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Old 02-14-2009, 05:48 AM   #136  
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Thumbs up Welcome stacylambert


Welcome to the Discussion Group, Support Group, Diet Buddy / Diet Coach Group for the two books by Dr. Judith Beck, The Complete Beck Diet for Life and The Beck DIET solution: train your brain to think like a thin person.

The book names above are links to Amazon via 3FC where you can buy the books.

And, in case you never got one of these when you joined 3FatChicks some 3 1/2 years ago,

You were one of the early posters on the Beck thread. How did you find out about Beck way back then?

How did you find the Beck thread on 3FC?
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Old 02-14-2009, 06:56 AM   #137  
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Default Thanks for the Welcome

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I’m very excited to be here.

Bill – to answer your question, I found about this thread just by doing a google search. As I said, I first heard about about Beck at MFD and they do have a discussion group there but it is very inactive. I wanted to find a group that was fairly active so that I could check in each day to discuss issues. I’m so glad that I found this thread.
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Old 02-14-2009, 06:58 AM   #138  
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Okay, now that I know I'm in the right place, here's a little about me:

I’m a 53-year single female, with no children. I have been morbidly obese for most of my adult life. January 1st of 2009 I found myself at 257 pounds. Although I have been trying to lose weight for the last eight years or so, I’ve been unsuccessful because I didn’t take my health and fitness seriously enough. I would eat healthy during the week, but would eat anything and everything on the weekends. Although I did manage to lose some weight this way, as time would pass, it would become more and more difficult to go back to eating healthy after a “free-for-all”, "no holds barred" weekend. It never took long before my devil-may-care weekends, spilled over into other days of the week, and inevitably I would find myself on a slippery slope going faster and faster, until I was totally out of control. I would end up regaining any weight that I had lost, and usually picked up a few more pounds along the way. And, even though this same scenario played itself out again and again, I just didn’t GET IT, and I continued to try to have my cake and eat it too (literally). It wasn´t until I heard about a weight loss program called “The Structure House Weight Loss Plan” and purchased and read a book written by the founder of the plan, that I started to understand the insanity of my approach to weight loss. Incorporating the philosophy of the Structure House caused me to adjust my thinking about my relationship with food and re-evaluate my overall approach to health and fitness. The information in the book made me realize that if I wanted to succeed at permanent weight loss, I would have to make a total lifestyle change.

So, on January 12th, I rejoined My Food Diary (MFD), I had used it in the past and knew that it was an excellent tool. Not only could I monitor my calorie intake but I could also monitor fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbs, etc. I not only want to be slim, I also want to be healthy and fit.

It was when I rejoined MFD that I heard about The Beck Diet Solution, and I’m so glad I did! In my opinion The Beck Diet Solution takes what I've already learned from The Structure House, to the next level. I ALWAYS knew that my inability to successfully lose weight had more to do with what was rattling around in my head than anything else. Now I have confirmation!

My current exercise routine is:

~60 minutes on recumbent bike (7 days per week)
~10 - 35 minutes strength training (6 days per week - 3 upper, 3 lower)

I love a lot of different forms of aerobic exercise, but painful experience has let me know that my knees can only handle the bike or the treadmill and I HATE the treadmill. My lower body strength training exercises are geared toward strengthening my quads which in turn will give more support to my knees. I’m hoping that once I get under 200 pounds, that I’ll be able to start incorporating higher impact exercise in.

I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you and discussing all things Beck.

Last edited by Tali199; 02-14-2009 at 07:30 AM.
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Old 02-14-2009, 07:04 AM   #139  
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Thumbs up Saturday - Valentines Day

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Walked to Trader Joe's during at lunch; CREDIT moi. Found myself thinking about their FREE sample - drooling for it. Finally agreed to at least consider not having it. Turned out to be a a brownie thing with raspberry sorbet. Gotta have it. Had to wait in line. Got bumped by a clueless old lady. Had to decide to challenge her or let her go first. Had to wait while the server put the brownies back in the oven. The chocolaty smell filled the store. Double drooling now. Remembered to reconsider, but knew I had to have it. Felt wimpy faced with FREE food. Felt foolish to be annoyed by a clueless little old lady. Felt childish to be annoyed because I had to wait. Then, finally, I had this marvelous insight that would solve all my dilemmas. No Choice.

Just as soon as I made my decision, all my feelings vanished. Finished shopping for nuts and dried fruits and was on my way.

But I remain annoyed that it took me that much energy just to avoid about 100 calories. Gotta work that one. But I CREDIT moi for stiffing a FREE sample, particularly one with the smell of chocolate baking.

stacylambert - Come marching back in with your head held high. Great to have you back; I'm particularly pleased to welcome one of the people who discovered Beck before I did and who got this thread started back in 2007.

You're here at a good time; this place is loaded with starters and restarters.

maryblu - Blushing at the flattering comparisons with Bob the survivor. Nope, haven't gotten into the show. Enjoy watching via your laptop.

Double Blushing at being caught on my "Intuitive Peeing" comments. LOL at needing to be reminded of chicks; I'll watch my step.

But ROTFLMAO from "a waist is a terrible thing to mind." . Never has Dan Quayle been so well spun.

Congrats for having a balmy 14 degree day.

Jean (kuhljeanie) - Waving. Hope you have planned some me-time for the three day weekend.

Robin (RobinW) - Sending supportive thoughts for you guys with this Flight 3407 right on top of you.

onebyone - Waving. Hope you spend the weekend riding the FREE bus around and around.

Anne (wndranne) - You crack me up - posting in rare form yesterday. I'll give you one month before your stacks are back; how's that for warm, loving, support? If you can beat the stacking issue I'll buy your book in a heartbeat.

And you and maryblu need to stop passing notes. Instead you should ask her for sympathy for Arizona's cold weather, LOL.

Ouch that you and DS are still sick, even if on the mend. Kudos for being on plan when sick; it's a tough one for me to remain a rational human being when under the weather.

Chris (angelmomma210) - Yep, Kudos for not using food as a response to "challenging student." Sending supportive thoughts for both health and the saga.

Tera (twilit tera) - Congrats on the four pounds. Kudos for wearing your shoes and not even reporting it. I'm vicariously taking that Biology Class with you; I miss mine.

ChinaMaine - Good choice to spend a quite evening with DH. Kudos for being OP.

davidette - "Woo Hoo" indeed for staying on plan though out the cooking for your "armageddon luncheon." Can't wait to hear the report.

Tali199 - That Structure House book sounds like a find. Do you recommend it? Which of the two Beck books are you reading?

Maneuvering about 3FC is much easier if you pay their $15 to be freed from advertisements. Also easier when you get facile using the [User CP] tab on the header. Hang in there, you're winning so far.

Readers -
Success Skill 5
Get Moving

That's why it's important for you to start moving now, before you have changed your eating habits.
..." The Complete Beck Diet for Life, pg 69
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Old 02-14-2009, 07:50 AM   #140  
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Default The Structure House Weight Loss Plan

Bill -- about the Structure House Weight Loss Plan: At the end of last year I was on CNN’s website and came across an article entitled something like “The 10 Healthiest Diets In America”. Of course this immediately peaked my interest. Could it be that my inability to lose weight and keep it off had nothing to do with me, maybe I just hadn’t found the right program yet? Of the 10 programs listed, I had only heard of two of them. Weight Watchers, which was number 3 and Dr. Oz’s – You On a Diet, which was number 8. Well, I had tried Weight Watchers many times (and I knew it was a great program – but maybe not right for me) and I had read Dr. Oz’s book a while ago, so those two were out. And, quite frankly the only program that I was interested in learning anything about was the program that was listed as numero uno (only the best for this girl. Listed as number one was something called “The Structure House Weight Loss Plan”. I learned that The Structure House is a residential facility for obese adults run by Gerard J. Musante, PhD and located in Durham, North Carolina. At the Structure House there is a large staff (medical and psychological) that spends a lot of time with patients and gives a lot of attention to the broad factors that affect weight loss -- particularly the relationship people have with food. I learned that The Structure House dealt with weight issues not as a problem with the food itself, but as a problem with how people relate to food.

This concept intrigued me (dealing with the psychology of eating as opposed to just the physical act of eating). I have always felt that most people’s problems with food (including my own) had much more to do with what’s going on in your head, then what you’re putting in your mouth. So I decided to go on the Structure House website to find out more about the facility. As I read about what they have to offer the people who stay at the facility (from one week to four weeks) I knew that this was definitely something that I would consider doing. That is until I found out how much it cost. The fees range from $3,206 for just one week, up to $9,725 for the full (recommended) four week stay. Well, in these difficult economic times, those prices are way out of my league. But, all was not lost. The CNN article had mentioned that the Structure House founder had written a book explaining the philosophy and methods used at the facility. I immediately purchased the book and I can’t tell you how glad I am that I did.

Some of the concepts I learned from the book that really struck a cord with me were (1) Take responsibility for your personal situation. So many people (including myself) blame other people or other things as a cause for them being overweight. The book explains that if you are overweight, it is your fault, and you are the only one who can change it. You are the captain of your own ship, don’t blame any external forces for your condition. (2) Diets, weight loss programs and weight loss pills do not resolve your long-term problems with food, because they only focus on weight loss. Here’s a passage from the book:

“These programs, products and cures all share a common flaw: They encourage you to expect results based on external cure-alls rather than your own insight and self-mastery. They focus only on weight loss. They never address the underlying imbalances that make you vulnerable to using food inappropriately. And until you examine and explore these imbalances, you can’t really take steps to reduce your imbalance. You won’t be able to acquire the important skills that lead to altering your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.”

For Dr. Musante, there are only two ways of eating (1) Structured eating – which is, eating nutritious food in appropriate portions to meet your nutritional needs based on your sex, height, weight, etc. This is the nutrition your body needs. And (2) Unstructured eating – which is any and all other eating and occurs for nonnutritional reasons. Because unstructured eating is certain to exceed your caloric needs, it’s also certain to cause weight gain.

The book has many different exercises to help you work on raising your consciousness about the ways in which you eat and to make you aware of how you use food in your life. One of the exercises that I liked the most was writing yourself a “Dear Me” letter. This is a letter you write to yourself where you outline all the reasons you want to lose weight, all the problems and concerns you have about being overweight and how being overweight has/is affecting your life, health and wellbeing. You are encouraged to keep a copy of your letter with you at all times, and to pull it out and read it when you have lost your way or are thinking about straying off course. I’m sure you see the similarity between the Dear Me letter and Dr. Beck’s Advantages and Response Cards.

So Bill, the answer to your question is yes, I do recommend this book to anyone who has an unhealthy relationship with food. I know this is definitely more information than you bargained for, but I have a tendency to give long-winded responses.

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Old 02-14-2009, 07:53 AM   #141  
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Originally Posted by BillBlueEyes View Post
Diet Coaches/Buddies -

Maneuvering about 3FC is much easier if you pay their $15 to be freed from advertisements. Also easier when you get facile using the [User CP] tab on the header. Hang in there, you're winning so far.

Bill - Thanks for the tip. Is it $15 per month or for a year?
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Old 02-14-2009, 10:36 AM   #142  
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Good Morning

onebyone~ on your city job!!!! How exciting, Im so happy for you!!!

Welcome to all returning and new folks

ChinaMaine~ Im glad your friends and family are safe and sound too!!

Tera~ How sweet of your hubby!! Dontcha love it when they pay attention

Ive gotta run!

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day everyone
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Old 02-14-2009, 11:27 AM   #143  
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Hello, Beckbuddies!

Friday Report

OP Food
OP Supplements
3FC x2
stretches (Couldn't do many though)
catching up on my reward stickers (one of the ways I give myself CREDIT)

We have a hefty tax return coming to us. I've started looking at recliners. A properly padded and supportive recliner should make it easier for me to get work done on the computer without distressing the hip, either while sitting or climbing out of it, as often happens in bed.

Between that, the shoes, and getting more exercises done, I may well be on the road to recovery. Now I'm trying to decide whether to cancel my next Dr.s appointment. So far, nothing he's given me has done much good (except the first shot and the x-ray that told me what was going on). My Physical Therapist actually did more for my long-term success.

On the one hand, I can get prescriptions for anti-inflammatories through him. On the other, I could save a couple hundred by doing the same through a Primacare doctor - just telling him my history and asking for the prescription. I now know enough about my condition to practically treat myself.

MaryBlu: You crack me up! I don't follow survivor - I'm more of a sci-fi fantasy drama girl. You know the type - Buffy, Firefly, True Blood, Terminator, Heroes, Lost, etc. I do understand about having that one show (or in my case, three) that you look forward to each week.

I've heard of Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell, but haven't read it. On your recommendation, I may have to.

And Canada does sound tempting... except for the cold and the distance from my relatives. Texas is a long way. We haven't had a winter this year - just one freeze that lasted exactly one day. Weather lately has been in the 70's (F). (The bugs are going to be hellish again this summer.)

Anne: for you getting some rest and for being (mostly) OP in spite of the cold. I'll take 3 weeks on the "clean kitchen" betting pool. (I just like the number 3.)

Yes, I am truly taking a computer literacy course. There were two possible courses I could take for this credit requirement, one on computers in general and the other on programming concepts. I've done programming (a lot of VB and VC type scripting for a database in MS Access) and I couldn't really see a need for it. And things have advanced quite a bit in the industry and I was starting to feel left behind anyway.

Also when I started registering for this semester I was planning to do one of my Early Childhood Education credits (which I traded for World Lit so I wouldn't have field work this semester) and between that and Biology, I had plenty of hard work ahead, so I was timing an easy A to go with them. Now all I really need to work on is Biology and if I'm in shape for ECE classes in the fall, I'll have two of them and will be busting my arse to complete the field work.

I have actually learned some things about MS Word '07 features I didn't already know, and have already applied the knowledge in other assignments.

Stacy: Ouch that you regained after doing so well. Who said you could quit? that you know you can lose the weight. You have. You will. We're here to help and you know it - no crawling necessary.

For myself, I know I will never be able to "relax". I will always have to weigh in. I will always have to apply Beck strategies. I'm a returner - not to Beck, this is my first time with Beck, but a few years ago I lost 100 pounds on the Weight Watchers system and was back to my heaviest weight before starting again. About 20 pounds into the most recent effort, I discovered Beck.

Welcome back.

Tali: Oh, we're active, alright! It takes me an hour some mornings to get through personal comments!

Your story sounds so familiar. For me, it was the realization that my knees and hips couldn't handle the strain and I was heading for disability. Unfortunately I got on the ball just a bit too late to prevent real mobility problems, so I have a harder battle to face than I had ten years ago. Still, I'm prepared to work and keep working to get back as much mobility as I can (I cried when I realized I couldn't dance.)

It sounds like you have had your "A-ha" moment. Things are going to be different now, because your attitude is different. And I'm sure that once some of that pressure comes off your joints, your aerobic opportunities will broaden again.

Thank you for your "long-winded" description of Structure House. (You can blow in my direction any day.) How far have you gotten through BDS?

Bill: I know you're a TJ's fan! My family is on an email campaign to get a TJ's in Dallas. for resisting warm chocolate smell! But isn't interesting that you didn't have to have the treat you just had to have? That's giving me something to think about.

You are welcome to my biology class. Seriously. Not my thing. (Okay, I'm finding nuggets of interesting and thought-provoking information in it, but only by wading through piles of frustration.)

Robin: Vrrrooooom! Yes, life is easier when they listen. Mine is a gem.

I hope you're having a better day.

Last edited by twilit tera; 02-14-2009 at 11:43 AM.
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Old 02-14-2009, 06:26 PM   #144  
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Default Saturday

Happy Valentine’s Day I’m a bit worried about my stamina – I took my dog to the vet and was so exhausted afterwards, I went to bed and slept for 3 hours. I got up at about 5:30 PM and quick did my last 15 minutes of exercise. I need to get in and have blood tests done to be sure my TSH, iron and B12 levels are all ok. (I have autoimmune issues with my thyroid and anemia (both iron and B12). Feeling this way isn’t really normal… I wonder if the hospital lab is open on Monday? (I’ll call there Monday AM and see).
Beck – WI-up 1.5 lbs. This seems to happen every time I lose a few pounds – it bounces back up for a few days. So, I’ll keep an eye on it, but basically it’s a classic ‘oh well’ situation.
Food – last night I exercised my ‘giving-in’ muscle and had an extra ˝ beer over plan. I had eaten a little less than I had planned earlier in the day, so the calories are ok. But the issue is exercising that ‘giving-in’ muscle, so it’s time to start addressing that.
Exercise – op
twilit tera – Glad your hubbie got you such a nice, thoughtful gift! And credits all around for being op, doing stretches (5 mins is better than 0!), and stickers! The chair sounds like a great idea!

maryblu “a waist is a terrible thing to mind.” -- LOL

Anne – Sorry you are still under the weather. Being so close to op when you are sick is pretty darn good – credit. And glad you are Wii-ing (also credit!), but be careful about overdoing it when you are sick… Aerobic exercise can depress your immune system and extend the duration of your illness. Tera also suggested keeping foods with me. I used to always keep nuts in my purse or car, because it did happen once every 2 weeks or so. It hasn’t been happening as much recently so I got out of the habit. It does make sense to prepare an op solution to this problem. – Thanks! re ‘get thee to a mall!’ LOL. And I will definitely think about going soon.

Bill – CREDIT for No Choice. It is powerful, but there are times I just mentally thake ‘No Choice’ and ‘hide it under a pillow’ – it seems to be directly related to how much I WANT something. It is inexplicable to me why I am in denial… But woohoo for looking under your ‘pillow’ and finding No Choice when you needed it!
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Old 02-14-2009, 07:41 PM   #145  
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Bill – I am reading The Beck Diet Solution, Train Your Brain…. I didn’t know there was another book until now. I will get that one later.

Tera – I’m on Chapter Nine – Select an Exercise Plan. I’m a little ahead of the game because I have already done several things that Beck instructs you to do (1) Advantages List (I’ll use parts of my “Dear Me” letter, (2) Pick Diets (I use MFD), (3) Eat Sitting Down (this was easy because I really don’t eat standing up); (4) I’ll definitely have to work on giving myself credit; (5) I’m not the slowest eater, but I don’t think I’m that bad; (6) Find a coach (is Bill our coach?); (7) arrange environment (check); (8) create time and energy (check); (8) exercise plan (check).

I bought an index card notebook today and tomorrow I’m going to write out my advantages and some sabotaging thoughts and responses. I’ll also set 2 timers in my PDA to remind me to read the advantages and responses twice a day. Also tomorrow I’m going to read all of the posts from January and this month, so that I can familiarize myself with the group and how things are done. I noticed that all the other past posts are closed.

Okay, I’m signing off for the evening and will check in tomorrow. Have a great evening!

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Old 02-14-2009, 09:22 PM   #146  
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Coaches/Buddies I wasn't even close to being on plan, but every single deviation was a "legitimate" one, as documented in my diet journal a while back, and the calories worked out. So, hey, I'm good. Or not. I took a walk with DS this afternoon in the jogging stroller, and got really lightheaded toward the end, and had to call DH & DD home from the park to make sure I didn't drop the baby or something. OK, so I'm not as well as I thought I was. Another day of antibiotics and rest, and I'll just be wonderful. Oh yeah, rest. Rarely happens. Gack. Oh Well??

DD was horrifyingly awful at Itty Bitty Sports this morning. Other parents were looking at me. She did everything possible to go home, but I wouldn't let her. We did end up sitting the second half of the time in the car watching the other kids have fun. She was not happy about that, and I think she is going to choose different behavior next week. Oddly, I wasn't that upset because I have NO CHOICE but to enforce the rules once they are set.

DH got me a very nice heart frame with a cute picture of the kids in it for Valentine's Day. A nice surprise.

stacylambert I think there is a chapter on maintaining in BDS that talks about what to do when you slip, and if you decide to get CBDL, it has an entire section. I think you should start reading at the beginning and do what makes sense to you. Which skills do you need a refresher on, and which are you still doing?

As bad as you feel, and assuming your ticker is accurate, I think you need to give yourself credit for keeping off 37 pounds! That is no small thing. It is really tempting sometimes to just quit entirely, and what you've done is soooo difficult.

Tali I think figuring out where our individual weight issues are is a very tough thing, and you've done an excellent analysis on yourself. We have to identify the problems before we can solve them. I think your exercise program looks very good.

Thanks for the review on the Structure House Plan. Sure sounds like a good one!

You are reading two months worth of this thread!? Wow that is some serious dedication. I get tired if I miss a day. Make sure you get back to Bill's meteor theory of scale misbehavior, maybe Decemberish (I'd do a search). That one is worth a look.

Bill You really need to work on that free thing. You know that free samples are given out partly so you can taste it, but also because normal human interaction demands that when someone gives you something, you reciprocate in some way--in this case by buying more than you need. Cheap car salesman tactics. How dare they? (Does that help?)

I was thinking my stacks would be back in about 3 days. Projecting forward from today, I'm pretty certain that will be the case.

I never use the User CP to navigate and I've been here like a thousand years or something. What features do you find useful? Anything to reduce my internet time.


Tera Congrats on the refund. I fear the opposite is true for us this year. We had a lot of weird money things going on with my disability (maternity) leave and what not. Sigh.

I know you'll make a good decision on your doctor situation. Here's to recovery!

3 weeks on a clean kitchen pool! You guys give me way too much credit. I should post a picture one of these days. It is truly astonishing. You guys would have to switch down to hours!

ChinaMaine I'm sorry you are feeling tired, but am SOO jealous of being able to sleep for 3 hrs. I hope you get an evaluation soon. Sounds like you've got some big issues to deal with.

I hear you on the off-plan, but calories working anyway thing. I was doing that a lot last month. The Cheat Sheets (problem solving) helped before it got off-plan and way over on calories.

LisaMarie, Chris, davidette, kuhljeanie & onebyone Sorry if I've forgotten any other regulars. My brain is fried.


PS I have a plan for tomorrow already. Is this unbridled optimism or complete and total denial about the oncoming chaos? You decide.

PPS I went back and read my yesterday's post (bad English-hand slap) since Bill thought it was funny and I didn't see it. But I thought in the interest of complete disclosure I should point out that DH & I are pro cycling nuts, which means I will be spending almost all of July glued to the TV watching the Tour de France, which probably more than averages out for very little TV now.

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Old 02-14-2009, 11:31 PM   #147  
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Hello from Dallas(ish)!

I'm posting from my mom's laptop. The three of us, (Mom, B, and I) had a nice valentine's dinner during DVRs of Big Bang Theory and How I Met your Mother. (This after sneaking in an episode of Heroes on VOD.) And now we're watching Unknown. Having no TV ourselves we tend to glut a bit on it when we come over.

It's been a good, though otherwise uneventful, day.

ChinaMaine: Good luck on Monday. I hope you work out what's causing the fatigue.

Tali: Congratulations for coming so far on your own! We here tend to consider everybody on the thread a "coach." Some of us have local coaches that we confide in as well, but I tend to share a lot more here than with my mother, the person I asked to be my coach. Still, it's good to have someone to call if I ever need emergency coaching.

As for needing to work on giving yourself credit, I think the same could be said of most of us. Maybe that's a key reason we have so much trouble staying on plan - we tend not to see our successes along the way and think we're not doing as well as we are.

You have an alarm set on your PDA to remind you to read your ARC? That's wonderful! Why not type them right into the PDA so you have it right there when you respond to the alarm?

Anne: Sounds like it's been a very challenging weekend so far. I know it's easy to use being sick as an excuse to not exercise, but truthfully, the strain of fighting an infection means a body needs rest more than exercise. Please take care of yourself and feel better soon.

for tracking and fitting all your off plan eating into your daily allowance! You are good, even when you're bad.

Signing off - see you all tomorrow!
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Old 02-15-2009, 06:03 AM   #148  
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Thumbs up Sunday - Discount Valentine's Candy Day

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Made a good choice when out for dinner last night: Muqueca - a Portuguese fish stew cooked in a clay pot. CREDIT moi. Even better, split it with DW. CREDIT moi again. That influenced the other couple to split theirs, so the whole table ate reasonable-ish portions which was a pleasant atmosphere.

Not as good: I ordered dessert, which I never order in a restaurant. Oh Well. Should do a Cheat Sheet to figure out which reason was real: 1) Smaller entree allowed extra, 2) I would have been the only one not having dessert (that's never stopped me before), 3) Desserts were small, about the size you'd serve yourself at home, and 4) Desserts were only $3 which I haven't seen in years.

Jean (kuhljeanie) - Waving. Hope all is well in your busy life.

Robin (RobinW) - Sending supportive thoughts as you must remain inundated with the reality of Flight 3407.

onebyone - Waving. Running to the FREE buses to hand a sandwich through the open window:
Did he ever return,
No he never returned
And his fate is still unlearn'd
He may ride forever
'neath the streets of Boston
He's the man who never returned
Anne (wndranne) - Ouch for not yet back to full health. Kudos for exercising anyway. Double Ouch for having to endure DD's pushing the envelop and Double Kudos for a sane motherly response.

Yep, I "really need to work on that free thing." I was expecting it to just drop away like my draw to the smell of Kentucky Fried Chicken, but it remains. It's the only thing I did a Seven Question Technique about. Connected it to my childhood beat-the-system thinking which has generally been replaced by my make-the-system-work thinking. Like the difference between getting Santa Claus and making Santa Claus. But that insight alone hasn't made it evaporate. I'll take this nudge to go revisit that.

I recently discovered that clicking [User CP] brings up the threads with posts since my last visit from the list I'm subscribed to or have posted to. An easy way to track what I'm interested in. I also discovered that I can subscribe to Living Maintenance itself and get notified when the new weekly thread is active - since I otherwise don't find it until about Wednesday.

Tera (twilit tera) - Kudos for the stretching and continuing with your shoes - sound like good steps toward getting your mobility back. Good luck choosing a path for your medical care and advice.

ChinaMaine - Kudos for continuing with your exercise. Ouch for that stamina issue. Sounds smart that you'll check with your doctor.

LOL at the thought of "hiding No Choice under a pillow." So that's why it's not always around when I need it.

Tali199 - Kudos for charging forward with your Beck program days. And Kudos for that impressive exercise routine. Have to agree with "had more to do with what was rattling around in my head than anything else."

Thanks for the thoughtful review of Dr. Musante's book, The Structure House Weight Loss Plan. Neat to read his notion that seeking an external cure for weight is a form of not taking personal responsibility.

The $15 payment in lieu of advertisements is for six months.

Threads from prior months are Closed for posting; they are open for reading.

As Tera (twilit tera) said, we are all coaches/buddies for each other. We're an ad hoc group with a common interest in pursuing our healthy lifestyles using the strategies of Beck; no one's in charge.

Readers -
Success Skill 5
Get Moving

The results from the National Weight Control Registry are clear: Nearly all of the successful dieters who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for more than a year exercise regularly.
..." The Complete Beck Diet for Life, pg 69

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 02-15-2009 at 09:23 AM. Reason: Typos
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Old 02-15-2009, 06:06 AM   #149  
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Tali199 Welcome! I have a friend with a sister named Tali which in her case is short for her mother's maiden name of Taliaferro. Is your name a nickname for a family name? It's very pretty.

Thanks for the review on The Structure House; I'll have to see if it's in the library. I find reading a weight loss book "on the side" helps keep me focused.

A suggestion that's worked for me is wearing a bracelet as a signal to remember to give myself credit. My plan was to buy a charm for the bracelet for each 5 lb loss, but I've since decided each month I do well per success check off sheets deserves a charm reward. Someone else mentioned a thumb ring. I also make checks on a supersticky postit I can move around during the day.

I don't like the treadmill either but I have found an elliptical to be much more effective at burning calories in a shorter time and easier on my joints too. Don't forget to work your hamstrings with your quads or you could have an imbalance which won't help your knees like working both will. I have found that to be tremendously effective for knee pain, but it does take a while.

Bill No choice on the TJ brownie. The description had me All bets are off if I even pause by the sample station.

ChinaMaine I've found that as time goes by and I recognize the pattern weigh-ins follow, (1 big down, 2 little ups, 1 big down, etc.) the numbers don't drag me with them emotionally. Overall I'm losing slowly and that gives me a good feeling in a more sane way. Sounds like you're already there, and you aren't even dieting yet!

Glad you emphasized the problem with having that extra 1/2 beer; I stayed within my calorie count but had an extra low cal cookie last night. It's time to rethink having so many sweets around. Just because I haven't been binging doesn't mean I can't drift back into abusing the privilege! Every time matters.

Hoping the labs are open Monday a.m. CREDIT taking care of yourself. In the last few years I got it down to science exactly how many days I had to eat correctly to get my lab work to be within normal limits. Immediately thereafter I would be back on the Krispy Kremes. The light bulb just went off: Who am I cheating here? MOI.

Stacylambert Welcome back - I'm a restarter too; although the first time around I did not have a coach or use this site. I bought the new book which helped to come at the program with a fresh approach and try things I didn't do the first time around. Also I redid every step, but I moved through them quicker. I feel very successful at this point; and I have to say I think the biggest difference has probably been coming here! On top of the motivation of the group setting, I've received so much helpful advice and insight.

Anne Kudos using NO CHOICE with parenting, that's integrating CBT! cheap car salesman visual - that'll keep me running by the samples.

Tera CREDIT using tax return on a recliner, sound like you're well on your way to dancing again.

Another for moi - passed the luncheon with flying colors. After the initial shock, no one particularly cared what I ate or didn't eat. I stayed absolutely ON PLAN and didn't even use my special event calories. I almost made it through day on plan but "allowed" myself an extra cookie for my evening snack. Still within calorie count but it's the giving in that matters.

I've been enjoying my exercise classes more as I regain some stamina. Changing my diet to spread the calories throughout the day versus saving them up for the evening is new for me and it makes SUCH a difference: I can feel my body thanking me!

to all!
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Old 02-15-2009, 07:24 AM   #150  
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Quickie this morning:

Bill thanks for the title on your post. Reminds me that DH is not to go to the store unattended.

The User CP stuff is working for me. Thanks!

Back tonight with all the news of the day.

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