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Old 03-29-2004, 04:56 PM   #106  
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Geeze, another quiet day. I've been really busy...thought I'd pop in real quick so I wouldn't get behind on my reading.
The kids are back to school and I'm working every day in the cafeteria. Trying to get myself a routine with Curves. Feel like I'm fly'n by the seat of my pants right now.
Off to soccer practice.
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Old 03-29-2004, 08:29 PM   #107  
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I'm baaaccckkkkk! Wow! It is incredible how having just a couple days off can realign your perspective on life! We didn't do anything remarkable......drove down to Ohio to pick up some car parts.....then south along the Ohio Dayton to visit some friends.....then meandered west into Indiana and on home. And I feel like I have had a month's vacation!'re gonna love this vacation thing......sounds like you need it! And to have a wonderful celebration thrown in is just the best!

Dyan....always look forward to your posts and your adventures......sickly kidlets(well, I guess that wasn't so good, but the way you tell it was hysterical).....police pounding on the money at mickey d's!

Jello.....a walking buddy, what a concept! I guess my walking buddy is ye olde family dog.....and before you think I am getting off easy, let me tell you it is a siberian husky....and bred to run!

Quilter.....I love daffodils! Mine are up in the garden, but the coolish weather has kept them from blooming......maybe next week!

It is great being home....but have laundry to do.....will check in later!
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Old 03-30-2004, 03:22 PM   #108  
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Alright now, this isn't funnny. Where is everyone?
Still trying to put together a routine here. It's been four years since I've had a job outside of the home and then to start Curves at the same time. *yikes*
I haven't been eat'n the best. Need to get that back under control. I don't know what happened to me trying to teach myself WW. On the positive side, I work right next to a normal thin peson...that will motivate me some.
Well, off to catch up on house work and get supper started. Hope everyone is still on the wagon and not getting worked to death. *hugs*
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Old 03-30-2004, 04:39 PM   #109  
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I tell you, I'm just going to hybernate until Spring gets here to stay - darn cold again and gloomy. Really depressing after the nice Spring weather we had. I'm looking forward to getting outside and walking but not in this...not good for asthma.

Work is just that - work! Never ends. Getting more new equipment delivered tomorrow so I'll be busy the next few days getting it installed.
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Old 03-30-2004, 05:16 PM   #110  
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Hey there!!

Quilter ~ I'm so jealous of your mini-vacation! I want one. Granted I'm not working (wish I were), but I'm with the kids pretty much 24/7. Getting to go to Curves is so nice! An hour w/o kids, I tell ya, it's the best incentive ever!

DH is coming home for 4 days!! Yahoo hoo. He'll be here Friday evening. We're going to surprise the kids. I'm glad here's coming, because I was invited to his cousin's bridal shower (she lives 2 hours away) and I just couldn't think of who to ask to watch the kids, since I'll be gone ALL day. It was his idea that I go.....He really misses the kids and I really need a break, so it works for me. Gotta go, I hear fighting kidrens.
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Old 04-01-2004, 12:36 AM   #111  
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WOW, it sure is slow around here. I wanna go on vacation too!!

Went to curves today...loved it as usual. My scale is my enemy at the moment. I am a slave to that damn thing and it drives me crazy. I even took my measurements and I haven't seen any difference. What's really going on? I have been pretty good, and still I see no results. But I will tredge on, because I'm hoping that I've just hit a plateau.

Counting down til DH is home, only 2 more days. I am missing him so much. I know the kids are going to be thirlled beyond believe when he walks through that door Friday night.

So, we have become an AC Neilson Comsumer Products family. I got the scanner and everything today. Haven't had a chance to read all the info yet, but from what I got, After I shop, I come home and scan the barcodes, then transmit the information once a week, take a survey and get points that are redeemable for gifts in the catalog they sent. They have some really cool stuff in the catalog. Decided to let DH read up on it and then he can fill me in. I don't have the time to read and digest the info.

I'm pooped. Had a rough night last night. Between Kaleigha and Zoey, I was up from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. Right when I would get one down the other would wake up. Kaleigha got up first @ 3, then Zoey had her coughing/choking fit, then @ 3:30 a.m. Kaleigha wanted to put on her rain jacket!! twice she brought that damn thing in my room, finally I put it on top of her blanket. Then at 4 a.m. she comes in and wants to put on a pull up! UGH!! Then Zoey wakes up and wants to eat! I swear, I told DH when he comes home, I'm sleeping in one day, and he can deal w/ the kidrens. AAHHHH....sleep, oh least I forget another hot shower...aaahhh yyyeeeaahhh...
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Old 04-01-2004, 07:54 AM   #112  
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Hi! I know everyone isn't on vacation. Now don't make me bring out the magic powers.

Dyan, I had a tummy ache boy in my bed last night. Between him, DH and the dog I had a terrible nights sleep too. Don't be slave'n to the scale too much. You know if you're eat'n right and exercise'n and that is the MOST important.
I'm curious when I get measured at Curves in a couple weeks if there will be any changes. DH asked if I'd lost weight. Brownie points for him. I'm only down a little...nothing he should maybe things are "shifting".

Jello, where'd ya go? Get locked in one of those new cabinets?
I had a contractor at the house yesterday. We're attempting to add on a screen room, porch and new walkway. Even w/o tummy ache boy in my bed I probably wouldn't have slept much. My brain is on overload!

Last night I walked at the soccer field. (Faye, have you seen the new Newton Park Fields on 31?) And today is Curves! Loving the fact that I'm back on the exercise wagon. Now if I could just quit dragging my feet behind the food wagon.

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Old 04-01-2004, 09:51 AM   #113  
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Old 04-01-2004, 10:00 AM   #114  
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Man, I wouldn't go through that kid thing for anything. We are wayyyyyy too old to do that. I have enough with my two animal "babie." Dyan, hope things have settled down at your house and you and Neilson are getting along just fine!

Tig: Where are the fields at on 31? I haven't been south of South Bend for several years so I know I haven't seen them. I am ashamed to say, I need to go down to my mom's grave, which is at a little country church in Argos but I usually have very little time. I hope to be in Indiana for several days at Thanksgiving. Maybe you and I can get together for an hour or so and I can go down to the grave at that time. Hope the little one's tummy is back to normal.

I have one more day to go and I think I am going to go crazy if it doesn't get here soon. Cafe should be having a great time and coming home about the time we get there. The weather was kind of on the cooler side for her and by the wedding it is supposed to be 85-90. I may roast in that dress! Luckily it is sleeveless, but my HUGE batwings I like to keep covered as much as possible.

You ladies have a great day and don't work too hard.

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Old 04-01-2004, 01:59 PM   #115  
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LOL Tiger. Nope, not locked in a cabinet because ... well, they STILL don't have doors!!! And vacation? What is the meaning of that word? Actually, I've been working 10-12 hour days lately. Can you say "overtime"? Saving up for Las Vegas (yes, Faye, me too!) at the end of the month. But I do come in here regularly and check up on you gals!

And now I'm off again. Boss man approaches.

At least the is out today!
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Old 04-01-2004, 04:54 PM   #116  
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Hi, ladies, I try to check up on you even if I don't have time to post. Got the new computers so getting everyting installed on them and up on the network has taken the lat 2 days. Mine still isn't quite right - the consultant we used to use had so much junk on the old one I've been moving things over slowly to try and leave behind everything I don't really need.

I plan on getting out of here early tonight - bad hail storm is on the way and the nasty dark clouds are rolling in. I have a 40-minute drive home.
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Old 04-05-2004, 03:04 PM   #117  
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Monday Funday!

Faye, Newton Park is at 31 & 4. Between Carols Corner and the Old Lakeville School. The Hoosier Tire family built it. It's an awesome facility. It even has a mini Golden Dome.

It sure is slow around here. I'm still plug'n along with Curves. Next week it will be time for my one week weigh/measure. I haven't been the best with eat'n, but still hopeful for results from the exercise. And now that Curves is fitting into my schedule, I need to start roping the food monster. One step at a time...and I'll be pulling the wagon!

Hope everyone is doing great and stops by to post!
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Old 04-06-2004, 03:09 PM   #118  
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Okay, ladies - a week of April is gone already. Has everyone gone into hiding - you're supposed to hide the eggs, not yourself! Gear up to be strong and resist all the candy - plan something else for a treat that you will enjoy.
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Old 04-06-2004, 04:34 PM   #119  
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Hi Quilter! Hide the eggs, not yourself. *giggle*

I had been avoiding the scale since starting Curves, but sneaked on this morning. If my scale is right....I'm down 4lbs since starting Curves. *happy dance* Hope the results stick and I can be proud when I get weighed next week.

For Easter, I'm going to offer to bring a fruit tray to help me avoid the evil treats. That's my plan. Yep.
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Old 04-07-2004, 08:10 AM   #120  
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Tigerlily, sounds like you've come up with a good plan for Easter and a winning combination for weight loss - congratulations!

Okay, where's the rest of you?
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