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Old 07-26-2022, 08:59 AM   #106  
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Hallelujah! My weight loss held! I am down .2 to 184.4. Do you know how you can google an illness and it says one of the symptoms is unexplained weight loss? I always say then I don’t have that illness because I never have unexplained weight loss. I always have to struggle for every ounce. Except for my first weight loss years ago. That weight seemed to fall off effortlessly. I think this is because my blood sugar is lower and I don’t have to take as much G. G is known to cause weight gain. I don’t think it caused me to gain but kept me from losing. So I’m glad I’m continuing to count carbs so I don’t need as much G. I won’t tell my doctor I’m taking less because I don’t want him to reduce my prescription just yet. I take less but want to have it if I need it.

i broke another bad habit. DH has a little container on his bedside table where he keeps a few pretzels, some candy and bubble gum. Every night I would take a few pretzels and a couple pieces of candy. I stopped doing that. I don’t need to be raising blood sugar at bedtime. I don’t need those things because I’m not hungry. It was just a habit because it was there. It’s funny how you can have little habits that you don’t even think about. DH keeps his candy on top of the refrigerator. Our newer refrigerator is higher and I can’t reach things without a step stool. It is out of sight, out of mind because I can’t see it. His candy is rarely chocolate so I’m not really interested.

I am going to continue eating my first meal as late in the day as I can. I am not as crazy about eggs as I used to be unless we have bacon or sausage to go with it. We don’t have any right now. I only buy it occasionally. Eventually I might not eat until dinner but that’s not really my goal. I don’t want to do OMAD because I think I eat too much and raise blood sugar too high. But if it happens once in a while that will be ok. I just want to stretch my fasting window a little bit farther each day. It surprises me that I can go as long as I can and not want food. I think the best way to start IF is to extend your fasting window a little bit at a time instead of jumping right in. So many people say they could not go 16 hours without eating but 16 is really easy for me now. You are sleeping for 8 of those hours so you only have 4 hours before sleep and 4 hours after. I can eat 2 satisfying meals in that time and sometimes include a little snack.

I am also not craving foods like I used too. Sometimes I think I really want something but when I get it it doesn’t taste as good as I expect. Yesterday when DH wanted to go to Eat and Park I wasn’t hungry and nothing appealed to me. I didn’t want one thing on that menu. I considered getting a cup of soup but then I remembered they had that good breakfast sandwich. I asked if I could order from the breakfast menu and they said yes. It was more carbs than I should have had but it was delicious and very satisfying. Some people think if you eat what you really like you eat more, but I find if I eat what I really want I’m satisfied longer. If I eat something I didn’t really want I keep eating trying to get satisfied. Last night I didn’t even think about food after I came home.

Today I have to clean out the spare room where DGS sleeps when he’s here. DH doesn’t want him to come either. I know that sounds terrible but he likes to stay up much later than we do since school is out. He likes to watch different things on TV and DH doesn’t like to give up his shows. There are not a lot of things for him to do here like there are at his other grandma. They live on a lake where he can swim or fish. They have bike riding trails he can ride on. They even eat much different than we do so I will have to ask his mother what I should have in the house that he likes. I know DH will not eat the same thing that DGS eats. When we take him out to eat he doesn’t eat his meal and it’s wasted. He wants things like Mexican and DH would never eat Mexican. So we love him and like to have him visit but not overnight. I hope I don’t sound mean. We are just set in our ways. It’s only one day.

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Old 07-26-2022, 02:28 PM   #107  
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Carol Sue My weight stayed the same too. Love it when it is 2 days in a row because it feels real. You mentioned that you weigh less later in the day. I'm the opposite. I notice that if I get up and weigh around a certain time everyday that I weigh less than I do later in the day so I try to get up early enough to get my accurate weight even if I am going back to bed. Weighing after 9 am, my weight seems to slowly go up higher and higher as the day goes by, unless I have a really good BM. TMI

DS sent text and we are going out to eat Thursday so this week will be a real test foro my new way of eating. DH isn't up yet so he doesn't know. I haven't figured my meal yet because I don't know what he is going to want to eat. I really don't want KFC this week. I would rather have McDs than that. But at least we will be able to get our Sam's and Walmart shopping done today.

Carol Sue, I bought the Magic Foods book from Amazon and had it sent to my DD. She loves to cook and will really love learning how to combine foods to improve her blood sugar. She will get it tomorrow. She was so excited. I was telling her about it while looking it up at Amazon and asked her "you want one?" She said "yes". I love buying her something I know she will use. She was even more excited when she learned there are recipes in it. She has become a good cook like her Mama used to be. I say used to because I don't cook things from scratch unless they are simple these day.

I understand how you feel about DGS. I would love to have my DGS and his 2 little boys over, but we eat so different than everybody else and I don't know what to do for them. My brain isn't geared to young kids eating any more. That seems strange since I had home day care in my home for so many years and even homeschooled my grandkids, but I guess you lose it over the years. The only goodies in my house are diet ice cream and I hate giving that stuff to toddlers. DS fed her kids diet food when they were growing up. I heard that was dangerous because they thought the artificial sweeteners would make kids sterile. Never knew if it is true or not, but it is interesting that her daughters can't get pregnant and her son has only one dhild. Plus so far I don't have the energy to deal with little ones any more. I don't think it is being mean or even selfish which I feel sometime. I think it is just being honest about how you feel as you get older.

Have a great day.
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Old 07-26-2022, 05:26 PM   #108  
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I thought I lost my long post but then it showed up!
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Old 07-26-2022, 05:26 PM   #109  
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Trish, our DGS will be 14 on Aug 2 so he isn’t a little kid anymore. He is as tall as me, which isn’t a lot. But when he was about 5 years old they decided he was going to eat whatever they ate for dinner so he became accustomed to eating adult meals and really likes a lot of foods. They eat completely different from us. They eat a lot of grilled meat. He grills even in the winter. They eat salad and vegetables but very few potatoes, rice or pasta. Pizza occasionally but she makes it at home and it might be low carb crust. Also, we eat around 3-4 and they eat at 7-8. I’m ready for bed by then! This is why DGS doesn’t eat his meal when we go out to eat because he’s not hungry. His other grandma is like Martha Stewart, like a gourmet cook. Her husband is diabetic on insulin and they eat very healthy. So they make me feel very inadequate. One time DIL gave me a pack of fresh green beans. I told them I never cooked fresh green beans and they were shocked. I cook several things from scratch because that’s the way I like them. But there’s a lot of things I never learned how to make because DH wouldn’t eat them. My mother was an excellent scratch cook. Her whole day was spent preparing dinner. I wish I had learned more from her. She never wanted me in the kitchen. She didn’t want me to learn to cook because she wanted me to need her.

So I have spent the day cleaning my spare bedroom for DGS to sleep. He said he can sleep on the couch but that concerns me about the dog. Rusty doesn’t know him very well because he’s not here much. If he sleeps in the spare room Rusty doesn’t go into that room. If DGS sleeps in the living room I will not be able to sleep from worrying.

I feel good about my eating today. I had half of an egg sandwich that DH made for brunch. I was busy and didn’t want to stop so DH picked up a pizza. We haven’t had pizza in months! It tasted very good after not having it for so long. Although it was carbs all I had had all day was I slice of bread from the sandwich. I think I’m fine. I ate in a 5 hour window. 1200 calories and 80 carbs. I didn’t exercise but I was moving and lifting things all day cleaning. I cleaned the bathroom and kitchen in the morning. I will finish up odds and ends tomorrow and wash towels and bedding.

When I was cleaning the bathroom I found several cleaning sprays and liquids that I bought and they got pushed to the back. The same thing happened cleaning the kitchen. Several different cleaning items under the sink. So I have no excuse not to have a clean house. I remember buying these things but didn’t know where they went. This one thing is very good for cleaning greasy pots and pans. I saw they sell it on Amazon so I put it on my list for my next order.

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Old 07-27-2022, 12:07 AM   #110  
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Today was 1387 calories and carbs over 100 grams. I had a McDs DCB and 1 oz chips along with my keto ice cream. I had a snack I similar to the one I saw in the Magic Foods book of nuts, dark chocolate chips and apple, but I weighed the portions. That came to 1 meal and a snack eaten within 4 hrs.

Carol Sue, I did that today too. I thought I needed 2 cans of comet because I had just put the last one in the guest bathroom. DH said we had more. I told him I thought he had bought 2 but I could only find 1 when I replaced the old. Sure enough when I put the 2 new ones under the sink, I found that I already had one.

I am happy with my day even though the calories were a little high. I did change my high end allowed calories to 1500 instead of 1600.
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Old 07-27-2022, 10:01 AM   #111  
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Well, I don’t know what’s going on. Today I am down from 184.4 to 183.0. The only thing I can figure out is I’m not needing as much G and G causes weight gain. I am eating. Not as much or as often, but I’m not hungry. I get hungry eventually in the morning but coffee holds me until noon or so. My brunch has been smaller than before but it was bigger than I needed before. I ate 2 slices of pizza yesterday. It has very thick crust. Before I ate it I drank some water with ACV and lemon juice. I did take 1 G because pizza is high carb. I usually spike very high with pizza. At bedtime sugar was still up a bit so I took 1/2 G. When I got up to the bathroom at 2am blood sugar was 70. Yikes! That’s not dangerously low but I was afraid to go back to sleep in case it went lower. So I sucked a hard candy for a couple minutes. This is what I don’t like about G. It can cause a hypo if not careful. Apparently I was eating more than my body needed.

Yesterday I read that when you eat low nutrient food your body makes you hungry again so it will get more nutrients. When you eat high nutrient food you stay satisfied longer. I hope I don’t go back to my old way of eating. I’m eating food I like, just a little less. I stop eating before I’m stuffed. Did I cure my overeating? Or is it lurking, waiting for me to make a mistake? I hope I don’t have a disease that causes weight loss.

Time to do some laundry.


I went on my pc to enter my weight in an Excel spreadsheet I have. I only enter it every couple weeks. In January I weighed 190. In those 7 months I only lost 3 lbs but I lost 4 more lbs in the past 10 days. Hmmmm. Am I really doing that much better? Or is this just a fluke?

Trish I have been sleeping later recently. I used to get up at 5-6 am and weigh then. Recently I’ve weighed around 9am but if I weighed again at 11-12 my weight would be down a tenth or two. I prefer to weigh when I first get up because I think that should be the lowest.

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Old 07-27-2022, 01:37 PM   #112  
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Carol Sue Today we weigh the same making me up .8 lbs, but didn't potty by that time so probably isn't a gain. I expect it to be back down tomorrow. Plus I'm back to brunch and dinner today.

I wanted oatmeal today. I made it with apple, blueberries, yogurt and cinnamon. I had planned to add eggs and a slice of bacon for more protein but suddenly realized that I didn't want it so I left it out. I only make half a serving which isn't bad when I think about it. All the labels are based on 2000 calorie diets and I want my calories closer to 1000. If everything stays as it is, I will end up with 2 meals eaten within 4 or 5 hrs and just a little over 1000 calories today. I won't always work to stay that close to 1000 calories but we have already had 2 takeout meals this week and will eat at a restaurant tomorrow with DS and her family and I want to be able to enjoy wherever they decide to go. We will go wherever the kids want to eat. That could be anything from pasta at Olive Garden to some Mexican restuarant. So I'm trying to be prepared.

We are having liver and onions today with our salad and steamed carrots.

Have a good day.
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Old 07-28-2022, 11:43 AM   #113  
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My weight is up .8 to 183.8 so I guess I’m not dying! I weighed early this morning and then we went out so no time to weigh again.

I don’t think DGS is coming. DH talked to his son a couple times and nothing was said. At least I got the spare room cleaned and sheets washed etc. His birthday is Aug 2. They are leaving Saturday for the shore and I think DGS is worried he will not get hid birthday $$$ if he’s not here. He will still get it. They used to go to the shore for his birthday week every year with his other grandparents but they didn’t go for 2 years because of Covid. They rent a house on the beach and aunts, uncles and cousins all come.

We went out for breakfast. That is DH thing. I go to keep peace. I only get eggs and sausage. No bread. DH and the waitress both tried to talk me into getting bread. It is included in my meal but I don’t want to eat it. I would get it if it was SL or low carb. Why screw up now? I’m doing well.

I defrosted chicken legs to cook for DGS. He likes them. I am still cooking them since they are defrosted. I will eat them and Rusty. DH only likes boneless breast.

I have zucchini that BIL gave me and Step daughter is bringing more. I will make zucchini bread for everyone. I also want to cook some in a recipe. It got cooler here so I can bake and cook. It’s down in the 80s instead of 90s.


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Old 07-28-2022, 12:06 PM   #114  
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Weight was back to 182 this morning but FBG was100 only down 2 pts from yesterday. Not sure why since I didn't eat anything last night. I didn't even drink collagen coffee. I just didn't want the calories since we are going out today. Maybe I had more carbs than I realized. I don't worry about them doing a low calories. Us older folks couldn't decide where to go so we let niece decide and they wanted to go to Olive Garden. We need to use up the gift card DH son and family sent us at Christmas. I wish they would sent them for Cracker Barrel, but we used to go to Olive Garden when they came to visit so I guess that is why. It is nice they send it. So I shouldn't complain. It just easy to low carb there although I noticed they do have a carb friendly meal for evening meals but not lunch sized that I could see looking on line.

I've already got my calories on MFP from the online menu. I'm going to have the salad, a breadstick and shrimp scampi. It is better for me to plan in advance when I can to keep calories in place. I had 1 egg and sl SLMG bread for brunch so I have 935 calories so far planned for the day. I will add a little something to keep my calories within my 1500 allowed high calorie day but try to stay as close to 1200 as possible. I want to work to keep my cals between 1000 and 1200 most days.

Carol Sue, I think as long as we can at least feel like we are in control of our eating the easier it will make it for us to be successful. Our weight loss may not be quick but it will happen.
Change in plans which works out great for me so I can keep my calories where I want them. We are going to Cracker Barrel. Big difference in calories. I will have grilled catfish, green beans, carrots and I will have 1 cornbread muffin with enough butter for taste and a bite of DH side order of dumplings and drink lemon water which comes to 612 calories for the meal and I am getting to eat exactly what I want and like. My total calories so far today is 785 so I can easily make up later tonight to get my calories up to 1000 for the day and not go over 1200. What a blessing.


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Old 07-28-2022, 04:38 PM   #115  
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DH wasn’t happy that I was using the oven while the air condition was on. He will get over it. He does some things I don’t like, too.

I had 1050 calories and 38gram of carb in 6 hours. I’m satisfied but if I get hungry I may eat again.

I am very surprised that I have my eating under control right now. I hope I can continue. The more I do it the easier it is.

DH went to McDonalds drive thru. He ordered and paid for Chicken Nuggets but when he got home he had a fish sandwich. He took it back and went inside. They gave him French fries too for his trouble.
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Old 07-28-2022, 06:09 PM   #116  
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McDs does get things wrong sometime. DH always orders 2 DCB with onions only for us. We come home and I put the veggies on mine that I want and usually throw out the bun and build mine on SLMG bread. DH said the other day that they didn't put the onions on his. I don't know if they put them on mine because I always put raw onion on mine anyway. We have made it home and got a whole cheeseburger with everything on it.

We enjoyed being with my niece and her hubby and DS and BIL. BS and her hubby weren't able to make it. That happens when you make plans at the last minute. Any way, my calories ended up being more than planned because they don't have the grilled catfish any more. DH couldn't get his fried catfish either. So we both ended up getting the Lemon Pepper Grilled trout which was 2 fillets instead of 1. That was the only change in the menu for us as we always get the same sides at Cracker Barrel. So my fish was 330 calories instead of 130 calories. I came home and had my keto ice cream bar and a cup of collagen coffee and I am finished eating for today. Total calories were 1252 and net carbs 92 grams. I really feel great because we were able to eat healthy and visit with my niece who is more like a daughter and keep my calories between 1200 to 1300 too. I couldn't as for anthing better than that.
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Old 07-28-2022, 10:12 PM   #117  
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I am amazed at how low my blood sugar has been with only 1 mg of G today. It was in the high 70s most of the day. Now it went up to 107 because I ate corn. It bothers me that I have to wait until Dec for my A1c. I hope I can continue this and continue losing, too. I think I am more concerned with my A1c than weight even though I do want to lose. I found a really long article about low carb and diabetes. It said that diabetes can be reversed in 7 days with low carb even without weight loss. I am starting to believe this because of how quickly my blood sugar has dropped just in the past few days. I want to read thru the article again. I just don’t know if I could make this permanent. I know I would really miss things like home made Mac and cheese. It said that most studies say reversal can happen in those who have been diabetic for less than 6 years. They said their new study refers to longer. I was diagnosed 14 years ago and probably had it much longer than that without knowing it. It also said the reversal only continues if you continue to avoid the carbs. I think this article was written by Tim Noakes.

Trish, I’m glad you had a nice time with family. That’s always nice. I had grilled trout one time at the casino buffet years ago. I loved it. I have never seen it since. We have never gone to Cracker Barrel. It is about 20 miles away and we have to go on the PA Turnpike. Well, we don’t have to but DH will not go on the back roads. I would definitely get trout if we went.

I was so tired and took a short nap. I hope tomorrow is better.
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Old 07-28-2022, 11:26 PM   #118  
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I ended up eating the rest of the chips I had Tuesday with my collagen coffee so my calories was a little over 1400.

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Old 07-29-2022, 09:54 AM   #119  
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I spent the night in the bathroom with potty issues. I don’t want to have to stop low carb because of this. I’m doing so well. Blood sugar has been outstanding. I never thought it could stay this low. I’m thinking the potty issues might be from Metformin and I will stop taking it. This morning I feel very hungry and weak as a result. I think I will be eating earlier today and include SL toast. I am realizing that when I did low carb in the past I was probably allowing carbs to sneak in. I cannot live with these potty issues forever but I’m not ready to give up. I want to find a solution.

My weight is 182.2 but not surprising after the potty issues.


I took an Imodium. I probably should have taken it sooner so I could get some sleep.

I ate eggs and SL toast around 11am. Then I had a small avocado at 1 pm. I still feel weak probably because I didn’t sleep well. Right now I’m at 653 calories, 30 carbs and 12 fiber. I don’t know what we’re doing for dinner.

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Old 07-29-2022, 01:45 PM   #120  
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Carol Sue that is great that you are at 182.2 but no fun the way you got it. Hope you feel better. I am pretty regular these days and go to potty quite often but no issues like that. I don't miss those and I realized one day when the only thing I had eaten was eggs and bacon when it happened that it was caused from low carbing. Personally for my part, I would rather get my moves from the fiber from my foods than from low carbing although I am trying to keep carbs somewhere between 80 to 120 grams a day.

Weight stayed at 182 and FBG was 88 this morning. DH told me yesterday on the way home from the restaurant that his FBG was 113 yesterday morning. I keep telling that it is finally coming down. I think his weight has stabalized at about 134 to 135. So I am very proud of him.

He wants pizza today so calories are going to be somewhere between 1200 and 1300 today. I had an apple with peanut butter and a cup of collagen coffee this morning for breakfast this morning around 11ish. I will probably make this a 2M day. I have been trying to tweak my pizza to get the cals lower. I wish I could have gotten some pita bread to make it on. I wanted to try making mine with it as suggested in the Magic Foods book. If I can't get it to come down any lower my calories will be 1216, carbs 104 minus 15 g fiber. That isnl't bad because I probably will eat only 3/4 of the personal pizza.
I was able to downsize the cal and net carbs for today by making pizza on 2 slices of SLMG bread and cutting back a tad on other items. Total calories for today 1201 and net carbs 88. Loving the feeling of being in control of what and when I eat.

I'm losing in my feet as my shoes are too big. They have velcro so I an tighten them and I've tightened them twice so far this week. Never thought about losing weight in my feet.

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