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Old 03-23-2004, 11:00 AM   #91  
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Hey all!

Faye - warmin' up seems to be the trend (yay!) If yesterday was nice, today is even better! I walked home from work last night which is about 40 minutes. BIG hill, after I get up that it's a breeze. It's a steep one, I pretend I'm in the mountains.

Well.... Even though mulitple bosses are out today, I have to keep crossing things off my list so I'll roll along. Hopefully, I can get ahead of the game??
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Old 03-23-2004, 07:04 PM   #92  
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Hey girlies, how is it going today? I have never seen it so quiet here. Everyone on Spring Break and take a trip?

Cleaned dd's house today and it was one of those, I had to clean to clean things! She decided yesterday to clean out cabinets, ran out of time and left everything, went to work (4-12 pm) and never finished so I show up and it looks like they were ransacked by robbers or something! DGS comes down about 8 with his dad and begs me to give him the leftover pizza for breakfast. I tell him uh-uh and he gets mad at me. I told him if Nonny gave him pizza for breakfast his mommy would be really really mad at me! His dad told him the pizza was old and went to work and left me to deal with him. He tells me to come to the refrigerator and show him the pizza because it is only a day old. We go back and forth until he realizes I ain't a gonna give him no pizza so he goes back upstairs with his mom! I spoil him rotten, but I would get killed giving him pizza for breakfast (I did offer to make him waffles, but that made him mad at me, go figure!)

If Jack and I don't get to take this vacation soon, we are both going to have nervous breakdowns! He has calculated hours until we leave! It is like our life has stopped except for this trip to Vegas. I plan on winning one of the progressive slots and come home rich and happy! UHHHH, yeah right. I will be lucky if I come home with ANY money from my gambling allotment!

Well, ladies, I am going to finish this book I am reading then watch some tv and call it a night. I am so sore from the housecleaning stuff that I didn't go to the gym so I have to get out first thing tomorrow and kick behind!

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Old 03-23-2004, 09:34 PM   #93  
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Hello all!

Had to stop for a minute to say HI and BYE.....the DH and I are taking a mini vacation, so have to get my ditty bag packed so I can leave right after work tomorrow. I am soooo ready for some time off! In addition to the much-needed R&R, I hope it will give me a kickstart on losing weight. I always lose weight on vacation......I am more active and have less chance to snack....hmmmm......maybe I have hit on something there? hang in there.....your vacation is next! You are doing just great sticking with the program. Maybe it has something to do with your "housecleaing aerobic workout"!

Tig.....spring vacation with the kids - what fun! They will keep you busy I am sure!

Cafe.....The weather here is just starting to break......was nearly 50 over the weekend, and I took the dog for a walk. I forgot how great it was just to be outside.....stretches the muscles and clears the brain!

See you next week!
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Old 03-24-2004, 01:29 AM   #94  
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Hi Ladies,

Feels like forever since I was last here. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still here and still doing my thing!! Over the weekend I only got 3-4 hours of sleep a night. Friday night DS tossed his cookies in MY BED!! So there I was doing laundry at 3 a.m., Saturday night my 2 year old does the same thing in her bed. Again, doing laundry at 2:30 a.m. Don't know what was up w/Lucas. He was fine, although the next day he had the runs, and has been fine ever since. Kaleigha got herself all worked up and that's why she did it. Then on Sunday I had to take Zoey, my 3 month old, to the emergency room. I called just to make an appointment on Monday, because she's had a REALLY bad cough for a few weeks. Over the past few days, it no longer sounded like a "cold" cough. She was gagging, her little face was turning beet red, she was gasping for air and choking on phlem (?), anyhoo....she has a touch of pneumonia and they prescribed an antibotic. We didn't get home until 1:30 a.m., so needless to say, I feel so very discomboobulated. I've got to take her to her ped. tomorrow, AFTER curves (I gotta get my exercise in!), hopefully things will get back to "normal" soon, and I'll be posting nightly again.
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Old 03-24-2004, 08:07 AM   #95  
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Good morning girls!

Dyan: Hope the baby is doing better and you are getting some sleep! I had a little one that had serious ent problems from the time he was born so I know the routine! We used to be in emergency all night with my little one packed in ice trying to get his fever down (he is 30 and they don't use that method anymore). He ended up losing about 20% hearing before they would take out his tonsils and such, so I know what you are going through. Hope the other 2 are fit as a fiddle again.

I am supposed to be back in bed snoozing this morning. I had a terrible night so decided not to keep the car and go to the gym this morning, but do it when dh gets home from work. Good plan, but once my behind gets up I rarely can go back to bed. I do think I need to try and sleep for an hour or so. I am such a lady of leisure you know!

Well, my vacation clothes could pose a bit of a problem. When I bought them, I went online to the weather channel to check what the average temp for April is in Vegas. March was like 68 and April like 72 so I thought with evenings always being cool I would take sweaters. WELLLLLLLLL, I have been keeping up and the temps are going to be in the mid 80's. I refuse to go out and buy a bunch of new stuff so I am going to just take what I have for the cool evenings and try and get along with the t-shirts and such I have. Brother, NEVER EVER trust the weatherman! I do have that cool new swimsuit though so all is not lost!

Girls, I am venturing into the unknown soon. I let my sister and my niece (who is 35) talk me into making appts at one of the salons in Vegas for the three of us to get pedicures. I have NEVER had one and am ridiculously nervous about it. My feet are better since I have lost weight and I try and take better care of them, moisterizing etc, but there is only so much you can do without professional help! I am totally and I mean TOTALLY flat footed so I have pressure put on parts of my feet that most people don't so of course I can see them using that potato peeler thing on me and it makes me ! BUT, I can be brave and do this!

Have a good day everyone and remember.....YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! So let's not be elephants today, huh?
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Old 03-24-2004, 09:54 AM   #96  
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Hump Day! And it's a tall climb up that hump with the kids home.

Dyan, I dont not miss the throw up in my bed days. Luckily they outgrow that. My youngest is so paranoid of throwing up, he sleeps on the bathroom floor when he feels bad.

Faye, a pedicure sounds like a wonderful idea. I just love painted toes, but have never had mine done professionaly either. Enjoy it!

Quilter, how are you handling the evil people bringing treats?

Cafe, I think Survivor is on Wedneday again this week. Ethan was on Regis this morning and Trump was the co-host. The difference between Ethans and Trumps hair came up.

I made it to Curves yesterday. Left the boys home (longer than 10mins) for the first time. No one was bleeding when I got home and they claim there was no fighting. With other plans we have this week, it looks like I'll only be making it to Curves twice this week...but better than nothing and will get back full swing next week. I'm still loving the workout, even if Mony, Mony is playing most of the time.

Gotta get busy cleaning house and making a grocery list.
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Old 03-24-2004, 10:14 AM   #97  
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Tigerlily, I fortunately lost my taste for sweets a long time ago...and I'm insulin resistant so can't have them but occasionally even when I want to. I actually feel bad when I eat them.

Hey, grandma, pizza for breakfast sounds good to me. I used to eat spaghetti, chili, pizza, anything that was leftover for breakfast. As for me, could you make me some waffles?

Looks like I'll finally be able to start walking outdoors again since it has decided to warm up at last. I like to listen to books on tape while I walk and my development has a nice walking trail - about 2 miles.
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Old 03-24-2004, 10:32 AM   #98  
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Lost Your Taste For Sweets! Wish I could do that.
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Old 03-24-2004, 02:46 PM   #99  
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Huffing and puffing. Finally getting to check in. Overworked. Underpaid. Yadda yadda yadda.....

Ah but I weighed in last night with a 1.4 lb loss!

And celebrated today with pizza for breakfast!!!

Just kidding about the pizza.

Weather's warming up too! I'm so excited. I even found a walking buddy here at work for the lunch hour. Jello's quite psyched, can you tell?

Having said that, I'm going out to dinner with friends tonight at an Italian restaurant. The pasta demons strike. I'll TRY to be good, I vow. Going to miss Curves but I'll get there tomorrow instead. Gotta get in my 3 times a week to get my t-shirt at the end of March.

And now I've got to run again. Hope you're all doing well. Quilter, send some of those anti-sweet vibes my way?

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Old 03-25-2004, 06:12 AM   #100  
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Rain, Rain go away! April Showers bring May Flowers, but all March Showers bring are more MUD! And we all know that Boys are mud magnets!

Jello, congrats on your weight loss! And on finding a walking buddy!

Dyan, are you still discomboobulated? Are all your little sickies better?

I'm taking the boys to Science Central in Fort Wayne today. My sis lives there, so we will meet up with her and her three kids. Hers are ages 5, 3 and 1. Add my 12 and 7 year old...I've got the asprin packed.

Curves will have to be tomorrow morning. That will make tue/fri this week. Maybe I can get there Saturday too, then I'll get in my three days.

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Old 03-25-2004, 08:34 AM   #101  
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Tigerlily, sounds like you'll be having way too much fun. I'll just stay here with the boss and work, thank you! Supposed to be 70 today so there's hope for spring. The Daffodil Festival is next week and they are blooming like crazy. There are miles of them on the Interstate in the median.
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Old 03-25-2004, 02:05 PM   #102  
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Hi all! Thursday already - I can't believe it.

Dyan - hope things are back to normal at your house. {{hugs}}

MsRD - hope you're having a great vacation!

Faye - hold on - WHEN are you going to Vegas, exactly? I'll be there March 31-April 3.

Tig - mud magnets, LOL. Hope the science center is fun. Hooray for the first time ever home alone!

Quilter - Oooh! Daffodils. I think I forgot those existed. Now I'm longing to see some.

Jello - Congrats on the loss!

Well I guess I don't have much to report except that I've been accomplishing more than usual at work which feels good. You know how sometimes you feel like you're just spinning your wheels. Not right now, which is awesome. So that's kept me distracted, in a good way. Not in a creepy, overworked way (poor Jello!) at least for the time being.

Not that I'm not already ready to celebrate tomorrow being Friday....

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Old 03-26-2004, 01:10 PM   #103  
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Geeze, loney here today

I've had a hectic day. We are doing a refi on our home mortgage and the appraisal lady calls this morning saying she'd be here at noon. "Flight of the Bumble Bee"...that was me trying to clean. After having the boys home all week and keeping a busy schedule, things weren't exactly tip-top. Now it's 1pm. Apprasial lady is gone, and I'm BEAT! On the up side, the house is mostly clean aside from a couple loads of laundry and a cabinet where I stuffed things.

The Science Central place was neat. Lots of interactive things for the kids to do...magnetic, electric, water. And was nice spending the day with my sis. We live over an hour apart and don't get to see each other enough. And, I didn't even need any asprin!

Well, hope everyone has a great weekend. The kids have friends spending the night, so will be loud at my house.
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Old 03-26-2004, 07:58 PM   #104  
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Cafe: Wow, we are leaving the evening of April 2 and are coming home Easter Sunday the 11th. Jay's wedding is Saturday the 10th. What time are you leaving on the 3rd? Where are you staying? We are staying at the Orleans just off the strip on Tropicana Blvd.

How is everyone else doing? Right now I am royally miffed at Jack. I would like to know why God in his infinite wisdom thought giving men ignoramus genes was a necessary thing! We went out to the mall to pick up a brochure for our cruise and he wanted to eat at the food court so we did. I got something that was totally inedible, burnt and gross and didn't want to eat anything there. He got a chili dog (though he didn't want to get anything that would make his heart burn worse, like a chili dog isn't going to do that) Well now I am hungry and he has indigestion and doesn't want anything to eat so I guess I am going to go without, which doesn't hurt me, but I am hungry. Secondly, he started talking about the trip and ask me if I was as anxious as he and I said yes because then I wouldn't be alone all the time (he is notoriously bad about coming upstairs and plugging into the computer for the whole evening leaving me alone) He said, "I promise, I will stay downstairs with you tonight." Well, he did, he is watching the basketball tournament and doesn't even know I am upstairs. Why are men such insensitive jerks sometimes????? The man knows I spend everyday alone here in the house and then most evenings alone too. Oh well, after I yell at him about it I will feel better and I guarantee I am going to because I don't keep stuff in anymore and the dope has no defense against it!

I am going to clean house tomorrow so no gym for me. I don't want to have to get up at 7 am to get there. It gets really busy really fast on Saturdays so if I don't go when they open up I don't go. I will wait and go on Sunday as they don't open until 1 pm. I am trying to keep up a good exercise routine because I will miss it in Vegas. I don't think I am going to pay the $10 a day the hotel wants to use the exercise equipment so I am just going to try and get walking around the hotels and casinos as much as possible my exercise.

Hope you ladies all have a great weekend and Jello lay off the breakfast pizza!

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Old 03-27-2004, 01:07 AM   #105  
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Hola Ladies!!

Jello ~ congrats on the loss !! I've been losing, but don't count it, because it's part of the 6 that I apparently gained in a week!! I'm down 5. but still need to lose that last 1 to get me to where I was. UGH!!

Cafe ~ I'm hoping things get back to "normal" real soon. The kids and I are settling into a routine, but as with everyday life, things come up and throw us off track. It's such a bummer.

Tig ~ Feeling a little less comboobulated!! My sister came to help, I got to take a LONG, HOT shower!! Man, you don't how good they feel, until you can't have one. I was turning into the "sponge bath" queen!!

gma2one ~ Can I go with? I am in dire need of a vacation!

Last night the police came to my door! I was like, omygawd, who called the police on me and what did I do? Well, it turns out that someone stole something and the car was caught on video, and it was registered to my address! Apparently it was registered to one of the former occupants. We are STILL getting his mail and we've been here 8 months. The cop asked to come in and wants to see my I.D. to make sure I didn't have the same last name. Thank goodness my house was clean. He made a comment on how big it was (The owners had the living room extended), blah, blah, blah. I'm just wondering if I have any nosy neighbors that saw him? I take the kids to Mickey D's and this lady approaches me and says she's w/marketing and they want to film my kids eating (the tape is for "office use" only), blah, blah, blah. Anyhoo, I said okay, signed some paper, they watched us for about 10 minutes, (And let me just say that Kaleigha ~ 2 yr old~ was such a ham. Everytime she ate a fry, she would look at the camera and give the lady a cheesy grin) asked me some some questions about their packaging. What I liked and didn't like, What could they do to improve it, etc... Then they gave me $30! I bet not very many people can say that they've ever gotten paid to eat at McDonald's. I was tempted to call my other sister and tell her to go down there w/ her boys, since they wanted input from people w/children.

I went to Curves today and did my thing. Have been mostly good today. Went to Curves, had a chicken salad at McD's, fish for dinner, but also had an Oreo. Yup, that's right, just one and yet I feel so guilty!! Oh yeah, and a small bowl of low carb ice-cream. Don't feel so bad for that though. I know that I shouldn't feel so guilty over one lousy cookie....but I do, which totally pisses me off .

Well, I'm off to bed. Cheye's got ballet in the morning. Hope everying has a great weekend.
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