer Simpson voice)
My BF has come around very quickly. He seemed really ambivalent at first, but went out and bought a home gym all of the sudden! Guess it's contagious.
The problem at hand became crystal clear when I read in the book about sugar rushes activating dopamine and opioids in the brain. I'm just a junkie, plain and simple, and have to treat myself as such.
I'm skimping on my water today - need to go guzzle 32oz to catch up.
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Old 12-28-2007, 01:05 PM   #504  
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Can you use Crystal Light add ins to your water to get it all down or is that a no no?
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Old 12-28-2007, 01:27 PM   #505  
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You know, I have about 2-3 weeks of MF left from when I first tried it. I REALLY should get it out and use it up. I lost 20 lbs in 1month last time...and I am at the point where I only need to lose about 20 so maybe if I use it up I can hit goal? I just need MOTIVATION!!!!! HELP!
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Old 12-28-2007, 01:42 PM   #506  
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Hi everyone -

Just stopped by to wish you all a great day! Hang in there - it gets better and is SOOOOOO worth it!
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Old 12-28-2007, 03:16 PM   #507  
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hey again
the day is going better for me.. dh is making tacos for a late lunch so I'm gonna have it as my l&g meal today, course no tortillas, lol.. just 98% lean ham meat wrapped in lettuce looking forward to it but I'm feeling stronger today, not like yesterday, yesterday was really rough for some reason. Today I'm trying to distract myself from food, lol.. working so far

congrats mpope on your decision!!!! hope your order gets there fast!!!

Ruth, I hope you are right. I've been 100% op, no cheating at all so hopefully the cravings and hunger will subside soon. I did eat breakfast later today than usual, just want hungry until around 9am.. usually I'm ravenous and ready for food at 7 am so that is an improvement, lol..

maya, xmas was good here. It was my last "meal" of sorts since I started this plan the day after so I over ate like crazy, lol.. but it was worth it I don't know right now how I would handle being at someone's house with the intention of being 100& op and they offer me so much yummy food, lol.. if it was yesterday I would have caved, well maybe not.. I am sooo focused right now.. did I tell you all that my stomach is visibly shrinking?! that is one aspect of lower carb diets I like, the fat seems to melt off the midsection on me first, which is my problem area, so I woke up this morning and when I slipped my jeans on they were looser and my stomach was smaller.. such small achievements spur me on! I even put on a shirt I never wear because it clings to my midsection and I hate that, but today it hung like it should so all these little things will add up. I honestly think for me I won't be visiting anyone for awhile, lol.. I need to get this as a habit first, I don't want to have to go through 3 days again to get back into ketosis.. it's hard the first time around, lol..

Bou, I'm right there with you!! day 3 for me too.. I feel better today but still not quite to that keytosis state I don't think.. and yes, it will all be worth it once you weigh in this week! I can't wait to see your progress!!

mpope, I know the mf info says they approve of crystal light and such but I'm not sure if they allow it as your water intake, I count it as mine because reg water makes me gag.. I know on weight watchers you could count like half of it, lol.. so you may have to ask someone else but I don't see why you can't count it

Stilltryin, that is awesome that you lost 20lbs in a month!! yes pull those packets out of your pantry and get to eating! I know what you mean about motivation, my motivation is all those CUTE clothes that will be coming out in spring!! shorts, capris, tank tops.. the dreaded bathing suit, lol.. I have signs all over my house saying "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" with pictures cut out of magazines of thin women, lol.. I cut their heads off of course, lol I want to picture mine on there, lol.. I hope you can find your motivation!

Seetp, how is your day going?
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Old 12-28-2007, 04:12 PM   #508  
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Spryng, thanks for the great words of encouragement.

My mid section is by far my biggest enemy. I can't wait to get to where you are. Even a small difference MAKES a difference. I'm already dreading the first 3 days, but like you, I'm really focused and excited. I just have to not let myself obsess that I'm doing some form of dieting or else my brain goes into reverse mode....then I want to eat everything but the kitchen sink....
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Old 12-28-2007, 05:53 PM   #509  
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Sometimes licking the sink is good. Snarf! Kidding. (although.....)

So here I am doing the potty olympics - the 50 yard pee dash. This has just got to count as exercise! I had yucky oatmeal this morning. I hate that stuff, but it sticks in my belly. Then I had the orange shake that I hate, but I added some raspberry extract and made it a berryish flavor. (Yes, I make up words, get used to it.) It was actually good. I had a mint bar because it's my first day and I deserve it. I'm starving, but no headaches - yet.

It's been a wonderful past few days. My girls and I are getting along well. We got some things out, such as, there are places we don't go and things we don't say. It's okay to fight, but NOT okay to rip someone's heart out while threatening to leave. My Spawn's birthday dinner was good. My poor honey (DH) embarrassed the Spawn because he couldn't fit in the booth at the restaurant. I'm concerned about him. He's somewhere over 435 - that's all our scale measures. We both started our diets today, but he has no plan. He's going to "eat healthy" and take a day off every other week. I can't help him right now. I have work on myself.

If I planned to stay on program I would call ahead and get the menu. I have to attend a New Year's Party, so I'm going to eat before I go and bring a vegetable platter. I think it's okay to have whatever you want on your birthday and Christmas Day, but ya gotta understand that NO ONE cares about my opinion.

About water and Crystal Light. I was on Metabolic Research last year. It's a very strict, doctor approved, dietician regulated diet. They said you CAN have Crystal Light, but only after your first 64 oz because you digest it like a food (I guess because of the additives??). You can have flavored water, like Dasani, but you have to watch for added sodium. I tend to follow directions to the letter, so FYI.

Last edited by michelle127; 12-28-2007 at 05:55 PM. Reason: Cuz I didn't proofread
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Old 12-28-2007, 06:11 PM   #510  
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Hi, all. I guess the thing was that I was their only guest, and my SIL was on MF last month and knows I am on it, too. Ah well, doesn't matter.
Ms Ruthie is SO right! There aren't enough breakfast options, in my humble opinion. Not everyone wants soup or pudding or -- shiver -- a shake for breakfast! So far, I have only been having the oatmeal and the bars with my coffee. Can't get the microwaved eggs downrange (no sympathy requested, because I will certainly eat them if I had to -- I just choose NOT to!) and since they are better cooked on the stove, I'm saving them for when my stove is back in order. I can't imagine splitting my L/G, because I am way hungrier in the PM vs the AM, so bars/oatmeal it is. Wish there were more options...
ANYWAYS, gotta go - architect issues to deal with!
Later, all!
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