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Old 02-26-2009, 07:32 AM   #256  
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maryblu I'm a sprout person too; have you tried pita halves? They keep them corralled pretty well, especially with some hummus as glue. Decorate with feta cheese and a few sliced olives and you feel like Martha Stewart.

kuhljeanie comfy 12's! using that as motivation and not an excuse to relax your efforts!

tera Enjoyed the Berke Breathed cartoon (yes I had to do the address bar / enter routine, glad you mentioned). I'll be sharing that one! Thanks also for:
"Losing weight is sort of like quitting smoking. Successful quitters often try a few times before they actually kick the habit. Giving up an unhealthy lifestyle can be equally challenging, so it's okay if you've tried a few diets that didn't work.. In fact, there's not one thing in life that doesn't improve with practice."
I'm a former smoker (about 25 years ago now) who quit only after quite a few aborted attempts. The turning point was when I actually believed in myself; that I could do it. Having dieted since I was about the age of 12, I need reassurance that this can be the time it becomes a permanent change.

power back on. BIG CREDIT sticking to a plan; I went 18 days without electricity once (hurricane) and spent most of that time having a pity party.

They seem to be discovering more every day about the prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in our society and it's importance in disease prevention. I've been taking 400 IU daily for years, my mom needs at least 1,000 IU daily to keep her level within normal. you have to go through another blood draw! Kudos for being proactive in your health; knowing what you need, keeping up with results, etc.

Robin being cool with an uptick from the scale; I try to be optimistic about most things, but when it comes to weigh in, I give myself an "expect the worst" pep talk.

Hoping you passed Hubby's cold right on along to someone else!

Anne Good luck on your trip; I'm exhausted just reading your preparations . You would think they would have managed to make car seats collapsible or pop up by now; or rentable at airports, like cars.

Bill Kudos for recognizing and rejecting your inner fat chick's blowout plans. Interesting about DW being your "hall monitor". I had lunch with a friend yesterday and I boldly announced my decision to only eat 3 potato chips because I knew I'd feel so ashamed and embarrassed to eat more after making my goal public. I felt a little obnoxious, but it worked. Somewhat in the way I don't want to have to report here about going off plan, so I've made you guys my authority figure.

I keep being struck lately by how brief a time period I've been sticking to the Beck program compared to most of you. That's probably a good thing considering the alternative is to feel like I've been suffering through a diet forever and can't wait to stop! But I wonder how long tricks like the 3 potato chip announcement will work! Well... baby steps.

Weights and elliptical today, skipping cycling because my cycle buddy won't be there (see authority figure above)!

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Old 02-26-2009, 10:02 AM   #257  
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Default hi from one of the bisy backsons

i'm taking the day off sick, finally (sigh of relief.) would have yesterday, but i was piloting a new training series (first module) and with all the logistics - food, people coming in, etc., rescheduling really wasn't an option. i figure if i'm doing lots of valuable things for our back office, if it ever comes to layoffs, i'll be lower on the list. so this was a no choice of the work variety. it went fine and now i'm comfortably collapsed at home.

i got my eating right back on track, and am now down another pound and a half from my previous low. (how the HECK did that happen???) another huge milestone coming up - in just two pounds, my BMI will go from obese to overweight. it's been at least a decade since i've seen that (and at the time i stayed there for around 5 minutes.) i would love to tear up the dayton mall and try on something in EVERY SINGLE STORE, but alas, i don't have the capital if i were to fall in love with something, and i don't plan on being a 12 indefinitely either. what's a memory card, china? i'm guessing it's in the new book, and is probably a way to reinforce the good feelings you get when you're on plan. it's definitely a high.

a few credits:
  • credit moi for getting right back on track when i slipped for a week
  • credit moi for knowing there was going to be pizza for dinner at work monday, telling them not to include me in the count, and bringing my own dinner
  • credit moi for finding out what they were ordering for lunch yesterday, and planning my food around it so i could make it work (the day before, no less)
  • credit moi for pushing myself to work out on monday night because i felt like i was starting to establish a pattern
  • credit moi for realizing after that workout that i need to let my body rest so i can get healthy and have great runs again, and to do that for the right reasons
(e.g. i know i'm not copping out or sliding - i'm actually sick.)

oh yeah, credit moi for continuing to post on this thread. i'm not as regular as i'd like to be, but i'm keeping fingers and toes crossed that i'll be billing again soon and i'll be in charge of managing my own time.

davidette and china, isn't it crazy about vitamin D? especially considering how easy it is to get? 15 minutes in the sun produces some crazy amount of it (can't remember offhand, but it's a multiple by many of how much we get through diet.) really says something about how unnatural the way we live is. i also think that the length of time many of us have spent on beck can reassure you that this is something you are infinitely able to do for the long haul. it's the most weight i've ever lost, the longest i've kept it off, with the least amount of suffering (although the work is probably on par with previous attempts.) bill, i also have tendency to jump immediately into planning for overeating when i know i'll be alone. what is that ABOUT? DH has never policed me at mealtime, but there's some accountability switch that gets flipped off at the prospect of eating alone. mazel tov on the lunges! good luck anne on your travels! that's a lot of stuff...i don't envy you. we're planning a trip or two this year at the most, and they'll be car-based. sounds like the amount of stuff increases exponentially with each kid. tera, keeping my fingers crossed that your refund comes quickly. thanks for the reminder that i also need to do my taxes - we have a lot of work to do on the cincinnati house before we can list it, and we're not making much headway at all. a refund check would help us unload MUCH faster. robin, sharing a cyber pot of tea and box of hankies for us sickies. jen, awesome job not overeating in a fog! that's a serious accomplishment.
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Old 02-26-2009, 10:06 AM   #258  
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how about this for a slip? i just went to update my signature with my loss, and changed it to 187 instead of 167 (i fixed it when i realized what i had done.) still getting my head around the weight i actually am, instead of the weight i'm used to being. funny, huh? if it takes this long for the good news to sink in, geez...
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Old 02-26-2009, 10:08 AM   #259  
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Wednesday Report

100% OP!! (Food, Supplements, Pool, Careful moving, Anti-Inflammatory, Staying On Task, 3FCx2) Whew!!

I guess both Blackburn (BTYSP) and Beck are recommending daily WI now, and it will be interesting to see what patterns of weight loss/gain I go through each week/month. So I'm gearing up for daily WI.

I weighed myself at the healthclub, then had B weigh me at home. There was a 13lb difference! So now I face the decision of using the scale at home, which is reporting a lower weight and provides easy access, and the scale at the club, which is one of those balance scales like at the dr. office and certain to be more accurate. (In the meantime, I get a big shiny sticker for losing another 6 pounds, including one I'd gained, since my last WI!!)

Today's goals are all the ones I had yesterday, plus 2: games/computer off by 9pm, light's out by 10pm. I'm hoping with the electronics off an hour before, I'll be more prepared for sleep when I do get to bed. I have trouble dropping off in the evenings, even when I'm exhausted. I'm also reducing my caffeine consumption.

ChinaMaine: Hooray for the power being on! Hooray for the WiiFit! and for being OP foodwise even with complications!

I hope the remainder of your tests are done quickly and come out well. I why they weren't done as you specified?!

Anne: So you're the Busy Backson! That's quite a schedule!

Sorry to hear about your tax woes. Thank you for helping fund our government.

Good luck with the luggage/travel issues. I hope you enjoy the trip and look forward to your report after the lurking is over!

Bill: You do make me laugh! Congrats on becoming your inner fat chick's substitute authority figure! It truly is one thing to behave when people are there to see it, and another to behave when the only one who notices is you.

Regarding calculating how OP I am, it's simple division, really. I keep adding things to my list of things I need to do to stay OP. Rather than spend half my post space on little purple smilies, I'm giving myself a different smilie depending on how many of the things on my list I actually do.

Davidette: I'm also a fan of "pocket bread sandwiches" - especially with sprouts! That is what you had in mind when you recommended pitas to maryblu, right?

I'm glad the quote was as encouraging to you as to me. Maybe it's an ex-smoker thing... I quit about 5 years ago, after losing a ton of weight, which I subsequently regained. As if I could only handle dealing with one bad habit at a time. Well, I no longer have any smoking urge to speak of, so I reckon I'm ready for getting the weight under control.

That's probably a good thing considering the alternative is to feel like I've been suffering through a diet forever and can't wait to stop!
If that thought does occur to you, I recommend answering that:

a. You have the choice of suffering from overweight or "suffering" through being OP (if in fact, you're suffering - you might want to take stock of that)
b. There is no stopping. Period. There will never be a time you don't need to make conscious decisions that keep yourself fit.

I think that it was that second realization that is making such a difference with me. I may go off the wagon for a day, a week, a month, but the long-term investment must be made and there's no finish line. This is not a race. (To use the smoking metaphore, will you ever reach a day where it'll be okay to smoke?)

Hopefully that'll shut your inner fat chick up so you can get back to business!
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Old 02-26-2009, 11:15 AM   #260  
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Good Morning

Im feeling a bit better, but Im tired. For what ever reason, both hubby and I couldnt sleep very well last night. I didnt turn the light off until after 2:30 and dh tossed and tured all night. Curious.

Im hoping this cold doesnt take hold like it did to dh. Im better than I was yesterday...seems getting ticked and refusing to accept that Im getting sick did the trick. I may be typing too soon we'll see.

ChinaMaine~ Oh!! Im glad you got your power and water back. That wet snow is dangerous. Do you remember the freak October storm we had here a few years ago? That is some dangerous snow! Im glad you all are doing good and BIG kudos for even attempting to keep to your plan. Awesome job!!

Anne~ have fun!! Thatsalotta stuff!! About the fun running away girl....I did the "bad" mom thing and scared my daughter into not running or hiding. My mom spanked me for it I used mental anquish on mine....I dont know which is worse. I still use it. She's 12 and has a better understanding of the world around her, so she seems to understand when I get upset when I can't find her. Even tho she isnt doing it on purpose.

Have fun and enjoy your time away with everyone!!

Bill~ Awesome job keeping to your plan and nixing the inner fatchick plans!!

Yup, hubby did good yesterday. Our webdesigner is a bit different. BUT, she's brilliant and if she ever charged us what she was actually worth, we would never be able to afford her. This girl pulled over to the side of the road during a snow storm, hooked up her laptop to my pc and fixed an issue I was having with photoshop(from her truck!). She's just amazing!! But man is she hard to pin down and get her here to the shop to get things done for us. So when she says she's make the herculean effort to get here

I got on the scale again today....Im still doing ok with the numbers. Hopefully it will stay "ok".

Im off op a bit, but not too bad. The last thing I want to eat when Im not feeling up to snuff is healthy food. I want the comfort stuff. So I had noodles yesterday which is wayyyyy off plan for me. But I felt good eating it. Go figure. Today so far is good.

Oh......I craved something cold and juicy yesterday. Hubby walked over to the market and bought some "delicious" apples. Wow where they good!! Nice and cold with a good snap to them when you take a bite. I love them like that. So I'll get my fill of them now before they get all woody and pulpy. I love'em!

K.......Im off to get some work done. Have a great day everyone!
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Old 02-26-2009, 11:16 AM   #261  
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wow....either we were all posting at the same time, or I completely missed a whole page
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Old 02-26-2009, 03:29 PM   #262  
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for those of us who will be happy when February is over... for todays date Feb 26/09 Im sure if you click on it tomorrow it will be the next day's comic and will probably not match my comment
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Old 02-26-2009, 09:28 PM   #263  
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Good evening, Beck-ers!

Yesterday was not so great . . . after being OP all day (including exercise) I got home from evening class and decided stress eating seemed like a good thing to do. Ugh. I wasn't happy with myself. But that was yesterday, and today was planned and OP. I made more filling choices today, and I know that will help with any desire to eat later. That and some (but not all) of the reasons for stress have been reduced somewhat.

RobinW - I moved from Florida to one of the grayest, ickiest cities ever (I've since moved away form there!). I very much agree with that cartoon.

Tera - I would weigh on both scales and choose whichever one I liked better at that moment. How often can you weigh in on your gym scale? For myself, seeing the bathroom scale every day is more helpful, but that's just for me.

kuhljeanie - How are you feeling? I hope you're doing better. WTG on almost being moved down a level in the BMI scale!!! Right now, that's a HUGE advantage I'm thinking about. I have to buy my own insurance, and being just overweight, instead of obese, will be cheaper.

Bill - CREDIT for the leftovers - but I completely understand how eager that "inner fat chick" is just dying to get her own way so much. (Thanks for a great mental picture, by the way! ) I've had those thoughts more than once, but just not been as honest about them. Apparently, some part of my brain feels I deserve a daily fudge brownie sundae. Which is ridiculous, but I still feel that way lots of times.

Hope you all have a great night!
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Old 02-26-2009, 09:48 PM   #264  
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Hello, Beckbuddies!

It's been a good, on-task day. I think I'll be ready to take those tests this weekend.

Nothing out of the ordinary to report.

Jen: I can weigh in at the gym as often as I go. Right now, that's 4 days a week, but using their scale might be incentive to go more.

About the stress eating - have you made a response card for stressful situations? I eat from depression or boredom more than stress - I have response cards to read when I'm feeling down.

Hmmm. Maybe I should take my own advice and keep them in a more convenient place. They are in my purse, but sometimes I don't even know where my purse is!

Okay, g'night all!
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Old 02-26-2009, 10:44 PM   #265  
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Talking Thursday

I fee like I’m on a roll!
Beck – WI-down 1.5 lbs. – a new low and met my mini-goal of 191 lbs. (My reward for meeting this goal is a yoga-mat. No more doing jack-knifes on a pine floor!) And, I decided to try on some old jeans this AM, and they fit! I’m now officially a size 16 again. So, credit for making progress and a reminder on why I want to stay op in the future! I read my cards. Since I need a new mini-goal – it’s 186 lbs.
Food / Exercise – op (sort of). Had planned to get sushi after grocery shopping tonight. But they were closed unexpectedly, so my husband made a quick meal that fit in my budgeted calories. Credit for having a thoughtful hubbie! .
I have company for the weekend, I’ve planned my at-home food to allow me to be within reason. However, we are going to spend a day out in the snow in Camden – it can include: tobogganing, snow-shoeing, skiing, tubing, walking around town, or hanging out on Mt Battie. It’ll be fun!

Several folks asked why the blood tests weren’t done as I specified. Well it’s partially my fault it turns out. The doctors office tried to call several times when I was in SD to tell me the doctor didn’t think I needed them. But my mailbox was full and they couldn’t leave a message. Since I was roaming, my missed calls didn’t come up as they should. In any case I missed all three call they made to me. If I had been able to talk to them I could have explained my good reasons for wanted the tests sooner than is typical. The assistant felt bad, but it’s certainly not her fault. She’s leaving a message for the doctor and I’ll hear back tomorrow whether the tests have been ordered as I requested, or not.

Anne - Flying with children is such a challenge – good luck!

Bill Credit for fighting your inner fat chick with your ever-strengthening resisitance muscles!

Bill/davidette/Jeanie I don’t think I’ve ever been tested for vitamin d deficiency before. The doc’s assistant says they find all kinds of people are deficient these days… I guess I need to take 1200 units a day! And I walk outside every day for 20 minutes, but the only skin exposed to the elements is my face -- of course the sun isn’t very high in the sky at 8 AM in February in Maine.

davidette I think the whole authority issue thing is quite common. I am positive it’s a big reason why I’m doing as well as I am. I use this list and the email I send every day as a spectre during the day. It keeps me honest, it keeps me making a plan and then staying true to it, at least in terms of what I find important… And its wise you use it as a tool to strengthen your resistance muscle. Someday, you will only need to say it to yourself and not announce it to the table. As you say – baby steps. I’ve only been at this for 6 weeks – I thought you had been around for years you sound so wise!

Jeanie I am SO HAPPY for you. I have been plotting and thinking about what it would feel like to be a size 12 again. It is far off for me – I figure best case is 6 months, more likely it’ll be winter again before that happens. But so what? Now I believe it CAN happen –so thank you!!! And credit for sticking to plan, planning ahead for difficult situations, exercising, and knowing when not to exercise. Yes a memory card is a card describing some success or feeling that you’ve had while trying to lose weight. When you are feeling dejected, or like you don’t want to plan, handle a difficult situation or exercise, the idea is to pull out these Memory Cards and use that memory to help you find your feet back on the path to weight loss.

Tera – BRAVO for the 6 lbs!! Kudos for op and the decision to go for daily WI. I’d say do the WI at whichever place is easiest and most comfortable for you. The important thing is to plot the trend over time, so you can see it's going down even though the number from day to day can fluctuate quite a bit.

Robin I’m glad you are feeling better and I hope that you don’t have the cold that has been hitting everyone here in Maine. It lasts for two weeks, although you do have a day here and there when you *think* you are getting better… We’ve had a lot of snow here in Maine the last 2 years, but it’s never as bad as Buffalo. (Which is never as bad as Watertown.) Luckily we all have some folks that help us put our weather in perspective.

JenMusic Sorry you went off-plan, but Credit! For being op until the very end of the day! Glad today is going to be a better day!
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Old 02-27-2009, 04:52 AM   #266  
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Thumbs up Friday - TGIF

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Time after work was tight so I thought I would just skip my walk. Then I thought I could just walk faster, LOL. So I did. CREDIT moi. Then had the wonderful thought to stop at the local library and check for a book to work on the notion that every book read doesn't have to come from Amazon and then accumulate on my shelves for life. So did that. CREDIT moi. Lunch was leftover shrimp stir fry from a dinner DW had made to be split, but after we each served ourselves, there was a serving left. So it was extra good savoring the thought that both of us had just chosen to eat lightly that night. So, Retro CREDIT moi for that dinner several nights ago.

Jean (kuhljeanie) - Yep, Whopping Big Kudos for getting back on the wagon after a week of diddling about. Ouch for sick; Double Ouch for feeling the need to go to work when sick due to billing status. Yay for thinking of buying clothes as capital spending; now that's a positive mindset that you're building a one-size wardrobe that will last longer than the next week of meals.

Robin (RobinW) - Yay for feeling a bit better. Yay for "delicious" cold apples - you got me drooling here. Just read again that apples are better for us (due to fiber) than apple sauce and both are vastly better than apple juice or cider. Ouch for missing sleep; hope that was a one night stand.

Anne (wndranne) - Waving north, g*sh d*rn it.

Tera (twilit tera) - Congrats on another six pounds. Re where to weigh: I weight daily on my scale at home recording that in one journal, and I weigh each trip to the gym recording that in my gym journal. I once put the clean set of that day's gym clothes on a kitchen scale for 2.5 pounds which, for sake of convenience, I declare any set of gym clothes to weigh exactly. There is little correlation between the two scales even after the 2.5 pound adjustment, most likely because I go to the gym at different times. I like the notion of becoming my own authority figure.

davidette - Kudos for the Beck strategy of "3 potato chip announcement." My experience is that such strategies only get better with time; they don't wear out. LOL at "hall monitor." That sure gives the thought the right mental age.

ChinaMaine - Congrats on the new mini-goal and Kudos for the mini-reward of the yoga mat. Big Kudos for serious planning for the weekend with friends. All day out in the snow sounds like great spontaneous exercise opportunities.

Jen (JenMusic) - Kudos for "that was yesterday" and going right back to OP. Ouch for the part of the reptilian brain that continues with the "I deserve" bit.

Readers -
"what to do ...
5. Get as much spontaneous exercise as you can. Walk into the bank rather than using the drive through. Park as far from the entrance of a building as you can. Take a flight of stairs rather than an escalator or elevator. Do a power walk around your building, inside or out, at lunch. Do a circuit of the mall or supermarket before you start shopping. Every little bit helps." The Complete Beck Diet for Life, pg 70

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 02-28-2009 at 06:00 AM. Reason: Typo
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Old 02-27-2009, 07:00 AM   #267  
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kuhljeanie Another weight drop! Impressive planning with the work temptations

Tera 6 pound loss! I think as ex smokers we can use that fact to boost our confidence: We succeeded in quitting that terribly addictive, unhealthy habit, we can do this too! Thanks for extending the metaphor; the next time I'm tempted by some super rich desert or greasy pizza I'll imagine taking a drag of a nasty cigarette, they are about the same health wise! I can visualize unhealthy foods the same way I see cigarettes, permanently unappealing.

robin Keep telling that cold to take a hike. Last bug I picked up, I too was angry and felt like I had already done my obligatory winter illness; lo and behold, it disappeared. Makes you wonder about the power of our mind on our immune system.

JenMusic Credit for pinpointing more filling choices during the day will help with the desire to eat later. For me, a higher calorie count spread throughout the day with a slower weight loss has almost eliminated strong emotional eating urges.

ChinaMaine New low! Mini goal met! CREDIT yoga mat: A reward and encourages exercise. That's good thinking. CREDIT planning "within reason"; that's a thought I need to keep in mind as I plan for my son being home this week. Enjoy your day in the snow. 3FC email as spectre. Thanks for the wise compliment; too bad knowing and doing aren't synonymous!

Bill Walk faster; makes me wonder how many times I'm ignoring an obvious solution. So relieved to hear I won't necessarily need to come with "new" tricks!

I'm giving myself a ; I just chuckled out loud at the scale when it went up 1.6 pounds! I had the audacity to expect a drop after yesterday's increase. I'm so pleased it didn't bother me. It'll go down tomorrow, or the next day. (guess I shouldn't have skipped that cycling class )

Water class today, no skipping!
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Old 02-27-2009, 10:15 AM   #268  
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Thursday Report

100% OP day! (Pool, Food, Supplements, Anti-Inflammatories, Careful movement, Electronics off by 9, Lights off by 10)

This morning I woke at 6am with NO ALARM! I'm pretty excited about that, because it means I'm getting enough sleep now.

Tonight, I'm not sure how I'm going to be in bed by 10, since we have a regular movie date on Fridays which usually means getting home around 11, because we can't start the film til the little one is in bed.

I talked to Mom about which scale to use, and she suggested I use the healthclub scale, because when it comes right down to it, I do want an accurate measurement, and the closer I get to my goal, the more accurate I want it to be. Then B and I started experimenting with different positions on the scale and found out it gets a LOT more accurate if I make sure my heels are on the platform! (Me and my big feet!) So I can use both scales, but I'm putting a scale like my mother's on my wishlist. Hers measures fat%!

ChinaMaine: for reaching your minigoal! Double for rewarding yourself with a yoga mat!!

But... can you credit yourself for having a good hubby?

Bill: for choosing a faster walk instead of none at all. What was that a bunch of us were saying a while back? 5 minutes is better than none? Even if the walk had been shorter instead of faster, it would have been better than not walking. But you did one better still by picking up the pace! Kudos also on finding your local library, and making use of it!

Davidette: What a wonderful thought! Yes, quitting smokes was tough at first, and it got easier the longer I stuck to it, and now I usually am disgusted by the smell, but if I ever am tempted, (I can't remember the last time that was,) I just remember how sucky quitting was at first and that ends it.

You're right, this is very much like this - started hard, getting easier, constantly adding more strategies, and very much in my interest!!

for continuing with that healthy scale attitude!

Last edited by twilit tera; 02-27-2009 at 10:26 AM.
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Old 02-27-2009, 11:29 AM   #269  
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Good Morning

Are any of you using twitter? Ive had an account for about 6 or 8 months, and just started utilizing it in January. Im so thrilled with the amount of info and things Ive found already! Who knew this stuff was out there?!?!?! I even found a local group that coordinates outings for groups of ppl. I think I may even have talked dh into joining with me. I told him I was joining and Id love for him to join with me. So cool!! Not to mention its been a major boost for our blog and website traffic.

Ok....about me, Im op, but need to get the exercise in and the water.
Scale is doing its thing and hasnt bothered me so far.

Last bug I picked up, I too was angry and felt like I had already done my obligatory winter illness; lo and behold, it disappeared. Makes you wonder about the power of our mind on our immune system.
Thats exactly how I was feeling....I thought, wow, I need to get major ticked about that kind of thing more often

Major kudos for laughing at the scale!

Jen~ ouch for the stress eating (that always stinks doesnt it) Kudos for getting your next day planned and for choosing filling foods!!!

ChinaMaine~ Yah for 1.5lbs gone!! Yah for fitting into the next size down jeans!! Yah for officially being a size 16 again

This cold we seem to have caught took dh about 3 days in bed. He's still coughing, but feeling much better. I seemed to have scared it out of me....I still have a headache, and a tickle in my throat. But it hasnt taken a good hold of me. Im very thankful for that.

About the snow......I honestly miss the stuff I grew up with in northern ontario. Snow stayed, and there were so many things you could do in it and with it. Here it snows, then melts and leaves an ugly mess Then it snows again, stays for about a week, then its gone again. I have a girlfriend on facebook who posts her skiing trips about 2miles from her house. Im very jealous of that. Here its a 30-45min drive depending on traffice just to get to the cross country trails that are on a golf course of all places Hmmm....Im starting to feel sorry for myself

Bill~ Kudos for making your walk faster!! Kudos for having extras after eating dinner!
hope that was a one night stand
nope, it wasnt...if it had been I probably would have slept alot better

Tera~ Yah for being op!! I had to chuckle at your getting up at 6am without the alarm and it meaning you are getting more sleep. I chuckled only because I could never do that. Mornings are for sleeping Im glad your feeling better and getting good sleep tho! Awesome for you!

.........alright everyone....Pray for me!!!! I have an appointment with a chocolate company! Im off right after I post here. She always gives everyone huge amounts of samples! I dont want to turn her down....that would just be rude So here is the plan.......I'll accept what she gives me, put it in the trunk for the ride back here to the shop, give dh his sample, then take the rest of the samples to the girls next door at the deli. Now I just need the power to actually give this stuff away. Its "the good stuff".

I'll let you know how it goes Have a great day everyone!
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Old 02-27-2009, 01:59 PM   #270  
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ok, so can I take credit for eating only 1/2 the bag of chocolate covered sponge toffee? probly not eh?! Oh well.

But I will take credit for not letting it derail me for the rest of the day
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