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Old 02-12-2009, 10:29 PM   #121  
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Just a quickie post... I saw this proverb and thought I'd share!

Fall seven times, stand up eight.
~ Japanese Proverb
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Old 02-12-2009, 11:01 PM   #122  
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Default Appreciation for my dear Beckies

I can say this without a doubt. Beckies are the best. Thanks to all for making me smile and laugh out loud.

Tera, I can so relate to the 13 different tissues challenge. It has been so long, but you said it so well. they certainly all looked to same to me.

Anne, bless you, bless you for the Michael Scott recommendation. I am up for anything that comes remotely close to Harry Potter. And for me, for sometime to come, it can only come close. And as another Survivor fan, you will feel my pain. I can't get CBS on my dish anymore, so I am attempting a Survivor -free season. Not up to watching on my laptop, so I am trying to go cold turkey. Lemme know what you think......but my burning question for you is:

How on this green earth do you find the time to do all the reading??? Do you EVER sleep? Seriously, girl.

Well, lol, ChinaMaine, I think you were entertaining the wildlife with your stork impression getting back into your "ice-thingies. Kudos for wearing such sensible devices.

Shout out to all.
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Old 02-12-2009, 11:21 PM   #123  
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Originally Posted by maryblu View Post
How on this green earth do you find the time to do all the reading??? Do you EVER sleep? Seriously, girl.
Ummm. No, not really. But I do read sort of fast when I get into it. Now stop passing notes.

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Old 02-13-2009, 05:42 AM   #124  
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Thumbs up Friday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Had a delightful simple dinner at the house of friends. Turned down seconds all around. CREDIT moi. Snarfed a small dessert, a gourmet bakery thingy with four raspberries proudly sitting on top. Oh Well. But walking there and back helped take the edge off that.

maryblu - Good luck with cold turkey on Survivor, LOL. On another thread a poster in Tennessee reported the joyful sounds of newly arrived migrating birds and the first shoots coming up for the Spring. Wow; that's so not here. You getting Spring up there?

Jean (kuhljeanie) - Ouch for "still feeling all the YICK." Good detective work there adding up all the symptoms; hope it all turns out well. YICK was my DW's symptom for PG before she was ready to acknowledge.

Thanks for the thoughts about "window shopping food." I'll ponder those. Part of it I'm willing to attribute to my new interest in preparing my lunches, learning about cooking and healthy foods, and fetish for finding bargains. Part is making up goals to inspire my walks. But part does seem like too much interest so I'm open to reviewing my motives here.

Robin (RobinW) - Congrats on considering expanding your business to include a sales person. You gotta send a blackberry email to Obama telling him you're hiring because he's kinda desperate for some good economic news.

Ouch for the test results for DH. Sending supportive thoughts.

CityEmployeeOnebyone - Huge Congrats on taking the job as Art Teacher. Yay for income. Big Kudos for having your head in the right place to see the potential in the July Art in the Park show. Yep, you're on the "persist in victory..." track.

Anne (wndranne) - Ouch for "little Prince Crank" and "planless." Kudos for stepping forth to make a plan for the rest of the day. Perhaps you can invent a device that holds a book to read while walking a hurting kid.

Tera (twilit tera) - Yay for figuring out how to use your vinegar'd tofu. Kudos for continuing to wear your shoes.

ChinaMaine - Ouch for getting your eating out of sync; great reminder of the benefits of sticking to plan. Reminds me why I have a problem with the Intuitive Eating guys; sometimes life doesn't allow eat when you're hungry. If I followed Intuitive Peeing I wouldn't make a pre-emptive stop at the boys room before a three hour meeting, LOL.

LOL at "drunken vegetarian" swilling her V8 juice.

Readers -
Success Skill 5
Get Moving

This program isn't just about losig weight. It's about getting healthy and loosing excess weight for the last time.
..." The Complete Beck Diet for Life, pg 69

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 02-13-2009 at 07:59 AM. Reason: Typo
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Old 02-13-2009, 07:16 AM   #125  
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tera Reaching your all-day shoe goal! They must be effective if you made it to the mail box and back!

robin Good to hear you are feeling better. Sorry about hubby's echo; hope it turns out to be nothing. Maybe it will scare him into moving to popcorn without butter (at least use that Smart Balance stuff!)

kuhljeanie Sounds terrible to say I'm glad you have a thyroid problem, but because the cure is a simple cheap medication usually without side effects - it can be a good thing! I've a friend who swears she's like a zombie without it. And your symptoms are certainly classic. You don't eat a lot soy, do you? I've read high soy product intake can affect your thyroid hormone levels negatively.

Anne Sorry about the sinus infection. Hope you got meds to clear it up quickly.

Onebyone Fantastic news about being on the city payroll and the Art in the Park show! All your hard work is paying off! It's great to see your talent acknowledged and appreciated! Credit seeing what's happening with craving and not sabotaging your victory. Recognition has to be the first step.

chinamaine LOL drunken vegetarian guzzling V8, for not scarfing some sugar laden misnamed "powerbar". Just think of all the core work you were getting in with your stork imitation maneuvers! That was a pilates field trip.

Bill You make it sound so easy to have an unplanned dinner with friends, and here I turn a luncheon into armageddon. Am I a drama queen or what!

Yep, we have spring bulbs coming up, I expect blooms in the new few weeks!

I'm really proud of myself - I'm beginning to believe I can actually have trigger foods in the house. For so many years my mind set has been "can't have that in the house". It feels really good to make cookies, eat one for a preplanned "taste test" (pass) and reject the urge to gobble down more. I stayed on plan through two days of cooking my favorite tortilla soup and fococcia plus the low cal chocolate chip cookies and stayed right on plan, within my calorie count.

Today's the real test. I have a plan that includes bonus calories and plenty for lunch, albeit only things I am bringing. The hardest part will be feeling like a jerk for not at least trying anyone else's food. But I don't feel ready for making on the spot decisions. I just have to explain I'm on a strict diet plan right now that works for me and I have to stick with it. If everything goes well, I'll crack open my chocolate bar for a carefully portioned desert tonight. This group has a real history of indulging in food orgies together which sounds bizarre considering we all met at the gym years ago! Unfortunately we share an all or nothing mind set and get togethers have traditionally been in the "all" category. I can do this though, I know I can. I'll be a poster child for 3FC!

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Old 02-13-2009, 10:56 AM   #126  
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Thursday Report

OP Food
Exercise at the gym about 30 min, incl. stretching, pool walking, and just waving my arms around
3FC x2
Oh, well. I messed up on the instructions for the Cleanse system. Fortunately, it's a very gentle system, and I do believe the body gives me some flexibility on these things. Today I will do it right.

Extra Credit:
reaching for an orange instead of the cookies B picked up for tomorrow night, when I wasn't quite satisfied with dinner.

I've lost another 4 pounds!! I must finish this post and fix my ticker!

(Hmm. In the UK, losing 4 pounds would be a bad thing.)

I have a biology lab quiz and section test to take today, but I'm much more interested in turning Oblivion back on and doing another quest. (Yesterday, I joined the Thieves' guild and got knighted!) I only got a C on the last test, which is... unheard of in a year and a half. Oh, well. I'm rambling, right? Well the longer I spend here, the longer it is til I have to start my test. :|

ChinaMaine: You do have a keeper there, in that husband! Too bad you can't keep him in your pocket and take him out during those long meetings.

Would keeping an "on plan" urgency snack be a good idea. Some people can do that and others don't resist turning every occasion into an urgency.

for you getting outside for exercise on an icy, slushy day. Thank you, because as a model student, I really appreciate the extra credit i get from you!

maryblu: What a beautiful pic you have in your avatar these days! You have my sympathies for a survivor-free season. I too have favorite shows that give me something to look forward to. But why not watch on your laptop? I find that watching over the net is a great way to schedule my shows around my life, like TiVo without the subscription.

Bill: for you turning down seconds!

Davidette: for resisting those tempting foods!! I'm not yet at the point where I trust myself that way. Wishing you lots of luck at that lunch today. Hopefully, the others will see how good you are to yourself and encourage you.

...Darn, I'm out of personals... guess I'll have to go take that test.
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Old 02-13-2009, 11:46 AM   #127  
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Hi all, my name is Tali (rhymes with Sally), I'm new to this site and, quite frankly, I find it a little intimidating. I'm having a hard time maneuvering my way around it, so I hope that this post goes to the Beck group.

Anyway, I heard about the Beck book on the My Food Diary website. I recently read the book written by the founder of The Structure House. That book helped me immensely because it looks at weight problems from a lot of different perspectives, one of them psychological. It really helped me to change the way I thought about food. But, once I heard about Beck book I was even more intrigued because Beck, being a Cognitive therapist, looks at the weight issue from an entirely psychological perspective. That is exactly what I was looking for, so I purchased the book, started reading it and set out to find a group that I could discuss the theories and practices with.

So, that's my story. I look forward to getting to know the group.
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Old 02-13-2009, 01:37 PM   #128  
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Sorry that I have not been students on the bus have been very challenging this week and it has been very hard. Have been keeping myself from overdoing it with food. That is a kudo for me. Am tired today and glad that for the next 4 day I am off. Plan on taking some time for me.
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Old 02-13-2009, 02:54 PM   #129  
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just a quickie for now. Things have been crazy around here. All friends and family are accounted for. Thoughts and prayers to the families who had loved ones on Continental flight 3407.
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Old 02-13-2009, 05:28 PM   #130  
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Cool Friday the 13th

Just another day I’m checking in early to be able to spend nice evening with my hubby. Talk to you all tomorrow!
Food – op
Exercise – op – and my tummy doesn’t hurt from the jack-knifes today!
Beck – WI-down .25 lbs. Even better, I actually have a waist again. Well more of a hint of a waist. Plus a friend of mine commented today ‘wow – your pants are looking droopy’ Now Tim Gunn wouldn’t mean that as a compliment, but she did and I certainly took it that way. I’m starting to think there may be a smaller pair of jeans in my future!!
Bill – CREDIT for a successful evening out – no seconds of anything!

davidette – eating one cookie, staying op making your favs – EXTRA CREDIT That can only be the product of really hard work!! Best wishes at lunch today!!

twilit tera – 4 lbs. woohoo indeed!! And credit for op food, exercise and a tasty orange after dinner. I like the idea of the emergency, but op, snack. I just need to give it some more thought… Thanks!

Tali -
You did post to the Beck group. I started reading the book and joined this group about 3 weeks or so. Like you I wanted to approach dieting from a psych perspective, since just calorie-counting and promising myself to exercise has not been working for me. Although I haven’t officially started to ‘diet’ yet, I’ve really begun to approach food and exercise differently. (And I’ve lost over 8 lbs since I started.) So, for me, it’s been a huge, happy experience. I hope you find the same!

angelmomma - Bravo for the restraint. More importantly, enjoy your weekend – and your ‘me-time’.

Robin (my family was unaffected too)

maryblu -
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Old 02-13-2009, 08:06 PM   #131  
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My hubby loves me SO much! He got me a blender for valentine's day!!

Not romantic enough for ya'? I'd been wanting a blender since I read about volumetrics. I've been thinking about all the tasty things I could drink for a minimum of calories - all the nutritious and yummy things that would smoothe up so well! He wants me to be healthy, happy, and active again - hence the loving gift!!!

I'm now sittin' here with my first ever home-made orange smoothie. One orange, 1/2 cup soymilk, 2 cups ice and a little Splenda type sweetener. I am one happy camper!

I got a B on my biology test, which is an improvement over the C I got on the previous one, but I was cheated out of an A by one question. I emailed my professor to dispute it. (I was polite and specific about why I thought the test had the wrong answer.)

Oh, yeah... Happy Friday the 13th!

Tali! Yes, you did indeed find the Beck group! If you haven't yet, you might want to select "Subscribe to this Thread" from the thread tools at the top of the page. That way to get back to us you can go to your User Control Panel. We are a friendly, supportive group. Very willing to help, give you a kick in the tush or a shoulder to cry on... whichever you need. You'll soon get a greeting from BillBlueEyes, our noble leader. He's very on top of this thread.

Glad you decided to join us!

angelmomma: If anybody deserved some special time, it's you! Hope you are recharged before having to face the kiddos again and for not soothing with food.

Robin: Glad that you and yours are safe.

ChinaMaine: and for OP food and exercise! Extra for developing the resistance so that your abs no longer hurt!
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Old 02-13-2009, 08:29 PM   #132  
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Hi to all, and welcome, Tali. What a beautiful name.

Tera, congrats on 4#s. Wow. One of our Beckie engineers can tell you the actual pounds of pressure that takes off your joints (me, I don't *do* math), but I know that it all helps. You won't believe how much a joint will forgive you for 50#s. At 60#, your joints are singin', and at 80#s they are waking you up in the morning to get moving! You go, girl. And I may *have* to watch Survivor on my laptop. There just doesn't seem to be any one character in this season's lineup that I can really get behind.

It was so cool last season when Bob won.....BillBE, did I ever tell you he reminded me of you? Really cool, really smart.....did you follow it at all? He soooo deserved to win. And as for the Intuitive *are in touch with your feminine side, aren't you??

My only "problem" with the "Intuitive Eating Guys" ahemmm, gals
--this is, after all, 3F Chicks, BBE, is that they talk too much about it. Isn't it supposed to be, well, intuitive?? I mean, aren't they supposed to "just do it"?

Now, don't misundertake me. Whatever works. And, that is kinda what worked for me. Those of you who have been around the Beck thread awhile know that I lost the weight by eating whatever I wanted, and I mean EXACTLY what I wanted, just less. So, that is kinda what worked for me.

That said, since there have been so many book reviews lately, I am not sure I ever mentioned one of the best books on weight issues I have ever read. It did click with me, and I rank it right in there with the wisdom of Beck; it is Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell, by Debra Waterhouse. It rang so true I lent it to a friend, and of course, did not get it back. Can't remember now which friend, though if one of my formerly fat friends shows up thin, then I may have to frisk her.

You will want to read it, Anne, and LOL, at the passing notes. Great minds......

ChinaMaine, congrats on the waist, though I have always held that a waist is a terrible thing to mind.

Robin, yes, I share your thoughts about flight 3409. It must have been terribly close to you, and must be all the more real and terrible for that. So sad and ironic that Beverly Eckhart, the 911 widow, traveling to Buffalo to honor her deceased husband's 58th birthday, died on the flight. Such tragedy for all families and friends.

Hi Angelmomma! Will look forward to an update when you get rested.

Onebyone, what a great light you found at the end of the tunnel! Congrats on your success, and on being Canadian. Just read the article in Newsweek by Fareed Zakaria on the Canadian banking system and Canada being the only country still solvent...completely above the fray by following sound banking rules and common sense. Yanno, I am not *that far is tempting....but then, the thought of one more zone north for gardening purposes just really hurts. Zone 3....4 if protected, just really is all I can bear! And no, BBE, no spring here, but winter today was very tolerable. 14 degrees, sunny, no wind. Balmy. Seriously. I can soooo handle winter like this.

Missed some of you in personals, will catcha next time; the dawgs are getting restless..time to referee the time out(sides).
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Old 02-13-2009, 09:05 PM   #133  
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Coaches/Buddies Another sicko day here at the household. DS might be getting better. I'm starting to feel a little less awful after 24 hrs on the antibiotics. I tried to nap today; it didn't happen, but I did get some rest. I am on plan, except for an orange I didn't have time to eat for my morning snack, and on plan is always tough for me when I'm sick. I might even do a little Wii before Battlestar.

DH & I got records pulled together for taxes last night, and he got it off to the accountant this afternoon, so that is basically done. Bill's piles that multiply like bacteria have been on my mind, and I did a clean sweep on the kitchen island this morning. Should we start a pool on how long until every square inch is covered??

onebyone EXCELLENT news on your new job! And on the Art in the Park show! You keep on persisting.

Tera You are seriously taking a Computer Literacy course? That's got to be the modern equivalent of Basket Weaving. Or Bowling, which was my PE class.

Awesome news on the 4 lbs!

A valentine's blender! Cool. Let's hear it for orange smoothies.

ChinaMaine I think you did great considering the circumstances you were in yesterday. It is so easy to do much much more damage than V8. Is this something that happens often? Do you think a back-up plan for crazy days like this would be helpful?

Are you waiting for your waist to hint a bit more for new jeans? Get thee to a mall! (Lisa, you can punch me for that one.)

maryblu I harassed you yesterday while I wasn't sleeping. But I should mention that I don't watch much TV these days. Survivor, Biggest Loser, Battlestar Galactica, and the Tudors. And I watch on DVR so, for example, BL takes only about an hour skipping commercials and bouncing scales and whatnot. Tudors don't start for a couple months and BG is ending in 5 more weeks. So maybe 2 hours a week, not counting Dora the Explorer and Sid the Science Kid. TV is SUCH a timekiller.

And you just snuck back in as I type! There is a pro cyclist on Survivor, so I have an instant favorite. This looks to be a fun one, with a few interesting characters.

I read Why Women Need Chocolate by Debra Waterhouse way back in the dark ages of dieting. I remember liking it.

Bill I think seconds for dessert is usually a good trade myself.

I don't understand intuitive eating either. I plan and/or manage almost everything else in my life. Why should food be any different?

maryblu beat me to the Intuitive Peeing comment, so I'll just sit back and snicker.

davidette I'm glad you can have trigger foods around. That seems like a big accomplishment. I still don't. I do allow myself to eat them, but don't make them easy to get. I have to want it bad to drive to the store, and then I have a lot of time to talk myself down on the way there.

I hope your lunch went well.

Tali I'm a head case myself when it comes to food. That's why I like the Beck perspective. One thing that is interesting about the new book (CBDL) is that the food plan integrates the latest in nutrition and satiety studies to keep you from getting tremendously physically hungry, so that you can work the psychological issues. CBDL isn't exclusively a psychological approach, and I like the integrated nature of the program, even if I'm not following the food plan. My suspicion is that many people were not using BDS with sensible diets and the lizard brain took over, which would make the psychological approach appear not to work.

Chris Glad you are going to be taking some time for yourself. It is nice to see you posting--I've missed you the last few days.

RobinW I'm so glad your loved ones are OK. I lost a cousin in a plane crash a couple years ago. We weren't especially close, but the loss was just unfathomable. Absolutely shocking. I had trouble flying for a while, and needed to fly a lot for my job at the time--something we had in common. I still feel it in the pit of my stomach when I see a plane crash on the news.

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Old 02-14-2009, 03:44 AM   #134  
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I've come crawling back.

I got down to my lowest weight of 169 with BDS when it first came out and then sadly quit. For a long time I maintained but gradually started gaining again. I'm now back up over 200! I need to start doing the Beck Diet Solution again and would love some support.

Any other re-starters? How do you get back into it since you have already read the book and made the lists/cards? Did you redo everything or just start planning right away?
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Old 02-14-2009, 05:40 AM   #135  
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Thumbs up Welcome Tali (Tali199)

Tali (Tali199)

Welcome to the Discussion Group, Support Group, Diet Buddy / Diet Coach Group for the two books by Dr. Judith Beck, The Complete Beck Diet for Life and The Beck DIET solution: train your brain to think like a thin person.

The book names above are links to Amazon via 3FC where you can buy the books.

And, in honor of your first post on 3FatChicks,

Neat that you found out about Beck through your "My Food Diary" website.

How did you find this thread on 3FC?
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