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Old 06-27-2022, 09:07 AM   #1  
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Default Diabetes and Prediabetes Thread for Summer 2022

Do you have Diabetes or Prediabetes? If so, join us here to discuss the diet and exercise needed to control it.

All are welcome, even those without Diabetes.
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Old 06-27-2022, 09:14 AM   #2  
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Good morning All! I'm so glad I am able to reach the forum on my PC. I'm not glad that the server on my tablet is the problem, but it is what it is. I'll adapt.
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Old 06-27-2022, 03:12 PM   #3  
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Carol Sue, so sorry you had problems with the blood sugar yesterday. Hope it goes better today. Glad you found the problem with getting on 3fc. I find it is still kind of slow posting, but it works so that is fine for me.

Weight back down to 182.2 and FBG was up to 104 today but that is because of the carby snack I had last night. I will go back to my protein shakes today. I also did the bike along with a few other exercises today. It would be nice if I would lose and weigh what MFP says I would way eating this way, but I don't lose like everybody else does. DH FBG has been higher the past few days and doesn't believe the biscuits he had with the chipped beef could be the problem. He will have to figure it out on his own. He will.

Liver and onions on the menu today. I decided to plan my eating the way I did in SC. My breakfast was 1/2 serving of oats for cholesterol, eggs for protein, blueberries to clean arteries and bacon and 1/2 banana just because I like them. My calories today will be less than 1200 and the protein shake helps get a good macro balanced ratio.

I'm not working for shorter eating window. I am going with an 8 hr eating window and just be consistent as possible although Tuesdays may be a shorter eating window just because I don't usually eat when we are going out shopping so I don't have to potty while out.

Oh, we had a cold front come in last night. They said we will be coller today with a high of 97 instead of 102. LOL

Have a good day.
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Old 06-27-2022, 03:50 PM   #4  
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I'm doing much better today. I only took .5 mg of G. That's a half of a half, and its bringing my sugar down nicely. I did not have breakfast but DH made tuna,salad for lunch and I had a half sandwich on SL bread. I cooked the meatloaf but didn't eat any yet. I want to wait til I'm hungry and blood sugar comes down some more. DH didn't eat any either but he ate some of the potatoes. Maybe he will eat some later. I think he might be on a diet again. He never says but I notice when he's eating less.

The scale was up to 188 today. I don't like it but its up to me. Just like its up to your DH to figure out the biscuits raise his blood sugar. I guess its something he likes. I wonder if you could make biscuits with Carbquick.

I am going to try to cut portions. I want to eat 2MAD but I want to be hungry. I noticed that when my blood sugar is high I don't get hungry. Its not good for blood sugar to be high but if I pay attention and wait for hunger I will eat less. I'm going to stop letting MFP tell me how much to eat. If I eat a smaller brunch I should be feeling hungry for dinner by 4 pm.

My exercise today was up and down the cellar stairs doing laundry.

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Old 06-27-2022, 09:40 PM   #5  
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Carol Sue, I'm glad things are going better today. I think I'm having a good day as well. Calories ended up being 1265 and net carbs 66.

I decided to do the 16:8 hr IF ratio because I want to be sure I get the protein I need each day. I do have difficulty eating enough fiber but am working on that. I seem to be able to get only 14 to 16 grams a day which I've heard that isn't about what we need at our age. But then that depends on who you arereading or hearing it from.

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Old 06-28-2022, 09:42 AM   #6  
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Scale down to 187.2.

Trish, the keto/carnivore people say you don稚 need fiber. I知 not sure how I feel. I lose better when I eat fiber and I love vegetables but you need vegetables, fruit and whole grains to get all your fiber. I know I don稚.

We were up at 6 to put the garbage out so we went to Bob Evans for breakfast then to Walmart. Home and everything put away by 9:15. It is a beautiful day today. Warm but not hot.Sunny and breezy. I will have to be careful not to overeat since I ate so early.

I am using my iPad. I don稚 love it but it痴 better than the PC.


I was really tired today probably from eating the big breakfast. It had toast but no other carbs. I ended up taking a nap. I didn稚 make dinner so DH brought McDonalds cheeseburgers. I judge my day by how much G I take. I知 at 3 mg so far and my Rx is 4 mg so I知 good. I知 trying to cut back but keep blood sugar in a safe zone.

Trish, I took boneless skinless chicken breasts out of the freezer. I want to put them in the slow,cooker with cream of chicken soup tomorrow. Do you think 6 hours will be long enough? They are thick so I think I will cut them in half across. I don't think DH will eat it if its not a smaller piece.

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Old 06-28-2022, 07:56 PM   #7  
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Weight this morning was 182.2 lbs again, but FBG back down to 101. I do so want to keep it below 100 for the next month if at all possible.

Carol Sue, I do believe that fiber carbs are important. I've been thinking about WW and other diets that make fruits and veggies just as important as any other macro. I think that is why a lot of people are successful on those plans. I do know that I need some of these carbs, but I think the key is not to overdo them. Since Dr. D seems to think fiber and protein are keys to a successful diet, That sounds good to me, so I think I will work on that and see how it works for me.

We went to Sam's and Walmart today. I bought the SLWG bread today. Since I'm going for fiber, I decided it was worth paying the price for the 5 g fiber in 2 slices at 90 calories instead of the 1 g in 2 sl of white bread for 120 calories.

Will be eating only 2 meals today. KFC won't sell me only 2 chicken tenders. They say 3 but instead of 3 they gave me 4 and of course, I couldn't throw them away so I ate them Way too many calories. However, I came home and made my salad with ACV & EVOO to go with it. But of course the KFC calories and carbs were way too much. Calories are 1259 and fiber was only 5 g and net carbs were 77 g.

Have a good evening.

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Old 06-28-2022, 08:53 PM   #8  
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Trish, this is where it comes in handy to have a dog. DH isn稚 a big meat eater so he gives his extra to Rusty. And Rusty loves it!


Now the forum won't open on my IPad and I have to go back to my other tablet and do a workaround. is it worth all this?

Last night I got up at 2 am for the bathroom. Blood sugar was 97. I was so excited. Then this morning it was 175. I realize there can be a bump up but WOW. Did I get up and eat pancakes during the night? I hate having to take G before I even eat. I do sleep better when blood sugar is low. I think when it starts to rise is what wakes me up so early. I have heard that the liver dumps glucose to get you ready for the day. Hey liver, I don't need that much!! I read that the way to avoid high glucose is dont put it in in the first place.

Time to get on the scale. Will I be or .

Yay! Down to 186.6. Down 3 days in a row but I know that doesn't last forever. Plus they are recycled pounds, pounds I lost before.

I haven't eaten yet. DH made eggs and bacon but I will eat later. I need empty stomach for a while. If I eat early in the morning I'm eating all day. DH doesn't understand that.

Chicken breasts are in the slow cooker with cream of chicken soup. I browned them first. DH asked what they were for and I said "so I can learn how to cook slow cooker chicken with cream soup." Lately he will only eat hamburgers or hot dogs, and potatoes. I want meat no matter what he wants. Chicken and eggs have always been my favorites. He did not eat any of the meatloaf. Its not much different from hamburger. I think it was because the meat was defrosted two days before but that was his fault because he would not let me make the meatloaf. The meat was still good. It did not turn brown even on the inside. Rusty is eating the leftover meat loaf. Actually, it would be great if we each were on our own for food like Mad and her husband are.

Last edited by Wannabehealthy; 06-29-2022 at 10:28 AM.
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Old 06-29-2022, 12:51 PM   #9  
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Carol Sue YAY for the scale down again today. You can do this. We can do this. Sorry about the way the bs readings are swinging, but I think it will happen for you. We know that some foods raise our bs while others don't. However, I also think that when you start getting it under control that it just bounces around sometimes. Not sure why. I also have heard that the liver dumps glucose to wake us up in the mornings.

Sorry you are having difficulty getting on the thread. I know that is frustrating because it was for me when it happened to me. The last time it happened to me, I just kept the password they gave me and wrote it down and have never changed it because when I tried to change it I would lose it. So just went with it. I don't know how long we will have 3fc, but do like being able to keep in touch here as long as possible. It is more relaxed than other places. Of all the forms I've been on over the years and they are long gone now, this one has been the best. Even the newer ones aren as good as this one.

Weight bumped up .8 lb from all that KFC chicken yesterday even after eating only 2 meals. Glad I didn't add the shake. So weight was 183 today and FBG was up 6 pts from yesterday to 107. I'm really glad that we eat out only once a week or twice at the most if we meet my sisters and their hubbies. Which we could do this Friday because DBIL is off this Friday. He wanted to retire at the end of the year but I bet he doesn't because he has been wanting a truck that is electric and gas combo. He had decided to give up so he could retire, but talked to a man who has one when they went to see their DD last weekend and wants it again. They want everything paid off before he retires.

Sam's finally got their Pacific cod fish fillets again so I got a package. I could buy it other places but theirs are all pretty much the same size and I get a big package of them for a little over $17 and at the store the other day they wanted over $10 for 2 fillets. So we are having cod for dinner today. My fiber is going to be rather high today but it makes my net carbs 73 g and my calories are going to be 1208. I had my SLMG toast this morning for breakfast. Surely was good.

Have a good day.
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Old 06-29-2022, 01:24 PM   #10  
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Trish I sent you a video of a guy talking about fiber. A week or so ago. Did you get it? I don't want to post the link here because he advertises a product. I'm going to send you another email today.

My chicken turned out good. I don't think DH will eat it. I could make my chicken cacchetoire that way too. It just has a can of diced tomatoes, a can of mushrooms and some spices.
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Old 06-29-2022, 02:38 PM   #11  
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Carol Sue, No I didn't get the video on fiber. I haven't checked that email site in a while so will check it out. I will check it out today.

Yout chicken cacchetoire sound good and it would be different. I will have to try that and hope DH will like it. He grew tired of my parmessan chicken really quick so I haven't even bought the marinade for that any more.
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Old 06-30-2022, 11:31 AM   #12  
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Scale went up to 186.6 today, just a few 10ths. I did excellent with food yesterday so I expected a drop but we know how that goes. I had 1185 cals with 21 carbs. Blood sugar was so good I only took 1 mg of G total. This tells me that glucose control is within my control just through what I eat. I hope I can continue this way.

I went out early to buy a birthday card to get it in the mail today. DH bought a cake for himself so I didn't expect him to cook brunch. He made a,sandwich with egg, bacon, lettuce and tomato and I ate half. So that was my brunch. I don't know what I will eat the rest of the day. No plans. I have nothing defrosted. If we go out I will have to be very careful.
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Old 06-30-2022, 01:30 PM   #13  
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Weight up again .6 lb this morning which I kind of expected since I'm going for a higher fiber woe. The wonderful surprise this morning was that my FBG was 96. Years ago I bought a diabetic is why fiber is the key to lower blood sugar. So I will stay with this and keep calories low, protein between 65 to 90 grams and fiber in within 20 to 25 grams. Aos for carbs, I want to keep them low enough so that I have net grams under 100 as often as possible. Not necessarily eating low carb but more moderate. Doing a high fiber diet, I have to be sure I remember to drink plenty of water each day. I still think it needs to be more water than other drinks.

Carol Sue, that video you shared with me helps along with The Obesity Fix helps me to understand why WW worked so well for me last year when I started losing weight again. I honestly believe it was the fiber foods.

Your up is probably just a fluctuation. Probably water. It will come down with some more along with it.

I had half serving of oatmeal this mornng with half a serving of protein shake. I will drink the other half this evening to get the amount of protein I am shooting for. Total calories today will be 1089, fiber 25 and net carbs 94 g. Wish I lost weight the way MFP says I will. According to them, I should weigh approx 173 lb by the time I go to he doctor in August. In their dreams.

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Old 07-01-2022, 10:14 AM   #14  
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Weight is up again to 187. Two steps forward three steps back. I had more carbs than Wednesday but I don't think I overdid it. We saw friends yesterday that we haven't seen over the pandemic. She has gain a lot of weight. Many people gained. She also retired right before so that might be why. He looked thinner. He is my chiropractor and DHs friend from years ago. He was in my high school graduating class but we never knew each other.

Yesterday I had a grilled chicken sandwich and DH had a shredded pot roast sandwich. I asked him why he doesn't like my pot roast and he said I don't shred it. I told him I could shred it. He said their gravy makes the difference. They have brown gravy I use cream of mushroom soup. I can buy a can of brown gravy. I will try that with the roast I have in the freezer. I will be amazed if he likes it.

DH has not been cooking early breakfast like he did. I wonder if he is dieting or if he decided I am right to wait to eat. He still has the cake he bought. He eats one piece per day. I tasted the cake. It is yellow cake with strawberries on top and white creamy icing. It is good but I can pass it up.

My blood sugar continues to be good. Not nearly as good as yours. But good for me. I'm testing more often. I have found that taking the small pieces, 1/2 mg, is working better for me than taking one 2mg tablet twice a day. It keeps blood sugar lower overall and I don't usually need my total dose. This should help with my A1 c next time as I'm not getting spikes. I don't know how its effecting my weight. I'm not losing or gaining any differently than I was before. The highest readi​​​​ng I get is fasting in the morning though. The DP hits me. 112 when I went to bed last night but 157 this morning. Its those darn cookies and candy I eat in my sleep!

Last edited by Wannabehealthy; 07-01-2022 at 12:56 PM.
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Old 07-01-2022, 02:00 PM   #15  
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Carol Sue, Maybe DH is learning that it is better to wait to eat first meal of the day. I hope he will like your roast when you shred it and use the brown gravy. My hubby likes it that way but still like the homemade gravy but I can't make the brown gravy like they do. I had an aunt who used to make brown gravy in an iron skillet. The flour would look burnt by the time she was ready to add the water or whatever liquid she used, but I never had the nack for doing it that way because I was afraid I would burn the flour. So can or jar is soooo much easier.

Still DH still eats some things cook in a restaurant that he won't eat when I cook them. I love to cook fresh mushrooms for a side dish which he eats at the steak house, but doesn't like it when I cook them. The sad thing is that I love them but won't buy them for me. He likes canned ones, but that isn't the same to me.

I lost that .6 lb gain I had yesterday so weignt is back down to 183 todaby but it was real since I weighed the same at 3 different times this morning about an hour apart and it didn't even bounce. FBG was 92. Oh how I hope this high protein/fiber woe will keep it that way so I will have a really good A1c this time. My goal is to keep it in the 4s. I gained weight this month. I didn't check but I think I weighed 181.6 June 1st and weigh 183 this morning. I plan to do this high protein/fiber combo this month and see how I do. I certain like what it does to my blood sugar and hope it will help with the weight loss too.

Carol Sue, I believe that you will be able to have a really good A1c next time. The way I started getting it undercontrol was by checking it more often through the day. I still try to stay within 8 hr eating window, although back when I was checking it like you are, I learned that a 10 hr eating window would have worked better because I learned that if I ate and then waited 5 hrs before I ate again that my bs would go back into a normal range. My bs loves for me to eat 3 meals but I do the 8 because I want some form of autophagy if at all possible. I think the control of our bs is another one of those things that is an individual thing and not a One Size Fits All kind of thing.

We had planned to go out to eat with my sisters and their hubbies, but BS asked to post pone for 2 weeks because her hubby is helping a neighbor with a project and won't be finished in time. I had planned on have a steak with baked potato and green beans so that is what I will have except I will be cooking it myself. Not sure what veggies DH will want with his steak. I ended up having French toast made with one egg and had 2 sl bacon and a cup of coffee with it. I've cut my coffee consumption back to no more than 3 c a day. Of course, I will have to have the protein shake later this evening to get the protein I need for today. So we are home for the weekend as usual.

Have a great day!!
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