The Biggest Loser - Winning by Losing For discussion of the NBC tv show The Biggest Loser and the book Winning by Losing, by Jillian Michaels

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Old 06-16-2007, 09:07 AM   #1396  
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Thanks for the words of wisdom girls. I think I am just trying to procrastinate! I'm going to dig the book out tomorrow and jot down an exercise plan starting on the Monday. It will be cheaper than the gym for sure, and I do know it works! I'm hoping to see some losses on the scales from the fat burning.. I'll let you know how it goes!
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Old 06-17-2007, 04:30 PM   #1397  
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Hey everyone. Seems summer is well under way. I think Gina and Cindy are still traveling?

I have been home almost a week. I haven't been talking diet and exercise lately though I have been trying to stay within some sort of plan.

I do have some thoughts on "Making the Cut" now that I have tried it though. As Jillian say, I really do think she means it when she is talking about it being a plan for the last 20 lbs. It really really worked, BUT I have tried and don't think I can maintain that intensity. It just has wreaked havoc on my knees mainly. No injury per se, but I felt it there every day.

I am not sure what I want to do now. I have been hiking daily and struggling to get back to the lifting. I am also a little burned out w/ the gym. Not the gym so much, as just wanting more privacy to work out in. The trainer is there with her clients in the early mornings when I prefer to go and I am just a little tired of overhearing her shtick. Nothing at all against her, just bored with that scene. I am going to play around with times so that I might find a quieter time this coming week. I am also thinking of using my own equipment except for some days (like back day) when I really enjoy the gym's equipment for variety of things I can do. It is all that "wallowing around on the floor" that I really hate doing at the gym. Space for that is limited and a lot of times I feel pretty ridiculous.

Lex, glad to hear you are going to get busy with the workouts. I like your idea of creating your own workout - with Jillian's wisdom to fall back on - I think I should do the same.
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Old 06-18-2007, 09:11 AM   #1398  
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Hey guys - yep, I'm still traveling - in Thailand currently - got here last Friday, did the tourist thing in Bangkok over the weekend, and now in Pattaya, which is supposedly near the plant. However, the plant is an hour away, so I'm spending 2 hours each day in a maniac-driven cab! Not very relaxing, to say the least. You'd think there would be someplace closer....

Anyway, busy, busy, will write more later in the week or when I get home on Thursday.
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Old 06-18-2007, 09:53 AM   #1399  
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I'm still here. It's not going very well. I got through Mon- Wed last week, but after that I seem to have not to have the time to do anything.
The kids are making me nuts.I am ready to ship my son off to summer school whether they want him or not !
Every day we seem to have to go somewhere and do something, which means usually I miss my workout and DD2 sleeps in her carseat.
I am still good on my food- but I am in a stall with the weight loss.I did good with the family birthdays and Father's Day over the weekend( Dsis and DH share the same day).
I found a small set of weights ( 110 pounds) for 10.00 on Craig's list to go with the five dollar weight bench. I haven't had a chance to even try it out. DS13 thinks it is great- he's out on the back porch with the party lights on lifting after dark.
It's just frustrating and I think I need to invoke house arrest to get the kids to cooperate for the 45 minutes I want to use to work out in.
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Old 06-18-2007, 09:06 PM   #1400  
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Hey sirak - sorry about the munchkins eating into your exercise time. I can relate. Can you get up earlier than they do for your 45 min. at the weight bench (great job on the bargain hunting btw)? I know it's hard. As far as weight loss slowing down - huh? Seems to me you are dropping weight at lightening speed. I am sure your body is just playing catch up.

Cindy - sounds like quite an adventure you are having over there. Safe travels and when you get home you'll be hitting the prewedding festivities big time!

Still mourning for my beloved N.M. and already making plans for my next trip. Whenever that might be, I have a plan.
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Old 06-20-2007, 06:40 PM   #1401  
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Hey gals - part of the way home - back in Seoul airport, but now have 4 hours to kill! My flight from Bangkok was a red-eye - first time I have done that! I slept maybe 3 hours, thanks to 1/2 an Ambien.

Having major connection problems with my work computer - had planned to do a bunch of work during this layover, and I can't get it to connect. I'm concerned that being on the system in the Thailand plant may have reconfigured something, as it's been slow like this ever since Tuesday.

I'm on a computer in the "business center" - nice that they have these! So, just killing time, trying to keep myself occupied.

If any of you are readers, and enjoyed any of the Hannibal Lector movies/books, I highly recommend Hannibal Rising. It's been ages since I read a book that was this well written! Funny how you get used to whatever crap you choose - me, Patricia Cornwell, who's not that bad, but then you pick up something by someone who's really talented, and it just blows you away! I'll probably finish reading it this morning, and I started yesterday morning - I"m a very fast reader!

Well, I guess I'll check some more emails...

My diet and exercise have been totally put on hold for this trip - I packed workout gear, but just have not been able to fit it in. Excuses, excuses, I know... Back on track next week!
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Old 06-20-2007, 09:32 PM   #1402  
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Good to hear from you and glad you are almost home. Man, I have been in the doldrums. Just got back from a hike (was finally cool enough), and I was just thinking about how crappy I have been feeling this week. It occurred to me that what I need is a good surge of endorphins. Not happy not working on the body, and yet it is so hard to get back into the routine. I have been home a week today so I'd say it was time to snap out of it. I DO NOT want to go to the gym for some reason. Gotta get the home gym up and running again I guess.
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Old 06-21-2007, 06:52 PM   #1403  
2 wheels is plenty :D
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Hey - I'm still here...we leave Saturday. Been trying to get ready...

But if Cindy can figure out how to post from freaking everywhere...I should chime in. Sounds like a great trip, Cindy!!

sirak - this is why I only have the dog... He rarely ruins a workout. He has caused quite a few....I would never have walked at night without him. Maybe try for two shorter workouts if you can't get 45 minutes all at once? Or tie the kids to a tree...oops..that's for dogs.

ledom - see! That workout high IS addictive! Time to dust off the home gym. You will feel better I promise!

lex - Howzit goin, girl?
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Old 06-21-2007, 10:57 PM   #1404  
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Gina - glad you checked in and have a great trip.

I did crank up my treadmill and moved the clutter from around the workout bench this morning. I felt good. I didn't have too much time but I got in a good chest workout and more importantly felt like I established a new routine. Food has actually been good this week too. Maybe I'm not hopeless after all.
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Old 06-22-2007, 10:17 AM   #1405  
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Me again. Just finished another workout. Felt good. I got down in the basement and did arms and shoulders and a mile on the treadmill. I guess I worked out about 45 min. I didn't follow any particular workout, just what I felt. This might not be something I'll do ongoing, but it felt right for today.

Watched the Today show while working out and there was an interesting segment on finding your OWN slim. I think I like that concept. Kind of burned out with how I've been thinking of weight and exercise lately so I am interested in being a bit more free form for a while. I'll keep you posted on how it is working out.
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Old 06-24-2007, 04:39 PM   #1406  
2 wheels is plenty :D
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Well....we aren't going anywhere after all...DH forgot to renew his green card. Fortunately we figured it out right before we left. Much better than figuring it out when we were down there. Anyhoo - I'll be around quite a bit, I have a nice long break to fill up now.

Off for a bike ride today.
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Old 06-25-2007, 09:46 AM   #1407  
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Morning ladies and happy summer.

Chick, sorry that your trip got canceled - but hot dog on having some free time on your hands. I bet you find something to enjoy doing.

Sirak - where are you? I have been missing your posts! I did see your lovely befores/afters and you are looking hot!

Cindy are you back? Bet you are worn out from your travels.

Things are going pretty good here, I feel like I have gotten back into a routine of sorts. My vacation was pretty interesting in terms of food. As a single person with kid having flown the coop I am usually eating alone. On my trip I was with a couple of other people. I didn't think a lot about diet at all and came back from the trip a couple lbs. down. I ate great Mexican food once a day and had some drinks too. But, I ate a lot of fruit and wasn't so concerned about schedule or anything. It was just a lot more free form and I liked that. I never overate at all. I wish that were easier to do at home but I don't quite trust myself with eating just when I'm hungry. I am back to my old repetitive diet, but I have been able to forgo much cheating here of late and hope to see the scale moving. My basement workouts are new and exciting to me. Guess it just goes to show that variety can be a good thing. I don't think I'll renew my gym membership until I start getting bored with the basement again.

Anyway, hope all is well with you girls and that you can check in soon.
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Old 06-27-2007, 10:44 PM   #1408  
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So girls - what's everyone up to? It is awfully quiet here!

Had a root canal today - boy am I glad that is over with.

Otherwise I am having a good week. Food good, exercise good, I am on a good streak this week. Good enough that I have been trying on clothes and finding myself getting back into more and more things. It's a great feeling.

And oh yeah - got a precious new kitten this week. Her name is Pearl.
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Old 06-28-2007, 09:53 AM   #1409  
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I'm here - just quite jet-lagged and swamped at work!

A new kitten - how wonderful! Pictures, we want pictures! Or, at least a description of what she looks like!

I've not worked out since I've been back - not enough energy. Just trying to keep my food on track for now - when I'm tired I want to eat....

I'll post more later - gotta go!
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Old 06-28-2007, 11:36 AM   #1410  
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Well I haven't fallen off the face of the earth quite yet( although I might float away down here in Texas). I gave myself a break. I think I was over doing it a bit.I had a quad that was really sore . I was tired of driving around feeling my pecs hurting. I kept on thinking I needed to rest more. It has taken about two weeks for the muscle in my thigh to stop hurting.
The kids were making me hairy. I take meds to help me sleep at night- so getting up early isn't an option. The dog would love the exercise- but I live in the land of no sidewalks and there is 100 acres of wheatfield on the other side of the street. Bob and might become a hood ornament on someone's pickup if we ventured too far.
So I have to come up with a new plan. Library programs are over for the summer. Conditioning camp for DS13 has a week off during the holiday and then there are four days after that. We have had so much rain the kids can't go out into the yard so going somewhere to do something has been the only escape. I can't even get to the park in town as City Lake is flooded(and the water is running fast).
I still want to continue doing some lifting- but I have to figure out how not to push so hard. I did lose seven pounds this month even with two weeks of pretty much non exercise.
I am going to do some light cardio for the next couple of days and then go from there.DH and DS13 are treking to North Carolina for a load of Ebay stuff and a visit to his Dad's during the holiday.It won't be to hard to start back next week with the boys not around.
We did get the postcard from the road- Cindy !Thanks alot !
Hey Chick in the Hat- I hope you can make your trip again- but I am glad that you figured everything out here and not when you got there !
Well Ledom-perhaps you should take a pic of Ms Pearl.I don't know how I would do in a gym- but really like the ability to work out at home . Hopefully I can use the weight bench some more( as DS13 has taken it over for the last couple of weeks).

Last edited by sirak; 06-28-2007 at 11:47 AM.
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