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Old 04-23-2008, 10:24 AM   #166  
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Good Morning Everyone!!
Well I am off to a great start, I kept yesterday in calorie range, even with Ice cream. LOL! I hope I can keep this up.

Shy- I do hear ya on that. Don't change it, just eat what you should be eating, and you will see tons of progress.

Irish- I was going to clip out pics of my cousin who looks like me, and is a go-go dancer. She looks hot! So maybe I'll post some pics of her, but with my head on her body! LOL I can't wait to buy clothes too, I "window" shop online, and make mental notes of what I want to wear. I plan on spending lots of money on clothes too. I hope by September I can look smashing! LOL!

GrammyL- Woohooo!!!!! You go girl!!
Thanks for the added info. I have been looking at it online and reading about it. It sounds like something I could do, since I do need a structured plan to keep me on track. I'll let you know if I decide to get it, meanwhile, I am still counting and eating right. LOL! You know guys and their absentminded comments! I can't believe that around this time last year I was in the upper 180's! I don't want to see 180 ever again, or anything above the upper 170's range. LOL!

Well back to work I go! have a great Hump Day everyone!!!!!
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Old 04-23-2008, 10:27 AM   #167  
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tinky: I know what you mean last year I was at least 218...I didn't have a scale until I had already been trying to lose for a little bit I am sure I weighed even more!!! I never want to be that...or this heavy again.
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Old 04-23-2008, 12:55 PM   #168  
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I was in the 190's this time last year. We all have made progress and have manage to keep it off. That is the hard part, keeping it off.

Thanks Tinky. Have you taken the test to know your body type? If you have let me know because maybe I can help some and you can give it a try before you decide to spend that kind of money.
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Old 04-23-2008, 04:39 PM   #169  
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Sometimes that is all we need to do is buckle down a bit. Did we pop 5 grapes into our mouth or 50. lol I am bad about that. I walk by and grab a couple, a hundred times a day. Had to stop doing that lol.

There you go again lol a tall person saying she is short lol. I wish I were so short. Heck Capri's fit me like regular pants. I still haven't found any for the summer and I bet I have tryed on 50 pairs.

I was pretty happy with myself. I had my weigh in at the docs office today. All that sodium weight is gone. I am right where I want to be for this many weeks work. Has been well worth the effort.
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Old 04-23-2008, 07:08 PM   #170  
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Irish- I was also looking at pics from last year, when I thought I was all banging, and WOW what a freaking difference. Ewww...I never want to go back to that ever again! LOL!

GrammyL- I did the test online this afternoon and according to them I am Body Type C. I don't know what it means, but I will research that a bit more too. I looked on Ebay and saw some good deals on it, and HSN even has it for sale and it's lower than what I would pay through the infomercial.
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Old 04-24-2008, 09:18 AM   #171  
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Tinky ~ Man, I can't help you because I am an A. Each body type has a certain eating pattern that they follow.

Me, I have to say I am lucky because I do the typical American plan to me. I have 2 oz of protein 6 times a day and for my body type they prefer fish, chicken or turkey but I can have pork or beef for dinner only. Carbs are also 6 times a day but all snacks are fruit and meals are rice, oatmeal that type of carb. Some veggies are free and you can have them with a meal or snack others are limited to just meals. The only down side to my body type is we are more limited on the types of carbs, protein, fruits and veggies than the other body types because A's are more sensitive to carbs than the other body types. I am an apple shaped person. If you can get it cheaper go for it! I think its a bit pricey but it really does work if you do what they say. I have even stayed away from dairy this week and we all know how I LOVE dairy.

Ok, I just went through my stuff to see if I still had my body type C for woman and that is the only one that is gone. My ODD was a C so I made up a kit for her and she lost it. I am sure the womans is very similar to the mens just smaller amounts. B - Protein/fruit/carb S - Protein/carb L - protein/carb/veggies S - protein/carb D - protein/carb/veggie S - fruit. Having the kit would help you more but that is what you have. Proteins are 2 oz and carbs/fruit are 1/2 c. They kit tells what types of proteins, carbs and fruits you can have for your body type and they appear to be the same as mine but I often use other carbs/fruit with the same results. For me its making sure I measure and weigh everything because I want twice as much as I should have. LOL!

Shy ~ LOL! I didn't realize you were tinnier than I am. My Mom is only 4' 9" and has the same problem with carpi's as you do. Half the time even at my height they almost go to my ankles. I know people say I am short but I have to say that most college students are very close to my height. They just make pants the length for the taller people and figure we can have them altered. The styles now days, you can't alter them and why should we have to pay more to have them altered.

That is great news that you made it to where you want to be. BRAVO!

I am down a little bit more this morning but not enough to be able to change my ticker again but I knew that in advance because I normally don't lose anything on Wednesdays which is Thursday weigh in so a little is better than nothing.

I had to mow the lawn already. AHHHH! It was so long I had to do it on 6 or else it would have clumped. I also got my tubby horse out and took a short ride last night. It was a busy night so thank goodness for a warm up meal for the most part. LOL!

Well I need to do department errands and check in with my 6WBMO group. One of the ladies I chat on line with was actually on the current Infomercial which is kind of cool.
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Old 04-24-2008, 10:07 AM   #172  
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Good Morning everyone! Well I am so glad it's Thursday, but the downside is, that these last two days of the week, are going to be Buuuuussssyyy! Nothing new, and nothing I can't handle.

GrammyL- I am really looking into it and believe this is something that I can do and need to do. I haven't had enough discipline to really stay on track, I am on track calories wise, but my food choices are less than stellar at times. I have heard so many great things about the 6WBMO. Thanks for giving me a heads up, and I am so glad you're doing it. No one here at work or outside of work that I know has done it, only seen it on infomercials. LOL! I have not had to the mow in the lawn in years. It's pretty nice. So far.

Well have a great day everyone!
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Old 04-24-2008, 10:36 AM   #173  
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My DH and I were skeptical about it until I got it and started seeing the results. He became a true believer when I restarted it after being diagnosed with diabetes and I beat diabetes in less than 4 months. Never had to take meds or anything and its gone now. I know that if I ever gain the weight back or don't eat right it will be back. That is one of my motivations.

It is estimated that diabetes costs $174 billion dollars a year. I don't want to be a part of that if I can help it. I think if trends continue that the cost will continue to rise.

I am freezing today. We have a temperature controlled room which means what ever it is set on is what the temperature will end up. Someone had it turned down to 50 and that is where it was headed. I guess its warm in here now but I am still freezing. Could be all the cold water I am drinking, think its time for some warm water. LOL!
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Old 04-24-2008, 12:57 PM   #174  
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Meals for the day:

B - 2 egg whites w/veggies and oatmeal
S - 2 oz turkey Italian sausage, pear
L - 2 oz turkey brat, 1/2 c. pasta (low glycemic), veggies
S - 2 oz turkey chorizo, fresh strawberries
D - 2 oz chicken, 1/2 c. brown rice, broccoli
S - 2 oz tuna, apple
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Old 04-24-2008, 03:39 PM   #175  
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Hi, I new to the 3FC board and I hope you'll welcome me to your Calorie Counters forum.

I'm from south Georgia, I love animals and have 8 cats. I have 2 sons, 2 grandsons and I run a Neighborhood Networks center.

Several years ago, I lost about 75lbs just counting calories and cooking what I ate a little more low fat...then, of course when you think you've got it all figured out and think you are totally in control, everything hits a skid and you run off the road, through the bridge, into the river and start sinking. Then, to make it worse, I quit smoking and gained about 55lbs in 3 months! How the heck is that possible??!!!

Well, I haven't hit my highest weight ever yet (330) and didn't want to get there, so at almost 315 lbs, I started the South Beach Diet. Wow...that was pretty horrible. I never made it to Phase 2 because Phase 1 was so gross. And as I looked down the future path of dieting on that program and seeing "brownies" made of black beans and "faux mashed potatoes" made of cauliflower, I knew that there wasn't a snowball's chance that I was going to be able to eat that way for a lifetime. I know SBD has and is working for a lot of people, but it's definitely not for me. I need food--the food I'm used to, cooked in a healthier way, and less of it.

In general, I eat a very wide variety of foods, I like the whole grains--not a big fruit lover, but I love veggies. I broil most of my meats... so I figured that since I already know how to "work" the low cal/low fat way of eating I'd try that again.

I'm older than most of you, but from reading bits and pieces of this thread, I think I fit right in. I used to train Tennesse Walkers and Quarter Horses, I LOVE animals, and admin a cat message board, I used to manage a grunge/heavy metal band, my major in college was Theatre, I love computers, teach some classes, have my radio broadcasters license (and used to be a DJ) --but with all that "liberal" background, I still manage to be quite conservative about most things.

I really could use your support because I live alone and don't get a lot of feed back or encouragment anywhere. I'm not whining about it--just saying that it would be nice to have someone say, "that's fantastic" now and then!

Anyway, I'll be starting at between 1800-2000 cals a day, then drop a 100 cals a day when I hit plateaus and zigzagging doesn't help. As of today, I've lost 9 lbs. since April 14th, so that puts me at 306--my goals are simple--I'm losing just 10lbs at a time for a goal. I'll be at my first goal weight probably within the next day or so... after all the first step has to be finished before the next step can be taken...I'm not going to stress about OMG!!?? I have sooo much weight to lose. I CAN LOSE ten pounds...and ten more....

If it's okay, I'd like to put my daily calories in this thread as well.

B-Lean pocket ham and cheese 290
coffee with 1 sugar and cremora 25

S- None--wasn't hungry

L- Chicken Caesar Salad, with broiled chicken breast, a tsp. Parm cheese, FF croutons (7), FF Caesar Dressing 345

S- FF yogurt 60

D- Will be lean pork chop diced and browned in Pam with Wild rice added. 420
1/2 bag steamed veggies with lemon juice and herbs added 60
2 slices of Whole Wheat light bread with spitz of "butter" 110
Tea With Splenda 0

That's only 1310 cals for the day...

I haven't decide what's for snack--if I have one. Maybe ceral and ff milk...or "cheese" crisps made from LF cheese cubes cooked in the microwave for 1 minute. Sometimes I just like to drink FF buttermilk. It really "hits" the spot for only 90 calories a cup!
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Old 04-24-2008, 04:46 PM   #176  
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Well folks, I think I have lost my mind! I don't know what it is, but since losing weight I've become WAY more assertive. Today at a work meeting the director of the art gallery asked why everyone is so down in meetings and what's going on. "Why does everyone seem upset?" Well, he did ask... so I let him have it in all my blunt glory. I let him know that I had gotten to the point of not caring about my job because my opinions are not appreciated. Well that's to say, we are told they are, but he never seems to listen to them and just does what he feels is best if he disagrees with us. The gallery is having serious financial issues and if we stay I will be looking for a new job. The problem is so bad that they've "loaned me out" to another museum two days a week. They've said it's to help out the museum, but I'm not so sure. Anyway, this probably makes no sense because I'm so ticked off right now. I wouldn't call myself the "b" word, but I'm sure some people have been thinking it. I've never been so blunt and open about what I think before in my life. It's kind of scary. Yikes! I'll let you know if I still have a job later...

As far as DH's job search we should know something by the first Monday in May, although it may be unofficial. Dh has gotten a job offer, but it's not one of the ones we want to take.

Sorry to dump on all of you! I'm just having such a hard time right now and it's good to get it out. I've been eating so poorly lately. I've only gained a couple pounds, but it's enough to make me upset with myself over lack of self control.
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Old 04-25-2008, 12:06 AM   #177  
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Sometimes the time comes we just have to say what we think when we are asked. I try to keep my thoughts to myself. My hubby will say, when someone says what do you think. " If you really don't really want to know, do NOT ask her " lol. Hopefully your hubby will get the job you both want him to have.

You are more than welcome here. We love to have new people. You will find so much encouragement here. I happen to follow the " Rennie plan " and for 19.99 I will sell you the plan, lol just send your self addressed envelope and cash lol For a limit time offer I will send an egg separator that works most of the time. I have found no matter the age difference young or old we are all on the same journey and all of us need encouragement. The people I chat with here are worth their weight in banana pudding . Please post often and sure, put down what you have eaten if you like. Things in print really stick with us and help us to see how well we are doing.

My plan is pretty basic and is very general I can go a little under or a little over on the calories. I eat between 1200 and 1400 calories a day. I stay within 30 to 35 grams of fat and 180 to 210 grams of carbs. I eat the required amounts of the four basic food groups which are bread/cereal 6, meat 2, dairy 2, veggies 3, fruits 2. I have a hard time getting in 6 bread and cereal so the dietitian/nutritionist said I could take in 3 one day and 6 the next and that would be fine.

Capri's = high waters lol I did find one pair last year that fit so great. This year I could put me, the cat, the bunny and a book in them with me lol. I tryed to just roll down the waist band but they still didn't want to stay up. That really showed me, much more than the scale. How well I have done so far.
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Old 04-25-2008, 09:16 AM   #178  
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Gai ~

I look forward to getting to know you. You appear to be a very colorful person with all you have done in life.

We have one thing in common and that is the love of animals. We have a TWH (became family member at 6 is now 20) that racks - love him but he has gotten spoiled, fat, lazy, stubborn and not so smooth to ride with age. We also have two cart ponies - hackney pony that is a true gem and miniature horse that is becoming that way.

Horses are one of my passions in life but with age I have started doing more driving than ridding because ridding is becoming painful. I had a ridding accident where a young TWH I retrained (was all messed up when I got him) got his rhythm all mess up and went down. I actually had a vet there checking him out because he was tripping a lot and he fell before and broke my nose when he came up so I was concerned about him. This time I was not as lucky to just get a broken nose this time he fell on me twice the initial fall and then a second time when he was almost up he lost his footing and down he went again on me. I had an ambulance ride to the hospital because they were sure there was internal injuries. He passed his vet check and he said his observation as simply he got his legs all tangled up and down he went. He went from 16.1 h to 17 h in less than 6 months, vet said that was probably a little to fast.

Other pets we have are rabbits, chickens, goat, rats (pet rats not wild rats LOL!), fish, bird and dogs. We used to have cats but they always run over to the neighbors so we stopped getting them.

I did SB and quit in the second phase also. It just wasn't for me and I wasn't losing well at all. Sounds like what your doing now is very healthy and if you like it it will be something you can do for the rest of your life. They way I look at it is what I am doing has to be something I can do for the rest of my life, its a lifestyle change.

Last edited by GrammyL; 04-25-2008 at 09:22 AM.
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Old 04-25-2008, 09:20 AM   #179  
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Shy ~ That had to feel good to put those on and they not fit. I put a pair on that I really like that were snug last year and now they are to big. I didn't realize I had made that much progress. I thought my jeans were just getting stretched out is why. I am not good about doing measurements and the places I have lost are not always places we measure.

OK smarty pants. LOL! What a joker about selling the plan but you are totally right that is what they do on everything they advertise on TV. Always giving us a deal of something extra that doesn't usually work or we would not use on a regular basis anyway. LOL! XOXOXOXO for the first laugh of the day for me.
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Old 04-25-2008, 09:27 AM   #180  
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I am sure that the weight loss has given you confidence but I thinks its stress and your tired of being pushed around. I snap on occasion from this combination. I am normally not one to speak my mind but when pushed hard enough I let it all out. I am one of those ticking time bombs that has a long fuse so to much is allowed to build up before the explosion happens. I am working on this but its not easy to change.

Is the job he waiting to hear about, the first Monday of May, where you are now?

Those pounds will come right back off and you will get the control back once the stress leaves.
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