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Old 12-26-2007, 01:20 PM   #466  
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Default EEEEEeeeeee!

OK, halfway through day one. I have to say, I am very hungry with this plan so far, and waiting 2.5 hours between "feedings" is killing me. I am not cranky or miserable yet, but a little light headed and have a bit of a headache. But generally I feel like I'm doing something good, something that will have big rewards in the end.
The oatmeal was great this morning, the bar tasted like pressed chocolate sawdust, and the shakes were thin and watery. I won't even get into the cream of broccoli soup. But I realize that none of this stuff is going to taste like a snickers I'm keepin' on keepin' on. It took me 5 years to get this fat, I won't lose it overnight. I'll have to try some of the recipe modifications when I get used to this.
I am also noticing a diuretic effect of this plan. Anyone else have to pee every hour?
This morning I was 177.5. I will not go near the scale again until Sunday. I've never looked forward to a turkey burger and asparagus dinner more in my life.
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Old 12-26-2007, 01:41 PM   #467  
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You're so funny Ruth! Is Boxing Day a real holiday or do I just not get the joke??

Things have been tres sucky around here. My 14 year old suddenly decided that she wants to live with her dad. I was balling all day yesterday. I told her that there is NO WAY she's moving out and that I was still going to ground her and yell at her, but families don't run away from each other. Then she said that she was just being hormonal and overdramatic and she doesn't want to go. But my heart is broken in a thousand pieces. I go back and forth between absolute fury and fear that she'll change her mind when she sees her dad on Sunday.

On the diet front, I'm good to go the day after tomorrow. I hope everyone else had a MUCH better holiday than I.
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Old 12-26-2007, 01:43 PM   #468  
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Boud, I hated the oatmeal and love the cream of broccoli. Crazy, isn't it?

As far as peeing is concerned, you will dump water during the first little while if you are making sure to drink your water. It eases off after a while.

You are pretty close to Maya and me if you're in the NY snow belt. Maybe we can meet this summer in the middle of the 1000 Islands bridge and sip a shake together. You can use your influence as a law enforcement officer to get us around the border security clearances. (I don't think you are allowed to walk across the bridge.)

I hope you asparagus and turkey taste really good tonight. I found after the first two days I wasn't at all hungry.
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Old 12-26-2007, 01:47 PM   #469  
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Didn't see your post! That's why I waited even though ostensibly I was ready. The first few days are absolute ****. It will pass and you'll be great. I hated the oatmeal, so I added flavor drops. I liked all the bars... I would NEVER consume brocoli soup --yech! I like the rest of the soups, but also ordered crackers to make them even better. I like all the shakes but orange. I tend to add less water and if you let them sit a bit they'll taste better.

I've tried most of the medifast meals, but have made NO promises before 12/28. I'd say we could be buds, but you're just a little tiny thing already. You'll be great!
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Old 12-26-2007, 01:48 PM   #470  
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Michelle, I'm sure that hurts. I went through a similar thing when my DD was 15 but she actually ran away and did live on the West Coast - not with her Dad so it was pretty heartbreaking. We're all OK now but it was rough. It does get better.

Boxing Day really is a holiday in Canada and in Britain. Small town stores are closed but some of the big city stores have huge sales today. The tradition grew out of the British tradition of giving the servants the day off after all the fuss of Christmas and gifts and leftovers were sent home with them in boxes. It was also the day that the Church poor boxes were opened and the money distributed.
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Old 12-26-2007, 02:22 PM   #471  
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Aw ****, I'd meet you guys at the Tir Na Nog pub in Kingston! Is Chez Piggy and The Sleepless Goat still there? I'm a big fan of your side of the border. Spent a lot of summers diving and camping up there along the river. And by the way, my tin doesn't mean a thing once I leave my area code. I won't be seducing any Border patrol guys. But I will curl up in my RCMP sweatshirt tonight just for you guys.

Yeah, I'm really not digging this feeling today, but I know it'll pass. I keep drinking water to get me through to the next "meal." How can they call that a meal? Pssshht. 50 minutes to go. Heaven help me.

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Old 12-26-2007, 02:31 PM   #472  
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Sending out to anyone who needs it. Hang in there and it will pass and keep your eye on the prize

Michelle -

Glad to see all the posts - yesterday was quiet and though I checked a lot, I did not post

Keep going, don't look back - brghter days ahead

Last edited by SweetP; 12-26-2007 at 02:32 PM.
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Old 12-26-2007, 02:50 PM   #473  
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Hang in there everyone!
Just wait til you try the eggs - hahaha!
Like I've said, week 1 sucks, week 2 you feel virtuous, week 3 you feel angry, week 4 resigned, and week 5 on autopilot!
Remember, this isn't forever, everyone!
Chez Piggy, the Tir nan Nogis, and the Sleepless Goat are still there, as so is Pan Chanco (bakery offshoot from Chez Piggy) and Woodenhead's Pizza. We FINALLY got a Keg here, so a lean and green would ACTUALLY work! Sounds like a party is in order!
Ms Michelle - my heart goes out to you. I think kids at that age are difficult, at best...just hang in there, and everything will work out OK. Our thoughts are with you!
Hey SweetP! Ms Ruthie! Ms Bou!!! Love y'all! Hi Ms Meowee!!!

Last edited by freiamaya; 12-26-2007 at 03:12 PM.
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Old 12-26-2007, 06:24 PM   #474  
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could I join this thread? I am not doing the official version of medifast, but my own makeshift version. I found every product at walmart that is very close in camparison and today is my first day on plan and I don't know where else to post, but I've read every page of this thread, yes took me all evening, lol.. and I just love the humor and support given here. so even though I'm not using official products could I join ya?

Spryng's Intro Post from another thread.
ok, so I've been reading the medifast site like a hot novel lately, lol.. that diet appeals to me sooo much! but once I saw how much a month costs I knew I couldn't afford it. My husband is currently unemployed and we have 4 kids with just my income so I can't splurge on something like this. But I couldn't get it out of mind so I did a ton of research on it and found you can basically make a makeshift version from items at your local grocery store (or walmart for me) so this morning I made my list and hit the isles! I was pleasantly suprised at how I found a subsitute for everything medifast offers.. from shakes to the chilli! so I started this new plan this morning and I'm sooo psyched about it! I didn't know what forum to post in, I know this isn't technically a mail order diet but it's very close to the medifast so posted here because I'd like to do my weightloss journey with others doing something similar
anyway, has anyone else ever made their own diet based on a popular one but saved a ton of money? if so I'd love to hear what you tried

so anyway, a little about me. I'm 27, 5'4 and I've had 4 babies so I constantly battle my weight anymore. I do good for months then I get stressed or something comes up and I'm off the wagon and gaining like crazy.. well I didn't want to wait until jan 1st to start my new plan, I was too excited so I began today, lol.. no alcohol for me on new years and that is fine.
but my goal is to lose 20 lbs by my birthday, feb 11th.. so I'm hoping with the new plan and some exercise I can lose a nice amount of weight each week. but Im looking forward to my body responding well to the lower carbs and not feeling as hungry. today I've needed my meals every two hrs so far.. I get ravenous by that 2 hr mark.. but I know they said after day 3 your body adjusts (i'm assuming it's keytosis setting in, being an atkins survivor many times over, lol) I do like that it's lower carbs but not extreme.. 80-85grams per day instead of 20 like on atkins, that is much more reasonable
but anyway, here's hoping to a sucessful week and lots of fat melting off, lol..
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Old 12-26-2007, 07:11 PM   #475  
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Oh crap! I seem to have goofed, Spryng. I'll have to just copy and paste your long post into the posting you just made. Meant to move the whole thing but.....

Sorry and to the Group of MFers!
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Old 12-26-2007, 07:28 PM   #476  
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thank you so much for welcoming me!!!! I really thought I'd be looked down on since I'm not under the official plan but honestly, you'd be impressed with my "finds" lol..
ok, today is my first day op and it was going really easy until dinner.. I was eating every 2 to 2 1/2 hrs but when it came to my lean and green meal (which will be my dinner each day) I had to eat 30 min early, I just instantly felt naseous and sooo hot! I was shaking all over.. I think my sugar dropped like crazy.. but I made myself a quick turkey salad and once I ate it I felt fine again, so I must have been really hungry.. now it's almost time for my last meal of the day, which I think will be chilli.. but I've gotten in all 8 glasses of water now and I'm running to the bathroom like crazy, which is good I know. So all in all the day was great except for that bout before dinner.. Im hoping I get into keytosis fast so I won't feel so ravenous every two hours..
but here is my menu for today:
breakfast- scrambled egg
snack- sf choc pudding
lunch- chilli
snack- choc shake
lean and green meal-6 oz turkey breast chopped, 2 cups salad and 2 tbls ranch dressing.. was quite filling, couldn't eat it all
and my last meal for today will probably be chilli again since it's hearty.

a little more about myself:
I work at home for a large medical insurance company, I work 10 hr days so I stay really busy... but I do get every thurs off and weekends so it's not so bad. In fact this week I get 4 days off, thurs-mon so I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow, lol..
anyway, I look forward to getting to know each and everyone of you! and I promise I give as good as I get with support so once you have me posting it will be hard to shut me up, lol.. and if I do get "quiet" come check on me because I'm probably getting weak!! and I'll need your support more than ever!
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Old 12-26-2007, 11:28 PM   #477  
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Gee, Spryng, you haven't posted since 7:28! Are you getting weak?
See y'all on the morning.
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Old 12-27-2007, 01:44 AM   #478  
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Thanks for your support - really, thank you. Today I'm just plain old mad. She keeps making comments under her breath. My DH wants me to lay low until she gets back from her dad's, but then we're going to have a discussion about love, respect, and dignity. I teach high school; I know what teens are like, but she's not a wild animal and I deserve better. Period.

Maya, I agree that usually things work out right, but my oldest daughter also thought it would be easier with her dad. I let her go. Now she's a goth chick who cares nothing about me or school. I'm just livid. My whole heart was wrapped up in being that girl's mother.

When I even TRY to look down on someone I just see two ginormous boobs. There's no judging in here. I'm real curious how you efforts are going to go... There's all kinds of careful planning and sciencey stuff that's gone into medifast, but you're right - you gotta do what you gotta do. Definitely take your vitamins!!!

For those of you paying attention, I have one more day of "freedom." I'm taking both of my rotten kids out for my 17 year old's birthday. Do I want to? Ummm, I'd rather have a root canal.

Ummm, girl have you lost 33 pounds in one month? Seriously. Did you lose some before you began Medifast?

Be well chickies.
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Old 12-27-2007, 07:59 AM   #479  
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too funny Ruth, lol no, no weakness on my first day at all, lol.. in fact I woke up at 6:30 this morning feeling so energized!!! I may get dressed and walk on the treadmill for awhile... we'll see
michelle, so sorry about your teenager woes... I have a few more years until I am there myself. My closest friend has 4 kids like myself but they are all teenagers and I'm really close to all of them but last summer they put me and their mom through the gauntlet.. the 15 and 16 yo decided it was time to sleep around and we had pregnancy scares and sneaking around and it was just awful! they've both done a 180 since then thankfully, now they are 16 and 17 and really focusing on their future. So my heart goes out to you!

Well I had to peek at the scale this morning and I'm down 1.6 lbs!!!! I know it was all that running to the bathroom yesterday, but that is 1.6 lbs that will not come back!

So how does everyone deal with eating out on this plan? do you take your food with you or go for a lean and green meal? I told my dh that we will not be eating out for the next month, lol.. it's one of my weaknesses.. so I better just stay away from it. He laughed and said, think of the money we'd save, lol.. so there ya go, lol.. that is his kind of support, lol

Well anyway, here is to a fabulous OP day!!!
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Old 12-27-2007, 09:49 AM   #480  
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Michelle - Yes it has all been since 11/23 and with Medifast - isn't that unbelieveable? I think al ot of factors play in though. I did start the day afte Thanksgiving so was very bloated and also dealing with TOM issues and I think the biggest thing was all the stress from my Mom's death earlier in Nov. I was going through a no eating and then binge-eating thing for a while there and I think my body did a huge sigh of relief when I got started with Medifast. I have always been a "quick loser" but also a very quick gainer and what I need most is consistency

Spryng - WELCOME!!! You are doing great!

Waving Hi to everyone - keep it going
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