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Old 03-29-2007, 06:13 PM   #721  
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Claire (and anyone else who does not feel well today)
here's an angel to look over you.

get some rest. You problably need it with Your job!
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Old 03-29-2007, 08:06 PM   #722  
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Walking~ I hope you feel wonderfully rested tomorrow and without illness! with the scale tomorrow too!

Hey, does anyone read Janet Evanovich? I'm like that character that held up the Frito Lay truck because she was on a low-carb diet. I just can't deal on the no-carb thing. Thankfully I've been able to ween myself (over the years) off of the bad carbs, but I still need carbs (love my brown rice.)

That said, I've had friends who have done really well on low-carb high protein diets, so they can work. I think everyone's body is a little different. Wouldn't it be nice if doctors could just do a test and tell you what would be the best for your particular body? Or would that be too easy? Boy, am I rambling today or what?
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Old 03-29-2007, 08:30 PM   #723  
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Hi all! I had a good day today and yesterday. I kept it under 1800 calories and walked for over 1/2 hour. I got hungry for a snack at work and I didn't have anything with me. I ended up having to grab a snack size bag of pretzels for 200 calories, which isn't too bad, but it is processed. What are your favorite snacks to keep on hand?

littlered - what a cutie you have in your picture!

walking2loose - hope you feel better.

grammyl - congrats on the pound drop.
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Old 03-29-2007, 09:22 PM   #724  
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Well, eating for me today is done...1300...about half of that was from one meal!!.....Wound up leaving about 2:30 for the kids teacher meetings, then the book fair, THEN we went to my dad's, my mom went to NJ to take care of her mother and she's been gone over a month....poor dad he gets so lonely...She'll be back in about 3 more weeks!! Kids can't wait... My brother and his kids came by also and they ALL ate pizza so we stayed longer than planned and I wound up FAMISHED when I got home and eating a bit more than I should have in ONE meal...

OH anyways, so we went to my dad's and he's the WORST about pushing food on me, BUT he finally is understanding...when I talked to my mom tonight she said he originally thought I wasnt eating at all, since I rarely ate/ or accepted food from him!! ALso he wasn't aware that I've been doing this since Nov/Dec. For the longest time I wore such big baggie clothes, now that I bought clothes that fit nice, the weighloss is more noticable!! Some of the stuff I was wearing was about 2-3 sizes too big!! She explained to him that I was counting calories and eating only exactly how much I needed and I've been doing it for quite awhile!!...While I was there he asked how much I lost and told me he would stop trying to tempt me with food!! Also made a comment that he needed to start getting on the ball himself and loose the weight he gained this past winter... You know what I love...I was telling my mom that if my dad was so concerned about what and how much I eat, I WROTE EVERYTHING down the past 4-5months and he could see it... I hope my dad stops trying to push food on me, and he really did finally get it!! I just can't keep going over there if all he does is try and throw food at me....
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Old 03-29-2007, 09:28 PM   #725  
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Originally Posted by lovemyboy View Post
What are your favorite snacks to keep on hand?
Since I have kids I usually keep a few snacks on me...which I could also eat.

Clif Zbars...they are marketed for kids but they are quite yummy and 120ish calories per bar...they are also organic. I get them from amazon online...cheaper that way...

ALSO LOVE Dr Kracker Seadlander Crackers....also buy by the case at amazon. I buy they snack bags and they are 120 calories. I'll sometimes much on a bag with 1 wedge of low fat laughing cow cheese......

From the just tomatoes company I love munching on little bags of the just veggies...its like dried vegetables the texture of like popcorn...100% veggies nothing added! I got my sis in law into those, and she'll take them to work and people will look at her like HUH??? but then try it and LOVE IT!!
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Old 03-29-2007, 09:40 PM   #726  
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Theresa - to answer your question about the high protein diet, my hubby and I were on the Atkins about 4 years ago. We both lost 30+ pounds in a relatively short time before it slowed down after adding a little more carbs to our diet. It's easy to loose on it, but after a while it gets pretty boring and once you go off it's hard to get back to a balanced diet and keep the weight off. I didn't exercise other than my usual walking during the time that I was on it, so all weight was lost by other means.

I have heard that it's the best way for women to lose weight quickly, but they don't address the long-term success rate. I also found that the joints in my toes started to ache by the sixth month. I went off immediately after that for fear that I was developing gout. I must admit that it did away with my acid reflux and hypoglycemic episodes. My cholesterol and blood pressure also went down.
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Old 03-29-2007, 09:45 PM   #727  
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Girls -- thanks so much for the well wishes. Everyone is so sweet and caring. It's a warm place to come when you need encouragement, so thanks to all of you who make it that way. I'm heading in about 2 minutes to cozy up in bed. I hope to feel better upon awakening tomorrow. Will check back tomorrow to post my weigh in... I sure hope I'll be moving that blasted ticker DOWN.
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Old 03-29-2007, 10:47 PM   #728  
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Originally Posted by lovemyboy View Post
What are your favorite snacks to keep on hand?
~I love my fresh fruit! I keep apples, bananas, mandarin oranges (they're easier to peel), and blood oranges in a bowl on the table all the time.

~Cabot Dairy makes a great light cheddar that comes packaged in individual servings and they are only 50 calories each. I like to eat those with a couple of rye crackers. Sometimes for variety I get light string cheese instead.

~When I'm really craving chips I eat a corn tortilla that I've baked in the oven. Sometimes I bake them with nothing on them, but they are best when spritzed with some nonstick spray and salt sprinkled on. I'll eat one tortilla with a serving of salsa.

~When I want something really decadent I have a serving of dark chocolate or a 1/4 cup of pistachios.
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Old 03-29-2007, 10:52 PM   #729  
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Calories for today: A whopping 1638

Fat 29%

Fiber 52 grams

I hope everyone has a great evening!
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Old 03-29-2007, 11:05 PM   #730  
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hey everyone
cheese question: where do people find the 'Laughing Cow' cheese? (It is lowfat/low cal cheese right?) I have looked for it at Cub Foods, Rainbow Food, and Super I looking in the wrong places or do those stores not have it? I LOVE cheese and would love to eat more of it for the calcium/protein benefits, but I usually eat just one fat-free slice on a sandwhich every few days because of the high calories.
Also, I love string cheese (what a great, easy, portable snack!)...has anyone found any with less than 80 calories? those are the 'most healthy' ones that I have found...but I would love to eat it more if there were some made even healthier like the fat-free single slices of american that I buy.

calories for the past few days:
Tuesday 1660
Wed 1570
today 1890 (very high, I know, but I'm thinking of doing a little zig zagging this weekend...and decided to start with the zag )

claire~good luck at the weigh in!
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Old 03-29-2007, 11:13 PM   #731  
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chloeone: I buy laughing cow cheese at Walmart or Sam's club....The low fat wedges come in a few different flavors. I LOVE these things. they are 35 calories (3 grams fat?? I think....its late I'm not going to look..LOL) I will get one and a bunch of celery sticks and sort of dip it in....YUMMMMMM also I eat it with crackers. My oldest son loves them too BUT he eats it with something SOOOO unhealthy and fattening I wont even say what it is, since it really is yummy and wont tempt anyone to try..... He's skinny skinny so he can eat it once in awhile...
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Old 03-30-2007, 01:14 AM   #732  
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1569 cals today.

How the heck do you get so much fiber?? LOL Even on my veggie bean burrito days I'm only in the 20s. 19 grams of fiber today. I might have to get Fiber One again...blech. Although it was pretty good with strawberries on it.

I have some fiber additive "Fiber Sure", but isn't that not as effective as real food sources?
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Old 03-30-2007, 02:52 AM   #733  
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Isn't broccoli high in fiber? What about high fiber bread or cereal? I've never tried Fiber Sure before. Although I did buy some Ovaltine today~ :-) I find laughing cow usually near the humus if that helps.Wishing All you CCs a great day tomorrow! See ya later! Oh! and thanks for the warm welcomes. I'm new to CC(well you know what i mean) My calories seem to be around 1600?IS this a good start?

Last edited by Abbynormal; 03-30-2007 at 02:56 AM. Reason: To add thanks for the sweet welcomes
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Old 03-30-2007, 03:26 AM   #734  
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I also love fruit for snacking , I never used to, and I would think that was the last food I would want. But now I crave my fruit and can eat more of that in a day then any other food.
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Old 03-30-2007, 07:03 AM   #735  
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Good morning all.

Some high fiber foods:

Berries, straw, blue, rasp, black - and low in calories, a great snack
Fiber One Cereal, for breakfast, to add into salads in place of croutons, to add to yogurt
Cauliflower - I eat about 3 cups of this 5 X a week, maybe more
Spinach and other dark leafy veggies
Whole grain products
Beans and lentils

Claire, I hope you are feeling better today. We are also heading into spring break. I am dreading having the kids home, it just throws my schedule out the window.

Bobbi it amazes me how much we think alike. I mean our journeys are so different, we are coming from such different places (weightwise). I'm talking about your last post about our well stocked and supplied house, and in general. And we COME from such different places. You with your pretty yellow chickens and your elk and me living in a big city.

Anyway, Thursday's calories - it's been a good week, food wise and exercise wise, it had better be, cause next week I'm expecting it to be a DISASTER having the kids home and stuff. - Calories - about 1200.

Have a great, healthy and productive day ladies.
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