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Old 11-02-2007, 07:54 AM   #706  
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I just rejoined the program and I am hoping that with this great informational site that I will reach my goal. Thank you all for the support and inspiration.
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Old 11-02-2007, 09:58 AM   #707  
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Welcome Jaime.. Post early and post often!
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Old 11-02-2007, 10:40 AM   #708  
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Thank you Dan.
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Old 11-07-2007, 12:25 PM   #709  
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I'm 5'3'' and currently at about 192 pounds. I gained a lot of weight when I got out of school due to the lack of walking everywhere, also.. I'd like the blame birth control and poor food choices.
I work about 50 hours a week, on my feet, pretty well no breaks involved.. and yet I wasn't losing any weight. After trying many different things, my boyfriend and I both decided LA Weight Loss was the way to go.
His mother has been doing it and has lost over 50 pounds since May, so her experience with it was definitely motivation to give it a try. I've been doing it for about 3 weeks now, and I've lost 6 pounds, which I think is decent.
I'm having a hard time working full time days, with pretty much no breaks, in a pizza place. Yeah, it's hard but I get through it. Seeing some of the people that come in and buy pizza all the time is kinda motivation to keep going with LAWL..
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Old 11-12-2007, 04:17 PM   #710  
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Good Afternoon All

My name is Shelly, I am 31 years old and live in MN. I have been successful on LAWL before...but let the weight creep back on. My husband and I started a business 2 years ago and the stress has impacted my eating choices. I am not going into a center this time around. Previously I was on gold with lites, this time I will not be doing any bars so I believe I will do plan 3?! way too sick of them and dependant...Anywho nice to meet you all!
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Old 11-16-2007, 06:04 PM   #711  
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Hi everyone! My Name is Cecilia I am 26 years old. Live in ND. I recently started LA on 10/31/2007 I started at 205.4 I am down to 197. My goal is 155. I remember being that weight at one time.I can't wait to be again! I have a boyfriend right now he is really frustrated with me not going out to the bars and stuff. But I really don't want to be tempted with drinking. I wish he would just realize that it won't be like this forever. Anyway. Just thought I would say hi. Maybe I will figure this ticker thing out and keep you guys updated.
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Old 11-16-2007, 06:35 PM   #712  
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Hi Everyone,
I'm new to this site, but definitely not to dieting. I lived in Denmark last year, and was able to make a lifestyle change and lost about 40 pounds, but unfortunately when I moved back to the US, my life style changed again and it has all come back and possibly a few more! I want to catch it now, before it gets much worse. My goal is to get back to 180 lbs (about 40 pounds lost, although I won't know for sure what my start weight is until I go home tonight) by March 29th when my husband and I go to Florida for a trip. I look forward to getting to know everyone!

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Old 11-27-2007, 04:22 PM   #713  
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Hi friends,
Just wanted to finially get on and say HI. A good friend of my daughter got me strated with 3 fat chicks site a few months ago. So, a month ago my MIL, SIL, and myself became our own 3 fat chicks to help us lose some lbs. We set a goal for each one of us and so far I'm doing great I lost wieght around 7 yrs ago and have maintain all this time, but about a year ago I strated back gaining never noticing just how much I had put back on. Until I needed NEW(larger) clothes. I went to long at a healty weight and decieded I had to get this off before it just got worse. I lost before with WW, and this time I"m trying LAWL,( they are very simliar). Eat smaller portions, back on the water, more veg's, less candy (no candy now). This site is just great. I love to get on and read how everyone else does it and how they are doing. This is my first entry and I'm not to good with computer stuff, but just had to jump in there to let everyone know I'm trying to be healhty again Thanks for reading, I'll be updating soon, good luck to all
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Old 12-04-2007, 06:14 AM   #714  
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Hi guys,
I was just wandering around the net looking for replacements for LA Lites (IMO they taste like craaap) and foudn this beautiful websites.
I have always been overweight. My mommy had a thing for "chubby babies" and I was the first child so I got stuck with the never-ending baby fat. My mother and my (younger) sister are both very skinny, they get compliments all the time and it used to bother me when I was 13ish but I'm over it now. My mum is a size 5 and my sister is a 00 ... yep, I did get stuck with the bad genes. My dad is upwards of 225 lbs and diabetic. Mom's side is nice and slim, dad's side is a little obese.
Anyhow, I started struggling with my weight in my mid-teens. When I was 17, I lost a whole bunch of weight and dropped from 180 lbs to 159 lbs but gained it all back Freshman year.
I started LA this October and am now down to 179 (after going off-track). They predict my weight will be off by March and I am hopeful
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Old 12-04-2007, 09:30 AM   #715  
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Default Hi Everyone!

My name is Lindsey and I am new to 3FC. I am 27 soon to be 28 (Dec. 23rd) and live in Pennsylvania. I first did LAWL in 2000, I was then 205 and was able to get down to 145 lbs, which is a good weight for me being 5'8 and a medium build. Then I got my gallbladder taken out because of gallstones caused by the weight loss. LAWL is not to blame, it was just the fact I lost so much weight. That threw off my working out and I gained back some of the weight but stayed around 170 lbs for a while. After college I got a job in my hometown but after a year was forced to transfer to Philadelphia. I was there for three years and in that time I went up to my max weight by fair, 269 lbs. It was alot of binge eating, and eating out of boredom because I was away from my friends and family. I got transfered back home this spring so now I am ready to take control of my weight. I rejoined LAWL, but found it hard to get my mind in the right frame so I took some seminars at my gym and now I am really ready. Looking forward to being healthy and fit before I enter my 30s.
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Old 12-04-2007, 02:19 PM   #716  
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Hi, I am Julie and I am from WI. I am new to LAWL. I just started my TakeOff yesterday-and am very excited about the plan. I am currently 5'4" and weigh 192. My goal is 150-and the possiblity of being there before next summer excites me. I have to say TakeOff is hard for me cuz I am not a big veggie eater, but look fw'd to the rest of the program. I know I can do it. My Mother in Law started last april and lost like 33 lbs by July-she has inspired me to try as well!!! I found this site by googling LAWL-and I am excited to get to know everyone and hear about all of their success....I tried to get one of the cute little goal trackers-but can't figure it out....I am sure with enough time I will...
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Old 12-08-2007, 05:46 AM   #717  
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I have been on LAWL since October 3, 2007. I have currently lost 15.56 pounds. Some days I feel great about my weightloss, some days I wish it was more. A friend suggested this site to me, because she said that it will keep me motivated to discuss topics with individuals going through the same experiences. I read a lot of the topics, frustrations, and joys. I did feel motivated and have decided to post. If there is any advice that you all can give, it would be much appreciated.

Here are my stats:

Start 230/ Current 214.8/ Goal 165
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Old 12-09-2007, 02:51 PM   #718  
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Hi I'm Julie and live in Des Moines, IA. I turned 50 in Sept but don't I don't look older than 40. I've had both my thin years and fat years. I gained 15 lbs when I first started dating my current boyfriend. When the scales hit 158 I freaked out and joined LA on a whim (I drove past it every day on my way home). My boyfriend is very supportive and celebrates each lb lost with me. Although, he thinks I'm perfect just the way I was, I wasn't happy. I have a 14 year son that I've raised since he was a baby by myself. I recently finished my batchelor's degree graduating Magna Cum Laude. Again with the support of my boyfriend.

My goal is 137 (my home scale) but I told the center I wanted to lose 30 lbs. I weighed in on their scale at 162 (but in the afternoon).

My boyfriend and I recently decided to move in together - it'll probably be a few months since he has a house to sell. Between us, we have 3 dogs and a cat. We are going on a cruise in March and I really want to look good laying in the sun by the pool. I know I'll never wear a bikini since I've had 2 surgeries that basically cut my stomach muscles down the middle.

That's me in a nutshell.
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Old 12-16-2007, 10:30 PM   #719  
Plan 2 with Lites
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Hey everyone,

Im 19, from Kelowna, BC. I just joined LAWL in October. I guess you could say that for me, time is my biggest issue. Sugar-free soy lattes have become a fave. Right now I'm a full time student at UBC, and on top of that I work about 20 hours/week and take classical voice lessons. I live on my own (not in residence, thank God) with my wonderful bf of 3 years. He is completely supportive, and even is helping me pay for LAWL (obviously, starving student and all, it would be tough on my own).

I have no kids (YIKES), just 2 adorable little bunnies -- Thumper, a little angora cross who is about 14 weeks old and Bam-Bam, who is a Holland Lop who is about 16 weeks old. They are little bundles of energy, and are the sweetest creatures on Earth. They also are a big inspiration to me, because they force me to keep fresh veggies on hand all the time.

In my grade 12 year and into Freshman year at uni, I packed on about 50 lbs. Being only 5'2, thats a lot. I've always been a little body-concious (what teenager isn't?) but I've really gotten fed up of feeling fat and ugly and most of all, of not enjoying shopping anymore. My goal weight is 120, but my ultimate goal is to be able to go shopping and not be able to decide on anything, not because nothing looks good, but because EVERYTHING looks good.

The bf and I are going to Australia for a year in September and I want to look hot in a bikini so I can be a super surfer chick. Haha. One can dream. The fact that I won't even be able to stay upright does not even play into this dream.

So thats me I guess!

Last edited by bunnylubber13; 12-16-2007 at 10:34 PM.
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Old 12-18-2007, 01:20 PM   #720  
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My name is Kelly. I am 35, happily married to a Firefighter/Paramedic, and we have a wonderful (most of the time) little boy who turns 8 in January.

I started with the centers back in September weighing in at a whopping 311.8 (the most I have EVER weighed). Since then I have dropped to 262.8 (as of this morning) ... and still going. I decided to do this because my parents both did it and have had such great success. I am sad that the centers are closing ... more for the people that work there than for me. I have the information, my parents, and now all of you to help me get there. I simply needed the regimentation. I can be accountable to myself and the scale.

My son asked me when I talked about doing this why I wanted to go in a diet, he said I was beautiful just the way I was. I decided then and there I would make sure he never looked at me and thought otherwise. I will get to 175; hopefully before the end of next year. I will stay there and never go back.

I work out 4-6 days a week on the Elliptical and the Recumbant bike. I am planning on instituting a weight routine as soon as my husband shows me how to make all the changes on the Crossbow.

I had a goal of 270 by New Year and made that, now I have a Goal of 240, which is right around 1/2 way. I would like to see this by Spring Break. Keep your fingers crossed ... light a candle ... say a prayer ... I'll take whatever will help

I just wanted to let you all know I am here, not just for me, but for anyone needing any type of support I can give.

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