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Old 07-07-2002, 08:42 PM   #241  
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hi guys, congrat on the weight loss just cuz, good for you!!

i had a last minute trip to the shore, didnt have time to write and tell you guys i was going. wow, glad everyone is still staying motivted.

i on the other hand didnt have such a good weekend, my husband invited his friend to the shore house, and i got stuck hanging around with the wife and kids. since i have been overweight, i dont like to socialize, especially with someone who has three kids and can still wear a bikini. then we had to go to the board walk, while the guys wounldnt go up, cause it was a holiday weekend and didnt feel like dealing with the crowds, but i like to let angelina have a good time up there, with the rides and games. man , what a mistake, her 2 little ones were cranky and whining, and the teenager had such a bad attitude, cussing and all. i was so pissed. at my husband and her. anyway, i ate and drank all the wrong things and feel disgusting. i dont even want to look at the scale on tues mon. and i only did 3 days of excercise last week. so much for my new plan.

anyway. i will get back in control and put that mess behind me. and try to stop making all the wrong choices for the wrong reasons. made me feel better coming back on here and reading all your posts, way to hang in there .
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Old 07-08-2002, 12:37 AM   #242  
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Default This is just what I need!!!

Oh my gosh!!! I was so excited to read this thread. I have over a 100 pounds to lose and just can't seem to stick to any diet plan. I am an extremely finicky eater and like very few foods. I cannot stay on a plan of eating foods I can't stand.
I made a commitment to myself that I would just eat healthy for breakfast & lunch and then I could have a regular dinner. Sometimes it is healthy as well, sometimes not.
I am also a major Pepsiholic. Usually drinking a 6pak along with a couple of large fountain drinks a day. This has been my biggest struggle and one of the reasons I can't stay on any plan. I've tried the diet route and just can't stand it. I decided I would limit myself to two cans per day and just have to deal with the extra calories/carbs. I am finding though that most days I only drink one or none. I am drinking tons of water so I'm just not thirsty for the soda. Whenever I go somewhere I take a huge cup of ice water in the car and sip on that. It keeps from getting thirsty and stopping for a fountain soda. I was starting to have massive headaches from the caffeine withdrawls but I started taking 1/2 a caffeine pill twice a day and that instantly got rid of them. I'm now down to 1/2 a pill once a day and maybe next week only every other day. I sure don't want to go through those headaches again.
I'm also walking my dogs every morning (well about 5 days a week). It's not too far and I have to make more stops than I would like but they so love their walks if keeps me motivated. Hopefully I'll start back to the gym when the kids are back in school.
As far as the type of food I'm eating; it's just the basics. I usually have a slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter and a couple slices/wedges of orange for breakfast. Maybe some yogurt for a snack. A turkey (with real mayo unfortunately) on whole wheat toast and some broccoli for lunch. Fruit for a snack. When I eat a healthy dinner it is usually some chicken and salad or other veggie. Otherwise I just have whatever I make for the kids. Tonight it was sloppy joes with cheese on top. Then maybe a fruit for a snack if I'm still hungry. I'm drinking what I thought was a ton of water but I added it up and it is barely 60 oz. I'll have to work on that.
I think I'm going to try the healthy dinner at least every other night. Hopefully I'll work it up to 6 nights a week.
I think this might just be the motivation I need. Thanks
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Old 07-08-2002, 05:46 AM   #243  
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Willbe, honey, don't beat yourself up so bad like that. We all have to deal with difficult times like you had this weekend and food had become our comfort, a refuge if you will. Just let it go, a couple bad days isn't going to spoil all your hard work. You have the right attitude, just get in there and get moving again and maybe the next time you have to deal with a situation like that again you will stop and think about it. Maybe you will be more prepared and can find another way to vent your frustration. FYI....I hate those naturally skinny chics too It just makes me sick to think of how hard people like us have to work for it and it just comes naturally to them! My sister-in-law is one of them too, she is pregnant right now and probably will be just as svelte the day after she gives birth. Hey, but you know what, who cares, I am much prettier than she is.
LOL, whew the little devilish part of me got out there for a minute! I am calm, I am sweet, I am a nice wonderful person. There that's better.

Well, I'd better get busy getting ready for work, it's Monday morning again and after being off for a week my desk will be stacked to the ceiling.

Have a wonderful and positive OP day all!

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Old 07-08-2002, 06:08 AM   #244  
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Welcome jujubee. Congratulations on making a commitment to better health and losing weight. This is a great thread and we are all here because we each need a plan that works for us individually. I began my plan similar to yours and in less than 3 months I have lost 20 lbs. I am also a soda-aholic and I figured it out at 140 calories each cutting one soda a day in a year that adds up to almost 15 lbs, not to mention how dehydrated you would be if all you drink is soda. Good luck, you can do it!

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Old 07-08-2002, 06:32 AM   #245  
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Welcome Jujube. glad you could join us.
One thing I've discovered is that a person has to eat in order to lose weight... yeah I know that sounds silly but it's true! If you eat too little your body senses 'starvation' and holds on to the weight (a primitive thing) I eat more now than I have in my whole life just different foods and that paired with the exercise is working! Exercise doesn't need to be strenuous or a killer, just a brisk walk everyday or even a few days a week to start will help. The point being to get moving and your dogs will love you <wink>

Hope everyone has a good week, I'm back to work today after being off for 5 days so it's a heavy sigh and away I go! lol

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Old 07-08-2002, 10:51 AM   #246  
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OMG! I feel so out of it after being gone all week. Head spin'n catching up on all the posts.
I wasn't a very good girl while I was gone. I ate too many of the wrong things and not enough exercise. And by gone, I was only gone from 3fc. I was still home. DH was dreading going back to work today, but my little 'ole exercise and diet routine needed him outta the house! Not to mention, I needed him off the pc! I missed my 3fc! This is like my daily therapy.
I usually weigh in on Monday, but I'm so off schedule that I forgot to do it first thing this morning. So, will hit the scale tomorrow. Literally, I may be hitting it!
I'm back on plan this week! Eat healthy, exercise and drink my water!!!!
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Old 07-08-2002, 03:58 PM   #247  
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Sorry to be so scarce the last couple of days. Things are going ok with the food, but I am in the middle of a big fight with my fiance about his ex-wife. I guess, in a way, it is a good thing. First of all, we can hopefully clear the air, and second...the old me would have eaten my way through this tough time, but the new me is actually upset enough, that I have to force myself to eat something right now. Maybe this will make up for the last few days when I was out late shopping and stopped at Carlos O'Kellys and have chicken tenders and chips and salsa. So, maybe if I calculate my calories for the week, they will average out. LOL

Tig, I know what you mean!!! When my fiance is here, I can't even clean the house. Let alone exercise!!! I agree with you about the water thing. That is my goal this following week. I want to get that water in!!!

Judy, I hope your first day back at work went well!!! That is TOUGH to go back after those 5 days of leisure!!!

LJ, you need to let that little devil out more often, it feels SOOOO good! LOL....Hope your Monday went well also!

JuJu, it sounds like you have discovered what the rest of us have discovered, we have to do what is right for our bodies and it has to be something we can live with. The regular soda is a killer, and I NEVER thought I could go from regular to diet, but I have and I LOVE Diet Pepsi now. I had to drink it for about a week straight and now I can't tell the difference!!!
And I wouldn't worry about the mayo, it sounds like your diet is pretty well balanced and when that happens, a little mayo can be like a treat!!! Then maybe you can drop to low fat mayo a little bit later on. Nice to have you with us, and stay a while!!!!!

Will, sorry that your trip wasn't as great as it could have been. I am exactly the same way as far as socializing. I hate standing there in my cover-up while everyone else struts around in their bikini! You have the right attitude, let's move on. This is a new week, and this week will be great. We will not give up.....I need you here with me, so stick with me Will!

Hi Karen, I don't think I can answer the question about #'s to go down a dress size, cause we are all built so differently. Some of us carry weight in the belly and some carry it in the butt and some, like me carry it all over. LOL....

That pizza can be a killer. My fav is Pizza Hut, but I get a hand tossed veggie lovers and I LOVE it. It is 220 calories a slice, and if I eat light for breakfast I can manage having that once in a while.
Welcome to our little corner of the world, hope to see you around a lot!!!

Cafe, I'm so happy that you are leaving the cubicle of gluttony. LOL....YEAH!!! Cafe is M&M free!!!!!!

Well, I am out of here for a while to see if I can get my personal life ironed out.

JELLO...........WHERE ARE YOU GIRL????????????????

Weigh in tomorrow. *Sigh*
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Old 07-08-2002, 05:43 PM   #248  
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First day back to work wasn't so bad, but I was starving by 4:00pm Would have been real easy for me to raid the vending machine that stands 5 ft from my desk but I DIDN'T... lol I came home instead... had some water and a few crackers and now I'm fine.. Still hungry but don't feel like gorging myself.. lol

Ahhh home at last home at last..!

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Old 07-08-2002, 06:47 PM   #249  
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Can you believe my PHONE LINE HAS BEEN DOWN! What a crock. First day DH goes back to work, first day I have control of the captains seat (computer chair), and the phone line is down. After a few hours, I figured I should drag myself down to the corner payphone....inside a glass box on black pavement in 95 degree weather...where Sprint (my local provider) puts me on HOLD. Elevator music, like that's gonna make me feel better. Kids and dog in the car, me sweat'n like a hog. Not my day.
In the end, I went downstairs and wiggled some wires. We must have bumped something during demolition.
Time to fix supper. Making Cowboy Beans, a recipe I got from Hillshire Farms website. Good if ya like beans. I don't always use Hillshire though.
Hope everyone had a good day doing their own thing!
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Old 07-09-2002, 04:08 AM   #250  
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Angry Hello!

Hi everyone!
i was hoping you would let me join in on your thread.
I was on the doin it the old fashion way thread in december but after a friend of mine passed away i pretty much gave up on everything in life.......
I have managed to get everything else back on track but i havent gotten my diet there yet....i have joined a gym just for women and i have been watching what i eat and getting plenty of exercise....but i really found the threads supportive and yours was exactly what i was looking for!
I am 15 from alberta canada and i have battled with weight all my life... i also battled with bulimia...but never lossed enough weight. ... now i am never home and usually just dont have the time to eat right! but this summer i want to get it on track!
i really hope you dont mind me joining in and i hope to be able to learn from all of you!
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Old 07-09-2002, 06:07 AM   #251  
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Good Morning!

My first day back to work was really really busy. The worst part is the day just dragged on and on. I actually prefer to be really busy it usually makes the time go by really fast. Oh well, at least Monday is over with and I only have 4 more days until Friday

Welcome Gettingthere - boy this thread is hoppin'

Tif - that little devil gets out more than most people know It can be a lot of fun too! Hope things are going better for you with your't live with 'em, but they sure do make good pets

Tigerlilly - I am going to report you to the Hillshire Farms people Here come the food police!

Well being the scale hopper that I am since earlier last week when I posted my loss the scale has dropped another 2 lbs and stayed there for at least 4 days now so I am going to go with it. Are we supposed to be weighing in on a specific day or anything? I am now 4 lbs from one-derland and am really getting excited! I haven't been there in probably 2 years and am really anxious. I put on a pair of my size 18 jeans yesterday and wore them to work all day. They were a little snug and uncomfortable but I am so sick of those 20's that when I got home from work I threw them in the trash and I wasn't even a little bit sorry to see them go. I figure that if I have to suffer for a little while and don't have the option to put on the big comfy ones I will work even harder. Forgive me for rambling on, I am really pumped up now and wanting to get this weight off. I know my boss will be happy to since I always used to wear nice dresses and suits to work before I got so big. Our office is VERY casual and I don't really even have to wear nice outfits but it makes me feel good about myself. Not to mention the cute factory salesmen that come in from time to time. One of them is recently single and boy is he something to look at!

Willbe - where ya at girl? still recouping from the weekend?

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Old 07-09-2002, 10:05 AM   #252  
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hello all, yes i am still trying to get back on track, i want to thank all of you for the encouragement to keep coming back and not give up.

my weigh in was this morning, and i gained back the 2 lbs i lost last week, i am not mad about it, just dissapointed in myself. today i will be 100% back on program. i am sick to death of this roller coaster ride, but only have bad decisions to blame it on.

welcome getting there, hang with us, cuz we all will be getting there, sorry to hear about your loss, although i never had a weight problem until i was about after age 27, that is when i got married and had a child, i can feel your pain, just wanting to be happier about life and feeling better about yourself.

alright, i am officially kicking myself in the butt and getting on the right road and sticking to my plan.

i am choosing right now, to eat whatever i want, but within ww pts range. i will worry about choosing healthier foods later. i just want to feel like i can stay in control with whatever i eat. sometimes i even overeat on the healthy stuff, i just want to teach myself to stop when i am full, and stop stuffing things in my mouth when i am not hungry. so that is my latest challenge. my last minnie challenge is not gonna happen.

dont worry, i will stick here with you guys, i love the support and all you people have something a little different to add evertime i read your posts.

lets hang in there and do this!!!!!!
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Old 07-09-2002, 10:27 AM   #253  
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Ok, so 'splain this to me.... Why do the days at work go sooooo slllooooowwww and vacation days zip by!?!?! Here I am, back again. Does ANYONE do ANYTHING here while I'm gone!?!?! It'll take me days just to catch up because I had the sheer audacity to take a day off!!! How dare I!?!?! Grumble.

Alright, I'm done whining. We now resume our regular programming ... whatever that may be. You never know with Jo. Hm, a rhyme. How clever of me.

This past weekend summed up: Exercise = 0. Water = 0. Following any kind of diet plan = 0. Behaving myself = 0.

Well, you get the idea. Now I've got to kick myself in the butt (and boy is that quite a trick or what!?!) and get back to it. I will get to the gym today, I promise. I will polish off this water bottle and refill it, I promise. Do any of you care or am I just rambling? Never mind.

Justcuz - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Great loss! I'm not jealous or anything.

Karen, Jujubee and Kayla, welcome to the thread! Feel free to post anytime. You'll learn lots of stuff here! I'm fairly new to this thread but feel right at home. It's a great place to be. P.S. I'm not always as whiny as I was in this post.

Guys, I have to get back to work. Yeah, I really do have a lot to do and yes, I am writing to you instead. Boss is somewhere back in the lab bothering someone else for now but he may approach at any time.

Have a good one!

P.S. Did you hear the Energizer Bunny got arrested? He was CHARGED WITH BATTERY!! Hahahahahahahaha!!! Tif, that "battery story" was just for you.) No, I'll never let you live it down. )
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Old 07-09-2002, 11:56 AM   #254  
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Ah Jo, your witty barbs were SO missed.
Now I feel bad asking where you were? You can't take a day off from ANYWHERE without having to account for your whereabouts.

Well, Kayla...WELCOME!!! Feel free to hang around. I may need your imput here soon. My daughter is 14 and will be a freshman in high school this fall and she is something else. I may be asking your opinion on things occasionally. You know, some input from the people who know!!

Well, I have some BIG NEWS. READY????

I weighed in this morning. I lost 3 pounds. That dang scale finally started moving again. Plateau least for this week. Thank you to everyone who kept me going when I wanted to throw my scale away and head to Burger King. Thank you for all the information about plateaus, that was MORE THAN HELPFUL and actually kept me on track and put my weight gain/loss into now that I have made this speech that sounds amazingly like an awards speech....I will stop. But I wanted to say thank you to you all.

Here I go again...I have been doing this diet (lifestyle change) since May 15th and have now lost 24 pounds. I started at 265. I have wanted to quit SO many times and I have fallen off the wagon I don't know how many times, but I start over again at the next meal trying to do my best. I am not perfect, I will never BE perfect, but if trying hard counts, then I guess maybe I am at least a perfectionist in that area!

My mini goal was to hit 239 by this coming Sunday when we leave for Branson and the dreaded White Water and the infamous blue bathing suit. (picture a blueberry) So, I am at 241 and I will have to work my BUTT off to hit that mini-goal, BUT...even if I don't hit it, I had a goal and I was amazingly close and that makes me happy.

Look back at when you started your diets, or life-style change, or even your moderations (like cutting down on soda, or trying to drink more water) I am still going strong, (with the occasional mistake) but I wouldn't want to have those 24 pounds back for anything in this world. I am proud and happy that I didn't quit and I hope I will always remember this feeling when I get frustrated or hit that next plateau.

Geeze. Imagine all this hub-bub for a measly 3 pounds. Imagine the post when I hit goal. LOL....

Well, I am a new woman today! Off to share my joy with the world. (except my fiance, I'm still mad at him )

Oh, as far as the weigh-in day? We don't have one. I weigh on Tuesday mornings, because I started charting my weight loss on a Tuesday and it just marks the end of my week. Pick a day you like, or you don't have to pick one at all. Some people like to see the difference in the way their clothes fit, and the way they feel. I always start coming out of my shell when I lose weight. I remember the last time I lost weight and was walking down the street and some guys working in a manhole came up and whistled at me. I looked around to see who they were whistling at and realized it was me. That put a bounce in my step for sure! No scale could have made me feel any better than that greasy bald, toothless man did that day.

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Old 07-09-2002, 12:10 PM   #255  
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Reading your post made me smile Tiffany. It is so true how so many other things like being noticed can make you feel good without having to look at some number on a scale. Makes me want to just throw the darn thing away. I wonder what it is that makes me such a slave to it anyway. I was just thinking this morning and realized that it has almost been 3 months since I started this and I can't believe how far I've come. Sometimes I think the first few weeks are the hardest.

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